Victor Diamond

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"Millennium City's channel 42 brings you...the legendary...the magnificent...Mr.Diamond! " Victor Diamond's signature intro.

Ever since he conducted his first interview with them, Victor Diamond has been a bane to the Liberator's existence, mocking their team and seeming to target Swift especially. He seems to enjoy preying on Swift's sensitivity and mocking him for being a manimal. For obvious reasons his real identity has been kept secret, but Swift noticed how he seemed strangely familiar. His suspicions were confirmed when it was revealed that Jack Diamond was in fact his childhood friend Sean Wolfe, whom he had angered in the past, explaining Diamond's aggression towards Swift. More disturbingly, the reason that he managed to keep his show on the air despite its terrible ratings was that he exerted psionic control over the studio executives, forcing them to keep him on the air no matter what.

Diamond was also responsible for gathering intelligence on the Liberators and feeding it to Roland Vlocke. Roland Vlocke was a wealthy man who wanted to take the Liberators under his control in exchange for funding them, however Vlocke's proposal was refused, as it involved attacking a PRIMUS base in order to retrieve weapons. Vlocke, realizing that it was not going to happen, stood down and decided to leave the Liberators alone. However Diamond took this opportunity to mentally assault Vlocke and then erase part of his memories, blowing his cover and revealing his power as a master of mind control.

The Liberators foiled Diamond's attempts at activating a network of psionic transmitters throughout the city (that were meant to gain control of the police force and then subjugate its population) and defeated him, though in the process Diamond was somehow decapitated.

A Russian man stole Diamond's head and he has since been missing.