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Zor-Gon the Imperion
Zor-Gon is from the planet, Xendor. Much like Ironclad, Zor-Gon competed in gladiator events called,the X-ium Games that often ended with the death of one opponent and Zor-Gon won every battle rising from ranks like "Chump" to "Imperion" which stood for Beyond Impetus Power and Strength. Zor-Gon became a force to be reckoned with making it tough for more Xendorian gladiators to compete in the X-ium Games.
To Earth and Beyond
After years of battling the same foes and winning everytime, Zor-Gon was sent to earth by his superiors to see if he was up for a "real challenge". Zo-Gon obviously said yes and went to earth wearing his championship belt as his "cape" and carrying his "Soul-Slasher" Sword which allowed him to call upon the souls of X-Heaven and empower his sword with lightning effects. Using his name title name: Imperion as his hero name and Joe Stephens as his civilian name. Zor-Gon would register for the Paranormal and Superhuman Registration Act becoming a registered hero and giving him a public identity.Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Strength: Imperion is capable of benching and lifting over 20 tons of extreme force without breaking a sweat.
Superhuman Speed: Imperion can run at supersonic speeds his top speed has never been recorded but somehow it has reached the rating most speedsters run at.
Superhuman Durability: Having a body that feels like its composed of complete Questionite makes Imperion take loads of damage and walk it off as if it were nothing.
Invulnerability: Imperion's alien physiology makes his skin completely impenetrable allowing bullets and lasers to bounce from his body.
Vacuum Space Breathing: Quite obvious, Imperion can breath in outer space.
Sub-Mariner: Zor-Gon's lung capacity allows him to hold loads of air and breath under water for hours without him passing out.
Accelerated Healing: Despite possessing unpenetrable skin, Imperion possesses a accelerated healing factor constantly healing and wounds done to his body.
Corrosive Vision: Much like Superman, Imperion possesses his own "heat vision" that allows him to melt anything in his path.
Super-Hearing: Pretty simple here. Imperion can hear from many miles away.
Flight: Imperion can manipulate gravitons using them to mimic the ability of flight.
Energy Blasts: These unknown charges of energy prove to pack a punch piercing through all kinds of armor and protection.
The only pieces of equipment Imperion carries is his:
Xendorian Championship Belt: Imperion wears his belt as his "cape" as a way to prove his a champion. He also wears it because it fits snug around his waist.
Experion Supremus Sword (Soul-Summoner): Imperion wields the sword his father once possessed. The sword is composed of a super strong metal on Imperion's planet called, Exterious this metal makes Imperion's sword completely unbreakable he can also use his sword to call upon the souls of X-Heaven, a supernatural force where all Xendorians are sent when they die to empower his sword with lightning effects he can sometimes use the X-Heaven Dimensional Energy to empower himself.
Doctor Mayhem: Doctor Mayhem has been secretly monitoring Imperion every since he first arrived on Earth. He thinks if he gets a hold of Imperion's DNA he can use it to create an army of super-soldiers
Image Gallery
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Zor-Gon before becoming Imperion with his beard and long hair
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To keep from being chased down by the likes of PRIMUS. Imperion signed up for the registration act and is now able to roam all of Millennium City without a mask.
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Imperion can summon soul-energy from X-Heaven to empower his sword and sometimes himself