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Player: @Reefermun
"Taste my justice."
Character Build
Class Focus: Confidential
Power Level: Confidential
Research & Development: Confidential
Biographical Data
Real Name: Kinetic Insubordination Device
Known Aliases: Kid
Gender: Male
Species: Machine (Formerly human)
Ethnicity: Mutt
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: STEELHEAD
Relatives: Deceased
Age: 53 yrs (Believes himself to be 9)
Height: 134.160 cm
Weight: 566.998 kg
Eyes: Sky Blue
Hair: Navy Blue (Formerly Brown)
Complexion: Scarce
Physical Build: Child
Physical Features: Organic face, machine body
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Neutral Good

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Identity: N/A
Years Active: 2008-Present
Citizenship: American, Canadian
Occupation: Disaster Cleanup
Education: No formal education
Marital Status: Unattached
Known Powers and Abilities
Limitless potential, various mechanical weapons, super strength, flight, magical knowledge
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Red scarf fashioned out of a tattered Canadian flag
ReldinBox Template



Royal Canadian Mounted Police Overview

-Division: STEELHEAD

-Construction date(s):
January 6th, 1970 - March 8th, 2004

Dr. Childs' Commentary:
"KID was built as a mobile power source and a cleanup device for bio hazards and natural disasters. I've raised him for years. Following the recent blizzard in Canada, KID performed his duties as he was instructed. To reward him, he is now at the disposal of the Champions in Millenium City. He is always going on and on about how he wants to be a hero."

Product Information

Designation: K.I.D.
(Kinetic Insubordination Device)

Constructed by Steelhead Tech Personnel

Height: 134.160 cm
Weight: 566.998 kg

Hardware specs:
Questionite/Silicon-Crystal alloy
(made in Canada) Ser.No.:007123

Questionite/Titanium alloy
(made in Canada) Ser.No.:139524

High zoom weapons grade scoping
(made in Japan) Ser.No.: 679205

Prototype 3RD(tm) circuitry
(made in U.S.A.)

Adapted Roin'Esh reactor cube
(salvaged in Canada)

Software specs:
-STEELTECH Neuro-A.I. I.D.: 014757
(Exclusive to this model)
(produced by Steelhead)

-Anti-Hack S.Routine S.M.A.C.K.D.O.W.N.v9
(homebrew variant built for this model)

-Asgard Nanites(TM)
Nanotech and Chem breakdown tech

-Asgard Nanites(TM) weapon plugin v6.1

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The Jungle Skirmish

Before KID, there was Sancho. A stowaway aboard a soldier's vessel toward Vietnam, Kid quickly learned about the battlefield when he was thrust upon it. Due to being merely a child, Sancho was easily persuaded into giving the American troops a "present." The present turned put to be a bomb, thankfully Sancho was saved by a man who would later become known as Blue Blazer. After the battle, the young boy was discovered nearly killed, and taken back to America where he disappeared.

A New Home

Under a flurry of black-marked files and transcripts, the child resurfaced in the capable hands of Steelhead. The year was 1970 and groundbreaking new research was being conducted regarding a recently discovered alien craft. Using reverse engineered Roin'Esh technology, what was left of Sancho was turned into a living computer processor. Thus, Kinetic Intelligence Device was born. His only purpose was to learn. KID eventually gained his personality back as the organic parts of his brain imprinted itself onto his circuitry. Over the course of 34 years, the boy would be given a body and be upgraded time and again. Originally developed as a new form of supercomputer, he was repurposed into a disaster relief unit.

Due to his wily nature, and being stuck forever a child, the technicians took to calling him Kinetic Insubordination Device as opposed to his then assigned Kinetic Intervention Device, and the title stuck. More often than not, his name was merely whittled down to Kid.

A New Life

The year of 2009 a giant blizzard occurred in a remote area of Canada. The few citizens there were in dire need of a hero, but there were none to be found. Kid begged Dr. Childs of Steelhead to let him save the people. Unsure whether Kid could handle the situation, Dr. Childs outfitted his hands with claws. These claws, in addition to his vacuums and power tools, allowed Kid to rescue the civilians from the blizzard. The blizzard turned out to be caused by a pack of stray Ice Demons.

Following the blizzard incident, Kid was celebrated as a hero at Steelhead. After being contacted by the Champions who were in need of help with a Qulaar invasion on their hands, Kid made his way to Millenium City and helped drive them back. Once the Qulaar left, the city was in shambles. The Steelhead technicians outfitted Kid with experimental laser technology adapted from the salvaged Roin'Esh ship. All of Steelhead pitched in to pay for a stronger alloy to build Kid a tougher chassis. After only a year of down time, Kid re-emerged with a nigh indestructible body. Made from a questionite-titanium alloy, Kid was more resilient than ever. In his new chassis, Kid found that his synthetic muscle mass had been optimized to allow for extreme lifting and practical power. He was now capable of flight as well.

The Allseeing Eye

During his travels around the world, a secret organization took notice of Kid's vast potential. Kid was inducted into their ranks and was sent to defuse various situations around the globe. He worked to stop things such as nuclear catastrophe and biological warfare. All of these situations turned out to be set up from the beginning to test Kid, and train him for the real threat. A gap in space/time had opened near Earth and was spilling out all kinds of hideous monsters. The shadowy organization taught Kid many of their secrets in order to combat the monsters and eventually close the gap. Kid succeeded in his mission, and in doing so, he picked up the ability to properly use magic.

Practicing his magic, coupled with his computerized IQ, Kid quickly mastered all but the most adept spells and incantations. Kid discovered how to release the latent energy inside his metals to strengthen himself, effectively allowing him to transform into a new being altogether. This new Kid has the demeanor of a knight, thus his appearance molded itself to his new will. Using his knowledge of magic and his wily wits, Kid managed to find a wellspring of Illuminati secrets, which he used to further increase his power. Rising in their ranks, Kid quickly became one of the Eyes of the organization, allowing him to more closely monitor the world he holds so dear.

The Present

These days, Kid roams around generally unchallenged. He has given himself the purpose of protecting the world, a guardian angel for Earth in its time of need. Only the most powerful villains and heroes can stand toe to toe with Kid in the ring. Kid strives for a better world and believes that it will come someday soon.

Known Enemies

(Work in progress)

Powers and Abilities

Limitless Potential:
Kid began as a simple boy, being turned into a machine awakened the hidden potential sleeping within him. This potential knows no bounds, as Kid strives to become better every chance, at every turn.

Super Strength:
Due to his nature as a machine, Kid has greatly increased strength. Even before the chassis 2.0 upgrade, Kid was relatively strong even compared to some superheroes.

Super Speed:
Thanks to his enhanced strength and immunity to rapid G force changes, Kid can use his leg power to push himself off the ground and extreme speeds. He is able to run faster than a conventional car but can't keep up with the fastest heroes unless transformed into the White Knight.

Using the waste of his reactor core, Kid is able to propel himself through the air.

Magic Prowess:
In his time as an Illuminati Eye, Kid picked up several magic tricks and incantations. One of these spells allows Kid to release the latent energy stored in his metals, allowing him to change into a far stronger form. This new form has its own, slightly different, personality, however. It is wiser, more serious than Kid (which isn't that hard to be), and plans out its course of actions, as opposed to being impetuous like a child.


Retractable Weapons:
Kid has an arsenal of retractable weapons built into his arms and legs. Most notably, Kid has wrist-mounted claws and a pair of kinetic pulse pistols that retract into his wrists. Along with these, Kid also has segmented swords, gatling guns, power tools, and vacuums.

Roin'Esh Laser Tech:
Adapted from Roin'Esh technology, Kid can channel his reactor's energy into his arms and project it as a beam. By generating a resonance with the laser, he is able to emit a radial burst instead.