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Freudian Excuse Parental Abandonment Heroic Blue Screen of Death Break His Heart to Save Him In Love with Love Multiple Choice Past Abusive Parents Troubled Backstory Flashback

Stitch, Adrian Riano. Staple-Face, Frankenteen, Chupacabra. This man has a scarred life that few know, and even fewer understand. He lives by an important life motto: "If you have to force a fart, it's probably s***". Yes, this wise philosophical young man believes that one should never try and force something. If things were meant to be, they were meant to be.

Many years ago, he did not see his powers, appearance, or life as a blessing. instead, he viewed it as a horrid curse for some unknown past crime he committed unknowingly. For this, people believe that he inflicts self-pain on himself, continuing to force cruel or sometimes evil punishments on himself. This is not his intention. He tries to have a positive view on life, but it is often hard. He knows everyone has problems and he hates to be a burden.

Born to a middle-class family in southern Arizona, Adrian Riano, and his twin sister Marisol, grew up surrounded by a large family and even larger Latino community. He enjoyed being around friends, especially his sister, who he adores. He had a hard time making friends, as he was preferred to be at home listening to music or playing with his toys. He didn't think anyone knew how to play "right". He hasn't elaborated on what that means at this time.

When Adrian turned 9, he entered Fourth Grade. That same year, his mother died in a car accident. His step father was reluctant to raise both children on his own, and immediately sent Marisol to live with their Aunt Alicia. A year afterwards, Adrian was pulled out of school, and out of the city, father and son both traveling to the city of the future: Millennium City.

Adrian went through middle school relatively quiet. He was a "B-" student who slacked a bit. The guys all hated him, a few of the girls liked him, but he didn't really focus on making friends. He just wanted his old life back. His dad began abusing alcohol, and verbally abused Adrian day and night. One day, Adrian grew tired of this life, and left home, weeks away from his fifteenth birthday.

Adrian scrapped together some cash from his friend Jeremiah and bought a ticket aboard a greyhound bus. He planned on returning home to Arizona, to find his sister Marisol. But he'd find something much, much more alarming...

Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

Adrian wandered around southern Arizona for weeks. He quickly ran out of money and his sense of direction. It wasn't long until he came across what looked like an old, abandoned warehouse in the middle of the desert. Without hesitating, he rushed the building and banged on the door. This would be where his normal life would take a turn for the worse.

He was welcomed with open arms by a young teenage girl named Ana. Ana and Adrian found a quick and lasting bond as friends. She led him around the warehouse, where he met several other teenagers. Notable youth were Carmen, Luis, Alicia, and Paul. Ana explained that they were part of a small group of runaways called Los Exiliados (The Exiles). Adrian continued to question what they were all doing here, and they never gave a clear explanation. Not until exactly one month later, on a cold November night in Arizona, where all would be revealed.

In the center of the large warehouse, there was a rally of some sorts. Atop several large crates was a man in a black mask, white suit and gloves, with black pants and shoes. He had a bright red rose fixed on his suit jacket. He was speaking in a loud voice for all to hear, his gestures dramatically complimenting his speech. He kept expressing how wrong society was, and that we all deserved better.

Adrian never understood why everyone was meeting here or who the man was. He did however like the things he was saying. Why should he be wronged for mistakes he didn't make? Adrian took a liking to the man, who everyone nicknamed El Desviado, or the Deviant. Over time, Deviant visited the warehouse more and more, giving encouraging and strengthening speeches. The Exhiles gained prominence with Deviant, quickly becoming something like his personal enforcers. Deviant was gaining quite a following by the youth in the southern states, and eventually, his control reached from Texas to California.

On February 3rd, 2008, Deviant called together his largest meeting, with a crowd of 41,000 youth in the middle of the Sonoran desert. He said today would be a new day for the punks, outcasts, losers, and degenerates. He then called forward the Exhiles, and at 3:04 am, he began conducting public experiments. He tortured and brutalized each member, and made them hideously grotesque.

Paul's fingers were sowed together and his ears clipped to make them elf-like. Alicia was shaved bald and her skin dyed a dark brownish-green color. Luis's hair across his body grew and his features became like a Chihuahua. Carmen's teeth were sharpened into shark-like members, and several rows of ribs were removed to give her more of an intense hourglass figure. Ana's eyes were turned solid black, and teeth were implanted along her, well, you know. And, of course, Adrian's skin was scarred and stitched together, and his face dyed green.

They had, up to this point, been solid believers in Deviant's cause, but they were afraid. They were publically humiliated. Deviant had also given them mean nicknames: Paul was Diablillo, Alicia was Zombi, Luis, Mestizo, Carmen, Chupacabra, and Ana, Piraña. And Adrian was nicknamed Puntada. They all dreaded each day they had to walk on earth. They wanted their old lives back. They wanted their families back. But they were too far along. Paul, Luis, Carmen, and Alicia eventually died for unexplained reasons soon thereafter.

A possible clipping involving Stitch

Adrian began dating Ana soon after the incident. They had a very active and sexual relationship, despite her...condition. Adrian's powers as a regenerator proved very useful. This explained why -he- was able to survive, but it is unclear why Ana was able to go on living. However, after Deviant's cult began to die down, Ana moved to La Jolla, California, and broke off all communication with Adrian.

Adrian was never able to find his sister Marisol or any family members, and scrapped together some cash from Deviant to return home. Deviant allowed him, but promised him that when "...everyone is against you, I'll save you..." Adrian never understood what this meant.

When Adrian returned to Millennium City at 17 years of age, he tried to avoid his father, but ultimately was unsuccessful. He needed a place to stay and, despite hating his father, he needed family for support. When he found his stepfather, Adrian was ashamed of his appearance; but not quite as ashamed as his father was. For the next few days, Adrian's life was hell. His dad not only verbally abused him, but even physically. Adrian had learned a thing or two about defending himself from Deviant, and fought back.

During the last fight, Adrian choked his father to death. Adrian quickly ran out the house and bought a soda. He didn't know what to do, he panicked. He was freaking out. When he returned his house, the body of his stepfather was gone, and a note was left on the door, with words and letters cut out and posted to a large white paper: "ADRian, i tOok care of DadDy."

Adrian returned to school, and his bullying got worse. Often nicknamed "Chupacabra" or "Staple-Face", Adrian quickly lost focus of schooling. Tempted to leave, he sat outside the school on a bench, when a lovely young girl named "Liz" approached him and sat down. They talked for hours, expressing their sympathies to one another. Liz was an A+ student and quite the athlete, but her boyfriend "Jerad" spread a rumor about them sleeping together, and Liz was known as the school's whore. He felt bad for her. He had believed the rumors, but after they spent hours talking, he couldn't believe it. Such a sweet and innocent, such an ambitious and respectful girl. How could she be the slut? It didn't make any sense.

Over the next few weeks, they grew increasingly close, spending the majority of their time with one another. Adrian (who was then living with his friend Jeremiah's family) eventually bought a cellphone after working long hours at Royal Burger, and spent more time talking to Liz. Eventually, he fell in love with her, and hoped she had similar feelings.

Towards the end of Senior Year at Grace Memorial High School, Adrian and Liz began dating. They didn't have friends, no after school lives. All they had was each other, and they were happy that way. Unlike Adrian's first relationship with Ana, Adrian's relationship with Liz was non-sexual, and just enjoyed being with one another. He was happy this way, and so was she. However, at the end of Senior Year, Liz and her family moved to Hudson City, New Jersey for reasons unknown to Adrian.

Adrian continued working long hours at Royal Burger. He hated it. He hated the smell, the vibe that it had. However, he was making money, and eventually managed to rent a small one bedroom apartment in City Center just down the street from Darren's Pizza. Adrian then bought himself a new guitar, a solid white one with "Angel" written across the bottom in cursive writing, probably in a permanent marker. He wrote a song for Liz, hoping she'd at least call him or write. when she left, she didn't say goodbye, which was strangely out of character for her. So Adrian after work went home and played. He never stopped. He didn't have friends, he didn't have any sort of social life. Nothing. Just a man and his guitar.

Adrian finally received a letter, but it was not from Liz. It was from Ana. Ana had been moving through out California and finally ended up in La Jolla, close to the beach. She asked Adrian to come out. Included with the letter was a plane ticket and some extra cash. Adrian never wrote back. He believed that, after what happened with Liz, he could never be in a relationship again. However, at the bottom of the letter was Ana's phone number, and began to chat with her quite frequently.

One of Adrian's early heroic incidents.

Eventually Adrian scrapped together enough cash to fly to La Jolla, California. he spent a week with Ana, making use of his lusts and wants with her. He had an amazing time, but after the week, he decided to go, to not spoil the moment, so to speak. She wrote him every year, Adrian receiving the letters on September 26. Exactly at September 26, at 3:04 pm, he received the letter udner his door. This still spooks him.

Adrian's friend, Jeremiah, received a "job" in Peru, South America, and moved out. Adrian was quickly losing friends. However, this all changed when he scored himself a role in an indie thriller. Adrian, the detective, was a "practical success" and he gained popularity within the community. However, Adrian became better known with the hero community when he responded to a distress call...

Adrian and a few other heroes, whom he hadn't recognized, assembled outside a large mansion like building. They received instructions that there was a bomb in the building and that, if they didn't play a game of "Clue", it would go off. The heroes searched the house for clues and the bomb. Unfortunately, Adrian first took notice of a mind controlled woman supposedly taking the role of Miss Scarlet. She played her part perfectly. Lewd gestures, flirtatious talk, it was all perfect. Adrian, despite his resisting, failed and succumbed to his primal passions.

This would be the start of a chain of events that would lead to Deviant's arrival to Millennium City. Adrian was threatened to be put on trial for the rape of the woman mind controlled into playing Miss Scarlet. Adrian pleaded and was pardoned of the crime if he sustained a rigorous training with numerous heroes. Adrian of course accepted and his life on the "CRP", "CPN", and other security frequencies was born. After going through hours and hours of PRIMUS orientation and registering with ASPRA, Adrian Riano stepped out the doors as an official super hero of the United States of America.

However, this would hardly be the highlight of his hero career. Deviant had sent him a check for an unusual amount of money, $4,000 dollars. Adrian was glad, to say the least. He heard news that a Supergroup would be hosting an auction, which to Adrian, sounded like a good time. He bought himself a nice pair os pants, a shirt, shoes, and a vest, and took off.

Adrian had a delightful time, and purchased a date with the lovely Divael, but the actual date was cut short due to an "emergency". Adrian was pretty disappointed. However, the date would take place nights later. The actual night of the auction was extraordinarily fun, for everyone. A lot of laughs and giggles, clapping, great music. Afterwards, Adrian spoke with Stopmotion about joining the Eternals, Inc. roster. And the rest is history...

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For Halloween, I am Going as Myself' Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance Nobody Touches the Hair Fantastic Ghetto Even the Boys Want Him Scars are Forever Handsome Devil

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Adrian in his Rank 1 "Stealth Suit".

Adrian Riano. As confusing as the above story is, his appearance is even more a mystery. Adrian has often been noted as having a unique look, some may even say handsome. However, the vast majority believe Stitch to be horridly grotesque and hideous to the general public. His face, which has earned him an infamous reputation, resembles that of Frankenstein's Monster, who many fear. Adrian has a difficult time making friends for this reason, and may be why he tries so, so very hard to find a girlfriend. Perhaps to prove that he can be like everyone else? Adrian, solely based on his appearance, is judged harshly and criticized by the community.

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Adrian's Rank 2 "Stealth Suit".

Stitch, to some, is a cruel, manipulative young man. He is obviously misunderstood, and few take the time to really get to know him. They think that his face is an expression of the kind of heart he has, and this kills Adrian inside when he feels that way. He really does have a good heart, but his low willpower and weakness for woman often gets him trouble with friends or worse. Stitch, to close friends, is a beloved addition to Millennium City. There is a handful of women who find him attractive, and a handful of men who find him to be totally awesome. He considers himself to be a bad*** and tries to follow every action with flair and style. He tries to maintain lasting friendships, but often tries too hard.

Adrian has good hair, that is a fact. It has volume, length, good style, which is bizarre because he doesn't really tend to take care of it. Even more unusual is that he covers it with his signature black beanie, which he keeps for superstitious reasons. Adrian, for the longest time, never took the hat off his head. It was only recently that he started leaving it at home. His hair has gone through punishment, especially when friends dyed his hair hot pink. Currently, his hair is dyed deep black, but the natural color is dark brown.

Adrian has street-smarts that prevent him from constantly dying while walking down the streets. He thinks himself to be a fast talker and to have a lot of charm, but few share this notion. Stitch comes from a ghetto town in the south west. Growing up, he learned to take care of himself, to provide and take what he needs. Nowadays, although he has a good-enough-paying job, he doesn't need to steal or commit similar crimes to survive. However, he still acts pretty ghetto. He often looks the part, wearing ripped clothes, sagging jeans, dirty t-shirts, etc. Adrian has impossibly cool clothing though, which often is noticed after his face. His famous black beanie, paired with his light tan jacket and blue jeans gives him an almost iconic look.

Adrian's most notable feature is his heavily scarred and stitched body (See: Powers section). This is bizarre since his powers, on paper, make him a molecular regenerator. However, as he often explains, it is not 100% and he often needs to resort to his own self-taught first-aid experience to patch up a burn, cut, or broken bone. Some find his scars gross and a turn-off, but others find them incredibly sexy and attractive.

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Wannabe Casanova All Girls Want Bad Boys Hot Guys are Bastards Dashing Hispanic Latin Lover Green-Eyed Epiphany Handsome Lech Jerk with a Heart of Gold Love Martyr

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Stitch waiting in line to see Sapphire.

Stitch loves love, many would agree with this. Adrian finds the time to flirt with almost everything with some long hair and a pair of breast. He often hits on just about anyone, while on a mission and off. He often is shut down, again, based on appearance. However, when someone looks past his fake-flirtatious person, they would see a sweet and loving young man who is misunderstood. He's, in a nutshell, a wannabe Casanova, and many shut this down.

Adrian is, by definition, a "bad-boy". He breaks the rules and leads a life all his own. Paired with his appearance, this gives him a unique, almost attractive quality that grabs the attention of both men and women alike. However, like the stereotypes, Adrian is considered to be a bad man and is often ignored at the first sense of ill-intent, which is usually only a misunderstanding. He is actually a caring and innocent young man who is corrupted by hi youthful hormones. In time, he will mature, and become a benefit to the hero communities.

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Adrian plays a lot of video games.

Stitch comes from a Latino community. His uncle, Cruz Riano, was the biggest flirt and was never without a female companion. Adrian often idolized his uncle, who had money, friends, women, fame even. Adrian was set on having Uncle Cruz's life, and he still tries to. However, in recent months, he's tried to combine his own morals and ideals with his uncle's lie philosophy, which he has taken as his own.

Adrian is a jealous individual. For some reason, he tends to grow strong likings to certain people, and when he sees them with a man or woman he grows insanely jealous. He hates hearing about others, especially guys. He knows this is wrong but he can't help it. Although, through therapy with an elusive "shrink" named Dr. Barbara O'Reilly, he has learned ways of managing and even controlling his frustrations into a method to better himself. He looks at his own flaws, but should, rather, look at his talents, at what makes him special. Unique.

He often doesn't know what he has until its gone, or rather, until he makes a horrible-enough mistake that has cost him numerous girlfriends, friends, family, and jobs. As the saying goes, You don't know what you have until its gone. He struggles to constantly fix himself and others as he sees fit, earning himself a controlling personality. This puts many potential friends or lovers off. He goes to great lengths to repair past mistakes, but often fails miserably or makes antoher mistake soon thereafter.

Adrian, to conclude, is a confused individual. Many see him as the infamous bad-boy who has a cruel heart, yet girlfriends come back to him. Perhaps its the look he gives them when he says he's sorry, or the things he buys or meals he makes to gain forgiveness. However, he means well and would never wish bad on anyone. he tries to be better and will be better, he just needs someone to care.

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Disability Superpower Regenerating Health Healing Factor Good Thing You Can Heal From a Single Cell Why Won't You Die? Pulling Themselves Together Nigh Invulnerability

Stitch has a very unique form of regeneration. Before he registered under ASPRA, Adrian took several Metahuman tests to identify any other mutations or powers overlooked, so he could appropriately sign the documents. It was found that he had what is known as "molecular regeneration", where he can heal wounds down to the smallest atom. However, as he often notes, his power is "...not 100%...", and often needs to patch himself up. This is either do to an incomplete sequence in his DNA or a sinister experiment undergone when Adrian met Deviant.

For this, Adrian's grotesque and unique appearance comes into play. Taking his powers to the street as a registered hero, Stitch often causes fear from thugs and street-level criminals. however, as a civilian, Adrian is often pushed aside by the more powerful superheroes. Yes, Adrian knows his powers cannot save others, prevent fires, or stop nukes, but it can keep him going. Through intense focus, Adrian can regrow limbs and internal organs in no time at all. He has a high willpower and endurance, keeping him going for a long while before tiring out. Still, with his determination to be better for his love, he trains hard everyday, morning and night, to improve.

Adrian is developing a further mutation that will possibly allow him to control his entire nervous system, controlling pain. His regeneration does do some discomfort, but the actual injuries themselves do the damage. Through more DNA and RNA testing with scientists, he can perfect his body to become invincible. Also, he has been developing a serum, out of his own blood, that works as a slow-working super-healer. However, this is only given in very, very fatal cases, as the injection causes severe pain to the victim.

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Dual Tonfas Smoke Out Sonic Stunner Vein-O-Vision A Handful in the Eye In the Hood Dual Wielding Visible Invisibility Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja Hairpin Lock Pick

Stitch has a wide variety of suits and gadgets. Often stolen from his friend Jeremiah or his mentor/frenemy Terminus, Adrian utilizes an explosive combo of underhand tactics and unique gadgets that lend him a style all his own. Below is a detailed list of devices commonly used by our favorite Frankenteen.

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    Dual Tonfas: Adrian's most signature and popular item is his pair of tonfas. They may be used to strike, jab, block, bludgeon and aid in the application of armlocks. His are made out of a steel alloy, and as Terminus says, laced with Kendrium. However, this is most likely a rumor. They are blunt weapons that really do hurt.

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    Smoke Pellet: A popular device used by vigilantes, smoke pellets are used as a quick getaway, or as Stitch uses them, to be thrown in an attacker's eyes. He has many variations of the smoke pellet, particularly the "Dry Ice" pellets and the "Tear Gas" pellets. His dry ice bombs are thrown at an enemy. Upon shattering, it releases a small shard of dry ice which sticks and severely burns the skin. The tear gas, however, is more of a stun device and subdues them criminals rather quickly.

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    Special Visions: Adrian's HUD helmet and green-stealth-suit-lenses have several specialties. One of his most favored enables him to see the blood-stream in a person. Usually utilizing this in drug-busts, Adrian can see a heart slowing down or speeding up and save the day accordingly. Another is a thermal vision, which he uses during apartment/car fires. And, of course, night vision, which allows him to see in the dark. He can also take short videos and several pictures with his helmet, and connect to social media.

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    Stun-Gauntlets: Originally only used in Stitch's Rank 1 suit, the Stun-Gauntlets were a deadly piece of gear that were discontinued after a battle with a monster rampaging in Westside. Basically channeling electricity, arcing between his fingers, Adrian can wield lightning as a melee weapon. However, after grabbing Enerjuice's eyes while the Stun-Gauntlets were activated, he was put under a probation. Enerjuice was ok after the ordeal, but Adrian stopped using the weapon after the incident.

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    Stealth Suit: Adrian's famous green pair of tights. Adrian has multiple versions of this, one with stun-gauntlets, one with a leather utility jacket, and one with mild light armor. However, every outfit has a hood that actually lowers psionic and sonic disruption. However, when fighting against telepaths, he chooses his fully armored HUD helmet, which has a wider array of features. His leather-jacket green suit has a rare feature, however, to turn partly invisible and to even regenerate with his wounds.

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    Lock-Pick Ring: One of Adrian's most prize and unknown devices is his "lock-pick ring". A small item that has several thin bars of steel wrapped around a ring. Different corkscrew and needle like bars also accompany straighter bars of various sizes. He usually uses these when working for a client to break into locked doors, vehicles, or related locks.

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The Grotesque Power Upgrading Deformation Covered with Scars Love is a Weakness Paranoia Fuel Crazy Jealous Guy Why'd it Have to Be Snakes? Puff of Logic Talking the Monster to Death

Adrian is, of course, a flawed individual. He has a weakness in many forms. Most notably is his horrid appearance. He can never have a private, or secret, identity. He is famous (or rather infamous) for looking like a homage to Frankenstein's monster. Going along with this is his scarred and patched up body, which some find hideous, and others find it extremely sexy. However, his most powerful weakness is love. The man cannot stop falling for people, but recently, Limerick, has captured his heart and taught him new ways to love someone. He still reads poems and terrible romance novels, still watches the chick flicks, and, of course, the silly love music while lifting weights.

Adrian is a social butterfly, thriving in large groups of people. He lives for attention grabbing and will do almost anything to get people to like him. However...there is a fine line. Adrian does not like talking too much. He hates it. He is, as he says a man "...of action. A doer, not a thinker. Maybe that's why I'm such a trouble-magnet?". He especially hates answering stupid questions, and overly vague responses.

The mind--such a horrible thing to waste. Stitch is a very, very, very jealous individual, especially when it involves relationships. He wants every female to like him, and hates hearing about other crushes. it is speculated that he is jealous because many are attracted to others simply by appearance, and as the stereotype goes, evil is ugly. He is also extremely paranoid and believes every man I out to get him, bully him, or just be generally rude. However, friends have said that Adrian is the ugly gentleman that we all want but don't see.

Stitch is afraid of reptiles, he thinks they're gross and slimy and just...gross! It is unclear why he is so afraid of these little wonders of nature.

When it comes to his powers, Adrian needs to focus. He requires a lot of stamina and willpower to heal even the simplest wounds. When people ask him questions about it, mainly "how?", he freaks out and cannot regain his control. This is a typical flaw among superheroes with low-tier superpowers/abilities/skills/talents. He also has trouble explaining his natural talent for music, his desire for red velvet cake, or even why he loves love.

Friend or Foe
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They've had their ups and downs, but Adrian can't help falling in love with her. He needs her, he's addicted to her. To say the least, Adrian & Nika are in love with one another, and want to spend eternity together. When they afford to team up, they make quite the dynamic duo. He's a "little" jealous that she is much more talented and skilled in combat than he is, but he only tries to improve himself to somehow beat her in the game of "superheroing". However, when they can catch some alone-time, he cherishes every moment, whether its cooking together or a quick cuddle on the sofa. He is worried though that she is falling for someone else. If he loses Limerick, than he has nothing. So he tries hard everyday to win her over, but deep down, he feels she's already lost.

Adrian and Anarchy have a very awkward friendship. He and Veronica's relationship is bumpy. He looks to her for advice and to help better himself. He thinks she can't stand him, but he doesn't care. He knows she's quite talented and mature for her age, and takes advantage of it for his benefit. He trains hard with her and often spars for fun, taking note of her every move, whether she notices or not. He enjoys working along side such a controversial and experienced hero such as Anarchy.

One of Adrian's most favored allies, Katerra and him have a very new friendship. He has to yet work alongside her in the field. They mostly hang out at Club Caprice, catching a few drinks and chatting away. He has a very small crush on her and occasionally throws a flirtatious remark her way, but he is only kidding and respects her relationship. He appreciates her friendly nature, her intelligence, and her long history working with UNTIL. He will always appreciate Katerra's help, and she's a friend who has always come to his aid.

Vespula Sting
Behold, the creator of the nickname "Staple-Face"! Vespula Sting is a brilliant master of crime-fighting. When Adrian was new to the Eternals, Vespula trained him in detective and fighting skills. Stitch refers to him as "...a good guy with a lot of tough love." he is the reason Stitch became a private investigator (amateur) in the first place. e continues to use and respect Vespula's insight and never stops. They no longer communicate, but Adrian always thinks of ol yellow-jacket when on the case.


Caliga and Stitch, one of the most unlikely friends to this day. Stitch had a brief stay at East Briar Institute, where most staff/students know the mighty Caliga. It is unknown when the two officially met, but from then on, they have been allies. Caliga is very protective of his friends, and will do anything to defend them, at least in Stitch's view. Stitch is quite fearful of the powerful being, but it is mostly out of respect. They have both lost someone they love dearly. Stitch has lost contact with Caliga and the two don't seem to "hang out" as much anymore.

Stitch and Raven most likely can't stand each other. They come from different lives and have different morals and beliefs. However, Adrian strongly respects Raven and takes in all his insight. they have similar fighting styles, though Raven would probably never admit it. However, Stitch does his best to impress the skilled crime fighter, and hopes that one day the two can get along. Adrian does for a fact look up to Raven, almost like a father figure, and tries to ask for his view when making important life decisions.

Professor Smash
Professor Smash
One of Adrian's oldest friends. Scott and Adrian have a sort of mutual friendship, Stitch probably liking Scot more than the other way around. Stitch acquires special technologies to fight crime with from the professor. They have done many missions as part of a team before Adrian joined the Eternals, and made the process run much smoother. The two don't really communicate anymore, but never really hated each other either. Smash is a brilliant scientist and Stitch knows this. He regards Dr. Best as " of the smartest sonnuva b****** around..."

Another one of Adrian's friends from his pre-Eternals phase, Natasha has always been one of his most trusted allies. When not irritating her or throwing a flirtatious joke, he really confides in her and expresses his issues. He looks to her as a great friend and needs her words of wisdom. Although he will always have an extreme crush on her, he pushes it aside and does his best to behave. Recently, however, he's stopped communicating with her and other Eternals. Divael has, in the past, healed him and taught him new methods to heal body and mind.


Strange is the only way to describe the relationship between Adrian and Deviant. Deviant is very much like a father-figure, for sure. However, they brutally hate one another and have a death wish. When they fight, they throw caution to the wind and go full speed ahead. Deviant is currently watching Stitch and his friends and manipulates their actions for his own amusement. Adrian and Deviant are very different and yet, very, very alike. They are one of the same. Spooky.

Britt Ashdown
One of Adrian's first love interests, Britt and ol' Frankenteen have a bizarre and rocky relationship. As time went by, Stitch has changed, and Britt has noticed this. After one mistake after the next, they grew far apart. Adrian is still mending the issues, but Britt would rather leave it as it was. She's truly done with him. Eventually, Adrian hopes the two can be good friends again, but for now, they have an utter dislike for one another. He thinks she's selfish, rude, blunt, and disrespectful, which are all traits he's had to deal with his entire life. What kills him most is that Britt reminds him a lot of his old girlfriend Liz.

Originally quite good friends, Adrian and Jordan had fun times. However, her b**** of a defense and Adrian's macho flirting-reputation collided and these two very different people grew apart. Recently, they stopped talking as a whole, tearing some of his other relationships apart by negatively speaking about Stitch. He neither likes or dislikes her, feeling very neutral towards her, but deep down, he hates her personality. He thinks that she's rude and that its all a front, and hopes that the "real" Strobe will one day come out.

One person who always reminds Adrian of his mistakes. At first they were good friend and went on a few "dates", but after a misunderstanding, Adrian really hurt Jessica. He tried to repair what was damaged, but she told him they'd never be more than friends. his actions were always misunderstood by her, and she often expressed her annoyance to her friends, thus spreading the bad reputation of Mr. Riano. In time, he hopes that they can be friends once again. This is his sole desire, as he is love struck by the perfect Limerick. Well, perfect in his own eyes.

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Stitch downloading some sweet tunes.

Stitch's Official Theme: "Phalanx (Brutal Mix)" - Audiomachine

1. "Piñata" - Chevelle

2. "Misery Loves My Company" -Three Days Grace

3. "Love/Hate Relationship" - Trapt

4. "Lost in You" - Three Days Grace

5. "Thanks for the Memories" - Fallout Boy

6. "Believe" - Hollywood Undead

7. "Pigskin" - Hollywood Undead

8. "Policy of Truth" - Trapt (Depeche Mode Cover)

9. "Goodbye My Lover" - James Blunt

10. "Mr. Brightside" - The Killers

11. "Crack a Bottle" - Eminem

12. "Undead" - Hollywood Undead

13. "Tragic Truth" - Five Finger Deathpunch

14 "Lift Me Up" - Five Finger Deathpunch

15 "Bullet" - Hollywood Undead

15 "Another Way Out" - Hollywood Undead

Tropes & Hooks
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One of his first hero costumes.
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Adrian trains to better perfect body & mind.
A close up of ol' Staple-Face.
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"You really messed up my hotdog? Really!?"
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"Fine! Gimme a corndog then."

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  • Adrian speaks with a light Hispanic accent, and has a similar appearance to actor Jay Hernandez (Info)
    • Adrian is Puerto Rican, yet doesn't uphold any cultures or festivities his people do.
    • Adrian has a light tan, one of the lesser identifications of his Puerto Rican heritage.
  • The name Adrian means "rich" in Greek.
  • The name Riano has a very flexible meaning, but usually encompasses the idea of "peace, nobility, honor, and love", however, in a more inward and shy notion.
    • To Adrian, his name means "Rich in Love".
  • Adrian has a (pardoned) criminal record.
  • Adrian has APD, or Avoidant Personality Disorder (See More Here). He feels worthless and inadequate, and is extremely sensitive to negative comments or remarks.
    • Adrian may possible have ICD, or Impulse Control Disorder, and HPD, Histrionic Personality Disorder.
    • He constantly flirts, abuses alcohol, falls into depressions, and often stays at home alone. A recluse, indeed. However, he does try to fight this and go out, but his anti-social behaviors often get the better of him. He easily destroys friendships and regrets his every action.
  • Stitch is a Private Investigator in training, and once was under the tutelage of Vespula Sting. However, Adrian is struggling to balance work, school, and his social life. Being a PI is hard work, but it's also good work and pays well.
  • Stitch was once a vigilante in West Side, but is now registered with ASPRA.
    • Adrian is pro-registration, and urges his unregistered friends to do so as well.
    • Adrian is part of a small, unknown program known as "Manifest Destiny". Details are classified.
  • Adrian is a brilliant cook and can prepare most Mexican-American dishes. He is also an extraordinary baker.
    • Adrian makes some of the best Red Velvet cake around. It is his absolute favorite thing in the world, besides holding Limerick. He will do anything you ask. Just give him a slice.
  • Stitch is a talented musician.
    • He can play piano and acoustic guitar, and practices a technique called "finger-plucking".
    • Adrian had an old white piano and a newer white guitar. He gave his piano to Jessica. He wants it back, but knows its rude. He doesn't want her to think any worse about him than she already does. His white guitar named "Angel" is being repaired after an incident between Adrian and Deviant. To say the least, they had a fight in Adrian's home and used whatever weapons they could find.
    • Adrian, although he rarely ever does, likes to sing, but reserves his vocals for his girlfriend, or the shower.
  • Adrian considers himself to be a Casanova, and many women find him cute, funny, endearing, or just plain sexy.
  • Stitch's entire body is covered in scars and stitching. Many find it gross, but again, many find it extremely attractive.
  • Adrian enjoys playing basketball and soccer. He often teases he's talented because of his Latino heritage.
    • Adrian loves to just run around and be wild. He tried Parkour, but it wasn't for him. He broke his arm and dislocated his shoulder when he slipped off a roof, landed on a dumpster, and bounced off, his shoulder striking a stair rail. Ouch.
  • Adrian cannot swim. He never learned how.
  • Adrian speaks fluent English and Spanish, but with a Puerto Rican accent. He sounds like Lalin (More Info) in the movie Carlito's Way. (See Here)
  • Adrian was a previous member of Eternals, Inc. However, after numerous complaints about his actions and the like (which he believes was over-dramatic), he was asked to leave the roster, and Heroes Inc. He is also unable to join the Global Defense Force or any other Heroes, Inc. super-team. To this day, he has declined to join any super groups or teams.
    • Adrian will never speak bad about his old team and would love to join, but knows its better if he didn't. There will always be a spot in his heart for the Eternals. But mostly Red Velvet cake. Yum.
  • Adrian's birthday is September 30th, 1993. He doesn't throw many parties because he doesn't have very many friends. Every year, he buys himself a candle and a party hat, grabs a slice of Red Velvet cake, and watches old home videos of when he was young. Nobody knows this except for Limerick.
  • Adrian's middle name is "Sol". Seriously, it's Sol.
  • It is rumored that "Dr. Barbara", who he mentions as a therapist, may or may not even exist. Nobody has ever met her aside from Stitch, and apparently Deviant.
  • Adrian has been in one Indie movie, a murder-mystery. He played a smug and wise-cracking detective. He doesn't like to talk about it.
  • Adrian practices Judo, Wrestling, and Tumbling techniques to better himself and fight crime.
  • Adrian thinks he's a terrible dancer, and only excels in light ballroom and crumping.
  • Adrian has a bottomless stomach. He is always eating it seems. This is either due to his young age or a result of his regenerative powers requiring a lot of energy.
    • Adrian's regenerative powers are believed to be linked to his spine. It is unknown how or why, but if the base of his spine is injured, he cannot heal. Deviant has stabbed Adrian several times before in the same area.

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"You done adding a comment yet? Better hurry up then."
  • Frankenstein logo.png
    "I won't deny that he's a flawed being, but anyone that says they are not is lying to you. I just wish he could get his act together. I know there is some good in there somewhere. " - Limerick

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    "A funny friend who has very few equal when it come to getting into trouble because of women. He is a big flirt but has no ill intent and means well." - Katerra

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    "A friendly individual that I..."tolerate". Nonetheless, Conquer and myself regard him as an ally. And we crush anybody...that gives our allies trouble." - Caliga

  • Frankenstein logo.png
    "He's missing something....he's wrong. I'm trying to find him so I can fix him. What's so wrong with that? Adrian's a good kid but he tries too hard. Just a nip here and a tuck there and he'll be back to normal. Either way, he's unfinished work, a lose end. And I'm a perfectionist, so its either me or him." - Deviant

  • Frankenstein logo.png
    "I've worked with 'im on a few occasions. He's...slow. Not real smart. But hey, a meat shield's a meat shield. And he appreciates a good drink and a fine a**. Just don' 'spect me ta bring 'im aboard my ship." - Mojo