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Starwind Logo.png
Player: @spaz115
Class Focus: Healer
Power Level: 17
Research & Development: Tech
Personal Data
Real Name: Sarah Sullivan
Known Aliases: Starwind
Species: Unidentified Bio-Engineered Hybrid
Age: 23
Height: 6'11"
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: United States
Occupation: Unemployed, job hunting
Place of Birth: Trenton, New Jersey
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Marital Status: Unmarried
Known Relatives: Dr. Susanne Sullivan (Mother)
Dr. Carl Sullivan (Father)
Ralph Sullivan (Brother)
Fox Sullivan (Brother)
Known Powers
Solar energy manipulation
Known Abilities
Durable exoskeleton, competent fencer
Kevlar-lined armor, collapsible sabre

Starwind is, like many superheroes, something of an anomaly. Just over two decades ago, a Qularr scout ship raided coastal New Jersey; when it was brought down and the pilots were defeated, a genetically engineered egg was found in an incubator within the cargo hold. It contained the DNA of Qularr, Human, and additional unidentified sources. When it hatched some months later, the infant was taken in and raised by one of the scientists assigned to study it: Dr. Susanne Sullivan.

In battle, Starwind is a screaming whirlwind of fury who unleashes her frustrations and anxieties on her foes. In social situations, however, Sarah is notably shy and uncomfortable around strangers. Having been raised by and among humans, she is acutely aware of how scary and different she might look to some of them.

Current Events

August 2024: Starwind is making no small name for herself in her corner of Westside, often volunteering (in costume) at local medical centers where she provides free, powered healing to those in need. While protecting the innocent she's also made enemies with local members of the New Purple Gang, whom she has publicly skirmished with on multiple occasions.

Her solo combat prowess still leaves much to be desired, but she's shown a knack for supporting and enhancing her fellow heroes in the field. She has been marked as a promising prospect, and PRIMUS will keep a close eye on her progress going forward.




  • Agent Fox Sullivan: Starwind's brother and an active PRIMUS agent currently reporting to the New York office.
  • Fursonya: An experienced hero who offered Starwind a mentorship, and offered help determining Sarah's genetic origins.


  • Unidentified E.B.E.: An alien life-form recently seen stalking Starwind on her patrols. She is currently unaware of its presence.

Community Comments

  • "Sarah? She's...Honestly pretty amazing. I've never seen her work, but I've heard her talk a lot. She seems to really care and put herself into heroing in a way that's kinda rare to see. Is she the first to give a shit? Nah, but she's one of the few to genuinely do so. I like her a lot for that, even if she's a huge dork." -The Hound Prince


Dr. Susanne Sullivan

Personal Log of Dr. Susanne Sullivan, Phd
March 7th, 2001
The interloping Qularr vessel downed off the coast has been retrieved, and its contents sorted. I’ve been assigned to monitor and study the anomalous egg found within. As I’ve recorded more thoroughly in my notes, it has a faint bioluminescence to it. I find the coloration and the timing of the pulses calming and pleasant.

No signs of harmful radiation levels or potential toxins, so I’ve been unofficially cleared to take it home with me over the weekend in order to keep a closer eye on it. Despite my worrywort of a husband’s objections and concerns.

I've arranged it beneath a heat lamp in the basement and properly fortified the only exit in the event that whatever emerges—if it were to hatch—is hostile.

March 9th, 2001
Professor Hoskins informed me that some strange men in suits raided the university. They presented no identification, claiming only to work for humanity's best interests. Years of research, thousands of dollars of lab equipment, everything from the recent crash, all gone. If I had not taken the egg with me, it would be gone as well.

This morning, while I was in transit, they arrived at my home as well. I do not know how my husband knew to hide the egg, or why he did so even after they assaulted him, but I could not be more grateful.

I have sworn the others at the lab to secrecy. Carl and I will keep the egg hidden until we can get to the bottom of this.

April 10th, 2001
She hatched this morning. She is definitely not Qularr, although there is a partial resemblance. I will have to run more thorough tests later. As I’ve recorded in my notes, the infant is apparently ectothermic in nature and requires a constant outside heat source in this stage of her life cycle. As such, I have not put her down all day. Carl suggests the heat lamp would be sufficient, but when I look in her eyes… I know that she needs me.

Her exoskeletal plates are still soft. She might be hurt if I left her alone. I am making the logical choice.

I am naming her Sarah, after my grandmother.

July 21st, 2001
This morning I woke with a start. I could not find Sarah anywhere. I tore through the house, fearing the worst, only to find her cradled in the arms of my husband Carl while my boys cooed over her. The entire family has now seemingly taken to her, and I could not be happier.

I am calling every favor I have with PRIMUS, Sarah is going to be given a birth certificate and registered officially as my daughter. It is in the infant’s best interest, I’ve argued, to stay with the group she has already imprinted with. Fox and Ralph are excited to have a new baby sister.


  • Has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of sci-fi films from the 1950s-1970s.

Out-of-Character Information


Roleplaying Hooks

  • Starwind's various spacesuits, however impressive they might look, at first are nothing more than costumes. They don't even come close to being airtight, and the lights are just LEDs on a timer. It doesn't take a tech expert to realize this.
  • Sarah Sullivan is a frequent patron of any theaters in the city that regularly screen old sci-fi and horror, and attends any conventions along the same themes. Perhaps you've seen her around, she certainly stands out in an otherwise human crowd.
  • Starwind is frequently sighted fighting crime in and around Westside, if you're a fellow hero in the area it's entirely possible you've teamed up once or twice!

