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Player: @inno1996
Falcon Floating Over City.jpg
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Biographical Data
Real Name: Drake Hardy
Known Aliases: Earth's Mightiest Hero
Gender: Male
Species: Superhuman
Ethnicity: Black
Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan
Base of Operations: Detroit, Michigan
Relatives: Randy Hardy, Helen Hardy, Randy Hardy Jr., Jada Hardy
Age: 28
Height: 6'4
Weight: 260
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Black
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Strong
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Identity: Drake Hardy
Years Active: 13
Citizenship: USA
Occupation: Entrepreneur, Executive Board Member for MC Bank, and Adjunct Professor
Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business and Finance
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Super Strength, Super Speed, Invulnerability, Flight, and Ocular Energy Projection.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
An Untraceable UNTIL Communicator
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


Drake and his two siblings had the privilege of being raised under two great people: His highly educated father, Randy Hardy, who built his Real Estate Investment brand, Hardy Co., from scratch; and his super-powered, scientist mother, Helen, who retired her heroic persona before Drake was born. For a rich kid, Drake lived a relatively normal life until his powers began to manifest in his mid-teens. Noticing the changes he was undergoing; his mother revealed her past to him as a superhero to help him guide him through the remainder of high school as a superhuman. One day, out of sheer boredom, Drake decided to try fighting crime under the mantle of “Captain Smash,” without telling his mother. He had so much fun that day that he decided to turn heroing into a hobby. It wasn’t until he witnessed a family embrace each other after he rescued them from a burning building, did he realize the weight of his contributions as a hero. As he entered his college years, he took his hero work more seriously.


Drake’s family was in Michigan for his graduation when the Qularr attacked. To protect the innocent, Drake left the ceremony to join the fight against the alien invaders. Shortly after Drake departed from his friends and family, the Qularr attacked the school where his friends and family took shelter. To protect the innocent, Drake’s mother, The Falconess, suited up for a final time before falling at the hands of Qularr. After the invasion, the Hardy’s were devastated by the loss of Helen Hardy. Drake’s father soon fell into a deep depression and stepped down for Drake and his sister Jada to run the family business. The oldest of the siblings, Randy Hardy Jr., ended up moving away to start a family of his own, working as a molecular scientist. To honor his late mother, Drake changed his heroic persona from Cpt. Smash to Falcon and spent the next 6 years becoming a legend as a hero.


Through his early to late 20s, Falcon defended the earth against countless threats that turned him into a household name. Although his relationship with government sponsored threat prevention agencies isn’t great, he’s listed by many of them as a top 10 threat prevention measure from the successes he’s had. Though he’s faced many adversary, the following is a small snippet of some adventures that helped elevate his stature.

Drake first made local news as Cpt. Smash after defeating a criminal gang that attempted to steal alien artifacts that they believed would take them to the next level.

His heroic status reached national popularity in his early days as Falcon when he stopped the super criminal known as Energy Source, from destroying half of Chicago with their uncontrolled power.

During his active years in FATE, he became a global icon after taking down the champion and leader of a vicious warrior alien race during their invasion. Though the heroes of earth managed to thwart their attempts to takeover, out of revenge, the race shot their death ray towards the earth to kill millions. Falcon intercepted it in space, and though he was gravely injured, he survived.

After the events of the invasion, word got out to neighboring planets of earth that were terrorized by the warrior race of what happened on earth. Falcon, amongst other powerful fighters in the galaxy was then recruited to take down the warrior race and earn intergalactic glory.

Falcon’s name was learned across dimensions when he was mistakenly summoned to an apocalyptic dimension. It didn’t take long for him to find a way back home, but when he learned that his dimension was next, he stayed and faced off with the Deity that threatened all realities toe-to-toe and won.


Drake graduated college with a bachelor’s degree in business and finance. After working in the company for a few years, he and his sister immediately took on managing roles in his father’s company after he stepped down due to personal issues. The two siblings always had a rivalry, but it elevated during this time. As a manager, his sister always had the upper hand, but Drake had his father’s talent for seeing the bigger picture and was great at seeking investments. The two siblings always kept their eldest sibling, Randy Jr. entertained with their complaints about each other.

Eventually, as his heroic presence became more demanding, he surrendered most of his equity in the company to his sister so that she could have better control over the other partners of the company.

Although Drake is no longer a managing partner, he still earns a considerable number of annual distributions from Hardy Co. Over the years, Drake has also accumulated a value of over 200 million dollars from his personal investment portfolio. Drake also was distributed several properties belonging to “Hardy Stay,” a subsidiary of Hardy Co. He uses the one located Downtown in Millennium City as his primary residence.

In the current day, with no more threats on cosmic level, Drake has hung up his tights as he believed he could create more lasting change in his communities as Drake Hardy. Drake uses most of his annual earnings reinvesting in small businesses as well as philanthropic work in suffering communities. To expand his reach, he's maneuvered himself into an executive role for the Millennium City Bank. Drake has also become an adjunct professor for business and finance in some local colleges.


Although Drake believes he inherited his abilities from his mother, inter-dimensional beings that he's interacted with have speculated that his power comes from something so much more incredible. Beings are able to interact with cosmic energies would see that Drake is housing an enormous amount within his body.

Drake possesses super strength, speed, invulnerability, flight, ocular energy projection, and a healing factor.

Drake also has proven to have superior autonomy over his molecular anatomy. In facing off with a few mystical and matter manipulating villains, he’s met a few that could do things to the body change people into frogs or explode heads by looking at people. Against Drake, with willpower, he’s been able to completely resist those types of attacks. This ability was most evident when he faced off with The Deity.

Drake also possesses minor mental resistance. Although it’s possible harm him with psychic attacks, he’s also developed the ability to defend himself mentally from permanent damage and complete mind control.