Freya Althuum

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Freya-althuum 004.jpg
Black Legion Outer Shadow
Rank 37
"The Non Killing Demon Queen"
Demon Queen
Freya Althuum
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Aerial Melee
R & D: Mysticism
Level: S Rank (Black Legion Ranking)
At Least God Class (Contingency Initiative Ranking)
Occupation: Outer Shadow
Subordinate Demon Lord
Demon Lord of Isphixis (Formerly)
General to the Demon Army (Formerly)
Infantry Soldier to the Demon Army (Formerly)
Personal Data
Real Name: Freya Althuum
Known Aliases: The Non Killing Demon Queen
Frey of the Furies
Demon Fury Frey
General Althuum (Formerly)
Frey of the Stuffed Animals (By Aaron Hope)
Identity: Public
Species: Demon Fury
Age: 4000+
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 112 lb
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: Jet Black
Blood Type: N/A
Biographical Data
Birthplace: N/A
Birthdate: N/A
Nationality: N/A
Current Residence: Isphixis, Kingdom of Frey
Religion/Faith: N/A
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Languages
Furian (Native), English
Known Relatives
Unnamed Furian Parents
Unnamed Human Male Mate (Deceased)
Unborn Human-Fury Hybrid Child (Deceased)
Known Powers
Sky Conquerer, Demon Lord Physiology, Demon Fury Physiology
Training / Abilities
Master Aerial Combatant, Nation Ruler, Army Leadership, Battle Tactician, Stuffed Plushies Grabber Game Expert
Millions of Monster Subjects to Frey's Kingdom, Demon Lord Army, Shadow Minions

"A true Queen is a servant to her people."

- Demon Queen Frey

Demon Queen Frey of the Furies is an S Ranked Outer Shadow and Subordinate Demon Lord to Great Demon Lord Loyce Hal, ruling the realm Isphixis as the sixth Demon Lord, immediately succeeding Demon Lord Trellis after challenging and defeating the Demon King for the throne. Frey also holds some degree of ownership over the Kingdom of Hal, which houses Loyce's main Outer Shadows to the Black Legion, as the main mobilization troops stationed in the castle are Frey's most trusted Supreme Fury subordinates.

Known to the monsters under her rule as the Non Killing Demon Queen, Frey is surprisingly benevolent compared to the other Demon Lords that serve Loyce, and some of the heroes. Emphasizing the importance of peace to the monster nation, Frey avoids war and bloodshed in favor of the happiness of her people. This mindset was partly due to her guilt over the death of her human lover and his family, who were victims of the war between monster kind and humankind.

Frey specializes in aerial combat, wielding a set of six wings (later, four wings, after Hero Tengen severed two in their battle) that provide her with incredible aerial mobility. Of all the Outer Shadows who serve Loyce, Frey is said to be the fastest if she is in the air, her speed nearly rivaling that of S~ Ranked Tokiko Marin, the fastest Black Legion Outer Shadow in history.

Frey harbors an intense hatred for some of the Outer Shadows in the Black Legion, namely her Hero nemesis, S~ Ranked Andrew "Tourmentus" Tengen of the Dual Cleavers, who rejected her pleas to avoid war and slaughtered a number of Frey's loyal Fury subordinates. This hatred only intensified when Andrew then fought Frey in a long vicious battle leading to Frey being severely wounded and dethroned, causing many monsters to be slaughtered by the human armies led by the Hero. Falling into a deep depression, Frey believed that her kindness ultimately led to the demise of her people, and sought self-banishment from the monster tribe, losing her confidence in being a ruler of her people, and blaming herself for the fall of the monster kingdom.


"Enough! Can't you see these people no longer have the resolve to fight?! The soldiers who tried to harm us. Who tried to assault and hurt our kind. They're no longer alive! We killed them all! So why are we still striking down these human villagers?! As the General of this platoon, I order you all to stop killing, and if killing someone is a means to vent out your rage from all the prejudice our kind has faced... then vent them all on me. I'll take you all on in their place!

- General Freya defending innocent villagers from her own soldiers

An enraged Frey accepts Hero Tengen's duel

As a Fury who had experienced the trauma of losing loved ones in the war against humanity prior to her ascension to Demon Lord, Frey is described to be a very benevolent and kind ruler to the many monsters who serve under her. Frey greatly despises violence, only seeing it as a tool to carry out her sense of duty. During her time serving under the former Demon Lord Trellis' army as a Supreme Fury, Frey was disgusted with the lives of the humans she was forced to slaughter in order to bring her ideals of a happy life for those she believed to be pure. By the time Frey fought and advanced up the ranks to a General and had unintentionally killed the family of her former lover, Frey decided to fight back against her own platoon to get them to stop slaughtering the remaining defenseless villagers. Frey angrily retaliated against her own soldiers who urged Frey to give out the order to destroy the remaining survivors despite the village having already lost the battle.

Frey's sense of justice was absolute, and whenever this justice was broken by means out of her control, it impacted her greatly. It was said that for a Fury to evolve, the individual had to go through immense inner turmoil. With each step of evolution Frey had gone through, the turmoil had to become greater in intensity. When Frey had watched the father of her former lover burn up to ash from her own violent emotional rage, the pain broke the General, who evolved into a Demon Fury out of sheer mourning.

One of the most important things to Frey, is her people, so much that she would sacrifice her own health to ensure they would be happy. This selflessness has often been criticized by other Outer Shadows and Demon Lords who follow Loyce, who accuse Frey of possessing insufficient qualities that would make her a Demon Queen. An example of this selflessness, was when Frey discovered that Andrew Tengen had caused the destruction of a nearby town in an act of retaliation against monster kind and a challenge to the Demon Queen. Instead of taking the challenge, Frey abandoned her image and was among one of the first to begin repairing the ruins of the town, getting on her knees and picking up the rocks one by one with her bare hands, to the shock and emotional gratitude of her people.

Despite her hatred for violence, Frey greatly respects those who seek to gain strength for the sake of others. When Frey discovered that Yeling had become an Auxiliary Shadow to Loyce, Frey smiled at Yeling, acknowledging the former's reason to reach SSS Rank and ensuring that his sister Hakah would no longer be distracted with her duties as an Inner Shadow. This respect however, would not be directed to Yeling's former Squad Captain, Matthew "Mirage" Lam, who Frey greatly disapproved of after learning that Matt sought strength for the sole purpose of being unable to rely on anyone, and eventually killing Rui "Patcher" Iwatani to end his curse of misfortune from his Level 1 Dogma.

Although Frey has been seen to be extremely serious due to her duties as a Demon Queen, Frey does possess a soft spot, which is often reflected in her obsession with stuffed plushies. This obsession manifests in Frey's frequent visits to the Millennium City arcade's stuffed animal grabber game, which Frey eventually became an expert in. In her chambers, which forbids the presence of anyone, Frey keeps a large collection of stuffed animals which she would sometimes roleplay with. Frey is greatly reserved with this side of herself, so much so that she keeps this side extremely confidential. When Aaron Hope discovered Frey's secret obsession and broadcasted one of her roleplaying sessions to the entirety of the Black Legion, Frey's rage boiled over, nearly sending her entire Demon Army to invade Jun Gasket's barracks in a hysterical frenzy.

Powers and Abilities

When airborne, Freya conquers the skies