Loyce Hal

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Hal 001.jpg
Black Legion Inner Shadow
Rank 2
The Great Demon Lord
Loyce Hal
Player: Darwin
Basic Data
Class Focus: Ultimate Divine Demon Lord
R & D: Mysticism
Level: SS+ Rated
Occupation: Ruler of Numerous Realms, Creator of Thousands of Universes, Inner Shadow, Volunteer to the Church of Babel
Personal Data
Real Name: Loyce Hal
Known Aliases: The Great Demon Lord
True Demon King
The Penultimate
King of the Essokinetics
Master Loyce
Lord Hal
UNTIL Subject 2694
Pretty Boy Conqueror
Identity: Loyce Hal
Species: Ultimate Primordial Demon
Age: 80000+
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 160 lb
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: White
Blood Type: None
Biographical Data
Birthplace: Unknown
Birthdate: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Current Residence: Isphixis
Religion/Faith: None
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Languages
Known Relatives
Known Powers
Divine Comedy Reality Warping, Fate Manipulation, Spiritual Resistance, Reality Anchor, Time Manipulation, Matter Creation, Matter Destruction
Training / Abilities

"Nothing about what you are feeling is 'inconceivable'. That shaking in your existence, that trembling. That is called fear. Fear of a higher power. Your ego will not admit it, but your existence now does. You are afraid because you have realized your mistake. The mistake of attempting to take over a world that is mine to rule. That is the concept I have added to your narrative, Tyrannon, because you have chosen to make an enemy out of Loyce Hal."

- Loyce terrorizing Tyrannon the Conquerer

Great Demon Lord Loyce Hal, codenamed Empire, is the penultimate strongest primordial demon in existence, as well as an SS+ Rated Inner Shadow to the Black Legion. Possessing tremendous magical power capable of bending not only reality but entire narratives, Loyce managed to conquer an uncountable number of magical realms, reaching the thousands, and rule each one as their respective Demon Lord. His followers are both extremely powerful and numerous. If a realm does not interest Loyce and showed hostility, it is said that the entire universe is destroyed instantly and mercilessly by the Demon Lord, traces of the world seemingly never having existed in the first place, before moving on to the next.

Loyce is an overwhelmingly powerful being, even amongst the Inner Shadows, to the point where his very presence strikes fear and intimidation from many. He is currently the second strongest Inner Shadow, and the third strongest member of the entire Black Legion, his power surpassed only by SSS Rated Inner Shadow Hakah Mah and the SSS Rated leader of the organization, Lord Ginga. Due to the fact that the only people able to surpass his power are SSS Rated, Loyce is even stronger than SS+ Rated Jun Gasket, making him the strongest SS+ Rated Inner Shadow in the Black Legion.

According to the Voice of the Worlds, a reality warping entity who was defeated by the Demon Lord, Loyce is considered the highest tier form of sentience to take mortal physical form in any universe. As the only being to ever evolve to the state of Ultimate Primordial Demon, with the Primordial Demon species being the apex species, Loyce is considered the pinnacle of all monsters in his realms, with an extremely select few beings capable of matching or surpassing his power such as elite Dogma Holders, The Great Akuma, as well as her direct offspring Mahyako and Avalon. He is the Ultimate Divine Demon Lord of the universes Isphixis, Raehafil, and Johal, ruling each realm as its strongest, most powerful being to ever exist. Because of this, Loyce has also amassed numerous Demon Lords who have sworn loyalty to him due to the overwhelming gap in power. These Demon Lords have acted as his Outer Shadows on several occasions, and their armies, directly assimilated under his loyalty.

Loyce was also the superior of the First Hinokami Holder Aelienne the Firebird, before her betrayal to the Black Legion.

UNTIL Case Report


The following Case File concerns an Existential Cosmic Threat Class capable of Extreme Multiversal Destruction.

Access to this file without appropriate Cosmic Confidentiality Clearance is strictly forbidden. Under no circumstances, must the contents of this file ever be leaked beyond this level of confidentiality, to avoid mass panic to the galactic scale.

Subject Briefing

Identification Code: ECTC_VMD 2694
Primus Assigned Alias: EMPIRE
Threat Class: Extremely Cosmic, Multiversal
Risk Level: Extreme
Hostility: Not Hostile but classified unstable.

Statement on Containment and Control

As of current, there has been no method to effectively contain or control 2694 other than to keep the subject non hostile. Subject has been capable of predicting events and appears to transcend the human conception of time, leading to the advantage of foresight. Any form of containment has been deemed impossible, due to 2694's ability to either alter the reality around himself, or to forcefully destroy the containment.

Absolutely under no circumstances, must any contact with Subject 2694 be made due to his unpredictable nature. If in an emergency situation, contact with 2694 is required, it must be done on his accord.

Powers and Abilities

Subject 2694 is an extremely dangerous reality warping entity capable of manipulation to a vast level. The subject claims its name to be Loyce Hal and had come to "investigate our world for potential". Upon being asked for further clarification, Hal provided none. Since then, Hal's whereabouts are unknown.

In terms of power, the being known as Loyce Hal has demonstrated manipulation of reality to an extremely high level of mastery. Hal refers to his ability as Divine Comedy Reality Warping, claiming that his ability to "play with the fabric of reality is so refined, that it is almost comical". According to Dossier Section 6.4A, written by Dr. Stroganoff, Ph.D, Stroganoff writes "even amongst reality warping entities, 2694 is on a class of his own. Exhibiting the ability to completely overwhelm fellow reality warping users and even seemingly take the place of an apex in the hierarchy, this entity is amongst the upper echelon of the upper echelon."

It is currently unknown what the limit of Hal's powers are, as the scope of his abilities are too gargantuan to theoretically quantify with current analytical techniques. The only "apparent" weakness Hal has is his sense of boredom, and it is through this sense of apathy to our world, that he has spared it from destruction.

As of this document's compilation, we of the highest officials of UNTIL have identified the following abilities demonstrated by Subject 2694:

Violation of the First Law - Destruction and Creation: Hal has demonstrated the ability to not only create, but to destroy all forms of matter, energy, space, and by extension, time itself, simply by willing it. In terms of destruction, the said object is simply removed from existence completely. Depending on the severity, Hal can destroy the object to the point where all forms of recollection that the object ever existed in the first place is also destroyed. This also implies that Hal is capable of destroying the very concept of an object itself. Conversely, the creation of an object, as well as time, has also been exhibited by 2694. Examples include the Rigel Incident, in which the supergiant star Rigel of the Orion Constellation was erased from existence for a span of five hours, only to be recreated seemingly instantly. Hal has also demonstrated the ability to create time, a term he denotes as Chronogenesis, seemingly creating time and space in a region such that in the point of view of those within this space, would witness time flow relative to themselves while the outside world is frozen.

Neutralization of Logic and Reason "Divine Comedy": Hal's reality bending abilities are capable of not only destruction of matter, space, and time, but also the very fabric of reason. According to numerous case studies, researchers have bore witness to 2694 defying the laws of physics, including gravity negation, force neutralization and physical property manipulation. Examples of Hal using this concept collapsing ability include moving at unfathomable speeds, travelling from planet to planet in a fraction of a second, and surpassing the speed of light without manipulating space and time. Hal's power to completely eliminate logic and reasoning has also taken the form of insurmountable physical strength. Case Report 56E writes "Subject 2694 has demonstrated strength far surpassing any other being studied thus far... the entity known as Loyce Hal was shown to be capable of sinking and altering plate tectonics with just the movements of a finger. The being is capable of strength far exceeding reason."

  • The Staircase of Endless Spirals: Upon being asked to demonstrate his logic neutralization ability, Hal transported a group of UNTIL officers into a strange dimension that consisted of what they testified as a "series of stairs leading to impossible trajectories, twists and convolutions that were geometrically impossible". The realm consisted of numerous geometric contradictions that had caused the officers to be overwhelmed with a sense of "mind breaking mania".
  • Schrodinger's Eclipse: During Interview 7E, UNTIL Task Force 67WE449 transported Hal to the location of Kigatilik to test his Divine Comedy power. Hal approached the fellow Demon King and reportedly overwhelmed him easily. Upon being asked to elaborate, the Task Force explained that it was as if the god was experiencing "excruciating burning and freezing at the same time, temperature extremes that logically would not be possible to happen at the same time."
  • Absolute Word: The extent of this ability is currently unknown. However, based on what we have observed thus far, Hal has demonstrated the ability to manifest whatever he says into reality. Physical consequences that would otherwise cascade from any changes to reality around Hal are otherwise negated or neglected, meaning the power's scope can not only manifest the uttered word, but could also warp the surroundings such that the world would be affected in a way Hal desires. Hal demonstrated this ability by commanding the moon Io to be erased from existence without causing gravitational anomalies, and to the disbelief of numerous astronomers who observed the moon and its gravitational fields, the moon was disintegrated instantly.

Absolute Chronokinesis: Overwhelming evidence suggests that Subject 2694's perception of time far surpasses any entity encountered thus far by UNTIL. Being passively capable of not just perception of the future, but also to travel to different points in the timestream, Hal has been able to predict and alter events that would have taken place, as well as events that have already happened. By doing so, Hal made the claim that "[he had] already destroyed [our] world a hundred times over, as mankind had deemed [him] too much of a threat, while taking [his] claims as a farce, only to have it restored as if nothing happened in the first place". On one occasion, the vigilante Nighthawk engaged 2694 in a duel, and was incapable of gaining any advantage despite 2694 only relying on physical hand to hand combat. Testimony from Nighthawk claims "his movements and his speed was clearly held back, I knew that much, but even with the extreme handicap, it was as if Loyce was able to predict my movements before I could even execute them. Even feints and psychological elements could not get through to him."

Ultimate Primordial Demon Physiology: In accordance to ancient texts regarding primal creatures provided by Bethany "Witchcraft" Duquesne, the Primordial Demon race was a species that existed even before the appearance of the progenitors of humankind, making them one of the oldest creatures to walk the realm. Extraordinarily powerful variants of demons, the Primordials were said to be both cunning and strong, fighting with both wit and absolute power combined making them the apex species.

Witchcraft has provided the following information in a confidential document. An excerpt from this document has been pulled detailing the characteristics of the species.

From this document along with further investigation from both the scientific and magic community of UNTIL, Loyce has been determined to possess the following abilities outside of his Reality Warping powers:

  • Immense Strength, Speed, and Reflexes
  • Overwhelming Aura
  • Unfathomable Combat Instinct
  • Multiversal Awareness
  • Foresight
  • Advanced Intellect
    • Genius Level Analytical Skills
    • Prodigy Level Learning Capability
    • Mind and Thought Process Acceleration
  • Absolute Magic Power and Mastery
    • Fire Magic
    • Water Magic
    • Ice Magic
    • Earth Magic
    • Wind Magic
    • Storm Magic
    • Dark/Light Magic
    • Soul/Source/Spirit Magic
    • Fate Magic
    • Time/Spatial Magic <-- AFFINITY
    • Haki
    • Creation Magic
    • Healing Magic
    • Creature Magic
    • Endowment
    • Resurrection
    • Force Magic
  • Abnormal Invulnerability
    • Physical Attack Nullification
    • Magic Nullification
    • Reality Anchor/Nullification
    • Soul Attack Nullification
    • Mental Attack Nullification
    • Holy/Demonic Attack Nullification
  • Magic Siphoning/Absorption/Redirection
  • Overwhelming Telekinesis/Telepathy
  • Transformation/Mimicry
  • Power Suppression
  • Enemy Power Nullification/Reduction
  • Intangibility
  • Infinite Regeneration
  • Replication
  • Consumption

Suppression System: An interesting discussion with 2694 has revealed that in spite of his tremendous power, the subject has actually found difficulty in suppressing it fully. In multiple occasions, fragments of 2694's monstrous aura have been detected by beings with heightened sensory abilities.

Loyce's monstrous magical aura, witnessed by Doctor Ka

One such event was recorded and captured by Vibora Bay Superhero Doctor Ka, in which the superhero witnessed 2694's inherent power outside of his Reality Warping abilities.

Loyce's Second Form, the "High King"
Loyce's Third Form

To simplify the forms 2694 has taken in an act to try to suppress his power as an Ultimate Primordial, we of the UNTIL Organization have denoted a Tier System to describe his stages. With Tier 1 being the highest level of suppression 2694 has attempted.

Tier 1: This was the form Hal has taken most commonly, the highest level of suppression he claims that keeps his aura from passively destroying everything around himself. This form is his most humanoid appearance.

Tier 2: This form has never been witnessed in person, as the sheer magnitude of the pressure 2694's aura emits would lead to destruction on a global scale. Instead, to witness it, several of our agents, their imaging drones were sent to a different region of space where Hal demonstrated a fraction of what he truly was. Images of 2694's second form were taken on a remote planet, seconds before it and the drone's destruction. During the case study, Loyce claimed that such a form was necessary to "show lesser Demon Lords who were ignorant enough to disregard his humanoid appearance the essence of a real Demon King". This transformation was reportedly capable of passively absorbing the very life force of everything around it, and all forms of energy, entering the dark regions of its "hood". Within seconds of being in this "True Demon Lord Form", the planet began showing signs of death, massive chasms and disintegration of material filled the entire surface, and before any further images of Hal's second form were taken, the planet was already destroyed.

Tier 3: To demonstrate Tier 3, 2694 subjected several UNTIL candidates to a vision in which the eyewitnesses were transported to an even farther region of the universe, where the passive effects of Tier 3 would not cause any direct damage to Earth's reality. However, Hal was only able to maintain Tier 3 for approximately two minutes before the passive reality warping effects of his form began causing numerous anomalies to appear throughout the fabric of reality. Tier 3's form has been described by the witnesses to take the form of a supermassive nebula, with an "eye" at the centre. Ring like structures surrounded the nebula, to which the witnessed described them to resemble "ring shaped black holes, distorting light and reality all around them, even the reality of 2694's body as well." This suggests that in this form, Hal is capable of passively altering reality around himself to the level, if not greater than that, of a supermassive black hole.