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Player: @Rave#2552
Biographical Data
Real Name: Fidelle Gold
Known Aliases:
Gender: Any • Feminine
Species: Angel
Place of Birth:
Base of Operations:
Eyes: Dead Blue
Hair: Wash Blonde
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Lanky little body and self
Physical Features: Skin looks a bit porcelain, top heavy
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Years Active:
Marital Status: Rave Girl
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Protection Light shielding
  • Force Projectiles
  • Cross Projectiles
  • Team Healing
  • Defence Support

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Polearm Of Divinity

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


The Crüxshadows
Heaven's Gate



  • Meek


Guardian and best friend of Chastity. She is introduced in later acts. Fidelle is from heaven...

During rave rampage through heaven he met Fidelle. She was standing next to Chastity who sat in the large chair. She saw it as a opportunity to escape heaven and left with them. She is tomboy type who appears female but doesn't have a gender as angels do not. Fidelle is quiet but a rebel with strict training to jump into action.

She flies still like a levitation carrying a large golden polearm with wing and an orb in the tip.

The Angels have a creepy mannequin way about them. And faces with no flaws. The result of stripping choice from beings make them no different than machines. They only follow 'the code' and the code alone where people get hurt or not. Making them a bad set. After Rave won the battle with heaven Fidelle asked to come with Rave. He accepted. Fidelle looks exactly like the Head Angel, Uriel. They are all somewhat of clones. The main Uriel is not happy about this arrangement at all. It's like watching herself with Rave. A person she despises so much.

Back at Rave's place she pastes around a big bland bedroom. Outside the window overcast in the early morning. She ponders what is to explore. She is made aware by the sliding door noise as Rave suddenly enters the room. Telepathically he tell her to strip so she takes off all her clothes. She positions her hands in a clapsed position covering her upper body in the process. She blows into her palms nervously as he steps closer. He grabs her and begins inspection. He puts two fingers in her mouth and opens it with the other hand. He is a bit rough doing this. He checks her teeth and watches down her throat. He makes his way down to her upper body and lower. She is a surprised by his lack of boundary but doesn't say anything. She suppects he doesn't trust or like her very much. After all what he been through with Heaven she cannot blame him. Why else would he do inspection personally? He tell her to stop flinching it's nothing he haven't seen a million times before. He checks her body with extra vision a few times over. Then out of no where she going in for a quick kiss and he kisses her back. He then stops and throws her on the bed angrily. Rave shouts, "Why did you come here?! Are you playing me?! Is this a trick?! They sent you to spy on me, did they?! How think you can blind me with your body! Is that what they told you to do?!" She replies, "No. I am not like them. Chastity told me about you. I wanted to see if it was true! You can trust me. I am not trying to betray you." As she tries to sit up on the bed he pull her back on her back by her ankle. "I will possess you proceeding, with that I will enter your mind forever. I will have complete control over you and your powers when ever I please. In fact it's the only way I'll have you on Earth. If I find out you're lying to me your passing will not be quick and painless." He explains to her. She holds him gently to calm him down she says looking in his eyes, "You are more romantic than you know. Say I betray you and this is all just a trick. Would you risk it all for a beautiful woman? So why did you allow me to come? You knew it was dangerous but you couldn't say no back then so why start now." When Rave leaves the room she is lying on her back watching the ceiling with a smile. You can see his blue ring in her iris. She had seen the universe through his eyes. Tiny light beams though the window suggest the sun came out.

You'd always get the feeling that he would be more aggressive with her seeing how much she resembles the Angels which he does not like. This encounter hurts her perception of human men. She does like him but secretly she's more in love with Chastity who is gentle with her. Much time after she notices her body changing randomly because of her undecided feelings.

They are at the house. Fidelle calls Chastity into the bathroom. She seem a bit gloomy. "I have to show you something, you have to promise not to tell anyone"

Chastity agrees but then laughs when she is shown.

Fidelle "It just popped from no where this morning"

Chastity "I'll go get Rave."

Conversations continues through verious means of transportation. It is a very big hideout.

Fidelle "Oh God know, don't get Rave. He will treat me differently. I don't want people to treat me like a freak."

Chastity "That is disrespectful to yourself and all others. You don't say things like that. Besides Rave's eyes could find a Grain of salt on a beach of sand miles away from here. My guest is he is seeing you right now. He must already know."

Fidelle "Eck No way. He is going to kick me out."

Chastity " Relax he is not like that. He is really a very understanding guy. If there is anyone who knows about DNA and atonomynis Rave."

Fidelle "but he likes girls."

Chastity puts on a confused look with her eyes and continues to walk. They open the door and Rave is staring through a window in an empty room.

He says "You know this room is so empty it almost feels like your just walking in a closet."

Chastity "Well"

Rave "Well what?"

And before she answers he rudely interrupts her.

Chastity mouths without sound a swear "Axxhole"

Rave "I heard that."

Chastity "Just fix the girl."

Rave to Fidelle "It might be all that estrogen in you that makes you so undecided." Then he laughs.

Chastity says for reals "Oh Axxxxxxhole"

Rave "In this room. Yours is the only one I see 24/7."

Chastity angrily "That's it I'm leaving" She walks out angrily with her arms crossed.

Rave turns "You assume she you are broken?" Then he look in Fidelle's eyes and enter her mind. And it's intense.

Rave " So, You need a miracle? You want to be a woman but you have a crush on your best friend Chastity and I can see why. But she belongs to me. I told you before you may do as you please within these walls. I will not be you to free yourself. These feelings you feel are natural withing every human being. It's what you asked for when you decided with humanity. You want me to play inside your body but I will not bend that which is not broken. You must go and enjoy yourself. If anyone teases you tell me and I will make them sorry they did."

And fade out.

Fidelle "OMG" as she walks out the automatic door and Chastity still crossed outside.

Chastity "Did he fix you?"

Fidelle "Fix? There is nothing wrong with me. Well he says it happens because I'm in love with you or something like that."

Chastity "Well I have that effect on people."

Fidelle "Oh Shut up"

Rave voice "You better not get delusions of running away with her."

Fidelle looks down into void then looks at Chastity as they both laugh.

Scene ends



He was born when Rave had to possess Fidelle's body for a Week. During that time the angel Fidelle control by Rave mutated into a man. Chastity have been pronounce barren before but this was the birth of pure Evil.

Mountain District whatever CC, Rave poses fades because of a damaged satalite dish. So Fidelle agrees to let Rave use her body. He seize control but he is so weak her mind is still present to see through eyes. The first thing Rave does is cup his two hands with twitchy fingers.

Fidelle "On god if you... I swear...!"

Rave cups the chest of the body her now controls and says to Chastity and Meredith, "Now I know why I am not a woman. I would never let go of these things." The he does the worth dance worm thing with his back and makes a duck face, "It shakes. I can twurk."

Chastity clobbes his head with her rifle, "Would you stop being so goddam sexist all the time!?!"

In the mind Fidelle is seen standing next to him with a huge lump on her head and tears in her eyes. Camera zooms out and she cries out a high pitch squil. Rave is fine with a dumb smile and droul in his mouth. Till her scream almost pushes him out of her mind as he holds on and dagger back in foot first.

Rave "Ok no playing around this time, I have to fix this machine for for real"

Pffftt* His technomacy is weak. It will take a week. They slowly mutate into a long blond hair Chad over the course.



I may receive backlash for this but Pious grows to be one of Raves most evil sons. He also wanted to replace Rave and take a his wives. Pious influences some of the others on the coup. But they lost to Rave when his other sons aided against them.

Power Level Simplified

S Over Powered

A Very Powerful

B Master Level

C Average Powers

(D) Minor Power

E Weak Powers

F Hopeless Abilities

Other Information

Inspired 'vaguely' by certain religious text. It is important to note that the angels are all gender neutral and interchangeable depending on gaining choice or task specified. In my verse they all appear to be short haired porcelain and doll-like and more feminine. They may appear more female but be referred to as male by default. The entire concept of human reproduction simply doesn't exist in them like humanity. They are much like robots lacking of choice or emotion. Once they gain free will or choice they may appear to their own self image that may vary at anytime. They are not able to change their appearance beyond their personality or feelings Some of them don't even take up Humanoid form at all. Some get corrupted and envy human privileges. Then you may see those more masculine or feminine.

Barely an angel elite. Fidelle possesses the ability to shield with light force projections. She rank C because is is not strong in her abilities. Fidelle was casted to watch and protect Chastity during her heaven captivity. But by watching Chastity she decided she wanted to experience love and life as female on Earth. But she struggles to find herself. The angel Gabe is male and always has been because that's how he is. When Gabe gain choice he decided that the Angels operations are inhumane for the better good that doesn't make sense. Gabe is an angry voice of reason.

Fidelle is small and feeble because it matches her mindset to avoid conflict. Her gender is not specified because she is unsure of everything. It also makes her embrassed because she cannot control how her body may change at any given time dispite of maintaining what she wants. She doesn't know why and thinks she is cursed.