GenoRave Act 2.5

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The Anti-Vax Generation

  • Rave finds The Anti-Vax Generation (Children of War)
  • Gwo
  • Not kids anymore (Rook goes solo)
  • Happy Team Buster

Children of War


White clouds, Sliver gowns and golden halls. Flawless is beauty where halos crown. Up in heaven after witnessing the war. A young angel Gabe decides to speak out against his higher ups. Gabe says, "Yet again we watch mankind destroy themselves while we hang back and do nothing." The head angel, Uriel replies, "And what do you propose? Angels are to remain true to the code. If we reveal ourselves to man they may lose themselves even faster before the creator returns. You should know this. Be careful Gabriel you are entering dangerous territory." Gabe says, "And what I'd the creator never returns. Y'all are just going to sit around here in wasting your time." Uriel replies, "You begin to question the code and creator? You are on the road to becoming a fallen angel Gabriel. I have no choice but to demote you till penance." Gabe replies, "Forget it. I quit. I'm done with you." Uriel replies, "You leave here and where will you go? Do I need to arrest you?!" Gabe says, "I out rank you. You can't arrest me. And that's non of your concern." Gabe leaves the Angels because he doesn't agree with their policies. At her desk Uriel shouts, "Gabriel! You are making a terrible mistake! Get back here! Don't let me send Michael after you!!" Gabe walk out without another word.

All The Worst

At the mall with the girls Rave sees a teen in a joggers hoodie and sweatpants. But the aura radiating from him is angelic something like Chastity. Under the hoodie Gabe make eye contact with Rave. Gabe also sees Rave while he was invisible. Rave says to the girls, "That kid, he looked right at me! His power level is through the roof. I have never seen that much chakra in anyone!" Cameila says, "Here we go again. You are going to try to contact him out of paranoia. Then somehow you are going to end up fighting." Rave follows him outside the mall. He turns around and asks, "You! Why are you following me?!" Rave replies, "Isn't it obvious. Your power level is off the chart. I need to fight you!" Gabe says, "Sadly I don't use my powers to train pups. Specially not to satisfy your ego." Rave says, "Fine. Then I'll just attack you." Chastity shouts, "Rave! You are going to lose!" Rave says, "No I'm not!" Chastity explains, "I saw it. You where going to try a sneak attack then attack with this copy and both of you where gonna get blasted over there by holy magic. Remember you can fully replicate holy and magic powers." Rave says, "What?! Well use your future vision again! Just tell me when I defeat him!" Chastity shouts, "My powers are not fot your games!" Gabe says, "Future vision?!?!?! The oracle!!!!! Tell me Rave... What is the oracle doing with the likes of you?! A presume a bad guy. Is she your slave?! You have her dressed like a sex puppet but do you know she lose her powers with that?!" Chastity shouts, "Slave?! Puppet?! What's wrong with my outfit?! I designed it myself!" Gabe says, "Regardless she belongs in Heaven." Rave says, "If you think you are taking her from me you must be mad!" Chastity shouts, "Stop talking about me like am a thing. I'm not a MacGiffin! I'm a girl with feelings. And right now I choose to stay with Rave!" Rave says, "See. The lady chose." Chastity says, "This is not good Rave. If he know where I am then the Angels will find me." Gabe says, "I'm not with the Angels. At least no longer." Merlo walks up to Rave holding SoNeko in Kitsune form. She says, "Hold her. My arms are tired." Rave shouts, "Put her down. Can't you see in about to fight this dude!" Gabe says, "You look bad. But I don't think you are. Not with these type of girls around you." Rave shouts, "See what you guys did! You ruined my chance to fight this guy! Not only that but now he's calling me soft. Think I'm gonna let them get Chastity, no way!" Rave dives at Gabe. Rave shouts, "Show me your true form!!!" Rave force replies against Gabe's light magic causing a big explosion. Rave fly back. Rave says, "Incredible! He didn't even move! How will I ever fight the gods!!!!" Gabe says, "You want to fight the gods?! That makes two of us. But tell me? Look at the explosion you caused. Is it worth it when innocent lives get caught up in your actions." Rave looks around to see the crowds of people. Rave replies, "I don't care. I'll kill every innocent man, woman or child if your Angels come after my woman!" Chastity says, "First off. Flattered but your are so not killing children over me! Angel dude can we talk this out." Rave grabs Chastity hand and another copy stands Infront her. Rave says, "No funny business. I plan to keep you alive." Gabe says, "Yah, we can chat."

The other girls go with the other copy of Rave while Rave, Soneko and Chastity goes to Gabe's hideout. It is not a fancy place but rundown and reassemble that of an edgy teenager. Gabe says, "I am the Angel Gabriel. Left hand of god. There are seven of us, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Saraqael, Raguel, and Remiel. All of which makes up the body." Rave says, "I knew it. You're an Arch! Too powerful to be just a kid. So my pride stays in tack! Now you telling me there are 6 more like you." Gabe asks, "You always do all this bad guy monologuing?" Gabe continues, "Maybe I will not bring back the Oracle. But why do you need her?" Rave replies, "I made a promise to protect her. To me she is not the oracle as you say. She is just a woman that I care about. I say to you Gabriel you better kill me now or if you get in my way I'll have to kill you too." It is now 5:36PM and SoNeko turns back into a woman. A rather voluptuous one. Gabe notices and has a thought. He begins to question Raves judgement but doesn't mention it.

Gabe is the angel that shows Rave the effects of war. Gabe says to them, "Stand still." The room blows away to ash and they end up in arctic mountains. Rave holds Chastity waist as the moving background makes her dizzy. Chastity asks, "Teleportation?" Rave says, "No a hologram. My eyes tell me we are still in the room." Gabe says, "Ah ha. Sharp perception Rave. But I need you to focus on the visuals I want to show you. Just don't knock anything over." Rave says, "What is there to knock over. In this pigsty? Everything is already on the ground!" Chastity adds, "Yeah Gabe. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Isn't it?" Gabe says, "I keep this place as part of my persona. I don't need you to grill me on it!" Rave says, "I recognize this place. It's the path we fought the Atom Bomb. The snow was so thick many hero bodies were lost and still lie here." Chastity adds, "It's sad. After the battle we searched for Rave till we started to freeze. Other heroes don't have that type of dedicated love ones."

Best I Am

Gabe shows them all the cities that was burnt by Orange. Rave says, "Why are you showing me this! I was there! I've seen it. I died again fighting Atom! How many times must I die for humanity? This is the job of your gods, not mine!" Gabe says, " If you do chose to go against them I will help you."

Minus Blindfold

The Anti-Vax Generation

Rave meets the Anti-Vax in the ghetto. He plans to help these young heroes.


Lights City

Rave says, "When I was younger I heard my mother call me to get a message. I said no and ran away to link in the streets instead. I then saw her coming up the road and I turn my back to ignore her. When I got back home that night. I got the news that she had died. Hit by a vehicle. At the time I saw her in the afternoon it was impossible because she was struck in the morning. And what of me? Why am I considered evil? I never had it that bad for say. A lot of people go through similar unfortunate circumstances. Some even worst. So you a were weak kid. You had a few terrible experiences and it changed your perception of friendship. You told yourself you were too different to fit and you separate yourself from society. For a long time I thought everyone would be better off of they didn't know me. Now you hate the world likes it owes you something because you're special right? You want them to feel sorry for you. But don't feel sorry for me. I do what I want because I want too. Not because of good or evil. People are simply and often s**t and that just the way it is. You know what it was like for me growing in the slums with no father? It was wasn't fun. They called me dirty because when they're putting me down didn't expect me to fight back in the mud. I took all the insults till it was nothing to me. The hate strickens you but it don't let it consumes you like it swallowed me. There's no coming back from what I am."

Gwo Sickness

The Gwo mutation spreads to the city. Amongst those are bratty kids. Despite the involvement of kids this story will feature a lot of people exploding. And will be extremely bloody.

In a serious momment. While walking Rave not present uses telekenesis to pull the back of Chastity's outfit and smack her. Chastity pauses, exhales and look up. She says, "Omg Rave. You are like the most annoying ghost ever." The he giggles in a funny hunting tone and she then burst out in laughter. She says, "I'm angry at you." He appears and he taps him on the chest.

Zucc goes Solo

Zuck gets Z U C C E D !

ZUCCbat is a night avenger parody who believes he has plot armor

Clark Zuckerberg created a night avenger suit using information he gathered from his social media site.

Zucc says, "You are my enemy Rave I'm going to get stronger and kill you." Rave replies, "You take me for some kinda funny character. I'm not going to give you the opportunity to kill me. I'm going to kill you now!" Rave slowly walks up to him. ZUCCbat does some funny ninja thing. Rave just looks at him. Rave punches him in the chest so hard he tears a hole through it. Zucc falls to the ground his vision fade.

Zucc wakes up in the hospital section of Rave lab. Hellebore and Cherry Bludnurse watch over him. Hellebore says, "Congratulations. You had your first kiss." Cherry continues, "Rave killed you but then he made Hellebore bite your neck. You were able to recover using your new vampire mutation." ZUCC smiles at Hellebore. Rave entired the room. Rave says, "Don't get to anxious. That thick pale b**** is mine. I didn't want to fight you. But you are an annoying whiny little b****. I had to teach you a lesson. At least you are stronger now with the new vampire powers..." Hellebore says, "Jesus Rave, Do you need to swear so much." He slaps Hellebore on her butt and she leaves the room a bit insulted (but she would never admit it.) Clark ask, "Powers what powers." Cherry says, "You are now a vampire." Clark says, "You mean I'll explode in the sun?!" Rave shouts, "Calm down! When was the last time you left your house if it wasn't for superheroing any way. The vampire persona will suit you fine. Plus you got your tech and Money to rely on." Cherry says, "You will not explode in the sun. Rave created medications to prevent that. You might feel a slow burn." Rave continues, "I want you to look at me kid. You wanna fight me again I'll give you all the time you need to recover. Just don't die before I get the chance to kill you again." Clark feels anger for Rave actions but he also reflects on it. When Clark leaves Cherry ask Rave, "You where being a little harsh. I'm still amazed Anti-Vax forgave you." Hellebore re-enters the room. Rave says, "I am toughening them up. Zucc would of died solo at least now he can heal himself. If I push him to hate me further he will learn better himself... But that kid... His eyes are so Soulless. I may have created one of my greatest enemies yet." Hellebore says, "All he wants is to be loved. To feel liked. I get he is kind of a dork but he is like you Rave. A tech guy who doesn't translate well with others." Rave says, "Oh boo hoo. I almost cried with that one." Hellebore replies, "You are being really impossible today." Rave says, "I'm just playing with you. Y'all girls getting softer. I'm actually too nice with you." Hellebore just looks a Rave at bit steamed. Rave goes to hug her and calm her down. Rave says, "Hey! What you mad about? Only I am allowed to talk to you that way. Understand me." Fade...


Radioactive fall out is diverted to the Native American lands. One man survived while all others of his tribe became fossils, Whitewolf. Whitewolf became The Osseous Stone when his body was severely mutated by the fallout but his spirit guide kept him alive. Painfully Whitewolf's bones expand out of his body becoming a massive skeletal titan. With all his squishy organs on the inside. When the fossil hardens he comes crawling out of it guts and the process could begin again. Green waste run through the valleys. Whitewolf perched on a cliff looking down says, "The white devil that has followed me has become my spirit animal. My people are a fossil of their time and I am now free to exact my vengeance." He jumps of the cliff. He hits the ground as a skeletal titan. It legs are crushed on impact but he walks off in human form leaving behind the dead shell.

Happy Team Buster

Latin American woman Ramona Santiago is an agent of the CIA placed on the study of the criminal mastermind Roman Rave. She is a expert at planning. Along with the extremely bright Native American, Dekota Law. We learn that Dekota was sent as a sleeper agent to infiltrate Rave Industries. But she soon confessed without conflict simply because she believe in his ideologies. Rave converted her to his side and she now works for Rave Industries. That is a major slap in the face to the CIA. The girl was a genius. Ramona is now on edge with the government as well. Ramona knows that the government has pushed radioactive fall out into the Native American lands and part of the Latin people felt it as well.

Kimbra in the limbo says, "That is so funny. How can you dress as yourself." Rave closes the door and walks across the street. We see Rave is in his normal human form but covered in black paint. He is at the ATM booth with Lulu and Dianna. Dianna says, "We didn't do anything. It just started malfunctioning and asking to scan the owner." (Mind you this is not a normal ATM it is highly advance AI that does every teller does and more.) Lulu is infront of him wearing a white shirt and black skirt with a police hat and a whip. She is dress as an officer. Dianna is wearing a shiny light brown swimsuit with gems and fairy wings. She is dresses as a forest nymph. The ATM steals Raves first card. Lulu puts in the second one and it breaks down. It says, "Please wait for further instructions." Rave gets angry and goes grey mode. Rave shouts, "I'm a friggin millionaire. There is nothing wrong with my account. I shouldn't even be at at an ATM!" Lulu smiles and does a dance 3 second hip dance to cheer Rave up. He is still frowning. Dianna kisses her on the lips. An old lady next in line throwns at them in the both. Rave laughs at that. Lulu continues her dance with her back against him. Dianna rolls her eyes. She says, "I don't get it... Everytime we travel." The ATM comes back only and starts flirting with Rave. Rave says to the ATM, "You are doing this on purpose, Lady! I can see through you. Give me back my card!" The ATM gasps. It says, "How dear you look through me?!" It spits out his cards. It tries to lock the door when they are to step out. Rave says, "Open the door or I'll break you." It let's them out. It says, "Call me. I have your info." Lulu laughs saying, "That ATM wanted a night." Rave replies, "That's actually kinda scary knowing these type of machines go crazy like that."

As he goes back to sit in the limbo. The bank explodes.

Queenie dies and reborn with Razor as her pet. This time they have stronger powers.

Phantom gets powers from Rave. He issues Goldtooth to help her out.