GenoRave Act 10

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Revision as of 15:05, 3 August 2022 by GENORAVE (Talk | contribs)

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Act 10 Expansion Outward

  • Space Adventures
  • Gods of the Universe
  • Vagabond Returns, Vagabond 3000
  • Legion Vs Galactic Federation (Vindicator Home)
  • The Seraph

Space Adventures

I am Lord Rave who has saved Humanity indefinitely. Now that the planet is okay and humans have achieved immortality with the Legion of me. I shall save the galaxy.

Vagabond Ultimate Form

Nothing more fun than having a time travelling cyborg seeking revenge on you for killing them in the past.

Nothing worst than having a

Galatic Federation UPA

Who say the Legion doesn't have any enemies? They are just as powerful and galaxy conquering as Rave and Legion.

The Seraph

Most powerful Angels Rave will face yet.