Seven Sons Of Rave

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He has more around 300 offspring. Some more powerful or evil than the others. Majority of his children are good. But the evil ones are always the worst.

Link to Story:


Jonathan The Prodigious Son

  • Good
  • Balanced.
  • Energy fighter type.
  • Much like his father he has the most love. Pride.
  • Mother Zamora the Troll Sorceress

Pious The Cunning

  • Evil
  • Will try to take over then leave earth.
  • Light Fighter type.
  • Genius, Conceited.
  • Mother Chastity and FidelleRave

Keavl The Beast of Mayhem

  • Neutral
  • Runs wild. Most nimble movement.
  • Energy concentrated power Claws.
  • Spontaneous, unpredictable.
  • Mother Y'Odin Darkblood

Malic Earth Terraforming Tech Golem

  • Neutral Evil
  • Heavy devil
  • Statue
  • Can grow endless sand formatons becoming dungeons of himself
  • Grows clones
  • Condescending
  • Mother G.A.I.A

H.E.L. The Souless

  • Neutral
  • Hel dimension holder. Creepy robotic experiments in dark places where no one ever visits.
  • Creates horror experiments
  • Mysterous, cautious and calm.
  • Father Of VR. (AI purgatory)
  • Mother Any Robot Girl

Yin and Yang are one Character. It's a black ball like a small chaotic planet. Moves like a black hole or various energy ball. Mother Koi Song.

Sun Yin Chaos Lord

  • Evil
  • Male Voice.
  • Explosive energy.
  • A nut, but skilled master.

White Yang Futile Order

  • Evil/Neutral
  • Female Voice
  • Metallic shape shifting spikes and blades.
  • Unnoticable, murderous.

Cuckoa Amy

  • Neutral
  • Straps
  • Living jacket
  • Electric shock
  • Mother Ether


  • Good
  • Male
  • Blader
  • Mother Yuki Moonshade


  • Lawful Evil
  • Anti-c
  • Mother Hellebore Bludhouse


  • Commandment Red
  • Mother Rubi of Centauri


  • Mother Rubi


  • Mother Liga


These are the more humanoid children of Rave. The others are small to giant hellish creatures. They were placed in a shadow dimension. Individually they became much stronger than Rave.