Geno 'Bloody Sunday' A 24hr Massacre Special

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Mature Warning Explicit content, Gore, Sexual Themes, Violence

Pissed of western Narrator rambles as service play out in the background:

"It was a normal Sunday in Cayote West, population 3665. Church was in session as usually. A woman with a very annoying voice sang out loud. She couldn't sing, I don't know who tricked her to believing she had a nice voice but she believed it. The pastor in his white robe began ranting and raving about donations never being enough and some other nonsense. I couldn't understand what he was saying. It all sounded like mumble bullshit and blurs. You can tell that it was hit by his put stains and the sweat dripping off is bald head. Some of the women now had a reason to let their cleavages exposed. Fanning themselves with their stupid sideways hat like out of touch royalty. A sickening rat race of sheep following misguided rituals of decades ago. How are they any better than the common soccerers I asked. Then the demon entered the church. He had been there since it all began. Listening, waiting, his eyes suddenly crossed with relief. Sitting right there in dead center of the church pleasuring himself in open veiw. For what was about to begin gave him a turn on. No one noticed, the men was too busy watching the chior girls behind shake in ritual garment while they danced and sing and praised him glory.

If it was up to me I'd tear down all the churches and build community centers. Just to see how many of those people would volunteer every Sunday to do some work out of the goodness of their heart. 24hrs of dancing and singing to invisible men is nothing compared to 1 hour of actually doing something physical to help people that actually exist. But the fact is they wouldn't. Instead we are treated to dress up all fancy in their Sunday best just to talk and sweat. Then come out feeling like what they do is making a change of the betterment of humanity. Fact is, I don't need a god to tell me not to kill when he has the highest kill count since Eden. I don't need a god to tell me not to abuse it's basic common knowledge even a monkey should know. But that's what we are worst than monkeys, sheep, if one dog barks all of us run in the same direction."

They called a pregnant woman up on the pulpit to congratulate her. Her water broke. She went into shock. Cayote West, 12PM population 3666.


An elderly lady suddenly stood up. Her bottom and Booba as equivalent in lenght to her height. "Not afraid of you." She said to the demon. She was old but not that old. Her bottom and Booba as equivalent in lenght to her height. Suddenly she they started growing till they explode. Covered in blood the demon said, "I don't need fear you all die just the same." Everyone started screaming.