Eita Shadowskull

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Eita Shadowskull
Player: @tehlerion
Eita Shadowskull.png
"Eiiitttaaa... issss... waaatchinnnggg... yooouuuu..."
Character Build
Class Focus: DPS
Power Level: 31
Research & Development: Mysticism
Biographical Data
Real Name: Samantha "Sam" Montgomery
Known Aliases: Eita Shadowskull, Bonegnasher, The Shadow
Gender: Neuter (Appears female)
Species: Undead (Skeletal Canine)
Ethnicity: N/A
Place of Birth: Millennium City
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Unknown
Age:  ??? (Approximate Age Unknown)
Height: 7'6"
Weight: 92 lbs.
Eyes: None
Hair: Silver-White
Complexion: N/A
Physical Build: Skeletal
Physical Features: N/A
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Lawful Evil

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: 5
Citizenship: Not Registered
Occupation: Self-Employed Assassin
Education: High School Diploma
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Shadow Walking, Shadow Strike, Infinite Reformation, Immortality, Immunity to Mind-Control, Poison and Disease (Undead Traits), and does not need to breathe.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template


An amalgamation of multiple body parts from several different creatures--Eita's undead form is bound together by reanimated magics of a group of individuals whom have taken after both Takofanes' Deathlords as well as the solo necromancer Necrull's knowledge of undeath and applied it to their own art--whoever or whatever Eita was in her former life was remade in the visage that she now has. What little she can remember of her past life is that she was ritualistically sacrificed, and the next thing after that.. is waking up as a bipedal skeletal canine.

It was due to the efforts of Count Murcielago and the now-defunct supergroup known as "The Gatekeepers" which helped bring some insight into Eita's origins--she was once a police officer who worked, was born and raised in Millennium City under the name of Samantha "Sam" Montgomery. She was ritualistically sacrificed by a group of teenagers whom became emboldened by Takofanes' invasions who desired to gain a portion of the Arch-Lich's power.. to which he granted it, in his own fashion.. as the teenagers were outright slain by the powerful Arch-Lich and reanimated as undead. Eita Shadowskull was nearly dominated by his Deathlords but she managed to escape their clutches through the usage of her 'unique' powers. What the Count discovered.. was horrifying. They had locked her psyche and will behind memories to which the Gatekeepers had to unravel by venturing into each.

Sarah was the child of an abusive and alcoholic father, a mother who would treat her as if she was scum and trash; and she only found solace by going out into the neighborhood to assist others. Helping the elderly walk around, finding lost pets, beating up gangbangers in the area, and other activities. When she was old enough she abandoned her parents and eventually joined the M.C.P.D. but was only on the force about 2 years before her death. She was around 21 years-old when she died and was reanimated.


Eita is consistently and constantly in spiritual agony.

She desires a true death but is unable to obtain it. She is almost always seen lurking nearby Count Murcielago's side, and rarely leaves it.. even when the Gatekeepers collapsed, she had remained with him in his sanctum to avoid being attacked by Takofanes' Deathlords, the undead teenager who reanimated her, or just the random superhero thinking she was some kind of undead abomination.

At present she is assisting Count Murcielago in his new organization called Nex.U.S.


  • Shadow Walking

- Eita is capable of moving between realms through a version of self-teleportation that she can activate at will that is quite literally her form slipping into an alternate universe version of the world known as the Shadow Realm; whilst in said realm she is able to move around without detection and can even interact with objects in this plane of existence as long as they're not being touched or used by a living person on this side first. This form of travel makes her completely undetected until she steps back into this realm where she usually opens up with one of her attacks aiming for the spines of her foes. Despite this being her main form of attack and movement, Eita must nevertheless wait a few moments before she's able to utilize it again.

  • Infinite Reformation

- Despite her frame being an incredibly fragile and brittle skeleton; which is not capable of shrugging off harm in any fashion regardless of source.. she is not able to be 'destroyed' by any known ability, technology, or science. Her body, even if disintegrated, will reform within an hour. Each time this occurs one can hear the wailing of her soul as it is forcibly rebound to her skeletal frame. It is clear this power does not come without a price.. and the price seems to cause her immense agony whenever it occurs.

  • Shadow Strike

- When slipping out of the Shadow Realm to deliver a powerful strike upon her target, Eita's bone-claws will adopt an almost ethereal hue before landing a fatal blow upon her targets. This ability seems to completely negate and bypass all known resistances, defenses and immunities. She has just as easily slain individuals who can shrug off explosions, high-caliber munitions, and even the most powerful of attacks with a single, felling blow. Though how fatal it truly is depends entirely on how durable her target is--some can survive the initial strike.. if they're able to endure quite a bit of punishment beforehand. She only utilizes this on "Targets of Importance" and does not bother with using it on henchmen or anything of unimportance. She also can only use it once per day before the energies need to regather.

OOC Info

Player is a Veteran Roleplayer of around 21-22 years of experience.

I am also a focused end-game grinder, hero builder, as well as costume designer. So that is primarily what I do when not RPing. You can generally catch me in Club Caprice at random hours for public roleplay.

I work at home so I don't really tend to disappear for long periods of time.