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Player: @Global
Class Focus: NA
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Nature
Personal Data
Real Name: crescas in herbae
Known Aliases: Sarra
Ethnicity: Confidential
Age: 348
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Eye Color: depence on the form she is in she can change the color
Hair Color: green
Biographical Data
Nationality: NA
Occupation: Hero / flower store owner
Place of Birth: Datril
Base of Operations: Greath forest
Marital Status: NA
Known Relatives: none
Known Powers
Known Abilities
can create any and use abilities of any plants she knows


Sarra is a alraune in her realm she is considered the queen of her race. she has the power to create and use the abilities of all the plants she know . yes she need to know the plant before using its abilities of that plant


Datril is the world sarra is from its a big world but it has 6 main races ruling it. every leader of the race have there own abilities linked with the magical elements of her world fire / water /earth / wind /nature / Darkness.

fire : is the element of the dragon people who life on the east island

water: is the element of the merefolks ( mermaids ) living and controlling the ocean main city is in the south east

Earth : is the element of the dwarfs wo life in the west

wind : is the element of birdfolk or harpys who life in the north mountains southern island

nature : is the element of the alraune or plant people who life in the middle in the great forest

darkness : is the element of the undead living on a island far southwest of the other land Map.jpg

how she ended up in millenium city

Sarra was wandering in her realm when she found a weird portal she walked into the portal en ended up in millenium,

she enjoyed her time there so when she found the way back the her realm

she decided to life between both worlds helping the human world called earth and still leading and working on her own world

history of her and her world

sarra became queen after the other queen died during the great war a war between all races .

wile most fighted for land the alraune fight together withe the dwarf to protect them self.

when sarra became queen her power was stronger then the last queen and she and her army ended the war .

sarra and the other kingdoms sit together and dit sign a piece treathe , only the lich king did not sign so the mermaids decided to keep the undead on there island