Rubber Bullette

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Rubber Bullette
Player: @ironhellkite#3289
Biographical Data
Real Name: Emily Anne Arden
Known Aliases: Bullette, RB
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Poughkeepsie, New York
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Michigan
Relatives: Edward James Arden (father), Victoria Arden (mother)
Age: 27
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 132 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Physical Build:
Physical Features:
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: ~10
Citizenship: United States of America
Occupation: Freelance writer, photographer
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Elasticity, Supersonic Running Speed, Hyper Metabolism; basic martial arts training, exceptional muscle control
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Lightweight elastic bodysuits in various colors, zipties, various useful gear
ReldinBoxMini Template





Rubber Bullette is pretty flexible!

Super Speed

Emily's super speed stems from two innate abilities, one of which stems from her other powers. First is that her elasticity grants her increased lung capacity and greater blood flow throughout her cardiovascular system, providing her the fuel she needs to run at high speeds. Her naturally springy limbs also help her to be able to run at remarkably high speeds for a relatively sustained period of time; she has been clocked at nearly seventy miles per hour running in this way.

In addition to the speed granted by her body's elastic properties, Emily's body can be 'wound up' to increase her speed far more dramatically. Her mind's processes increase, her muscles tense, and in a burst of speed she can reach velocities upwards of the speed of sound. Emily has been capable of catching up with and even passing some pistol bullets through this power. This 'winding up' is effective only for a very short burst of speed, usually no more than ten to twenty seconds at most, although within that time she can cover an incredible amount of ground.

The second form of her speeding power comes with a heavy cost on her, though; the expenditure of so much energy can cause her to be drained physically, and in some instances she has managed truly astonishing speeds only to pass out from the exertion. She must eat a massive quantity of food and rest for a time before she can attempt to move at those speeds again. Depending on the effort she expends, she may be simply winded and worn out, or she may collapse entirely.

In both cases, Emily's speed does not grant her immunity to the forces of inertia and momentum; at higher speeds especially she has to be cognizant of obstacles well ahead of her, as well as her own route planning. Her body weight moving at six hundred miles per hour equates to her needing to take wide turns or stretch herself to be able to swing around corners. Fortunately for her, she is able to absorb impacts that come from her speed quite easily for the most part; she is usually able to withstand running face-first into an unexpected city bus without much trouble.

Hyper Metabolism


