Jason Harper

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Jason Harper
Player: @Shugwar
Biographical Data
Real Name: Harper, Jason
Known Aliases: Killshot
Gender: Member
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Confidential
Age: 32
Height: 6'3
Weight: 225
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Complexion: Light
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Confidential
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Chaotic Neutral

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Identity: Known
Years Active: Confidential
Citizenship: United States of America
Occupation: Mercenary/Security Consultant
Education: Bachelors of Military Science, USMC OCS Graduate, PRIMUS Academy Graduate
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Assault Agent Cyberline treatment, Experimental Procella treatment
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Custom Power Armor, Twin Telescopic Swords, Custom Assault Rifle, Twin Custom Pistols, Custom Combat Shotgun, Various Grenades, Various Combat, Medical, and Surveillance Technologies
ReldinBox Template

Name: Jason Harper

Age: 32

Brief History

Jason grew up in the wealthy part of Boston, attending BU at sixteen and majoring in Military Science and Tactics. He enlisted in the Marine Corps after receiving his Bachelor's, joining Force Recon and carrying out several successful operations as a Platoon Commander. After a fateful encounter with a paranormal insurgent, Jason was recruited into PRIMUS as an Assault Agent Commander.

After a short record of exemplary service, he disappeared into a Black Ops program for three years. When he re-emerged as a merc called 'Killshot', it was obvious his relationship with PRIMUS had ended badly. His unusual level of precision and professionalism got him picked up by Accademi, who helped him build the necessary contacts to start his own PMC.


Jason's greatest asset is adaptability. His time with PRIMUS taught him to prepare for any conceivable threat, and he took to those lessons well. Psionic suppressors, Qliphothic wards, and kinetic barriers are all things he has on his person at any given time. Most of these are single or limited use, since they have to be small enough to fit in his pockets or sew into his clothing. They're designed to buy him enough time to strike or flee as needed, and by no means make him immune.

The contrast between strict military life and merc operational freedom has made him socially adaptable as well. He's equally comfortable talking business with a politician as he is talking shit with a merc. This doesn't always work in his favor; his associates sometimes clash, and he tends to feel the backlash. As such, sustained friendships are a rare thing. Still, he considers maintaining diverse contacts necessary for business, and business takes precedent.

Though Jason's been combating Paranormals for years, socializing with them is still fairly novel. Teleporting often startles him, and he casts a weary eye on Demons and other monstrous entities. He's been slowly moving past these hang-ups, and counts an increasing number of non-humans among his associates.


Jason's UNTIL file is short, succinct, and clean, listing his military accolades and his status as a defense contractor. His PRIMUS file reveals his basic history, but the details are a sea of black lines and redaction notices. Those with higher level clearance will find his status listed as AWOL, and 'wanted for debriefing'. Clever agents will have no trouble reading into this: His capture should be accomplished discreetly and off the record.


There's nothing obvious to suggest Jason isn't a normal human. Perceptive characters might notice he rarely seems entirely relaxed, and regularly scans his environment. Those that perceive energy fields/auras/whatever may notice strange 'flares' of energy occur about him.


Jason is no stranger to controversy. His PMC status, time as a merc, and questionable departure from PRIMUS have come under scrutiny from various branches of the press. Costumed heroes tend to resent his use of deadly force, and the lavish lifestyle it's bought him. Forbes was the first to give him favorable coverage, praising his business sense