Operation Disassemble (Adventurers)

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A newspaper ahead of the PRIMUS action

This article documents how the Adventurers defended their headquarters from a PRIMUS attack on December 19, 2016. As a past event, much of this article is written past-tense.


David Lyons - the enemy

PRIMUS was acting on false leads given by the two-faced villain David Lyons. Lyons, well known as the retired superhero Silver Crusader from decades past, was also at the center of a major criminal conspiracy! When the Adventurers tried to smash his activities, they succeeded in destroying his information network, but Lyons managed to wield the court of public opinion against the Adventurers, and create a false narrative that cast them as aggressors. Hunted as dangerous outlaws for weeks, the Adventurers finally secured the proof they needed to out Lyons for what he really was.

The Adventurers depended on the hacker Alyssa Madison whom they recruited to get around various NSA blocks meant to restrict the Adventurers communications, ahead of a massive coordinated raid by PRIMUS, the MCPD, and the FBI on the Adventurers headquarters.


The Adventurers HQ was located deep under Millennium City. To reach it, you have to enter an old subterranean tunnel system left over from old Detroit, then navigate some sediment caverns, before reaching the "Justice Cave".

PRIMUS set up at street level and worked their way down.

Street level

The street level staging area

A section of Millennium City’s urban core was evacuated and made a staging area for the attack on the Adventurers. It was a site out in the open, where Adventurers allies could easily see targets, but it was swarming with PRIMUS agents. This was centered over the entrance to an old Detroit street tunnel. Attacking the staging area meant possibly stirring up a hornet's nest. The operation was overseen from here, as well as important PRIMUS equipment like the stationary teleportation scramblers which were in place to prevent Adventurers like Stormherald and Meltdowner from escaping.

Abandoned Street Tunnel / Lower Sewer

The sub-street infrastructure tunnels

Sealed off by the devastation of the the 1992 Battle of Detroit, this sub-street area is old city infrastructure. Some of the sub-street is in good shape, but other zones are partially buried in rubble. During the PRIMUS attack, there were plenty of hiding places, but also plenty of environmental hazards. PRIMUS agents in this zone were seeking the access to the cave system beneath that lead to the Adventurers HQ. FBI forensics specialists were deployed to ensure that the Adventurers possible escape routes were found and cut off. Some agents proceeded with city engineers to guide them, while a team of technicians operated a tunnelling machine to bore their way down to the supposed site of the HQ.

Subterranean Caverns

The sediment caverns

Beneath the old street tunnel and sewers, PRIMUS located a number of naturally-formed caves certain to be connected to the large cavern that served as the Adventurers HQ. This was a good position to set traps or prepare an ambush, but when allies found themselves on the run, the twists and turns could perilously have led them to a dead end. Another tunnelling machine was in use here by PRIMUS technicians, and municipal geological staff attempted to assist law enforcers as they navigated the tunnels.


The Adventurers HQ defense scenes took place Monday, December 19, 2016 at 8PM server time. The scenario will open with a summary of our allies actions & outcomes.


Adventurer allies were sought to help whittle down the PRIMUS force and buy the Adventurers time. Some Adventurers chose to enter the fray with our allies, rather than sit idly by waiting to make a last stand. ((OOC: because they couldn't attend the event!)). The following outcomes were determined by interpretation of die rolls, based on info supplied by the allies.

Key Achievements of Adventurers Allies
Ally Zone Achievements
Stygian@gemini-pawn Surface
  • Neutralized a MARS team by destroying their gear
  • Forced an air support vehicle to return to base by puncturing a fuel tank with an arrow
Fox@Hayatto Sub-street
  • Employed ninja cunning in the dark sub-street
  • Tried, failed, and succeeded on 2nd attempt to sabotage a tunnelling machine
  • Neutralized some stray PRIMUS agents, and an FBI forensics team searching for Adventurer escape routes to cut off
Atomac@epelesker Surface
  • Tried to attack at street level; drew away a PRIMUS Special Ops team and retreated successfully
Sombra@heartstringsk3 Surface
  • Captured while trying to sneak into the staging area and sow confusion
  • Later escaped when the teleport scramblers are deactivated, and teleported out with two PRIMUS agents
Justice@fraggr700 Caverns
  • Defeated 8 MCPD patrollers sent down to the caverns.
  • Had to flee when met with heavy fire from a MCPD SWAT team
  • Took out two PRIMUS Spec Ops teams (no easy feat!)
Black Mask (NPC) Sub-street
  • Defeated two PRIMUS Spec Ops teams & a MARS unit with a mix of gadgets, sneaking, and hand-to-hand skill
C.D.@ ? Caverns
  • Defeated 6 MCPD patrollers encountered in the caverns
  • Was defeated by, and narrowly flees from, a PRIMUS Silver Avenger
Justified@historiphile Surface
  • Tranq'd 2 patrol officers
  • At range, managed to take out the teleport scramblers deployed by PRIMUS
White Star@spectralwing6 Sub-street
  • Using stealth, sneaked up & defeated one MARS team, then defeated the other that came to aid them
  • also defeated a pair of PRIMUS agents, and knocked out a city engineer who was acting as a guide in the sub-street
Richter@tmg2021 Surface
  • Entrapped numerous MCPD, FBI, and PRIMUS agents in a flurry of ice spells
  • Froze and destroyed the weapons belonging to a SWAT team


The Adventurers exoneration was widely reported, although not all law enforcers were ready to forgive all that had happened.

The Adventurers won! Thanks to a supreme effort by Adventurer allies, the team held off the worst of the attack, Alyssa Madison was able to upload the data, and within hours PRIMUS was asking for the Adventurers help in capturing David Lyons!

The team also gained two new members during this - heroes who had come to the Adventurers aid at their darkest hour:

  • Screech Owl
  • Ordnance X

Legacy Section

The following parts were written before this event occured. They are preserved here for posterity (in case the Adventurers ever do something similar again, or another SG wants to borrow some ideas!)

How you can help

The Adventurers are holed up in their headquarters. Their heroes position is defensible, but the PRIMUS force has the numbers and equipment that make their victory a certainty. The Adventurers need to call in some old favors!

Sign-up Rules

  • All assisting characters must have an invite from an Adventurer
  • Friendly NPCs from Adventurer backstories can be called upon (Example: White Star could call up her Black Mask, whom she has established as her ally)
  • An Adventurer's alt can only be called up by a different Adventurer (example: Dreamweaver couldn't call up her alt Sombra, but Red Spider could).
  • Assisting characters should be good aligned - the Adventurers are having enough reputation problems as it is!
  • All characters should be sent to Red Spider@historiphile to organize.

How It Works

Our assisting allies need to thin the PRIMUS ranks, but do so without excessive force! Set traps, distract them, stun them, sabotage their equipment, but don't plan on killing anyone!

Talk to Red Spider@historiphile about:

  • Your character's powers/abilities
  • Which zone you plan to engage PRIMUS in
  • Your challenge tolerance (Low / Medium / High)

Challenge Tolerance: If your character is being cautious, they have a greater chance of success, but they will neutralize fewer targets; if they take on a greater challenge, they might hang longer in a fight and neutralize more of PRIMUS's force, but risk injury, capture, or even (with permission of the player) death!

With all of those details, Red Spider will perform some die rolls & voodoo to determine your character's success!

If you succeed, you'll weaken the PRIMUS force. That means you'll be buying the Adventurers valuable time to upload the data they have that will exonerate them!