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Titre kat.png

Kat bio2.png
Personal informations
Name Kathleen Delcourt
Current alias Katerra
Surname(s) Katerra / Kat
Identity status secret
Date of Birth -
Nationality Flag FRA.png France
Affilitation(s) The Cruciform Sword
Sidekick(s) -
Enemy(ies) Lady Superlucha, Dr. Fang
Reputation Regional (USA) - National (France)
Base Field
Operations field Millenium City, Vibora Bay
Activity -2011: Cruciform Sword officer, Detroit Emergency Special Units as search and rescue team leader (HSEM), SLP volonteer UNITY member.

-2012: Cruciform Sword officer, Millennium City's Municipal Library employee, UNTIL Office of Superhuman Resources agent.

Hero/Villain Type Protector/Unarmed Melee Fighter/First Aid care
Alignment Neutral Good
Powers Immense superhuman strength
Enhanced durability
Healing factor
Enhanced senses
Limited use of elemental magic
Can shift to an elemental form: Blue Katerra
Level 40
Origine Modified Human
Height 6"4 / 193 cm
Weight Fluctuating, over 600 lbs/280 kg
Body type Heavy musclebound figure
Eyes Green
Hair Dark with red streaks
physical attributes




















mental attributes
Enrg manip.












Mind Manip.








Creator @Vylma


Kat bandeau.png

She is 6"4 tall, her skin varies from fair to lightly tanned, has green feline like eyes (vertical pupils) and dark with red streaks long hair. Heavily built, her sheer muscle mass is truly astonishing, even by bricks standards, and showing an extremely high level of definition if she flexes. She surprizingly keeps a curvaceous figure, which can be partially explained by the fact that unlike bodybuilders she isn't following any special low fat diet, though said curves tend to fade and merge with the rest of her musclebound figure during intense physical efforts. Overall she looks mostly human with cat ears and a tail, and speaks with a slight but noticable french accent. She is even heavier than she looks due to her high cellular density.

Short Biography and Personality

Kat sketch.png
Abandonned by her parents right after her birth she was raised by her grandmother. She had a rather common life before her transformation wich occured when she was a student. Having trouble paying tuition she took a job as a lab assitant. Used as a guinea pig and blackmailed by her employer she had to perform spying missions on his behalf using her new feline caracteristics. During one of these missions she got accidentally exposed to a revolutionary permanent celluar growth substance, modifing even more her physical attributes. Taller and stronger she decided to force her employer to release her and leave France to start a new life.

Having some feline traits does not bother her so much, but her bulky stature makes her sometimes feel a bit uncomfortable. So Dispite her imposing physique she doesn't look always very confident, she can be quite emotional too. Very empathetic, maybe too much, she has a high sensitivity to others pain. Conflict isn't in her nature and she will avoid it when possible. She developped a particular sense of humor, often dry joker which combined with the fact that english is not her mother tongue makes sometimes people wonder what she really meant. As a real fashion victim she spends a lot of time and money purchasing new clothes and outfits.

Kathleen had a hard time accepting her new body and abilities, building a thick border between Kathleen and Katerra. Thanks to her former job as a rescuer allowing her to use these abilities for positive purposes and the support of her closest friends she eventually became more comfortable and quitted refering herself as her "newself" in opposition to her "formerself". More at peace with her personnal identity she resigned from Detroit HSEM and found a job at Millenium City's public library as an assistant curator in the Detroit historical archives department. Unfortunately due to her time consuming commitment to both UNTIL and the Cruciform Sword she had to eventually resign from her job at the library.


Transcript from the interview she gave to the magazine Millenium Premium.

Oh here we go, can you introduce yourself to our readers?
All right; I'm officially known as Katerra, this the handle I use when dealing with Primus and UNTIL. Bad guys also use that name, for everyone else that's just Kat. I'm working for an organization named The Cruciform Sword operating under UNTIL's authority, and I also have a part time job at MC's municipal library.

Oh, so I can call you Kat?

Good, good now we're almost intimate, Kat, can you tell me what does Katerra mean?
It's a totally unoriginal handle really, a friend back in France found it. It's basically two words put together and a bad pun: Kat because Kathleen is my name and the similarity with "cat", "erra" because it makes the whole sound like " panthera" Rrrr wild stuff. But I tend to be everything except wild. *she chuckles*

So you said you come from France right? Well that's a rhetorical question, I noticed your accent, faint but there.
And probably noticed my poor english grammar as well!

I've seen worse really. So, why leaving France for the US?
I left France mainly for personnal reasons and I'm afraid I'm not eager to share all them here, sorry guys. Let's say that staying in France would have compromised some personnal opportunities and that I needed a fresh start.

And I'm afraid I have to ask a bit more, what do you mean by fresh start, some skeletons in the closet?
My whole family! *she laughs softly* No, haven't killed or harmed anyone, and no criminal record back in France. It's just... after I got my powers, my body changed a lot, life was really different, the way people looked at me changed, I made a few enemies... etc.

Super powers yes, how did it happen?
Another embarassing question. *she coughs* Let's say I made some wrong choices and took unwise decisions. It happens when you're still young and naive. Yous should always read the small caracters at the bottom of a contract before signing.

You make it sound like a mistake, how is that a mistake? My, look at those arms they're at least twice the size of my thighs put together! How much horse power in those? And I should probably avoid to mention some interesting curves, for courtesy's sake... darn, too late.
So here we are. Yes, super strength is the kind of power that everybody find to be cool and all. But it didn't came alone, you mentioned the arms, among other things, for the slender girl I was before that's a pretty big change it really alters the image you have of your own body. It has been rather disturbing for a while, add the tail and the ears and the full picture becomes even more difficult to handle. At first my only thoughts were "how do I get rid of that?" and "how can I hide it?", and the answer is the same for both: you can't.

The result isn't so bad I tell you, I'm sure many guys dig the big strong girl thing.
Surprisingly... yes. But I can't say that the attention I get due to these traits in particular is the kind of attention I really appreciate in general. And some are grossed out... It depends really.

Well you got enough muscle and strength to put the most pushy ones back in their place.
I truly prefer to resort to other means when it is possible. Muscles, super strength, sure, but it doesn't mean you have to use them in every situations or that you enjoy fighting. I'm not the confrontational type, especially if violence is involved.

But heroes have to resort to violence sometimes.
I know but that doesn't mean it is easy and that we all like it. As you said sometimes we don't have choice, and some of us have a harder time to deal with that fact. You know I've been working a few months with HSEM (Homeland Security & Emergency Management) as a rescuer, and it helped me a lot to accept myself and my new abilities. I had to make peace with my powers and what I had become, and using my strength for something else than destroy things or punching people, even if they're "bad guys", was a necessary step on my way to acceptance. Oh and I take that opportunity to say hello to my former teammates, they're doing an amazing job, their only super power is that strong heart beating deep in their chest and that's all they need to get it done, that's a lesson to us the "supers".

All right let's conclude on something more conventional, what are your hobbies?
Books! Well that's an easy guess since I told you I'm working at MC's municipal library. So... Patrick Modiano, Le Clézio, Romain Gary, Fernando Pessoa, Isaac Asimov, John Le Carré, Truman Capote, Jack Kerouac... I'm slowly discovering American writers, I mean the contemporaneous ones because we also learn Steinbeck, Dos Passos and Edgar Allan Poe in France, I know more about French novels and writers since it was what was studying at the university back in there, I was a student in "Lettres modernes". And I got my job here in MC for that reason, I know French authors, that and because the city, Detroit, has some important historical archives from its foundation by the French. And besides that, clothes! I can spend countless hours in stores trying new outfits.

Ooook, well last question, are you single?
No, absolutely not. I've had a few love affairs since my arrival here in Millenium City, and that last one is very deep and I think it is the kind that lasts. And no, I won't tell his name here. *chuckles*

PRIMUS Registration notes about her abilities and powers

Katerra wearing her light combat gear
Katerra responding to an Elderworms incursion in MC

These informations are not public knowledge, they are part of Katerra's PRIMUS registration files

The subject is a modified human through genetic engineering and nano-tech cellular alteration. Her human original genome has been enhanced with diverse feline genes, mostly from domestical cat but we also indentified some panther, puma, lynx and tiger sequences. In addition, her cellular structure and metabolism has been greatly altered by a still unkown bio nano-tech agent, her cellular density is much higher than normal, providing the subjet a high kinetic and physical damage resilience. Her cellular structure has been completely reorganized: unique and extremely effective muscle fiber architecture, improved energy consumption for higher efficiency, her metabolism seems capable to generate its own power source to some extent in addition of enhanced breathing and cardiovascular systems, in fact most of her physiological mechanisms seem to be enhanced. The combination of the genetic and bio nano-tech factors resulted in an incredible increase of her potential strength. The subject is able to lift our heaviest training weights with ease, ranking her at least as a Titanic class super strong metahuman. The upper limit of her strength is still unknown, the subject refused to proceed for more in depth tests, but we can safely assert that Katerra is easily among our database's strongest heroes in terms of raw physical strength. Her complex physiology is still evoluting and lately showed some accelerated regenerative capabilites and we can't predict what other modifications could occur with time. Besides these superhuman abilities the subject showed some minor other qualities inherited from her feline genes such as low light vision and heightened senses of hearing and balance.

Katerra wears a strange artifact, a circlet magical in nature, we believe she uses it as a focusing item. We still lack informations on that matter but it may very likely enhance some of her physical and mental traits, like raising her already impressive physical strength to an absolutely outstanding level, or allowing her to shift to her newly observed elemental form. Her relationship with Jarvan De'Lequintor seem to have had an effect on her abilities. Katerra's very essence recently showed an alteration, very similar to Jarvan's essence in nature who is known to be a half blood water elemental. Our theory is that Katerra uses her criclet as an amplificator to enhance her control over that new elemental part of her essence. The powers and abilities of that alternate form are very different from what we knew about her until now and will be discussed on a new specific filepage: Blue Katerra.

Update: After more in depth observations the circlet proved to be a less mysterious item than we thought, actually it doesn't directly raises her power level its mechanism can be simply explained. It merely consists of a mind affecting device specially designed for Katerra's personal mental patern, the psi waves it sends through her brain lower most of her mental blocks, inhibitions and reservations regarding the use of her abilities and dampens all negative thoughts she may have concerning her body image. Katerra's performance proved to be highly depending on her mental state and affects, this device drops most of these obstacles and thus brings her closer to her true potential, this explains the significant jump in efficency we notice when she uses it. She doesn't seem to be aware of that, and we really don't feel the need to tell her more about it since it works as intended.

Bio-environmental Suit: ERT (Emergency Response Team) Specials

ERT Specials armor MKI
White ERT Specials armor MKII in action

Katerra is using a special armour for missions or emergencies in hazardous environements, the basis of the suit is a flexible, yet durable, moisture wicking fabric at the skin layer. This fabric is weaved with several sensors which monitor the vitals of the wearer. Above this layer is an interweave mesh of lead fibers. The fibers allow for breathability and are sealed to prevent lead toxicity, while still providing protection from radioactive materials. The suit is also line with heaters, for extreme cold settings. The outer layer consists of Dangerous Minds Inc’s specially designed armor plating. This plating is divided into sections, providing flexibility at the joints. This makes the joints slightly vulnerable, but the rest of the suit is protected from conventional arms fire and blade weapons.


  • Gloves: Contain sensors on the fingertips that tie into the suit. These sensors are able to monitor the vitals of individuals through direct contact.
  • Visor/Glasses: Provides the wearer with the capability to see in various lighting conditions (Night vision, Infrared). Also provides x-ray vision intended to survey individuals for broken bones and internal injuries. This item also displays any read-outs from the suit’s sensors as well as monitors the brain activity of the wearer.

Classified UNTIL Commented Ratings

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We rated the physical attributes of the subject using Fwine rating system (min:1, max:7). Here are our conclusions:

Physical attributes
Mental attributes
Constitution : 5/7 Energy, Objects and Mind manipulation, Sorcery : 3/7
Katerra's natural resistance to damage mostly relies on her extremely durable bone structure, allowing her body to handle the tremedous weights she can lift and withstand extremely high physical impacts. However the subject is not invulnerable, her soft tissues, except muscle fiber, while far more resiliant than normal don't compare with invulnerable or nigh invulnerable metahumans standards: for instance armor piercing rounds can break through her skin and her muscles won't stop them if they are relaxed, the same can be said with high quality blades. She also possesses remarkable regenerative capabilities which allows her to recover from injuries much faster than any human being, combined with her elemental healing powers she can recover from minor to mid injuries at an amazing rate.
The subject showed no magical, telekinectic, psionic or paranormal abilities. Update: Since meeting Jarvan De'Lequintor the subject showed capable of some limited elemental magic feats, such as first aid healing and raising thin energy barriers for protective porpose. We also observed minor control over the water element but very far from what she is capable of when under her elemental form. Her circlet provides minor mind control protection.
Resistance : 4/7 Intelligence : 3/7
The subject is more resilient to fire, energy, magic, toxic and elemental damage than normal. That attribute is slightly less significant than her physical damage resistance, but still provides noticeable protection.
IQ around 120, the subject is clever but nothing near peak human capabilities.
Fighting stamina : 4/7 Intuition or empathy : 3/7
The subject shows level 1 superhuman stamina, meaning she can fight or go through intense physical activity for hours without rest or interruption.
The subject is no seer or soothsayer but shows a rather developped sense of empathy, she is aware of her environment and tends to naturally share most of its feelings and emotions.
Physical strength : 7/7 Knowledge : 3/7
According to the Fwine rating system 7 stands for immeasurable strength, i.e the subject can lift over 105 metric tons, despite the fact Katerra didn't comply for further testing she showed surprising ease while handling our heaviest test weights, therefore we can safely assess that we are still well below her theorical capabilities. We also have to mention that with the help of her circlet she is able to raise her strength to even higher levels, though it is even harder to quantify, the total output is more than likely absolutely tremendous. Nonetheless this attribute may be fluctuant, Katerra might be holding back, counsciously or not, or simply downplaying it. This is by far the subject's most remarkable attribute.
The subject is at ease with cultural knowledge, Humanities and soft science. On the other hand her scientifical or magical scholarship is average.
Movements speed : 4/7 Bravery : 4/7
The subject's running speed hasn't been precisely quantified but is estimated between 60 and 100 km/h or 40/60 mph. She can also cover geat distance by leaping.
We had trouble with rating this criterion, very dependent on the subject's mood, feelings and mental state.
Fighting skills : 3/7 Charisma : 3/7
The subject has no real martial training, mostly relies on her raw physical power and natural agility to compensate. Update: The subject is now more experienced, however she often seems to hold back and to be reluctant to use the most lethal or effective techniques if they imply excessive violence. For that reason we're raising up the our rating from 2 to 3.
The subject seems to be appreciated by her personal and working circle. She has a limited notoriety in Millenium city, in the most part because celebrity would make her feel uneasy and she tends to minimize the mediatization of her deeds.
Armour value : 5/7 Composure : 4/7
The subject recently made the acquisition of a bio-environmental armour for working in higly contaminated, radioactive, extremely cold/hot areas and vaccum of space. The protection level of the suit is excellent for this type of hazard. The bulletproof capability is superior to the natural subject's resilience while physical impact absorbing proved to be inferior.
Like Bravery, the subject's mood and feelings can interfere with or favorably affect this criterion.
Weapons value : 1/7 -
The subject doesn't use weapons.
Animality level : 4/7 -
Besides tail and ears, the subject shares some common feline caracteristics such as low light vision, low visual sensibility to colors (compensated with polarizing glasses or contact lenses), heightened senses of hearing and balance.
Accuracy : 3/7 -
The subject is reluctant to use firearms but we still could get an approximative idea of her ability. We estimate the subject to be average at shooting and above average at throwing.

UNTIL's research files (still WIP)

Since Katerra signed with UNTIL as her supergroup's liaison our research team had the occasion to study her powers more in depth than PRIMUS could and made several discoveries regarding her physiology and metabolism. Considering its content these informations will only be accessible through the highest UNTIL clearance levels. Here is our full report. (ooc: that means that nothing of this can come to your toon's knowledge without my consent)

Novatech labs

Initial study: Observations of her metabolism and physiological behaviour during physical efforts showed an extremely complex celluar, and even molecular, activity. Katerra claims she had been exposed to an experimental substance during an infiltration mission in a highly advanced biotech lab when she was still Dr. De Lys' captive. While we believe her statments the extreme complexity of her biology and physiology makes highly unlikely the possibility of any human scientist or research team on Earth to be behind this. We still have a very vague idea in what it consists of. Though undoubtedly organic, her body seems to be the product of a very advanced and unknown nanotechnology. The best, and probably very inaccurate, way we found to describe it is: unleashed but yet controlled perpetual nano cancer. We used "cancer" because her cells replicate and die at an extraordinary rate, their structure doesn't exactly match what is expected of a normal human cell, and if there weren't "something", that is still to discover, permanently controlling it the subject would probably die of a disease that would resemble to a highly accelerated cancer of epic proportions. We defined it as "unleashed", because no cancer can alter a human body so drastically and so quickly. And "nano" because this is obviously the product of nanotechnology, the alterations we observed occur well beyond the cellular level and start at the molecular and even atomical scale. The whole phenomenon is not an accident, we strongly believe it has been engineered, but its nature is still beyond our comprehension. We recommend the deployment of an investigation team in order to gather everything that can be found regarding that "substance" Katerra got exposed to. The lab she mentionned must be still holding key informations without which any further progress in our research will be impossible.

Novatech labs investigations: Katerra's returns proved to be accurate enough for us to locate and identify the facility she visited years ago while she was still under Dr.De Lys' control. The facility we found is a highly secured lab belonging to a firm specialized in nano and bio technologies named Novatech. The lab's equipment impressed our ground investigations team, cutting edge is what describe the best how the whole facility looks like. However as impressive the overall setting was, the possibility that a team of human scientists could develop a bio technology so far out of our scientific knowledge's bounds was still very unlikely. The search of their database quickly confirmed that fact. The study of all these data revealed that among the few projects Novatech was running, one as advanced as the facility was, gave their research teams a pause. That project, named "Xeno-X", started with the discovery of an alien artifact in an unreported crash site. A Novatech team extracted the artifact from the wreckage of vessel belonging to a still unlisted alien species, it was contained in an impervious canister strong enough to resist the crash with many safeties to prevent its openning from unwanted hands. However Novatech managed to open it back in their lab, in a sterile and secured containment chamber. What they found inside looked cells of an unknown type in culture, these cells started to divide and multiply at an extraordinary rate right after the openning, concerned by what they might have triggered they decided to put them in cryo stasis. They never achieved to isolate a sample from the whole in order to study it safely, each time the same uncontrollable patern repeated itself, the stabilization of the samples turned out to be impossible. Consequently they had to resign themselves to restrict their observations to the cryogenized cell mass. Due to these limitations their bio scientific division made very little progress, everything remained beyond their comprehension, though at the same time a second team was probably following a better lead: digging through the ship's logs and archives. The deciphering was still at an early state when the facility was shut down nothing relevant had been found so far but we believe that resuming from where the left should prove to be worthwile. This is why recommend to detach a team to the crash site and dig out any clue that may help us to determine the nature of this artifact.

Xeno-X crash site: The Novatech labs archives provided us with the site’s exact location, finding it did not pose any difficulty. Our first observation is that the site is ancient, a millenium at the very least, it probably remainded undiscovered for so long because of its location, far away from populated areas, and the fact that the crashed object sank rather deeply into the land, nature did the rest and covered the marks. The fallen object proved to be the first of its kind we had ever encountered, obviously a space ship but without any traces of synthetic or artificial material, the whole vessel is completely organic. And even more astounding it seemed still partially "alive", like in a state of coma, or more probably like a in state of "brain death", its main functions disabled and forever inoperative. We found no traces of its former crew, and later discoveries confirmed it never actually had one: we found no real deck, no crew quarters, no control pannels, no real rooms or cabins. Instead we discovered what seemed to be interconnected neural nodes, completely unresponsive but still somewhat functionning at a very basic level. However it has been impossible to determine if these nodes were the ship’s mind or individual entities. The vessel’s engine and mean of propulsion remain a mystery, we found no remains or even traces of a source of energy and what looked like the cargo bay was empty. We had hoped for databases, logs and such but nothing of that kind was found on board in fact our best chance for answers lies in the neural nodes. Novatech believed that the answer was stored in those and had begun with the help of a team of psionics to dig through the ship’s memory, they made little progress however, but it was a promising first step and we should able to get much better results with our own specialists.

Psionic team's discoveries: We've put Project Mind Game on the case, but we didn't give them all the details. The matter is sensitive and we believe we must keep research teams separated and unaware of the others discoveries, only a selected few within the Office of Superhuman Resources and above will get access to the full picture. For everyone else, Project Mind Game included (except its commander, Major Henrik Bronk), it is only for archaeological and general alien knowledge purpose and absolutely unrelated to any newly found material, individuals or potential threat. Here follows Captain Fujibayashi's conclusions:

Pqgalactrix devastated-red-planet.jpg
Digging trough the neural nodes was a first for my team and provided an unprecedented experience. As you suspected these nodes were actually containing an impressive amount of data, though "thoughts" would be more appropriate. Unfortunately the majority of these thoughts were indecipherable because of their alien nature and the inability for a human mind to process them. However we gathered an important amount of imprinted feelings and mental images, it was like reading an illustrated book written in an unknown langage. What we found was unsettling: anger, war, deep despair, destruction and worlds in ruins. We are now convinced that this ship was meant to war and carrying weapons of mass destruction. Many images and feelings were associated with theses weapons, mostly devastated landscape and cities, entire planets even... And I can tell with certainty that these aliens homeword was one of them. Whatever was in this ship's cargo bay might have been responsible for the fall of their civilization. The mean of action of that weapon remains still unclear as we could only have a very rough idea of its purpose and nature. Like all the rest it was a product of bio-engineering, almost alive. Probably not sentient but with some very basic and primitve instincts, maybe their equivalent for computer programming. That weapon is very adaptable and flexible providing a wide array of possibilities, most of them focused on destruction. The aliens homeworld destuction seems related to an individual carrying the weapon within his body, but not the way you'd wear an explosive belt around your waist, that individual had become the weapon itself apparently through a complex merging process. However we can't tell if it is more like a symbiotic relationship or an actual and complete merging. Ultimately we were unable to determine the ship's goal or destination, was it to take that weapon away from their homeworld for safety reasons, or was it part of retaliation measures with the plan to unleash it on an ennemy world? On that matter we can only speculate and be thankful we found an empty ship.

Final conclusions: WIP

Friends and connections

(wip more text coming)

Jarvan De'Lequintor
From right to left: Apotropaic(back), Katerra, James Brawler, Green Steel
Katerra and Chinook
Katerra and MC's most popular Hero: CCC
Here are some of her most noticable aquaintances:
  • Soulburn, Katerra and Soulburn met as teammates in the Cruciform Sword. As one of the longest active member Soulburn is a pillar of the organization and has completed countless operations in Katerra's company, friendship and mutual respect rose from it. Soulbrun is obviously a demon but her former personnality got altered by the ritual that summoned her on Earth, she is now registered with UNTIL and under their surveillance.
  • Apotropaic, leader of the Cruciform Sword, one of the first friends Katerra made at her arrival in Millenium City. They quickly developped relations beyond strict professionnal relashionship. Despite the fact he is still her boss she mostly thinks of him as an old friend and probably as a brother as well.
  • Jarvan De'Lequintor, Katerra's lover, they met each other when Jaravan joined the Cruciform Sword. After a few months he decided to leave the organization for founding his own group but they kept a close relationship and still live together.
  • Lana, a 9 years old orphan, they first met in the Sherrera's bar, Lana was then living/hiding in the ceiling's rafters. It took some time to overcome Lana's natural suspicion, the young girl's dark past had made her develop a very keen sense of self preservation far from society's customs and habits. Now Lana slowly learns to adapt to her new social life and Katerra seems to have become rather protective and fond of her.
  • Green Steel, a colleague in the Cruciform Sword and friend, she is a transmutation magic specialist. They seem to have build a love/hate relationship, Green Steel's very pragmatic sense often conflicting with Katerra's empathetic nature.
  • James Brawler, Katerra's first lover in MC, also ex-coworker in the Cruciform Sword. Separated now but they keep a cordial relationship.
  • Asuya Yuuki, A mysterious woman, sword master and probably of supernatural orgin (most likely vampiric though she doesn't seem to match the regulars traits of vampires). She and Katerra helped each other on many occasions.
  • The White Demon,
  • Shinrae
  • Kan Del Len,

We can also mention a few other friends and acquaintances (feel free to add your character in this list if you think he/she belongs to it): Jumping Jack Blue, Red, Divael, Chinook, Bronx, Albert Kinsley, Dominick, Liberty's Shield, Chrome Crusher, Beshemoth, Thundrax, Real Soviet Damage, Vivi, Fraulein Panzer, Elapidae, Chocolate Chip Chelsea, Feral, Persephone, Myriad, Stitch, Wyvern.

OOC Tropes

  • Super Strength - Obvious.
  • Super Toughness - A prequisite for super strength if you don't want to break your bones when punching tanks.
  • Healing Factor - Super tough but not invulnerable/nigh invulnerable, she can bleed and get injuried if you use the right type of ammo or high quality blades, but she heals fast.
  • CatGirl / Little Bit Beastly - Another obvious trait, though her main human features remain strong as well.
  • Lightning Bruiser - not really lightning fast, but faster than her build suggests. Thank you feline genes.
  • Amazonian Beauty - Some dislike women like her for that very reason, on the other hand some totally love them for the same reason.
  • Boobs of Steel / Most common super power - Kat is a big girl... in every way.
  • Cultured Badass - Big boobs and big muscles, yes... but she also enjoys subtlety and has worked as a librarian.
  • The Messiah - She tries really hard to get well along with everyone, you had an argument with her? She'll give you a second, a third, a fourth chance to make peace... Even Dr Destroyer will receive forgiveness if he promises to be good. She may even sometimes Turn the other cheek but don't expect her to repeat that too often though.
  • Rousseau Was Right - Evilness isn't written in genes, or so she believes.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome - help, help, help... would probably die of boredom if there were nobody to help.
  • Good Is Not Dumb - She has a hard time proving that point in a world with so many threats and vilains who can't be brought back to reason with words alone. Many will percieve her as an old fashioned idealist or more inaccurately a Stupid Good.
  • Reckless Pacifist / Destructive Savior - Being a pacifist in a violent world is not an easy task, when fighting is inevitable and your main super power is super strength, collateral damage is sometimes to expect even when you strongly believe in Thou Shalt Not Kill.
  • Combat Medic - Fortunately super strength and super toughness combined to elemental healing can also help her to fix some of the said collateral damage by herself on the battle field.

Public Opinion

(free section, have fun posting your toons' opinions on Kat)

"Kat is weally awesome! She is so stwong and vewy fwiendly. I always feel safer when I see her." - Chocolate Chip Chelsea

"She's interesting. Cute even. One of the few that I don't have to worry about hurting... also one of the few that I'd love to cut a little loose on. All in all, good people." - Persephone

"I see her as a good friend. And a very honorable sort. I care and respect for this woman, and am always more than willing to help her!" - Lady Athena

"She's an interesting person. We've spoken a bit, but unfortunately, I've never seen her in action. Still, I'd hate to be on the wrong side of her fist." - Feral