Sergeant Norway

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Early Life

"My life was like unusual thing for me to live for. While for other ordinary people was casual. My life was. You know, opposite of happiness. But likewise, I can do this all day..." - Sergeant Norway

Discover Something Bad

"Something disgusting appear inside of me. Something no one would wish as their christmas present. Something sad and dangerous that can't be stopped..." - Sergeant Norway

Becoming A Soldier

"Many kids out there dream to become a soldier for truth and righteousness and want to prove to people they can become a hero to others. No matter how hard they are pressing to their limit. Me? I was still the person that people looks at me as I was a crap to them. but I still kept doing for what I believe in myself..." - Sergeant Norway

Genetic Enhanced Project

"What's dangerous to do in a man's life? Taking a risk for a dangerous experiment to become something greater than a normal average soldier. That's where the scary and interesting story begins..." - Sergeant Norway

New Life

"Now. I feel different than I was before. Maybe the memories from the past remains. But I feel like reborn to a new generation of patriotism. Becoming what everyone dream of to become..." - Sergeant Norway

A Norwegian Hero Of Truth

"I lost everyone I loved and cared for. They all are gone, like dust flying away from my hand. Now I vowed to make them proud from what they wished me to become. A Hero to the world, not just the country I live. But the world itself..." - Sergeant Norway