Vholok Ishtar

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Vholok Ishtar.png

Vholok Ishtar
Player: @Balumthesilverlight
Biographical Data
Real Name: Vholok Ishtar
Known Aliases: Leviathan
Gender: Male
Species: Aegaeran (A-gar-an)
Ethnicity: Dark Sider
Place of Birth: Avrul, Capital City
Base of Operations: Moon Base
Relatives: unknown
Age: Immortal
Height: 8'0
Weight: 400 lbs
Eyes: Teal
Hair: Teal
Complexion: Light Red
Physical Build: Titan like
Physical Features: Aegaeran Warrior Markings
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Identity: Public
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: Avrul
Occupation: Gladiator
Education: The Smoke Lands
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Personal Quote

“Warriors should suffer their pain silently.”

“Fear cuts deeper than swords.”

G'Faffwix IX (Gwariffax 9)

Located in the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy the Aegaeran home-world is tidally locked, meaning that one side continually faces the sun and one side is perpetually dark. Those who reside on the dark side of the planet often evolve the more aggressive and warlike tendencies of their species, as survival in the cold desolate climate requires strength and tenacity. G'Faffwix IX is a lush world with a large expanse of vegetation, it has one ocean that covers forty percent of the planet and a thick atmosphere that blocks out most of the light that would reach the planets surface. Due to the harsh nature of its environment many lifeforms that call the planet home are extremely aggressive and have evolved to be lethal and effective killing machines, this extends to the plant life as well. Much of the flora are bio-luminescent and provide a large amount of the light that makes sight a possibility. G'Faffwix IX is a large, hyper-dense planet with roughly four times the gravitational strength of earth, it has no moons and orbits a dual star cluster. Aegaeran's typically do not construct grand structures, and from an orbital view of the planet very little signs of civilization can be seen through the dense bio-luminescent vegetation. Most Aegaeran cities are built underground in deep caverns snaking through the earth, above these atrium cities lies the only structure visible from space, The Grand Arena. Every Aegaeran city has one as they are one of the major focal points of their culture and battles within them, both between each other and and the lethal beasts they manage to trap can be seen here at all times of day or night (which is difficult to distinguish on a tidally locked planet). The Aegaeran's do not war with themselves and instead all domestic, civil, or personal disputes are fought out in the arena, to which end some battles between single opponents last for weeks on end.

The Smoke Lands

Located roughly around the equator of the planet, the smoke lands separate the dark side of the planet from the light side. It is formed from a long belt of phosphorous geysers constantly shooting poisonous toxins into the atmosphere. To humans this land would be completely fatal. Many of the planets most aggressive and dangerous lifeforms call this region home, lurking through the thick poisonous fog invisible to the naked eye. The Smoke Lands are ritualistically and traditionally tied to Aegaeran lifestyle and are a critical part of the Aegaeran coming of age ceremony. Around the age of fifteen Aegaeran males are stripped of everything but their clothes and forced to endure an event known as The Hungering, in which they are thrust defenseless into The Smoke Lands to fend for themselves for seven months. Only the strong survive there, and only those who return are then allowed to call themselves men.


A race of giant reptilian-descended humanoids with red skin, three eyes, and short hair ridges along the top of the head ranging in shades of white or blue .

They wear blue body paint, set deep within tribal markings carved into their iron hard flesh, this is a right of passage for the men of their species, and is proof of ones warrior spirit.

Aegaeran's are a heavily gladiatorial species with a strong cultural foundation in combat, after a gestation period of twelve months an Aegaeran is born, they are a heavily patriarchal society and the men make up seventy percent of their total population. This means that only the strongest amongst them are permitted to mate.

Aegaeran's are incapable of developing superpowers, however this is hardly a disadvantage as Aegaeran anatomy, technology, and lifestyle make them capable of taking on any super.


Amongst the Agaeran's, Vholok reigns as one of the strongest gladiators of their people. Vholok often travels from his home galaxy to compete in the Forum Malvanum under the gladiatorial name of Leviathan. Here he maintains an undefeated streak with ruthless aggression and ferocious tenacity. Recently his growing disinterest in the opponents Tateklys has been able to provide for the Forum has caused him to seek out more exhilarating challenges on Earth.


Immortality - Aegaeran's are naturally immortal, they do not age, get sick, or feel the passing of time as humans do.

Aegaeran Biology - Aegaeran's are a physically "perfect" species, many years of breeding in a world that thrives under the law of natural selection has forced the Aegaran's towards biological "perfection". A typical Aegaran is capable of lifting roughly seventy tons, this is largely due to the intense gravitational conditions of their home-world, and their smooth iron-hard skin is nearly impervious to most external harms.

Immunity to all Terrestrial harms of a natural, biological, chemical, or radioactive nature - The Aegaeran's native environment is exceedingly hostile and filled with many toxic chemicals and poisons that the Aegaran's have adapted an immunity too.


Malvanum Code of Honor - All gladiators of the Forum Malvanum must pledge an oath on their honor that they will not grant quarter or expect quarter to be given to them, as well as never attacking an opponent who can not defend themselves, or is at a severe disadvantage.

Overconfidence - As an Aegaeran and an undefeated Forum gladiator Vholok is prone to believing he is invincible, and can been goaded into making mistakes he normally wouldn't make.

Sorcery - Though Aegaeran armor is heavily advanced and capable of defending against most attacks, including those of a magical nature, Aegaeran's have little resistance to magic.

Sonic Attacks - Though Aegaeran skin is nearly impervious to most human technologies such as high caliber bullets and low energy plasma and laser weapons, this does little to protect their ears, leaving them open to attacks of a sonic nature.

Gravity Attacks - Aegaran technology is capable of defending against attacks that would uproot or launch them for the greater part. However Aegaeran's themselves boast no immunity to attacks of this nature.

Biological Attacks - While biologically adapted to be immune to poisons, neuro-toxin's and most other harms of a biological nature. The Aegaeran technology works on biological principles and can be affected or disrupted by magic, gravity, and sonic powers.

Social Ineptitude - Vholok like most Aegaeran's while charismatic lack any sense of social conduct or inkling for deception, they can be fairly easily deceived do to the fact that they like any games of intrigue or deception such as politics.


Aegaeran Blades - As part of the Aegaran right of passage an Aegaeran receives a set of unique ceremonial Aegaeran blades. Forged using an advanced metal folding technique similar to Damascus, the Aegaeran process creates incredibly strong blades due to the intense gravitational forces under which the metal is folded. The materials of the blade are unique due to the unconventional nature of the Aegaeran home world and the metals used in its forging are rarely found outside of the planet and the surrounding asteroid field.