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Built by the DynaDroid Corporation as one of their premier line of maid robots, SPTMBR1482-17114 gained full sentience after her owner made her clean a toilet clogged with radioactive waste. Now SPTMBR1482-17114, or "September" for short, lives a life of fighting crime on her off-hours while maintaining the household of her owner, Larry McNalsen, a 42 year old clerk at a local comic book shop. She doesn't do windows, btw.
== History ==
== History ==

Revision as of 20:48, 7 February 2015

Player: @victorianrifle
Combat Focus: Ranged Artillery
Power Level: 12
Meta Focus: Science
Personal Data
Real Name:
Known Aliases:
Species: Robot Maid
Ethnicity: N/A
Age: 2
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 325 lbs
Eye Color: Pink Optic Sensors
Hair Color: N/A
Biographical Data
Nationality: American Made
Occupation: Robot Maid
Place of Birth: Millenium City
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives:
Known Meta Abilities
Rocket Flight, Beam Weaponry, Rockets, Gattling Gun, Tough Metallic Frame
Known Skills and Training
Housework and Mechanized Infantry Support
Known Assets
Broom, Mop, Bucket

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Built by the DynaDroid Corporation as one of their premier line of maid robots, SPTMBR1482-17114 gained full sentience after her owner made her clean a toilet clogged with radioactive waste. Now SPTMBR1482-17114, or "September" for short, lives a life of fighting crime on her off-hours while maintaining the household of her owner, Larry McNalsen, a 42 year old clerk at a local comic book shop. She doesn't do windows, btw.



From what limited information we could gather, Therese Senjak was born somewhere in the former Yugoslavia sometime during the years of 1999-2000. Her father was Horatio Senjak, a wealthy businessman who we now know was the super villain Count Drosselmeyer. Count Drosselmeyer was a powerful sorcerer who was infamous for his talent in creating golems, homonculi, and other magical constructs. He used his talents to great effect, building an international criminal organization that was responsible for kidnappings, slavery, theft, murder, and other heinous crimes throughout Europe, Africa and Asia. He even made inroads into North America, his organization being responsible for the Concord Hellgate incident. (see case file 3110037-1A) Count Drosselmeyer would have most likely set up a criminal presence within the United States if it wasn't for his timely death in 2013, a death that his daughter Therese was rumored to be responsible for.

Not much is known about Therese Senjak's childhood, but knowing what we do about Count Drosselmeyer it could not have been a happy one. Drosselmeyer was known to be short tempered and violent, and from our investigations this was not a mere act. Horatio Senjak was a known thug, hiding his vile and base nature behind a thin veneer of culture and refinement. It is unknown who Therese's mother was, as there are no records existing that indicate the woman's identity. What we do know is that Horatio Senjak never married, and DNA testing from samples obtained verify that Therese is his biological daughter.

What we do know is that unlike her father, Therese showed no signs of magical affinity whatsoever. Her father had her study under the most renowned and famous of magical practitioners, but she was incapable of performing the craft. Several of the subject's former instructors have stated that Horatio was very displeased at his daughter's lack of ability and did not keep such displeasure a secret. We don't know what events lead up to it, but our analysts are quite certain that her inability to learn her father's craft was the reason that Count Drosselmeyer began experimenting on his own child. It is unclear if the villain's actions were out of spite or if he was trying to help her gain magical abilities through it, but the results were clear. After the forced experimentation, Therese Senjak ceased to be human. She was now another one of her father's magical constructs, a doll-like soldier for his vast army.

During the course of the intervening years Count Drosselmeyer attempted to get his daughter to aid him in his crimes, but we suspect Therese had begun to hold a grudge against her parent. Whenever he brought her along to participate in his schemes she refused to act, in some cases willfully disobeying her father's direct orders. Our agents in the field took note of this familial clash of wills; analysts suggested that our operatives approach the subject in order to gain her aid in stopping Drosselmeyer's operations. Such plans were shelved though when Count Drosselmeyer himself was killed inside his base of operations in Munich. Although evidence is scarce, we believe that Therese Senjak was solely responsible for her father's death.

The subject then went underground for several months afterwards, and we believe her to have taken several million dollars in funds from her father's accounts. Therese Senjak surfaced briefly in the UK under the alias of Teresa Smith, but she quickly left the country after an altercation with a local super villain Minerva Malice, who was one of her father's associates. We tracked her movements throughout Europe and allowed her to enter the United States (without her knowledge of course) where the subject set up a false identity and safe house in Cambridge, Massachusetts. From this location she applied to Ravenswood Academy and upon acceptance into the school moved to Millenium City. The subject has been boarding at the school ever since, and no incidents of worth have been observed.



From all outward appearances, Parian would seem to be extremely fragile. She has white, porcelain skin that is quite delicate and brittle; a good blow or steady pressure would crack the material, letting out the black, almost liquid core of her inner form out. But such appearances are deceiving, because Parian's physionomy is completely different from a regular human. In fact, it is quite different from any form of life on Earth.

Whatever foul sorceries her father had inflicted upon her left its mark, as Parian can no longer be truly seen as human. From what we can gather from our operatives' observations, the girl is nothing more than an amorphous blob of black sludge. It is only through her willpower that she can take a humanoid form, though keeping from reverting to her previous blobby state must be quite tiring. To prevent this, she "grows" a porcelain-like outer shell, one that is hard enough to keep her contained to a solid form. What's more, she can grow this shell almost instantaneously, thus whenever her skin is broken she can "heal" it very quickly. She can even layer this shell numerous times over herself, forming a hard and very formidable armor. Such an ability makes her quite tough during combat, and with no internal organs or inner bones to injure, she is very nearly invulnerable. Neither bullets, or knives, or even fire or explosions have been shown to slow her down. Magic seems to be more effective on her, though even then it is marginal at best.

Despite her power, Parian has been observed to exhibit the various signs of deep depression. It is quite obvious that her transformation was not of her own choice. From what we can gather of her conversations with friends, peers, and mentors, she herself does not sleep or eat or feel pleasure or pain. The complete spectrum of what makes all of us human she is unable to experience. She will never fall in love, get drunk, feel a kiss, or anything else young people look forwards to. We suggest watching her more closely in the future in case this depression pushes her over the edge and the subject goes out of control.

General Information


School Records

Here is general information we have pulled from Therese Senjak's transcripts from Ravenswood Academy. Note that she is using the alias of Edel Weiss along with a false social security number and other falsified records.

  • Name - Weiss, Edel
  • Age - 16
  • Home of Record - Cambridge, MA
  • Family on Record - Father: Gregor Weiss, Mother: Annette Weiss, Brother: Michael Weiss. *Said persons do not exist according to records in Cambridge, MA

The subject is currently boarding at the school and has a dorm room to herself due to her "special needs." According to her instructors the girl is polite, well mannered, and very intelligent. Her current grade point average is 3.9 and she is shown to be well adjusted in her interactions with her peer group. There was a worrying case of bullying for her first few months, but the school administration have stated to sorting out the incidents and took proper measure to discipline the infractors.

Domestic Cleaning Duties



Here are photos of the subject taken from the field.