Difference between revisions of "Sagittarius"

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Line 42: Line 42:
| powers = Biomass left arm able to morph into many things
| powers = Biomass left arm able to morph into many things
| paraphernalia = Rudimentary first aid kit  
| paraphernalia = Rudimentary first aid kit  
| strength = 3
| strength = 4
| endurance = 4
| endurance = 5
| agility = 5
| agility = 5
| speed = 4
| speed = 4

Revision as of 04:35, 24 January 2015

Player: @Queztilax
Character Build
Class Focus: Ranged DPS
Power Level: 13
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name: Allen
Known Aliases:
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Hudson City
Base of Operations: N/A
Age: 17
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 273 lbs (increased denstiy due to biomass)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Complexion: Medium
Physical Build: Normal
Physical Features: Left arm composed of biomass
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Secret from public
Years Active: < 1 year
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Student
Education: Currently in High School
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Biomass left arm able to morph into many things
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Rudimentary first aid kit
ReldinBox Template

[Very WIP]


Appearance and Personality




Allen's mutation manifests as a biomass that grows from within his body that he may control mentally. The biomass is black with a tinge of purple in color with a rubbery texture. Roughly as durable as concrete, biomass constructs are able to take a large amount of punishment before breaking down.

  • Main: The main manifestation of the biomass is Allen's left arm, the arm is completely composed of biomass and is normally morphed into a slightly monstrous left arm. The shape is due to Allen's psychology, which wishes to have a normal arm again, along with the knowledge that the arm he current has is not 'normal'. Allen's left arm is able to create constructs of biomass, this requires great concentration from him and is generally not suitable for combat. During combat situations the arm manifests a bow which crates its own arrows when the 'bowstring' is pulled. This form manifest as a reflection of Allen's past archery training with his father.

Current: Allen is still very inexperience with his powers, as such he is currently only able to fire bolts of biomass from his bow. He has not learned to shape the biomass bolts into 'trick arrows'.

  • Secondary: Allen's biomass mutation also permeates throughout his body, granting him enhanced strength and endurance. Allen is able to lift up a maximum of 500 lbs, however lifting this amount quickly breaks down the biomass within his body which will leave him fatigued and without the biomass to reinforce his body. The biomass within him allows Allen to withstand greater physical punishment than a normal human may be able to. Allen is also able to exert himself for longer periods of time than a normal human.



Allen has been learning archery from his father since he was old enough to hold a bow. This has resulted in Allen being a rather proficient marksmen, able to consistently strike even moving targets.



Rudimentary First Aid



