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Latest revision as of 15:41, 30 May 2014

Player: @Sockmunkey
Character Build
Class Focus: Support DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Mysticism
Biographical Data
Real Name: Grace Geller
Known Aliases: Confidential
Gender: Female
Species: Human -Altered
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Confidential
Relatives: None living
Age: Appears to be 28
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Confidential
Physical Features: Her features are nearly always hidden away by hood or veil.
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Lawful Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: US Citizen
Occupation: Unknown
Education: College level
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Arcanist, with skill in Primal, Ebon, Radiance, and Darkness mystic schools
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template


Best described as shy, mousey, and a bit reclusive. Orphaned at a young age, Grace never really had a family. She turned to books as a surrogate replacement. They became her world, her friends. To Grace, this was a normal life, and one she quickly felt comfortable with. It was no surprise to anyone when she became a librarian. She had all she needed, a world of books to loose herself in, an endless supply of friends.

All that changed when she stumbled on a misplaced book of mysticism. It looked old, bound in leather and covered in strange runes. The text claimed to open the door to arcane power, to anyone who studied it. She mistook the book for a joke, dismissing it at first. But her curious nature finally won out. She began to study it intently. And found, very quickly, its claims where real.

At first the spells were harmless, easy. Simple cantrips that could create a small flame, or light. Even some benign spells that could ease minor pain and headaches. Grace was elated, for the first time the fantasy of her books could actually venture into her reality. She spent weeks mastering the spells. learning what it provided, like an empty sponge. And each time she felt she reached the limits of the books lessons. The pages would change to reveal new and more complex spells.

Within a few short months. Graces abilities reached levels beyond her own imagination. She commanded real power, but not of a sinister type. She had the power to heal, of creation, the ability to summon something from nothing. Even her ability to read was enhanced. She could read magic in all its forms. She could read objects and people and get an understanding of their history or past. The only object that seemed to elude this power was the book itself.

The book, never seemed to be finished. For each lesson mastered, a new one was presented. Satisfied with her abilities and wanting to return to her other books. Grace put the book aside, feeling she had a lifetime to master its full potential. That lasted only a few short days. The book was like a drug, and Grace discovered, the withdrawal symptoms were the very definition of misery. Grace quickly returned to the book with a new fierce, needful, hunger. And as if in kind the book provided her more aggressive powers.

This pattern continued for months. Each time she tried to withdraw from the book it seemed to punish her by leading her down a darker path each time she returned to it. Grace, realized she was trapped. Unable to ignore the book and afraid of the path it was leading her down. But more disturbing to her then her inability to separate herself from its influence. Was that she knew, that at some point, she would reach the end of the book. And she was sure, that end, would seal her fate in some terrible way.


Not content to find out her fate. Grace turned to the one skill she could truly count on. And scoured libraries searching for new books, new magic, new solutions. Trying to find anything that can tell her more about the original book or ways to undo its influence. Fighting against time, she stalled as much as she could endure. Prolonging the final lesson for as long as possible.

She even tried to seek help from the The Trismegistus Council. But was refused. The mages of the council treated her like a cheat. Indicating that the book was a tool of frauds and its side effects was a price for such quick solutions.

Undeterred she continued her search, finally finding some answers. The book was a vessel for a bound entity. It was using her as a means to escape and manifest itself. Grace found out the horrible truth. That she was, in fact, a fraud. All her power came from the entity, each time she drew from that power, a little bit more of the beast crossed over. The final spell would consume her releasing the beast into the world. Grace gave a name to the spirit inside the book, Misery.

It seemed hopeless. Any power she used against Misery would simply be drawn from it. Unable to simple lay down and give up. Grace fought back as best she could. She gave her all, and then some. Expending energy as she tried spell after spell. Only to watch them all fail. All the while she felt Misery inch ever closer like a shadow creeping in the dark. Her efforts had simply brought Misery closer to its goal. And then, Grace, on the edge of defeat, tired and exhausted, inspiration hit her. She could not affect the book. But she could affect herself.

In one final defiant act, she bound herself to the book. Binding a part of herself to Misery's prison, and in effect, creating a feed back loop. She could not be used as a vessel if she was bound to the prison as well. However, the book, a phylactery, was only meant to hold one soul, it couldn't contain both. Like any vessel over filled, some spilled out. Enough for Misery to manifest.

Misery burst into our world in a torrent of anger and rage its only want to destroy the one that nearly undid its plans. but it came through to soon, its bonds to the book not completely severed and those bonds intertwined with Graces own desperate magic. The two became chained together, through the book, unable to harm each other without harming themselves. Confounded, it left Grace, weak, exhausted and near collapse. Swearing any revenge it could.

Misery's revenge was brutal. It took the form of Grace, becoming a mirror image of its hatred. A simulacrum of the only vessel available when freed. And sought out to destroy anything she loved. The few living friends she had were destroyed in unspeakable ways. Her library and books, burned to ash. Any emotional attachment anything loved was taken away, destroyed. Grace had set the beast loose, and the beast made sure she felt each and every tragedy and death inflected.


She took the loss and tragedy hard. Already a near recluse she withdrew even further. Denying herself contact with anyone. In her mind, sparring them from Misery. Unable to harm Misery directly. Grace was content to discover her connection allowed her use of Misery's magic. Fraud or not, Grace had the means to protect others from her failure. And the books dark lessons gave her the means to operate unseen. The shadows became her shelter, a dark cloak became her comfort. Hiding her face and her shame within darkness. Darkness that was now a very part of her.

Taking the name Cloak, she lurks in the shadows and quiet corners. She fights with Misery indirectly. Spending her time, watching, observing, and seeking out others Misery, and others of its kind, might feed on. Making herself seen mainly to those about to fall prey to traps of power or corruption. Often with words, sometimes with wisdom, others by more direct action. Rather then a torch in the darkness. She prefers to be a quiet whisper in the shadows.

Until she can find a way to break the bonds and banish Misery for good. Cloak has pledged to undo her wrongs. To resist Misery's corruption and influence it tries to project though their bonds. To defeat her demons so she can finally, proudly, step back into the light and enjoy a normal life with her books again.