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Protector Bot Alpha
Player: @Sephoma
Alpha Sleep Mode.jpg
Class Focus: Hybrid
Power Level: Below 40
Research & Development: Science
Personal Data
Real Name: Protector Bot Mk1, Alpha Unit A
Known Aliases: P.B Alpha, Alpha
Species: Artifical Intellegent Robot
Ethnicity: Confidential
Height: 8'
Weight: 800+
Eye Color: White
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: None
Occupation: MCPD Officer
Place of Birth: Unavalible, data error
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Various Built in weapons, such as mini-chain guns, rockets, high-desnity lazers and high physical strength.
Known Abilities
Advanced Personality Programs, allowing him to act more human than most AI's, and a highly advanced AI programming, allowing him to learn as a human would.
Heavy Armor, layered ontop of an exo-skeleton muscle suit, giving him the motions of a human being.

Activation, Day 1

Voice Dairy of ~Error, corrupt Data~

March 23, 1993

I have finished my design of the Protector Bot Mk1, Alpha unit A. In theory, this AI should be able to think on the level of a human being, have emotions, and even the simulation of a 'gut feeling'. Just as any other human would. Initially I desgined him to be... a guardian for myself. It seems every day now I-... I see someone outside of my house. They never knock, or break in. I feel they're waiting for me to finish building Alpha Unit A.

End Session.

Apirl 3, 1993

He finally knocked. Scared the daylights out of me... I grabbed a gun and went to the door. He wouldn't tell me his name, all he told me was he was interested in my work, and he wanted to fund me! I never would've been able to get the proper AI programs, or Human Simulation Programs if not for this man. He told me to just call him... V.

End Session.

June 1, 1993

I bought an entire lab, and hired assitance. With them the project's been going faster than I could've imagined. Already, we have his exo-skeleton suit built. All we need to do know is connect the wires, and add the Programs.

Side-Note: Something feels wrong with this. I don't know what, but these lab assitances? I don't think... I don't think that I found them. I think they were hired by V to watch me.

End Session.

Octobor 21, 1993

AI Programs installed, wireing connected. It was my day... I was suppose to feel joy. But as Alpha activated, ran his starting programs... I felt sad. V was there. He had this horrible smirk on his face. It made me shiver. I'm going to instal a program into Alpha's memory unit tonight, off the records. I want Alpha to live freely, and I'm afraid V wants something different. O-oh, I never did tell anyone. Not even this Voice Dairy, but... I figured V would be of better use protecting someone other than me. I've designed him to be a, well... Nanny Bot. A highly advanced protector for Children. Millennium City doesn't need another hero beating up bad guys. It needs something to look after the future of this world. Alpha will do that.

Alpha will remain offline untill next year.

End Session.

Second Activation

January 1, 1994

Alpha was activated again. I think V knows I tampered with Alpha's memory Unit, but he hasn't sad anything. Our second activation wen't as hoped. Alpha shows incredible learning capabilites. He started out as a child last time we activated him. Now? He-- hah! He's almost an adult now!

I'm... just so proud of him.

End Session.


Two years of activation

May 23, 1996

Alpha saved a kid today. A building was crumbling because of a battle between some hero and villain. The child was about to be crushed under a slab of the building, but Alpha... *sniffles* He just sprang into action, and caught the slab of the building. I had never been so proud in my entire life. Alpha's like my son. And to see him... do that... It brought tears to my eyes.

End Session.

May 24, 1996

V came by today, again. He said he was just checking in on Alpha, but something seemed off. He didn't want me to wake Alpha from his recharge. And people have started to stalk my house during the night again, like four years ago. I think I made a mistake, accepting V's help. I'm going to MCPD tomorrow, with Alpha, to see if there's anything I can do.

End Session.

April 25, 1996

V found my Voice Dairy. He knows everything I've done, and said. I'm shutting Alpha down and putting him into ~Error, Data Corrupt~ until this all blows over... or I die. *sounds of sobbing*

Alpha, I'm so sorry. When you're reactivated, and you hear this. I'm so sorry. V's been trying to find me, and you, with his hired band of Merc's. Or... I think they're mercs. Sometimes they act to... Robotic. Alpha, if I don't make it through this. V may try to find you still. I've ~Data Corrupt~

End Session.

~Data Corrupt~

~Data Corrupt~ -orry! If anyone hears this, activate Alpha as soon as you do! Give the codeword ~Error~ -activate. V has an army. Not- not humans. He stole my design! He stole my AI Programs... they're not just an army of robots, they're an army of robots that knows exactly how humans think, look, smell... They'll kill everyone! Alpha's the only one who knows where V is. He's the only one who knows the weaknesses of the other robots. Activate Alpha!