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Player: Toadman360
Class Focus: Power Armor
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Personal Data
Real Name: None
Known Aliases: None
Species: Bear
Ethnicity: Ursus arctos horribilis
Age: 1(cyborg)/20(bear)
Height: 198 centimeters
Weight: 890 lb
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: USA
Occupation: Bear Super Soldier
Place of Birth: Boreal Forest, Alaska
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Marital Status: Solitary Male
Known Relatives: Bear (Brother)
Known Powers
Built-In Munitions
Known Abilities
Considered an Endangered Species
Laser Hands, Rocket Feet

A miracle of modern engineering, Cybearg is a cybernetically enhanced bear super soldier, with guns for hands and an appetite for destruction. And salmon.

Creation of Cybearg

PRIMUS scientist Markus Briggs was fascinated by the manimal creations of Dr. Phillipe Moreau. In particular, he was interested in the idea of controlling animals for military use, but felt that Moreau's creations lacked discipline and were too hard to control. Briggs proposed a variation on the subject, opting to use an animal, instead of a human, as the base testing organism. Briggs chose a bear as the first test subject, citing the hardiness and ferocity of the species when faced with conflict. Using a subject caught in the wilds of Alaska, Briggs and his research team began to alter the bear physically and mentally. They gave it a spine more fitting of a bipedal organism, large laser-emitting guns as replacement forepaws, green pants for camouflage and decency, and partially replaced its brain with an intelligence-enhancing computer processor.

When the project was complete, Briggs dubbed the subject Cybearg. When initial tests proved that Cybearg was indeed loyal to his superiors, Cybearg was scheduled to attend PRIMUS basic training with other new recruits. Eventually Cybearg was released into Millennium City for field testing, under watch by PRIMUS officials but left to his own devices as far as dealing out justice.


Cybearg is usually very angry, and easily enraged. Cybearg's training and programming has taught him to diffuse this anger on those that would do harm to the world, and as such gets angrier the more he fights. Despite his anger, Cybearg is fiercely loyal to his superiors, especially to his creator Dr. Briggs. He is the perfect super soldier, willing to do anything and everything asked of him by PRIMUS.

Being a bear, Cybearg can't speak to humans, but has no trouble understanding most languages spoken to him, and is able to communicate through various growls and pointing.


Cybearg is a solitary creature, often seen alone on the hunt for evil to fight. Cybearg's natural habitat is Millennium City, Michigan, but he has been known to migrate to Monster Island, Lemuria, and Canada. Cybearg's diet consists of salmon and Resources, and he can consume half of his body's weight in either a day. When approaching Cybearg in the wild, be sure to not make any sudden moves, as he easily provoked. Cybearg's favorite movie is Winnie the Pooh. He does not appreciate being made fun of for this fact, and any attempts to do so will usually result in a laser burn on the offending party.

Known Equipment

Cybearg's most obvious and main choice of weaponry are his gun hands, which can each emit a repulsion beam to push back and damage his enemies. Cybearg also has a shoulder-mounted automatic machine gun, which can be concealed and deployed whenever necessary. This gun is equipped with Uranium-238 rounds for easier armor penetration. His biceps hold a number of miniature heat-seeking missiles, able to be launched at a target during combat. The core on Cybearg's chest is able to emit a powerful and debilitating beam, though this takes most of his concentration to use.

Cybearg's natural toughness compliments the mechanical enhancements done to his body, making him near-invulnerable. His fur is flame retardant and his shorts are bulletproof. Cybearg is also able to generate a low-power shield, and in times of emergency is able to heal most major wounds instantaneously, however this ability can only be used sparingly. Despite these impressive defenses, Cybearg has one glaring weakness: he has no hands and always wears a grenade belt. If someone were to pull a pin on these grenades, Cybearg would be helpless.


In addition to Cybearg's vast arsenal of weaponry, his body has been programmed to change pigmentation depending on what temperatures and pressures it is exposed to. When in a cold climate, Cybearg's fur turns white. When underwater, his fur turns grey and fin-like protrusions expand from his head and posterior in order to assist with propulsion. At Cybearg's own request, a third pattern was installed to turn his coloration into that of his favorite cartoon character.

Arctic Camo
Undersea Camo
Silly Old Bear Camo

Current Location

Cybearg is currently on the hunt for his nemesis, a similar cybernetically-enhanced animal known as Cyberian Tiger. If you should see Cyberian Tiger anywhere, contact Cybearg through your local Primus contact.