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Latest revision as of 15:42, 19 May 2014

Player: @Davri_Vimia
Class Focus: melee DPS
Power Level: confidential
Research & Development: Mysticism: Avatars
Personal Data
Real Name: Eltanin
Known Aliases: none
Species: dragon
Ethnicity: caucasian (in human form)
Age: 60 (appears 15 in human form)
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: red
Biographical Data
Nationality: British
Occupation: student
Place of Birth: the Caucasus
Base of Operations: Millenium City, MI
Marital Status: single
Known Relatives: Dr. Eleanor Aldridge (adopted mother, deceased)
Known Powers
claws, teeth, fire breath, flight, armored skin, telepathy
Known Abilities
Halcyon Academy communicator and laptop

Eltanin, an orphan dragon and good-natured dweeb, is a student at Halcyon Academy.


When the research team found what appeared to be a large, fossilized dinosaur egg high in the Caucasus, they were sure they'd made the paleontological find of the decade. "Cryptozoological" would have been more appropriate, as they realized when the egg cracked open and a hatchling dragon emerged.

When the hatchling bonded with one of the graduate students on the research team, she volunteered to adopt, raise, and tutor the creature. Now, sixty years later, she has passed away, but Eltanin is still a juvenile by dragon standards. His caretaker stipulated in her will that he be placed in the care and custody of Halcyon Academy, where his character can be further refined and his innate talents further honed.


Eltanin possess the usual tools native to his kind: fire breath, razor-sharp claws and teeth, armored skin, and wings. He can also shapeshift into a human form, which he often dons to put others at ease. The ruse usually works, until he gives himself away by asking if it's okay to eat someone's cat.

Eltanin also possesses some telepathic ability, allowing him to mentally communicate with others. This telepathy also has combat applications, allowing him to psychically assault enemies or psychosomatically ease the pains of his allies.


Halcyon Academy


  • Eltanin is strictly carnivorous.
  • He never says "Um" in conversation (preferring to say "Oh" instead) because he learned decades ago (while accompanying his mother on a trip to Turkey) that "um" means something naughty in Turkish.
  • Eltanin is a classical pianist.
  • To a heightened sense of smell, Eltanin smells faintly of leather and brimstone, even when in human form.
  • Eltanin's accent is somewhere between British standard received pronunciation and American New England. (His mother was an Oxford professor, but was from Massachusetts and a Harvard grad.)
  • His telepathic ability is more spiritual in nature than technically psionic. Rather than communicating mind-to-mind, he communicates soul-to-soul.

Quotes from others

  • "Assessment: Smart, old-fashioned, easily excitable, juvenile despite age--likely result of race though." -Raven LeFleur, from her patient files
  • "Okay, here's a picture of me and a guy named Eltanin. He's like an actual dragon. Honest. Really cool and super nice. Breaths fire and flies and stuff. Totally awesome." -Kid Frost, in a transmission to his mom.