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| realname =Zaygorn
| realname =Zaygorn
| aliases =Zaygorn the Destroyer, Pantsless Joe
| aliases =Zaygorn the Destroyer, Pantsless Joe
| species =[[Lizar]]
| species =Lizar
| ethnicity =Noble Caste
| ethnicity =Noble Caste
| age =Claims to be over 600 years old
| age =Claims to be over 600 years old

Latest revision as of 14:09, 15 May 2014

Player: @Deadborder
Class Focus: Nemesis (Brute)
Power Level: NA
Personal Data
Real Name: Zaygorn
Known Aliases: Zaygorn the Destroyer, Pantsless Joe
Species: Lizar
Ethnicity: Noble Caste
Age: Claims to be over 600 years old
Height: 2.2 meters
Weight: 300 kg
Eye Color: Yellow Glow
Hair Color: Green
Biographical Data
Nationality: Lizar (alien)
Occupation: Alien warlord
Place of Birth: Lizar Homeworld
Base of Operations: NA
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: NA
Known Powers
Superhuman strength and stamina, regeneration, super-leaping
Known Abilities
Excellent strategic planner, spacefleet commander and planetary conqueror, fluent in Korean
Ceremonial battledress, army of Lizar footsoldiers
Is engaged to Skadi via obscure Lizare ritual

Zaygorn is a high-ranking member of an alien race known as the Lizar. He has come to earth to do battle with its heroes and, as such, prove that he should rule their interstellar empire.


I am the Lizard King

Born into the noble house of Hgruk-Blargh on the Lizar homeworld, Zaygorn was blessed from a young age with superhuman strength and stamina. He also displayed a driving ambition, a desire to conquer and rule over others that bought him to the attention of his peers. He joined the Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet, his status as a noble seeing him elevated in rank to rule over his lesser-evolved soldiers.

Immediately, his skills as a conqueror were evident. His fleet was sent to aid in the siege of Floobitlz, a battle that had turned into a long and bloody stalemate. However, Zaygorn proved to be a decisive factor, turning the tide of battle in favour of the Lizar and bringing the decades-long conflict to a sudden end. He then went on to lead successful campaigns against the Dopplebange and the Zzvlzsxz, scoring decisive victories against both races.

At the same time, the supreme ruler of the Lizar, Mysteria, the queen of outer space, was defeated in her efforts to conquer the primitive, backwards world of Earth. Feeling that she had failed her people, Zaygorn petitioned to have her removed from the throne and replaced with someone far more suited to the role of conquest; a leader who had never known defeat, one who had an impressive strong of unbroken victories. In short, himself.

However, Mysteria was canny enough to know how to defect his challenge. She pointed out that her defeat had come at the hands of Earth’s superheroes, an element that no Lizar had ever faced before. In order to prove his superiority to her, Zaygorn would have to take on these superheroes with the same resources that she had used – no Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet, no Z-Ray Lazors or Q Bombs or other such resources. All he would have would be himself, his super-strength and a small detachment of Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet Marines.

He readily agreed, feeling that no force on such a primitive, backwards planet could stand against him. He assembled a group of his finest Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet Marines, and began the preparations for his voyage to earth. He was confident that it would be an easy mission for one such as him; he figured that after a quick and easy conquest, he would be able to return to the Lizar Homeworld and take his place on the Lizard Throne.

I can do anything

After studying the planet, Zaygorn had a language implant installed based on one of the languages he had observed a copious volume of internet traffic using. From there, he located the planet’s centre of superhuman activity, and prepared a landing party of himself and several platoons of Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet Marines. Landing in Millennium City, he broadcast a challenge to any superhumans who would dare to face him.

Unfortunately, his language implant turned out to be in Korean and, as such, virtually nobody understood what was going on. Frustrated, he ordered his Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet Marines to open fire on the surrounding scenery and draw out potential foes. He was rewarded with the arrival of a very large and clearly very strong local metahuman, who made some demands of him in her native language (which, due to the implant, he didn’t understand).

Instead, he responded by attacking her. To his pleasant surprise, he found that she possessed superhuman strength that rivalled his own. The pair of them were evenly matched, with Zaygorn finding that he was relishing the challenge. While she was a primitive mammal, she was one that was testing his abilities, something that he genuinely enjoyed. Clearly realising her disadvantage, the mammal resorted to other tactics to defeat him.

And that’s where everything fell apart. The Mammal took a nearby large ground vehicle and threw it at him. Fortunately, he had the sense to avoid the improvised missile. Unfortunately, the missile then collided with his landing ship and promptly exploded, crippling the vessel. To make matters worse, several more metahuman mammals appeared, rendering his Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet Marine detachment outgunned and surrounded.

With their transport disabled and their being cut off from potential reinforcements, Zaygorn reluctantly ordered a temporary tactical withdrawal, fleeing into the maze-like structure of the city’s western district. Intending to plan his next move, he was rather surprised by a pronouncement from his Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet Marine Lorekeeper who he had bought along to document his victory.

Through her actions, the Metahuman Mammal had, by ancient Lizar rites, announced her intention to marry him. Zaygorn was now engaged.

Hold on, I’ve run out of lyrics

Despite this setback, Zaygorn was determined to complete his objectives; prove his superiority over the local superhumans and then return to the Lizar Homeworld to claim his throne. He also worked with the Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet Marine Lorekeeper to find some way to divorce his newfound fiancée. The Lorekeeper figured that there were to ways; either he had to defeat her in single combat, or she had to demonstrate that she was no longer interested in their relationship.

To test her strength, he sent several squads of Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet Marines out to face her; this had the net effect of depleting his forces, but also, at the same time, proving that she was indeed a serious threat to him. However, it also gave him an idea on how to defeat her. Seeing that she was somewhat impulsive and prone to punching first and asking questions later, he hatched a plan.

He took control of the local governmental annex, managing to overpower and incapacitate the giant official who ruled the district. Based on her movement patterns, he reasoned that the mammal was based in the area. His reasoning proved to be correct, as she appeared to defeat him; however, this time he was ready for her. The two clashed again, however, this time they proved to be rather evenly matched. Furthermore, the mammal did not have access to any indigenous ground transports to use as missiles.

Initially, Zaygorn was certain that his superior heritage as well as his superior tactics would prove decisive; instead, the two proved to be evenly matched, which became rather frustrating to him. To make matters worse, the mammal continued to taunt him both about his lack of command of her language but also about his ceremonial battlegarb. This enraged Zaygorn, causing him to loose his focus, and lash out in a frenzy of barbaric violence.

Unfortunately, this was a part of the mammal’s plans; she took advantage of his state, outmanoeuvring him, tricking him and, eventually, defeating him. Both Zaygorn and his remaining Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet Marines were taken into custody by the Terran authorities, and imprisoned. However, this defeat did have one boon; by having him imprisoned, the mammal had, at the very least, indicated that she was no longer interested in marrying him.


Within the Lizar noble caste, there are individuals who possess abilities that would be analogous to Terran superpowers. Zaygorn is one of those. His strength exceeds normal human (or Lizar) abilities by an amazing degree; he can lift incredibly heavy objects, and shatter solid concrete with his mighty fists. Furthermore, he is incredibly durable, able to effortlessly shrug off blows that would kill or cripple a normal Lizar (or human for that matter). Finally, he regenerates form his injuries, meaning that even if one is able to hurt him, he won’t stay hurt for long.

However, his powers do not end with his strength and stamina. A consummate planner, he is an expert at the fine art of interstellar warfare and interplanetary invasion. He is intimately familiar with the capabilities of the Lizar Outer Space Conquest Fleet and its capabilities, as well as the capabilities of its enemies. Of course, these skills are not much use to him on Earth.

Besides the Lizar language, Zaygorn is fluent in Korean. Unfortunately, his grasp of English is very limited, the result of a mistake he made during the planning stages of his mission to earth. He is currently struggling to learn English and overcome a malfunctioning linguistics implant.


A consummate conqueror, Zaygorn believes that the Lizar are destined to rule all of outer space, subjugating all beneath them. Furthermore, he believes that he and he alone is fit to lead the Lizar into conquest. Rather grandstanding, his ego is backed up by a string of successes, but even then it oversteps its bounds. He is rather contemptuous of Queen Mysteria, and feels that her past failures have made her unfit to rule.

To Zaygorn, all that is non-Lizar is beneath him. He sees other races as being fit only to serve as slaves to the empire. As such, he often underestimates his opponents, and can be caught unawares by tricky or cunning foes. He also does not expect others to be able to match his strength, a fact that cost him dearly during his first battle with Skadi.

Above all else, Zaygorn desires a good battle, one that will test his abilities to their limit. While he does see others as being below him, he seeks one who will be “close enough” to match him. It is to that end that, while he is a conqueror and leader, he prefers to fight on the field against a single opponent. He would much rather lead an invasion from the front then from the safety of his command ship, and feels that the best victories are the ones where an opponents defeat comes at ones own hands.

Unfortunately, due to his faulty language implant, Zaygorn appears to be rather inarticulate, a fact that infuriates him. He has decided that when he conquers Earth, he will ban all languages except Korean simply so nobody will laugh at how he sounds.


As a noble-caste Lizar, Zaygorn’s appearance more closely resembles human form then a typical member of his species; even then, the resemblance is only relative. Standing over two meters tall, Zaygorn is heavily muscled and powerfully built. He has bright green skin, with long, darker green hair. His features are human, albeit rather heavyset and thick. As is typical of his species, his eyes are bright yellow and have a noticeable glow to them.

He typically wears his ceremonial battledress. Dull red in colour, it covers very little of his body; only the centre of his chest and back, his shoulders and waist. It is accessorised with matching cape, spiked shoulderpads, gloves, boots and a loincloth. The insignia of house Hgruk-Blargh is on his chest.

He wears no pants. Dear god. Put some pants on!