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Player: Azure_Fenian
Character Build
Class Focus: Hybrid
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Enchanted Gear
Biographical Data
Real Name: Concolitanos
Known Aliases: Conc, The Blood King, Special Agent Gordon Taylor, Inspector Gregory Fitzgibbon, Marshal Gareth O'Kieffe
Gender: Male
Species: Celtic Immortal
Ethnicity: Bronze Age Briton
Place of Birth: Annwn
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Cernunnos (father/creator)
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 225lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Rugged look
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Public
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: Canadian-American
Occupation: Law Enforcement
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Immortality, Sorcery
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Enchanted rings, amulets and weapons
ReldinBox Template



Concolitanos was born on the Isle of Anglesey many centuries before the Roman colonization of Britain. As a young man, he sustained a life-threatening injury from a boar and was handed over to the tribal shaman for care and healing. In time, he became the shaman's apprentice and years later, took the shaman's place when his master passed on.

It was a difficult time for his tribe. The wrath of the Fomori and the appearance of Danu had caused great strife. As the shaman, Conc worked hard to maintain order and health. One summer, an illness swept through his tribe, killing them slowly one by one. His medicines did nothing to ease the pain or divert the inevitable so he took drastic action. Using a mixture of herbs, Conc placed himself into a deep sleep and journeyed out into the imaginal realms. He sought answers from the spirits and wouldn't give up until he had them. Without those answers, he'd soon have no tribe.

Deep in the subtle realms, he found the Lord of Stags, Keeper of the Ways of Life and Death. He challenged the being to a duel, the prize being the recipes to the medicines that would heal his tribe. The deity only nodded slightly then attacked. Pressed for advantage, Concolitanos changed his astral form into many shapes, wolf, falcon, snake and one by one, the god countered, taking the forms of animals he'd never seen before. Finally, he took the form of a bear and roared in defiance but this time, the god became an elephant, a monstrous animal that Conc would not recognize for centuries to come. Cernunnos stomped down on him and slew him.

As he gathered the shaman's soul, the Lord of Animals hesitated then instead of commanding Conc's soul to follow him, he simply consumed it whole. In the physical world, the shaman's body ceased breathing and died peacefully, revealing nothing of the trauma of his death but sweat on his brow.


Concolitanos soon found himself as a small child on an idyllic island known as Tir na n'Og though he had retained his memories from his mortal life. He learned that Cernunos had been impressed and honoured by his bravado so instead of delivering him here, the Lord of Beasts had consumed his soul and birthed him as his own son.

Concolitanos learned to fit into Otherworld society. In fact, for a short period, he ruled as one of the Princes of Annwn, a paradisal reflection of Death's Dominion in Faerie, and home to the souls of the British dead. However, although Annwn was a paradise, and visited by gods, goddesses and the Aos Si, Conc pined for the mortal world. He learned to channel divine energy into his body, which lay in a tomb, until it was suitable to receive him. He awoke in darkness and stepped out of the tomb into the fresh, brisk air of Cambria.

Concolitanos as Arawn, Prince of Annwn

For over 200 years, Concolitanos split his time between the land of the living and the isle of the dead. When Christianity spread to Britain, he retreated to Annwn to fight against the forces of Elysium that were determined to take all of the pagan otherworlds. If they succeeded, Annwn would be split in half, one half absorbed into Elysium and the other cast to the Netherworld.

The war was not won but thankfully, Annwn remained a free realm. Gwynn ap Nudd, the Winter King, had taken over as monarch of all Annwn so once again, Concolitanos looked to the world of mortals.

The Game

Life in the mortal world had become alien to him, a long-distant memory. Time was different in the higher realms so the drudgery of immortality slowly became a weight on his shoulders. Conc found a way to relieve his mind by creating new personalities. He reinvented himself every 30-40 years, often returning to the Blessed Isles between those periods.

In 1792, he traveled to the New World and immersed himself in the role of Gareth O'Kieffe. He started a small business as a gunsmith in New York and developed a friendship with Marshal William Smith, who later recruited him as a special deputy. Gareth solidified his connection to the US Marshals Service and following the Louisiana Purchase, he headed west, protecting settlers from bandits. Marshal O'Kieffe died in 1814 when he was savagely massacred by a cadre of raiding vampires.

Returning to life in 1852 and following a slow journey east, he returned to Britain. There he took the name Gregory Fitzgibbon. Fitzgibbon was far more cultured though still passionate about protecting his fellow man. He studied to become a detective and with his expertise as a US marshal, easily gained a position within the Metropolitan Police.

However, the appearance of Sherlock Holmes caused Fitzgibbon to leave Scotland Yard. Holmes was so obviously gifted at deduction that he didn't want the detective to unravel his identity. Fitzgibbon maintained a quiet existence until World War II. He died during a mission in Germany but his body was returned to Britain by the Grail Knight.

Out of the Phonebooth

In 1996, Concolitanos stepped out of Fitzgibbon's tomb ready for a new life and identity. However, he found a world brimming with superhumans. He gathered the wealth that he'd squirreled away over the years and traveled to North America where he recreated himself as Detective Gordon Taylor of the Metro Toronto PD.

Although Taylor was himself superhuman, his chief power was his transcendence of death. While it was an impressive ability, it was no match for the arms race going on amongst the metahumans. Over the course of the next few years, Gordon constructed a small arsenal of amulets and rings to increase his powers to superhuman levels. He also involved himself in many metahuman related investigations.

In 2007, Detective Taylor revealed some of his abilities to his superiors and UNTIL was notified. The transfer to their Special Forces was pushed through and during his registration, he publicly revealed his true identity. When the Qularr attacked Millennium City in 2009, Special Agent Gordon Taylor was amongst the wave of superhumans retaliating against the invasion.

Skills and Powers

Combat Training

Conc is a highly skilled combatant, having been trained by countless masters in many forms of combat. He is trained in fencing and swordplay but modern attitudes on lethal combat lean him toward a reliance on hand-to-hand combat. His skill in both Boxing and Savate allow him to successfully take down opponents far stronger and tougher than he is. Three lifetimes as a law enforcement officer have provided him with plenty of firearms training as well.

Immortality and Regeneration

Though he was once human, he has since died. Also, since he was not the product of a divine and mortal parentage, he is also not a demigod. UNTIL classifies Concolitanos as a Type 3 Immortal. However, though he can be killed by normal means, his body is simply the vehicle for his presence in the Assiatic Realms. He is a spiritually evolved being and retains full consciousness after death. While he inhabits his body, he maintains peak health through a constant trickle of radiant energy. Upon the death of his body, Concolitanos can will his own resurrection through an infusion of radiant energy.


Conc has been a student of the arcane since his mortal life, over 3000 years ago. Though his extremely long life has provided him with incredible experience, it also means that he's forgotten more about magic than most mages will ever know. As further hindrance to his mastery, he has developed a penchant for the visceral, preferring the kick of a pistol over the sizzle of a spell. He is reintroducing himself to battle magic but most of his arcane work takes place at the workbench.

Divine Channeling

As a means to keep up with the massive power of the metahumans he faces, Concolitanos has been testing his abilities to channel raw interdimensional energy. Currently, he can gather and throw a locus of radiant energy. It is unknown if his divine abilities will expand. However, the Trismegistus Council has hypothesized that if Concolitanos continues to develop his skill with interdimensional energies, he may unintentionally invoke apotheosis. Given his relation to Death and his attraction to law enforcement, UNTIL magi predict his evolution into a spirit of justice. If that were to occur, he would be expelled from Earth by the numerous treaties preventing divine manifestations until such time as he developed the ability to manifest an avatar.


Having been a law enforcement officer many times over many years, Concolitanos has a deep understanding of weaponry. He owns a vast arsenal but typically only carries on hand a pair of pistols and a sniper rifle.

Personal Sidearms

Conc keeps a separate set of pistols for each uniform he wears. For his UNTIL battle dress, he wields a pair of customized Mark XIX Desert Eagles, a token of their defeat in Millennium City. For larger targets, he carries an Accuracy International AWP, chambered for .308 Winchester ammunition. For his UNTIL Magus uniform, Conc carries a pair of flintlocks and a U-JF "Jeffie" Heavy Blaster Carbine. He occasionally carries other sidearms such as the U-SHL "Shellie" Blaster pistols.

All of his weapons are engraved with angelic script to enhance their performance. Many of them are loaded with infinite clips. The infinite clip binds all of its ammunition to reconstitute and return on impact. As a result, a bullet will disappear immediately upon striking its target, causing great pain but no wound, then reappear in the clip with its corresponding shell and powder. With enough magical energy to spare, Conc could feasibly fire incessantly for hours. The flintlocks carry additional enchantments for maintenance.

Official Dress

UNTIL Magus Formal

As an official agent under UNTIL mandate, Conc typically wears a standard UNTIL armour vest and combat harness. While in Millennium City, he switches to a formal mystic robe and cloak. The robe carries an enchantment to provide protective properties equal to the UNTIL armour vest.

Lion's Ring

No matter what he's wearing, Conc is always wearing his Lion's Ring. It's a gold ring inset with bloodstone that provides him with feline agility and speed. With it on, he can outrace most cars and leap from street level to rooftops with relative ease.

Amulet of Cloudwalking

A current project, the Amulet of Cloudwalking will provide Concolitanos with the ability to gain elevation and take flight. Theoretically, it will lift him up to cloud level and allow him to run on air so he can cover great distances very quickly. However, currently, it just leaves him standing on a hovering chunk of sidewalk so it's not out of the testing phase.


Although Concolitanos is given his caseload by UNTIL, his otherworldly life has caught up with him. A fellow fallen prince of Annwn, Hafgan, has taken interest in Malkuth. Long ago, Hafgan objected to Concolitanos leaving his throne empty to play with mortals. Hafgan mockingly named him The Blood King for his penchant for wearing flesh. He proclaimed that should Prince Concolitanos not desire his land then the borders of Annwn should be redrawn and Concolitanos' realm absorbed into Hafgan's. In fact, Hafgan took great pleasure in assassinating Concolitanos during his trips in the flesh.

Now, with Gwynn as king of all Annwn, the rivalry has become less political and more personal. Hafgan has decided that the glory of Annwn should be restored. The best way to do that is to make mortals worship the Tuatha de Danaan again. Hafgan's preferred method is fear. He has taken a body on Earth and is raising a small army of undead to his cause. If he can't restore the glory of Annwn then he will carve out a new kingdom for himself on Earth, a new land of the dead populated with reanimated corpses instead of souls at rest.


  • Concolitanos is over 3000 years old and has a Get Out of Death Free card. He keeps a low profile but any character with time-traveling abilities or a long lifespan may recognize or know him.
  • He may be an Immortal but he's also a devotee of Justice. He's often found sharing a pint and war stories with the local cops.
  • Annwn is the home of the Welsh/British dead. It's also one of the Blessed Isles of Celtic Mythology, along with Mag Mell, Tir na nOg and Ablach. These islands are home to the Tuatha de Danaan, the Aos Si and the Tylwyth Teg so Conc may be well-known to any faery, elf or Sidhe character.

OOC Backstory

Concolitanos is a Con/Int/AoPM build with a hodge-podge of Might, Munitions, Celestial and Sorcery. I like Might and Munitions as a combination that says he's an ex-cop who's likely to beat a perp with a phone book before dragging him off to jail. The Sorcery indicates his preference for magical solutions over technological ones.

Conc started out as a ghoul in Project Twilight, White Wolf's answer to the X-Files. When I discovered mummies, I pleaded with my GM for a retcon and got the green light. The vampire in Taylor's life wasn't his master, she was his wife (arguably the same thing). The campaign went on for 3 years and I revisited Concolitanos as Gareth O'Kieffe in Werewolf: Wild West. I've also recreated him in CoH as a Dark/Regen scrapper but more recently, I tried a new interpretation for a Champions 6e game.

The name is unusual but it's based on a real historical figure. At the time, I found it cliche that often immortal characters were identified as historical figures and I wanted to downplay that. My GM and I tossed around ideas that he may have been the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes in his campaign world. We also associated him with Arawn, a little known Celtic deity but what captivated me was a guy I read about in a book on Celtic history. Concolitanos was a Gaulish warrior who sought to repeat the famous sacking of Rome by Brennus. Unfortunately, his campaign was not as successful. Concolitanos was captured and likely sent to the arena or hung.