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Krexja Xarnicae
Player: @LastCorsair
Ees no use lyeeng to me about feeleeng fine. I can feel zhat somezheeng ees wrong.
Biographical Data
Real Name: Krexja Xarnicae on klanni Vulcaniere
Known Aliases: Whisperwind
Gender: Female
Species: Teulfing
Ethnicity: Kaugi (Specifically, Merdian)
Place of Birth: Sector 7-A, Planet Meridiem
Base of Operations: An abandoned library somewhere outside of Millennium City
Relatives: Unknown - not registered on Earth
Age: 19
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 76lbs
Eyes: Red/Yellow
Hair: Red
Complexion: Tan
Physical Build: Slim, toned muscles
Physical Features: Horns, Tail, Slitted Pupils
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Identity: Not quite secret, not really public either
Years Active: Less than one
Citizenship: Planet Meridiem and Arrowhead Station
Occupation: Former mechanic/maintenance worker
Education: Post-Secondary
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Sharpshooting, Empathy, Psionics, Minor Telekinesis
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Particle Rifle, Light Cutter, Mechanical Wings
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Physical Appearance


Racial Data


Teulfings are a humanoid race originating from the planet Chakwa, standing at between three and a half and five feet tall. Both genders tend to have sharply pointed, elongated ears - lending to the correct assumption that they have a keen sense of hearing, as well as oddly coloured eyes (usually red, yellow, amber or a combination of the three) with slitted, feline pupils.

Perhaps one of the most striking physical features of the teulfing race are their horns and bony ridges atop their head, which are generally rather small though just long enough not to be concealed easily by hair. These horns are generally smooth to the touch, and located in two rows - one on either side of their head, starting from the top of their head and working down the back of their head. A bony ridge is often situated between the two rows of horns.

Trailing behind them is a tail that's usually about two and a half to three and a half feet long and prehensile. The tail is rather smooth, and seems to act as a balance for the teulfing, as they have a slightly unusual center of balance - almost perpetually leaning forward a little.

Teulfings are known to be nocturnal, and light is usually a sensitive issue for them. Too much light can disorient a teulfing if shined directly at them, though they can see and hear exceptionally well in the dark.

Teulfings generally have an average life expectancy, even with advanced medicine, that is somewhat lower than humans. Relative to Earth years, teulfings only live between fifty and sixty five years before dying of old age.


Teulfing culture is one built around community, with each individual functioning as part of a greater whole. Inherently a bizarrely peaceful race, teulfings rarely seem to conflict with each other, nor do they often seem to converse with each other.

One who observes their interactions and behaviour might incorrectly assume that teulfings have a hive mind, as they very rarely address each other in spoken word. In reality, teulfings share a powerful empathic link - addressing each other and conversing in raw emotion and thought, through ideas unfettered by words. Each teulfing is an individual, with individual personalities, but their empathic link has nurtured a culture of peace and community.

Their homeworld, Chakwa, and most of their colonies are a harmonious mix of technology and nature, as teulfings have an inherent, deep respect for the world. Their religious and philosophical views come from a belief in the "Flow", the cycle of spirits and reincarnation found in a stream all across each inhabited planet. To the teulfings, everything living has a spirit, whether flora or fauna, and despite being carnivores, they take only what is needed no matter how far their technology advances.

Due to their odd appearance and communication, Chakwan teulfings have very little contact with other races. Their appearance is somewhat remniscent of demons in some cultures, and with their lack of an organized, spoken language, communication can be difficult if not specifically trained for it.

A second group of teulfings, known as Merdian teulfings, who were isolated for three centuries from Chakwa after their colony ships crash-landed on the luminscent jungle planet of Meridiem, have forged their own spoken language - Merdian. Their spoken language is a bastardized jumble of words from practically every language of every species on Meridiem, which itself is host to a wide variety of sapient creatures. Due to this, teulfings from the "accidental colony" of Meridiem are known to be much more social with other races than Chakwan teulfings.

Racial History

Despite being much further ahead in the space race, teulfings are actually a younger species than humans - having evolved several million years later than humans. Incredible intellect encouraged by their natural empathic link, and a willingness to cooperate led to teulfings advancing surprisingly quickly and peacefully amongst various tribes and clans, with very few major conflicts recorded in the species' history, until one thousand years ago

Around 1078 AD when compared to Earth time, the teulfing race left Chakwa to explore the stars - and encountered a species called the Noxhans, who became peculiarly interested in this race with latent psionic ability. Under the direction of one of their supreme generals, the aggressive Noxhan race gathered a force at their home planet of Noxha, and attempted an invasion of Chakwa that lasted seven months.

The very power the Noxhans sought to harness, in their search for something they called "The Scrawl" turned into their very defeat - as a secretly trained army of psionics was unleashed upon the Noxhan fleet, united in vengeful anger, linked in mind, spirit and soul. This army, led by someone who was simply recorded as "Mother" in teulfing texts, unleashed a systematic series of psionic attacks, directed at the pilots of the invading fleet with devastating effects, forcing the Noxhans to flee. And to the surprise of the galactic community, the fledgeling psionic race did not chase after the Noxhans, letting them retreat back to their own planet.

Feared, mistrusted, or revered depending on culture, this new race was drawn into diplomatic relations with various other planets, becoming a seperate state, but one with ties to several interplanetary governments. With this newfound peace, the teulfing race began colonizing several unused planets.

And it was almost seven hundred years later, 1753 AD, when five teulfing colony ships carrying approximately one hundred thousand colonists in total, were shot out of the sky over a planet called Meridiem. Crash landing on the planet, only about six thousand teulfings survived, and those that did survive were forced to scrap their ships to build shelters and retrieve vital supplies. Cut off from Chakwa until recently, these Merdians, as they became known, developed peculiarly - forming their own spoken language and interacting with the other races of Meridiem diplomatically, though they were often met with hatred or distrust due to their foreign origins.

When, in 2002 AD, connections between the Merdian colony - who had organized themselves into clans and split into "sectors" - and Chakwa were reestablished thanks to other races loaning them a few space shuttles and coordinates to the teulfing homeworld, Merdians were welcomed into teulfing society with open arms - treated as long lost, returned brothers and sisters, and recognized as a fully independant nation. Since then, Merdian teulfings and Chakwan teulfings have continued exploring the stars, often together - with the more social Merdians aiding in communication and diplomacy - mostly avoiding full-scale war.

Terms to Remember

Chakwa Dominion (Ülemvõim kohta Chakwa)

The interplanetary government, based out of the teulfing homeworld of Chakwa, and overseeing the various colonies of the teulfing race. The Chakwa Dominion is a constitutional monarchy - lead currently by Empress Vanexl Shura on klanni Arthanas, with a parliamentary house voted in by the people acting in an advisory capacity.

The Spirit Flow (Vaim Streami)

A central religious aspect of teulfing beliefs is that upon death, the spirits of the departed rejoin a "flow" of spirits along the planet they died on, and are reincarnated into new bodies after a certain amount of time has passed. Vaim Streami is said to exist on all worlds where life has ever touched, whether or not the life is intelligent, as the teulfing race believes that every living thing - flora or fauna - has its own spirit. This has led to an innate racial tendency to deeply respect the land itself and all things that reside within.

The Far Colonies (Kaug Kolooniad)

Kaug Kolooniad is a term that generally tends to refer to colonies at the edge of Ülemvõim kohta Chakwa space. These colonies, the most famous of them being the colony on Meridiem, are also often mingled with colonies of other races. Kaug Kolooniad teulfings, often just referred to as Kaugi, are generally more sociable with other races than those of the inner colonies, as they have to interact with other races on a very frequent basis. Kaugi often have spoken languages of their own, rather than relying solely on written and empathic communication. For example, the language Merdian, that was adopted by the Kaugi teulfings of Meridiem, is a combination of various other languages that exist upon the planet.

Light Cutter (Valgus Nuga)

An electronic knife handle that creates a blade of pure light when activated. This is original teulfing technology, not based upon anything from any other race, as it was something invented before the teulfing race had made first contact with any other species. The most notable thing about the Valgus Nuga is that it has a tendency to refuse to cut living, organic material, whether flora or fauna. If someone wished to use the Valgus Nuga as a weapon, they would be highly disappointed to find that the blade would simply pass through whoever they wished to harm, without damaging them at all. And yet, at the same time, the Valgus Nuga cuts metal, wood, stone and all sorts of non-living materials with ease. Another thing to note is the Valgus Nuga does not seem to generate heat, but rather seems to rely on extreme molecular electromagnetic separation. Thusly, placing magnets nearby could interfere with normal operation.





None so far.


  • Theme Song: I Dream in Colour by Conjure One
  • Special thanks to KaiyaCooper (A non-CO friend of mine) for inventing the planet Meridiem. Though the teulfing race was mine, Meridiem was his, and I have to give him credit where it's due.