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Player: @Bansidhe
"I fight for what's right. I know what's right by what is in my heart."
Class Focus: Tank, DPS
Power Level: Unknown
Research & Development: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Sheeara Trueheart
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 28
Height: 6'
Weight: 167 pounds
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown (Adventurer?)
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Adopted daughter
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Highly skilled swordswoman
Katanas, jet pack



Sheeara is from another world, but now treats Earth as her home. Her younger years, as she puts it, were "filled with anger and hatred" toward innocents, for her mother's murder. For years, she hunted for those whom she thought were to blame for her mother's murder, only to later be corrected by her (thought) long absent father. When she finally found out the identity of her mother's murderer, she spent two years adventuring and training, finally becoming strong enough to face her mother's killer - †a dragon. In facing off against said dragon, Sheeara was fatally wounded...but, according to Eric Lawson, she was saved by her team's bringing her to Earth and one of her teammates (an angel) reviving her.

†This interviewer had doubts about the story, but it has recently been confirmed by Sheeara's team leader, Rush.

The Heroine

Shortly after appearing in Millennium City, Sheeara found herself in the midst of the Qularr invasion. Using what she knew best, Sheeara took to the streets, armed with a pair of katanas and her teammates, and helped push back the invasion. Since that day, she has fought alongside Millennium City's heroes, making her presence most widely known during the Bloodmoon incident, back in November (2009).

Sheeara has made it clear that she is a woman of faith, but has also made it clear that, if she has no other choice, she is not above killing. However, in her time active, she has yet to take a life, but has told Defender, quite bluntly, that she "will do everything in my power to avoid taking a human life, but don't expect me to hold to your narrowminded view of what's right or what's best." While said quote caused problems, in the Champions organization, Sheeara is confirmed to be on the payroll of Champions International. (It is rumored that her team leader, Eric Lawson - aka 'Rush', almost went to blows with Defender over the situation.)

File update (10/19/10): A little over a year since appearing on the scene, Sheeara has proven herself to be a woman of honor and has extremely high moral standards. Alongside her teammates and dozens of other heroes and heroines, it's been reported that she has helped stave off the apocalypse, revolving around events in Vibora Bay, by travelling back in time.

In an official statement, Defender had this to say about Sheeara: "While we didn't exactly get off on the right foot and, honestly, still don't completely see eye to eye - Sheeara Trueheart, the heroine known as Paladin, has impressed me and I am happy that she is a member of Champions International. Like the rest of Rush's special operations team, working with us in Millennium City, she is a valued ally and I consider her a friend."

Powers and Weaknesses

Paladin is a master of one-handed swords, favoring the katana. She is also extremely agile and has significant regenerative abilities.

Staple Abilities


No known weaknesses.


Sheeara has shown herself to be a very devout woman of faith and, though she has not made her faith public, she has been seen doing volunteer work with several of Millennium City's churches. In public, in civilian clothing, she tends to be reserved, but always kind to those who approach her. With regards to how she handles herself around other heroes, she again tends to be reserved, but not afraid to make her opinion known.


Two katanas and several jet packs.


A night out at Club Caprice.

Along with teammate and team leader, Eric Lawson, Sheeara Trueheart has a public identity.

Theme Song

My Immortal by Evanescence

OOC Notes

Sheeara was created in World of Warcraft, as a paladin. Her last name, "Trueheart", is actually a link to an old AD&D (2nd edition) character of mine, named David Trueheart. Because her father (David) had, at one point, had a child with a lesser goddess, I decided to have a bit of a return to the character and see what the character had been up to, in the time since I last played him. Deciding that he had "ascended", from being a normal human, I figured that he would have been the type who would go adventuring through the universe and had taken up on the world of Azeroth, for a time. Figuring that he would have settled down on Azeroth, for awhile, one of the character's tendencies was to fall in love and, naturally, that led to having another child. The rest, as they say, is history.

Build Notes

  • Full list of powers:

Other Notes