Difference between revisions of "Vyra Tosh'lyra"

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| cell1 = #330033
| cell1 = #330033
| cell2 = #330033
| cell2 = #330033
| name = Prysha Tosh'lyra
| name = Vyra Tosh'lyra
| player = @r9xchaos
| player = @r9xchaos
| image = Pryshaimage1.jpeg
| image = Pryshaimage1.jpeg
| caption = Prysha Tosh'lyra
| caption = Vyra Tosh'lyra
| caption = Prysha Tosh'lyra in her prefered Shape.
| caption = Prysha Tosh'lyra in her prefered Shape.
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<b> Advantage / Disadvantage </b>
<b> Advantage / Disadvantage </b>
Prysha surrounds a Chaos-Anomaly Aura/Field that can be only temporary be disabled or lowered by herself concentrating on it.
Vyra surrounds a Chaos-Anomaly Aura/Field that can be only temporary be disabled or lowered by herself concentrating on it.

Revision as of 16:49, 19 March 2014

Vyra Tosh'lyra
Player: @r9xchaos
Prysha Tosh'lyra in her prefered Shape.
Character Build
Class Focus: Ranged Tank/DPS Hybrid
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science,Tech, Space and Interdimensional Travel
Biographical Data
Real Name: Prysha Tosh'lyra
Known Aliases: Prysha Tosh'lyra
Gender: Female
Species: Shapeshifter/Changeling - Energy-Physical-Hybrid Lifeform
Ethnicity: Prefered shape is a Human-asian-caucasian-alike female.
Place of Birth: No Information available.
Base of Operations: No Information available.
Relatives: No Information available.
Age: No Information available.
Height: Prefered Shape: 5,3
Weight: Varies
Eyes: Prefered Shape has Pink Glowing eyes.
Hair: prefered shape has black super-thin tentacles wich look like hair.
Complexion: Varies
Physical Build: Varies
Physical Features: varies
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Chaotic Evil

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Identity: Known
Years Active: 1 in this part of the universe.
Citizenship: None
Occupation: No Information available.
Education: No Information available.
Marital Status: Swinger
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Her Body/parts can be shaped into any biological-, energy- or tech-object. When in her prefered shape ( see picture )the black podyparts are kind of ooze- and/or tetacle-like that moves and wiggles and never stands still.
ReldinBox Template


Prysha seems to have a few forms she prefers.. one of them is the Liquid-Solid Hybrid Form.. the other one is is the Pure Energy Form... other than that she keeps shapeshifting.


Advantage / Disadvantage Vyra surrounds a Chaos-Anomaly Aura/Field that can be only temporary be disabled or lowered by herself concentrating on it. Chaos Anomaly Aura: Within a small radius (0,5 - 2,5meters) around herself the following effects apply; Tech Malfunctioning,Magic neutralizes, telekinetic and mind abilties are unstable/chaotic.

  • Her Origin

Prysha Tosh'lyra's kind is a Chaosenergy-Chaosmatter-Hybrid (("Tosh'lyra")) lifeform wich was created by the "Xha'osh Kre'tox" (Chaos-Engineers), a lifeform that has their home at in an Unknown Continuum. Most other Species calling it "The Chaos Continuum" and its their own inhabitants call it "Xha'osh Lyv".

She has, as all Chaos-Energylifeforms the abilty to change her form into any other species,lifeform or object or even other kinds of energy, due to this shapeshifting ability and due to her chaosmatter-chaosenergy-mix she has almost unlimited possibilities to defeat her enemies.

Prysha's Kind is called the "Tosh'lyra" Kind wich is very well known as Space-Explorers,Conqeuerors and Superiorleaders among many parts of the Multiverserses. She as all of her Kind are created to seek and destroy M.I.A.'s (Multiversal-Interference Anomalies). Besides of fulfilling the given mission the "Tosh'lyra" are allowed to act by their own choice. Through rumors and other gatherings of information it seems that her kind is kind of a shadow-goverment in the most advanced civilisation.

  • Chaosenergy and Chaosmatter

Chaosenergy is some form of energy that fluctuates, rotates and changes its own signature and kind of being the same goes for Chaosmatter. Due its chaotic and unpredictable behavior this kinds of energy and matter can not be oobserved, studied or even manipulated other than by the Chaos-Engineers and their creations. The creations are so far only the "Tosh'lyra" and their ability to manipualte or use Chaosenergy and Chaosmatter is limited to short-range ( like 23 Lightyears ) Sub-space travel without vessels and to manipulate use or even abuse the Physics within a specific radius of the user.

  • The Xha'osh Kre'tox and their Continuum

There is only little information about the Xha'osh Kre'tox due to their behavior and form of existence. The only thing can be said for sure is that The engineers were once two different kinds of lifeforms. The Xha'osh Kre'tox are a pure energy life form whos energysignature is contsantly changing.. in other words they are everything and nothing. Their Continuum is considered to be one of teh first, if not teh very first continuum ever.

  • The M.I.A's

In ancient times when the Xha'osh Kre'tox were two different beings there was a war between them... Chaosenergy-lifeforms and energy-lifeforms tried to neutralize each other wich caused the The Chaos Continuum to generate so called "Multiversal-Interference Anomalies" that now affect almost any Universum. Those anomalies are the reason for unwanted changes of the law of physics in many worlds.

For example in some Universes are worlds whos inhabitants have some kind of Non-evolutionary given abilities, those call it "Superpowers" , Eldritch , Superiority or Sicknesses. Since the Fusion of Chaosenergy and Chaosmatter lifeforms they decided that those M.I.A.'s have to be neutralized because they were not intended to exist.

  • Prysha's Arrival

As far as known she stranded within this universum due to a Multiversal-Space-Travel accident caused by a M.I.A, her Vessel that is needed to do such kinds of travel was desintegrated and she was suddenly appearing near the orbit of the Saturn Moon "Titan" where she decided to build an Habitat on before she npticed the closed planet wich contained intelligent life... the earth.

The Same M.I.A that caused her accident is responsible for her not being able to contact the Chaos-Engineers via Multi-Continuum-Telepathy wich is one more reason for her to find a way to neutralize the M.I.A..

  • Pryshas Mission

Besides of Neutralizing the M.I.A(s) she needs to build herself a new Space-Vessel wich is needed to Neutralize M.I.A.'s. She has given herself the mission to take control over this Galaxy until she can return to her continuum.


  • Symbiotic Hive Mind

Prysha can build a network by symbiosis with other individuals. The method she uses is either energy based or matter based. However the most common method she uses is matter based and works as following:

She converts energy into a black liquid looking like matter that will stick to any organic or semi organic lifeform , it will create a symbiotic-relationship wich benefits the host with immunities and limited shapeshifting abilites but in exchange the hosts mind or thoughts are open for Prysha to read and in some situations and usualy with both sides aggreement prysha can take control over the host from any distance within like 20 Lighthours. If the host is out of that range the matter will revert back to Pryshas kind of energy form and return to her volume. The same happens when both sides come to the point where they agree to dissolve the symbiotic relationship (( in some situations she decides to dissolve the relationship for specific reasons)). The whole method would also work by force but Prysha is unlikely to do so...

The Hosts appearances are usually affected by the symbioses... this ranges from dark eyes to partial-body liquid-alike looking style. (( pretty much like venom from marvels spiderman ))

more info on this coming soon...

From her ingame decription:                      The Extraterrestrial

*** PVE Build - Duels only for the lulz ***

Chaos Anomaly Aura:
Within a small radius (0,5meters) around herself the following effects apply;

Tech Malfunctioning,Magic neutralizes, telekinetic and mind abilties are unstable/chaotic.

PLEASE read Primus Databse entry by searching for "Prysha" ... http://tinyurl.com/prysha


Age: Unknown (looks very young/teeny)
Species: Unknown

Liquid form: (stable)
Energy form: (temporary/unstable)
Humanoid Physical body: (stable)

*Has a very strange behavior*

  • Common apearance seem to look-like shes a bareskinned humanoid wich is partially covered in black ooze-like liquid that can form into tentacles or other shapes*

  • Her scent is like: Strawberry,Vanilla,Honey*

  • Her kisses taste like Honey , Vanilla and Cream*

  • Talks almost only via telepathy, if she uses speech she talks very different and /or talks in third person*

* If you see her with long black hair the "Cape" is actually meant to be her hair - Her hair,tails,tentacles and other liquid-alike bodyparts seems to have their own life, they move and wiggle all the time and sometimes she uses them to grab objects like it was her hands* - her "Horns" or "Tails" are are meant to be tentacles that wiggle and move the whole time...

(( liquid form of her is pretty much like venom or carnage from spiderman))

No further information available.

((((( NOTE: This is based on the point of view of the Character and its Continuum , from your view it might look like it conflicts with CO lore.. but it does not !!)))))