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HERO magazine logo.jpg

HERO Magazine is a New York-based magazine aimed at keeping up with and informing their readership about the goings-on of the more media-friendly super heroes in America. Founded in January 1983, the magazine was originally a tabloid with an unscrupulous repuation that made a number of exaggerated claims. After a string of lawsuits, most notably the case of Count Creeper vs. Hero magazine, which made international news, the publisher decided to upgrade rather than fold up shop. The result was a format similar to PEOPLE magazine, with less gossip and more chatter, but always with a human interest edge to the articles and interviews. The new motto of HERO magazine is "Looking for the ordinary man in the super hero, and the super hero in the ordinary man." Despite these editorial adjustments, many in the super hero community view the magazine and its writers with skepticism and suspicion. Currently, HERO magazine has field offices in Dallas, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Millennium City, MI, and Atlanta, GA.