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Revision as of 03:17, 28 November 2013

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Skull logo 1.jpg
The Unyielding
The Undead's Bane
We've all had our chances at living. I'm here to make sure it stays that way.
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Player: Leroysig.png
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Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Braden Dewhurst
October 22nd, 1909
Oxford, England
United Kingdom
Millennium City, Michigan
Sewers, City Center, Millennium City
Monster Hunter
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Jamie Dewhurst (Wife, deceased), Colby Queens (Adopted Son)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
Malnourished, yet muscular
Light Blonde
Glowing Green
Pale White
· Distinguishing Features ·
Corroded mouth, sharp teeth. Elongated toe and finger nails, beady green eyes.
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Self-Sustenance, Resistance to Scent-based attacks, Thermal Vision, Resistance to Magic, Resistance to Mental Attacks, Resistance to Fire & Heat, Resistance to Cold, Resistance to Vampirism, Resistance to Aging, Natural Weaponry,Self-Revival
· Equipment ·
Band of Yeshua, Rat-Skull necklace, Psionic-Resistant Hood, Nephilim Sword
· Other Abilities ·
Tracking, Hunting, Lore on Nephilim, Vampires, Werewolves, and the like.

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Appearance & Personality
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Recent Events
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Powers & Abilities
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  • Self Sustenance: Curse can survive indefinitely without consuming air, water, or food. Bodily wastes are internally recycled back into useable materials. Normally, Curse would not need to replenish himself when his power reached its limit. He merely resumes normal consumption habits (breathe normally, eat a light snack, etc.). This is the permanent form of the power. The temporary form requires Curse to consume mass quantities at the expiration of the Power.

  • Resistance to Scent-Based Attacks: Curse has lost all sense of smell. No matter what form of scent based attack an opponent uses, it will not work on Curse.

  • Thermal Vision: Curse can see infrared light and heat images. This allows him to see in the dark, perceive temperature differences (especially those left by a living person's contact with an object), and partially see through solids. In the last case, Curse can only see the heat patterns of objects touching the other side of the barrier. With practice, he can judge the temperature of a target by its thermal color. Unfortunately, Curse also has an increased risk of being blinded by strong heat sources, even those that don't affect normal vision. Thermal vision may be a consciously-activated mode or his normal means of vision.

  • Resistance to Magic: Curse is 100% resistant to magic based attacks, whether physical or mental in orientation. Healing affects can bypass this resistance, but cannot harm Curse in the process.

  • Resistance to Mental Attacks: Curse has increased resistance to attacks aimed at the mind and neural system. Such attacks include psionics, Neural Manipulation, and any other attacks aimed at the Psyche. It does not include emotion-based attacks or magical attacks.

  • Resistance to Fire & Heat: Curse has an increased resistance to heat, flame, plasma, and some electricity, including most forms of raw energy and radiation.

  • Resistance to Cold: Curse has an enhanced resistance to nearly all forms of "cold".

  • Resistance to Vampirism: Curse has increased resistance to any vampiric-type attacks. Such attacks include forms of Psi-, Bio-, Energy, Magic, and Power Vampirism.

  • Resistance to Aging: Curse does not age.

  • Natural Weaponry: Curse's body contains special anatomical features that can function as weapons. These may be of any nature and can be external, internal, or retractable. If these are damaged the hero suffers as if they were normal body parts. Curse in particular has acidic saliva, elongated finger and toe nails, and sharp, razor like teeth.

  • Self Revival:Curse is so strong that he can repair fatal damage and actually return to life. He can actually functions despite the absence of life in the body. It repairs the major damage and replaces lost tissues at the same rate as Regeneration. When the body is returned to minimum life sustaining condition, Curse comes back to life. This occurs despite any intervening time in which he was dead; from his point of view, no time has passed. If he was dismembered, the Revival Power is concentrated on the largest remaining segment. The rest of the body decays normally. In rare cases, all body parts regrow. Depending on the size of the segment, each attains only partial redevelopment of growth, intelligence, and power. Even rarer are the cases where all the newly regrown bodies attain full development. Rarest of all is the case where all the new bodies share a single mind.

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In the process of becoming cursed, Curse lost his sense of smell, any magical and/or mental abilities, and his sanity. In addition, there is a small chance that Curse will act irrationally for a bit. Curse is obsessed with finding a way to remove the curse placed on him. He will help anyone who offers to remove the curse. The only exception to this is that he will often seek out the being who cursed him and try to trick the being into removing the curse.

Friend or Foe
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Tropes & Hooks
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