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='''''<div style="color: #8B4513; background-color: #8B4513">Soundtrack[[image:Coyote Title Banner 08.png|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color: #8B4513; background-color: #8B4513">Soundtrack[[image:Coyote Title Banner 08.png|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
:[[File:Music-player.png|25px]] '''''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uavW_Sp6-Y "Thunderdome"--Audiomachine]'''''
:[[File:Music-player.png|25px]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uavW_Sp6-Y|<span style="color:Gold;">1. "Thunderdome" - Audiomachine</span>]
='''''<div style="color: #8B4513; background-color: #8B4513">Testimonials[[image:Coyote Title Banner 09.png|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color: #8B4513; background-color: #8B4513">Testimonials[[image:Coyote Title Banner 09.png|left]]<br><br></div>'''''=
:''"I think he's a cool dude. Really good at what he does. In a way, I'm sort of jealous. He's got way too much talent and experience for someone his age. Coyote is a wild one, for sure."'' -- '''[[Stitch]]'''
:''"I think he's a cool dude. Really good at what he does. In a way, I'm sort of jealous. He's got way too much talent and experience for someone his age. Coyote is a wild one, for sure."'' -- '''[[Stitch]]'''

Revision as of 02:16, 11 November 2013

Silver medal T.png
The Wiley
The Dastardly Dog
“Coyote never loses. Because I change the rules of the games my enemies play. What are the rules of your game?” ― Patricia Briggs, Frost Burned
Freeform Music-player.png
Player: @leroyswish
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Colby Queens
March 19, 1997
San Francisco, California
US Citizen
Millennium City, Michigan
Millennium City, Michigan
Adventurer, Student
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Monet Queens (Sister, Fulmina), Neena Queens (Mother), Nathaniel Queens (Father), Gordan Queens (Uncle)
Physical Traits
Metahuman (Mutant)
Caucasian/Native American
Apparent Age
147 lbs.
Body Type
Dark Brown
Light Tan
· Distinguishing Features ·
None Notable
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
· Equipment ·
Communications Device
· Other Abilities ·
Some Combat Techniques, Sign Language, Tumbling

Coyote Title Banner 02.png

Colby Queens was born on March 19, 1997 to a middle class family in San Francisco, California. His father was a smart Canadian man and on-the-rise entrepreneur. His mother was a very beautiful and talented Native American woman who loved to paint pictures. She had especially admired the sea, and often painted massive canvases of stormy oceans, calm tides, and blustery beaches. Colby was not the first child in the family, however. He had an older sister, Monet, who was more than happy to have a baby brother. His father was struggling to push the family restaurant into popularity, but it was tough. On top of that, they often were low on funds due to Nathaniel's (the father) gambling addiction.
Eventually the family of four found a beach house cheap enough in La Jolla, California. By this time, Colby was about eight years of age, and Monet was sixteen. The family had lost a lot of money. Colby and Monet were doing well in school. Colby was doing great, working hard, focusing on getting good grades. He didn't care much for friends. He didn't mind them, but he knew the importance of passing his classes. Monet was a bit unlike her younger brother. She was the typical young teenager, more concerned with her social life than her school.
Colby was always shy around his classmates. He didn't know what to talk about; he was a different child than the others. He felt uncomfortable. What made it harder was concealing his true nature. It was hard to live with. Colby was a mutant. His family found this out at a young age. He had passed out when he was four, for no explainable reason. The parents didn't know what was wrong with their son. After rushing him to the hospital and getting a regular exam, they found the truth. Instead of iron in his blood, they found cobalt.
After searching for a cure, Nathaniel Queens (the father) sent in thousands of dollars to an obscure research program named "Manifest Destiny". This program had been receiving a large amount of funds from an unknown provider. They were, are, and will always be tasked with relating applied sciences to the superhuman world in order to better society as a whole. They manufactured and designed a special dietary supplement for him to take with his meals or every six hours after taking them. This is crucial to his well being. Without them, he becomes lightheaded, and can even go into cardiac arrest.
His sister, Monet Queens, first manifested her super powers when she was fifteen, and Colby was seven. She had accidentally created a small electromagnetic wave around her bodice, blowing out the circuitry and sending the entire La Jolla neighborhood into a blackout. Although it was hard for the parents to accept the fact, they invested in the private school Ravenswood Academy. There Monet would receive a very high quality education and gain a better understanding of mutant abilities. Colby, however, having an easily concealed mutation, was kept in normal schooling.
Colby was anxious to begin middle school. The night before the first day of, he had trouble sleeping, or rather, staying asleep. Although he has little memory of the ordeal. Apparently, Colby--in his sleep--was visited by the great Coyote spirit. Colby was unclear as to why the Coyote was visiting him, and has an unclear memory of what actually happened. The Coyote spirit found that Coyote had a special boldness and courage he kept hidden behind his shyness and insecurities. Granting Colby the power of "Absorption", he put the tween to the test. He could have easily given him super speed or strength, shape-shifting or even regeneration. However, he wanted Colby to expand his mind and adapt to his situations on his own. And thus, Coyote was born.
When Monet turned eighteen as graduated a top student, she and Coyote partnered up. After securing custom costumes from Manifest destiny sources, they went on a crime-fighting spree throughout California. Monet became Colby's guardian and the two packed up and moved across country. They settled in Millennium City, where they spent several months defeating significant threats, including Wolfsbane, Medusa, and numerous other small-time crooks. Now, Colby balances his studies at Grace Memorial High School and maintaining his secret identity as Coyote.
Recently, he has caught the attention of Dr. Kaufmann. Coyote was out on patrol and recovered blueprints for a "Psi-bomb", which was for the Doctor to handle. After the Doctor threatened civilian lives, Coyote in the end refused to give into a "terrorist's demands" and is en route to secure the schematics with an PRIMUS operative. Perhaps Coyote has made a new enemy?

Coyote Title Banner 03.png

Colby Queens is a somewhat nondescript young man. He has wide hazel eyes that many people say are "stolen" from his mother, Neena Queens. He has dark brown hair that he keeps neat and combed back, yet somehow manages to remain fashionable. He has notably smaller ears which are often teased about. He doesn't take offense, but it still makes him feel awkward. He has a "butt" chin.
Colby does his best to conceal his fit physique. Although he is very fit for someone his age, he covers it up with sweaters, waistcoats, and old, faded black jeans. He has a very typical dress despite the usual style of those in their youth. He does dress very well despite being low on funds. He has plain, regular tennis shoes on that he switches out with beat up black Converse shoes.
Coyote's costume has a lot of flair. His colors are based on southern Sonoran coyote's fur. It is primarily a light brown or tan color with gold accents. To add to the theme, his costume has parts darkened with black. He has a large paw-print emblem in the center of his chest. He has various diamond designs covering the costume. He has a belt with various standard "vigilante" gadgets, including smoke pellets, a grappling hook, etc. He wears a custom black leather jacket that somewhat hides his body's true proportions, further adding to his secret identity. His full mask has black covering the appropriate areas, also concealing his true nature.

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Colby is a bashful teenager, seeming insecure and somewhat unsure of his abilities as a student. He does excel well in his standard classes. He is a good and attentive listener, and upholds strong study habits. He doesn't have many friends to socialize with, but that doesn't bother him. Many think eh has a social anxiety, but that is simply not the case. While he does not usually approach people and start friendships, he will continue a conversation until it blossoms. Despite him also not pursuing a relationship or dating around, he does have a crush or two. He is a teenage boy after all. Overall, he is a kind, respectful, yet shy young man.
Coyote is another story. Coyote is an interesting character. He still has qualities reflected in Colby, but with a twist. He has an unusual flair about him, a punk-like grace when he moves and speaks and acts. He tries to act older and different to have others think he is not who they might think he is. He tries to mimic catchphrases and speech patterns. He does seem quite bolder and cunning behind the mask, however. While some have been able to deduce that Coyote is actually a teenager, none so far have been able to guess Colby Queens and Coyote are one and the same.
Ever since he and Wolfsbane first fought (when Colby Queens was only thirteen), Coyote has been much more cautious in a fight. He prefers to sit back and think, defend and support, and understand his enemies before leaping into the fray. Wolfsbane nearly killed Coyote for acting so reckless and irresponsible. If it weren't for the help of Fulmina and a few MARS members, Coyote would have bleed to death, bones broken, and spirit shattered. He has learned a lot since then and constantly trains himself physically, mentally, and emotionally, and prepares for another confrontation.

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Coyote can absorb a specific type of energy and actually heal himself by converting the energy into regeneration. When he has successfully absorbed a given energy, he emits a powerful aura of the same energy type. Anytime that energy strikes his person, he regenerates further. In the absence of life-sustaining materials, this power can act as a substitute for air, water, and food. He can also convert energy into healing power for the damage he's taking from suffocation, dehydration, starvation, and any other unpleasant results of not living careful. Unfortunately, this requires a steady supply of energy to convert. There is the danger that Coyote will actively seek out energies he can absorb and heal himself with. The danger occurs if the energy type is a dangerous one that does great damage wherever it occurs. For example, consider if he is affected by radiation. In the absence of other super beings who possess radiation powers, the character might resort to breaking into reactors or even purposefully detonating nuclear bombs to get the energy he needs. Coyote can emit energy by any part of the his body. For most energy types, it is not important to specify the emergence point. However, for the power of the energy emission the points become important. They affect how he will utilize his abilities.
Coyote can run at remarkable speeds for extended amounts of time. This includes protection to wind resistance and windburn; this protection extends to anything he is carrying. His lungs are thus modified to breath high velocity air. If Coyote stumbles, however, he continues on a ballistic trajectory until he regains his footing or rolls to a halt. To cut down on the chance of this, Coyote's reaction time is increased to be able cope with impending problems. The increased reaction time decreases the relative speed of any other moving object. This side-effect enables the hero to dodge or even catch things like bullets and missiles.

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Colby has poor hearing, he always has. Ever since he was a young child, he's required a hearing aid. His hearing is only going to worsen according to the many doctors the parents consulted. This is one of the harder things for him to hide, as it interrupts his hero work and crime fighting, as well as providing an easily exploitable weakness for his enemies. This is the greatest link between his secret identity, and eventually, Coyote fears someone will finally discover this.
Colby can only absorb so much before pushing himself to his limits. He gets intense headaches when straining the use of his powers. Although he can absorb most energy types, some are still harmful to his person, such as radiation. He does visit Manifest Destiny still, every three months, for a routine exam and check up to make sure he's still healthy and well. While he can regenerate most minor wounds through his energy absorption and emission, he isn't invincible, and most take various long rests to recuperate.
Although Colby Queens doesn't have an official social anxiety, he does have some insecurities meeting new people. He has few friends, especially now that he and his sister have moved to "foreign" territory, that is Millennium City. He is not one to initiate conversation, but has little trouble continuing one. He does tend to get flustered around "larger" people. Bodybuilders make him nervous, as do curvy women. However, he does his best to not let his anxieties ruin in social life. some have noticed his bizarre behaviors that make some feel a tad uncomfortable and awkward.

Friend or Foe?
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Britt wings.png
Britt Ashdown
"She's one of the first people that I felt I got along with in Millennium City. She's really, really arrogant and sort of a...a b*****. Don't tell her I said that! But seriously, she's almost a perfect mixture of light and dark. Plus she's pretty! I hope I'm lucky enough to work with her on emergencies more. She knows I'm not eighteen. I need to make sure she doesn' figure out more..."

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Music-player.png 1. "Thunderdome" - Audiomachine

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"I think he's a cool dude. Really good at what he does. In a way, I'm sort of jealous. He's got way too much talent and experience for someone his age. Coyote is a wild one, for sure." -- Stitch