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Kyle Foster
Player: @Sorune
Dreamweaver, weave me a dream...
Biographical Data
Real Name: Kyle Foster
Known Aliases: Casper, Booberry, Imaginary Friend
Gender: Neutral, prefers male
Species: Psionic Manifestation
Ethnicity: American-ish
Place of Birth: Millennium City
Base of Operations: Dreamzone, Millennium City
Relatives: Adopted only
Age: 4
Height: 5’8”
Weight: N/A
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Blue
Complexion: Transparent
Physical Build: Slight
Physical Features: Transparent, wears glasses
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Alignment: Template:MaekadaChaotic Good (With emphasis on good)
Identity: Public
Years Active: 3
Citizenship: Confidential
Education: Nil
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Telepathy, mental healing, dreamspinning, incorporeal, mental sight, empath.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Custom Comm Device
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada

All information here, unless it has been marked with a spoiler, is either public information or information that can be gathered through law enforcement. As such, it is very much in character to know a good amount about him-provided he doesn't tell you himself.

What is Kyle Foster?

While Kyle often introduces himself as an Imaginary Friend, he's more closely related to a psionic manifestation akin to what many psychics can create. Where he differentiates is the fact that he is completely independent-the Psychic he came from, a planar traveler known as Uliasshuk, is not only dead, but her soul devoured by the Qlippoth. Kyle is quite unique in his composition, as he needs only a person to welcome him into their minds in order to manifest on the material plane as an intangible being.

Kyle himself does not know the full extent of what he is, despite having examined himself and being examined by experts in various fields. He only knows that he used to be a split personality, and in the process of removing himself from Uliasshuk, he has become something different altogether. He is capable of travelling back and forth into the Dreamzone through the person that is his anchor (A young lady he declined to name, stating only that he prefer to keep her secret.) and is capable of modifying dreams while there.

What can he do?

Kyle Foster is a very skilled empath and telepath. Skilled to the point where he can't help but read minds in a very gentle way whenever he comes near them. When he does this, he's careful to get nothing more than basic emotional state and self-image, and possibly the image of anyone around them that he's not focused on. It's therefore very possible for him to have a completely misleading idea of what people look like, if not corrected. Anyone mentally shielded from him is invisible to his mind's eye unless he chooses to seek them out, which he will rarely do.

Kyle can create links with people that do two very specific things. They allow him to communicate with them, no matter the distance, and they ensure that all mental attacks directed towards the victim are instead shunted towards Kyle himself, who is usually better equipped to deal with the threat. He's also very skilled in finding people, although finding those that he does not have a link to takes time, and tends to be imprecise. If he were trying to find a kidnapping victim, for example, he would have to go through Millennium City looking for all people that are scared, feel helpless, and are desperately calling for help...which could also describe a woman who is getting mugged across town from his intended target. Still, this tends to be Kyle's go-to skill for finding people.

The Imaginary Friend is also capable of healing mental trauma, whether it's natural or inflicted by external forces, and has restored many people to sanity and healthier lives with this capability. While it's possible that he could control people while he does this, modify their memories, or do other things that less savory psychics can do, Kyle refuses to try for reasons of his own. In theory he'd do so in dire circumstances, but he had this to say on the matter.

"For me, that's essentially rape. They're helpless for one reason or another, are unlikely to have any method of striking back at me, and I'm doing things to them against their will. I guess I could do it, but...you see why I'm hesitant to do so. I have other methods of stopping people, so it'd be a last resort, and one I'd feel dirty about for the rest of my life afterwards."

Lastly, Kyle is incorporeal on the material plane-while some forms of magic affect him, ones that directly modify the environment do not. For example, a fireball is just as like to go through him as it is to explode on him, but TNT would never affect him directly.

What are his weaknesses?

Kyle has recently come forth to several law enforcement agencies and given them a dossier on what to do should he ever go rogue. He sorted them in order of smallest inconvenience to what could potentially kill him.

The Imaginary Friend is incapable of perceiving inorganic material that does not have a mind behind it. As such, he cannot even perceive walls without trouble (Usually after he's already gone through, and his comm is stopped by the wall) and is completely oblivious to the presence of robots. Golems are likely to be unseen by him as well. On the flip side, they also cannot perceive Kyle-unless they focus on the comm device that he usually carries with him.

Kyle can be slowed down by most forms of mental defense, although it's unlikely to stop him for long before he finds an opening. While he could rush over it with sheer force, he's more likely to take time to try and find the smallest break in mental defenses, and use those against the psychic. However, it does make it next to impossible for him to find people that he has not yet met, if he's attempting to uncover them with the previous abilities mentioned. He can also be banished to the Dreamzone by most magic capable of banishing spirits, but this is somewhat unlikely to stop him for longer than a few minutes.

Kyle can be contained by very few things. In theory, a powerful enough psionicist could create a trap for Kyle, but they would have to be very confident indeed in their abilities. Most magic that could stop a spirit would likely trap Kyle's form, but they would have to deal with his psionic ability separately. Many forms of psionically charged ore could also trap Kyle's form, but he's skilled at finding cracks within defenses. He's been successfully trapped in the Dreamzone before, but that may have been a fluke.

Kyle can be harmed by many forms of magic that disenchant magic or harm spirits. In addition, most forms of magical weaponry is capable of harming his body as easily as flesh and blood would. Psychics attacking his mind would also open physical wounds upon him, and lastly, Kyle is potentially at risk when inside the mind of individuals with powerful psyches or trauma. Also, enough minds with murderous intent acting in concert could harm Kyle simply by being around him-the reverse of 'Clap if you believe in fairies.'

Finally, Kyle can be killed by any of the above, but also by Qliphotic energy (Which destroys anything it touches regardless) and by explosives similar to those rumored to have been used by the New Purple Gang that attacked psionic abilities.

Why is he an imaginary friend?

It's what he chooses to be. He is on everyone's side at the same time, and if sides conflict, he tries to talk people down to an agreement. He tries to never harm-only heal. He is a manifestation of psychic energy, and seems to grow more powerful when people believe in him, though this could simply be the effect of him being driven past his limits.

But really, Kyle's just the kind that always, always, always wants to help, and has only betrayed someone's trust if he feels it will truly benefit them in the long run-usually not even then, as he tries to seek an alternative.