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"Perhaps she wouldn't be so terrifying if she didn't resort to ripping open my door every morning."
"Perhaps she wouldn't be so terrifying if she didn't resort to ripping open my door every morning."
Our first stop was actually to another Legion, the Apollo Legion. We arrived at the gates, and I couldn't help but let envy take over.
"What a big gate. We don't even have one," I grumbled.
The gate opened, revealing a maid.
"Flock! Always a pleasure seeing you in the morning!"
Flock handed her the package.
"Delivery! How are you, Bethel?"
"I'm doing great! That's very thoughtful of you to ask. You know, my offer still stands. We would be more than happy to let you join our Legion. Even Apollo himself is encouraging it! Melinoe... doesn't really have a good rep around here, being such a scary goddess and all..."
Flock smiled.
"I appreciate the offer, but I will always choose Lady Melinoe."
The maid made a disappointed expression.
"I understand. I just think your talent is being wasted delivering packages is all..."
I grunted.
"Hey, my talent is being wasted too."
"''You'' belong where you are, troublemaker!"
"HUH? You think you can get away with saying stuff like that?!" I growled, marching forward, but Flock grabbed me and held me back.
"No! Shun! Control your anger! We can't afford any more property damage after you destroyed the Tavern last week!" Flock cried out.
The maid frowned.
"What did Shun do?"
"She made a mistake guessing Shun's age is all," Flock reasoned, but annoyance filled my body and manifested in the form of a fast reply.
"She did not just mistaken me! She called me a kid! I'm fifteen years old! I am eligible to order drinks without the need for an adult! I'll do more than trash her place next time, in my homeland, the people I lived with had a custom where those who disrespect us get their fingers cut off!!!"
Bethel took the package as more members of the Apollo Legion peeked out of the windows.
"Ugh... Melinoe's Legion..."
"Do you think that creepy goddess will ever get more than two members?"
"I understand the Chinese pickpocket, but Flock? The guy deserves someone better."
Flock and I made our way back to the village, but I noticed Flock had a troubled expression.
"Are you really letting what Bethel said get to you? Melinoe is Melinoe, no point letting others speak ill of her."
"I know... but I'm just upset that people aren't even giving her a chance. Lady Melinoe is sweet and caring. One of her dreams is to have a Legion just as big as Poseidon!"
Dream on...
The only reason Melinoe even ''had'' members was because Flock himself was literally a human angel, kind, compassionate, and would give anyone a chance.
As for why I ended up in the Legion, it was because I had no fear of ghosts.
Considering for several years I let myself be possessed by the demonic ghost of a martial arts grandmaster and caused mass chaos in China.

Revision as of 05:07, 24 December 2023

First Stance

In school, I was once asked to fill out a career questionnaire. Many didn't think much of it, but I had taken a lot of time to think: what kind of person would I be?

But for a twelve-year-old Zhang Shun, a boy who was as naive and mentally deranged as the family he had been forced to grow up with, the outcome of all that thinking was as silly as one would expect.

"The... power to run away really fast."

The teacher gave me a raised eyebrow, and the sarcasm in the way she had read my questionnaire was met with an uproar of laughter.

"The Chinese boy can't understand Japanese?"

"Running away is his career? How stupid!"

And I remember being confronted by that same teacher and held true to my response to this day.

The power to run away.

To be able to obtain such power in the near future was always a dream I wanted.

My father was a psychopath. He enjoyed abusing the rest of us whenever something good happened. It was almost like he was allergic to good things. The day me, and my brother, Zhang Wen, had our birthday, my mother had bought a duck to celebrate. My father proceeded to flip the table and yell at us for no good reason.

My mother wasn't any better. She believed every hobby I had was "dangerous". A "Christian" woman, who took her faith to the realm of schizophrenia. She caught me playing video games and ordered I throw them into the trash because she believed it was "controlling me".

Needless to say, the idea of escaping such a family was almost like a dream.

I would do anything to escape this family.

But I wasn't exactly someone particularly intelligent, like Wen. Wen was a prodigal, he escaped easily. But I was stupid.

And so I would resort to anything.

Anything to escape my life with these people.


"Shun Zhang of the Red Circle Triad!" Several voices echoed in the distance.

"We know you're there!"

"Come out! And pay for what you did to Master Leung!"

I slowly emerged from the darkness, the cloth that contained Leung's head slung to my side like a prized trophy.

Several Masters gasped upon seeing the severed head.

Many more reacted with outrage.

"How could you... how could you!" A Master shouted at me, a polearm brandished in his hands.

"Master Leung was a good man! A loving father! A caring teacher! Yet you ruthlessly killed him! And you dare to have his head as a troph-"

I stomped on the ground with tremendous force, unleashing a shockwave that repelled everybody back.

Dozens, if not hundreds of martial artists had surrounded me. All wielding swords and weapons of every kind.

Even gang members from rival Triads had come to try to take me down.

I slowly ran my hand through my hair. The blood-soaked bandages left behind a streak of red against the black.

"Master Leung was a target. The greatest martial arts practitioner in all of Hebei Province. Now that you see the might of Boss Lok's son, I am disappointed that you still have the audacity to try to threaten me."

My Mandarin was still a little off, despite my parents being of Chinese descent. But I definitely got the point across.

Because the masters became even more enraged.

"Get him! Kill Shun Zhang of the Red Circle! For Leung!"


I brought my foot back, assuming my stance.

A demonic voice rumbled in my mind.

Shun-dono. There is no alternate route. We must kill every master here. And with how renowned and loved Leung-sensei is, the entirety of the martial arts community has come after us.

"I know, Hataka-sensei. And not just the masters. But rival Triads have come for my head. They think that I will be weaker now that I am supposedly backed into a corner."

Then let us bring about mischief. Show them just how deluded they are. For a Japanese oni foreigner like me to be able to tear them apart with their own martial arts.

A crazed smile appeared on my face.

"For Boss Lok! Of the Red Circle Triad!" I snarled, rushing forward. The attackers retaliated with a battle cry, as the sounds of battle filled the air of the village.

For Boss Lok, I would do anything.

I was Boss Lok's son. There was nothing to leave behind. My father was a shitface, and my mother was a delusional freak. I would throw these parents of mine in the trash at any convenience.

I had no hesitation in calling Boss Lok of The Red Circle my father and my master.

And on that day, I had fought off hundreds of martial arts practitioners and killed many. Blood soaked through my clothes, and the more red that I saw, the more excited I had become.

The greater my lust for death filled my veins.

My victory over the greatest sifu in Hebei earned me a moniker because, by the time I was finished with my battle, I had killed 90% of the martial arts community all at once. The blood that covered my body, and my expression of pure malice earned me the name The Red Beast.

The most ferocious martial artist to ever have lived.

At least...

That was how it was.

Until the day I had lost my oni.

"Shun! Are you awake? We're going to be late for our deliveries!" A young boy said.

I buried my face in my pillow.


Pain in the ass, in Japanese.

"Oh for crying out loud," A woman's voice said, as the door ripped open, revealing a short, four foot girl who was holding the door by its hinges.

"Shun Zhang! Wake up already, you idiot child!"

I got up from my bed and yawned.

"Good morning, Lady Melinoe."

Melinoe's face turned red in rage.

"Don't good morning me, you troublemaker! Flock is going to be late because you slept in!"

"Who cares about being late or not? It's just a delivery."

"Just a delivery?! My reputation is already bad enough as it is! I don't need to be known as the Goddess of Tardiness as well!"

A boy peeked from the broken door frame.

"Lady Melinoe! No matter how bad your reputation is, I will always love you!"

Melinoe's anger suddenly disappeared, transforming into feelings of fluster as she turned to Flock and threw her arms around him.

"Flock! How adorable you are!"

I slowly got out of my bed and glanced at the bandages that were neatly folded on my nightstand.

There was not a single speck of blood on them.

Almost like a complete contrast to how they used to look many years ago when I was a member of the Triads.

"Five minutes, Melinoe. I will be ready by then."

Flock and I made rounds as we made delivery after delivery throughout the city of Folia. A city of adventurers, as many would call it, as it is the only city to possess a Labyrinth. As such, many adventurers of different lands and races have come to Folia to try their hand at exploring the Labyrinth. The gods and goddesses have blessed the people of Folia with power, depending on how well their body receives it, to try and conquer the Dungeon. Groups of adventures would aggregate into factions, following a specific god or goddess.

The top Legions were the Poseidon Legion and the Venus Legion, with an average of twenty or thirty members each.

As for Flock and me, we belonged to the lowest of the low.

Melinoe, the Goddess of Ghosts.

"Melinoe is so kind, I just wish more people could realize her and see her more than a Goddess of Ghosts," Flock frowned.

"Perhaps she wouldn't be so terrifying if she didn't resort to ripping open my door every morning."

Our first stop was actually to another Legion, the Apollo Legion. We arrived at the gates, and I couldn't help but let envy take over.

"What a big gate. We don't even have one," I grumbled.

The gate opened, revealing a maid.

"Flock! Always a pleasure seeing you in the morning!"

Flock handed her the package.

"Delivery! How are you, Bethel?"

"I'm doing great! That's very thoughtful of you to ask. You know, my offer still stands. We would be more than happy to let you join our Legion. Even Apollo himself is encouraging it! Melinoe... doesn't really have a good rep around here, being such a scary goddess and all..."

Flock smiled.

"I appreciate the offer, but I will always choose Lady Melinoe."

The maid made a disappointed expression.

"I understand. I just think your talent is being wasted delivering packages is all..."

I grunted.

"Hey, my talent is being wasted too."

"You belong where you are, troublemaker!"

"HUH? You think you can get away with saying stuff like that?!" I growled, marching forward, but Flock grabbed me and held me back.

"No! Shun! Control your anger! We can't afford any more property damage after you destroyed the Tavern last week!" Flock cried out.

The maid frowned.

"What did Shun do?"

"She made a mistake guessing Shun's age is all," Flock reasoned, but annoyance filled my body and manifested in the form of a fast reply.

"She did not just mistaken me! She called me a kid! I'm fifteen years old! I am eligible to order drinks without the need for an adult! I'll do more than trash her place next time, in my homeland, the people I lived with had a custom where those who disrespect us get their fingers cut off!!!"

Bethel took the package as more members of the Apollo Legion peeked out of the windows.

"Ugh... Melinoe's Legion..."

"Do you think that creepy goddess will ever get more than two members?"

"I understand the Chinese pickpocket, but Flock? The guy deserves someone better."

Flock and I made our way back to the village, but I noticed Flock had a troubled expression.

"Are you really letting what Bethel said get to you? Melinoe is Melinoe, no point letting others speak ill of her."

"I know... but I'm just upset that people aren't even giving her a chance. Lady Melinoe is sweet and caring. One of her dreams is to have a Legion just as big as Poseidon!"

Dream on...

The only reason Melinoe even had members was because Flock himself was literally a human angel, kind, compassionate, and would give anyone a chance.

As for why I ended up in the Legion, it was because I had no fear of ghosts.

Considering for several years I let myself be possessed by the demonic ghost of a martial arts grandmaster and caused mass chaos in China.