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=Abilities & Powers=
=Abilities & Powers=
Due to the experiments he received in his youth, Erogar is a force to be reckoned with.  To start off, Erogar senses are higher than average than most humans and manimals.  He is able to detect the slightest of sounds.  A common indication of him hearing someone approaching would be his ear twitching, a sign that he recognizes this particular movement as each person has a different tone when they step and move, much like how everyone has a different fingerprint.  His smell also lets him detect any toxic substances and chemicals that would be otherwise harmful to others.  A use for his nose he uses daily would let him tell when his food is ready without the use of a timer being the cook he is, or just simply smelling food to see if its good enough to eat or not.  His sight is also improved, being of a feline breed, he can see in the dark better than humans can.  Strength wise, Erogar can lift objects as heavy as trucks or large boulders.  Due to his cat like appearance and abilities he can also jump from high places and land safely.  His agility is difficult to match, running at speeds faster than most heroes, but not as fast as the hero Kinetik.  He is also a tactician, able to plan out attacks on the spot, finding ways to overcome the enemy.  Psychic enemies will have difficulty penetration Erogars mind, as he meditates everyday to train his mind to withstand any attacks to his conscious.  Only those who are close to him with psychic powers he allows to read his mind and conscious.  He also has a resistant to most poisonous substances and illnesses due to the countless experiments he received in his youth, a perk to the years of torture he had to endure.
Like all non meta-humans, Erogar is vulnerable to all attack, bullets, explosions, and magic.  The only thing protecting him is the armor he wears.
Erogar has a variety of hobbies, each more or less involved being around his friends and family.  He has taking the liking of playing the Shamisen, the traditional Japanese 3-string guitar.  He plays quite well as each musical note he plays has meaning behind it.  He enjoys playing live within the foundry of the lounge in Caprice or in public like in the parks or right in the comfort of his home.  He also taking a liking to engineering, always tinkering in his private shop inside his household to improve his armor or make a new invention out of scratch.  Being the cook he is and owning two restaurant locations, Erogar always enjoys cooking.  He provides excellent meals for his friends and family and always enjoy forming parties just so he has an excuse to cook.  He can be a bit of a show off using his blade techniques to help aid himself preparing his meals but always provide the entertainment to his guests.  Erogar is also classified as a herbalist among those he knows.  Because of his cooking career he looks out for special herbs and spices during his travels, to both provide cures for those that are ill and injured, and to enhance the flavors of this foods.
===Dr. Hojo Uzuki===
After the defeat those many years ago by the very creations he made, Uzuki on the brink of death finds himself rescued by VIPER scientists.  Although his body was completely destroyed, his brain remained intact.  VIPER scientists places his mind into an android in a hidden facility in Canada.  Enraged of his defeat, he kills off any staff present and takes the facility his own.  Using the robotics lab, he creates an army of robot minions to take revenge of the manimal who made him like this.  Using the facility to his advantage, he developed weapons of mass destruction and used them against Erogar and in attempt to take over the city.  Erogar learns of his whereabouts and travels to Canada and assault the facility.  Erogar defeats Uzuki by crippling his android body, leaving him there to suffer in the frozen wastelands of Canada.  Shortly after the fierce duel against creator and creation, once again being rescued by VIPER scientists, he upgrades his body and uses the latest of VIPER technology to his evil schemes to defeat Erogar.  Upgrading his previous model of a high tech android capable of multiple gunnery and rockets, to an unstable plasma energy suit capable of creating plasma swords and rays of high radiation.
Ragore is an exact opposite of Erogar, hence why his name is Erogar spelled backwards.  Cloned within the very same facility where Erogar has been held, instead of making a copy, they made a savage beast.  Killing two scientists, Ragore was kept away in the most secret of location under the labs.  Locked away in solitude, waiting for Uzuki to find a use for this killing machine.  During the break out of Erogar and company, Ragore is freed when the security grid was shut down, escaping the facility but before he oversees the battle between Erogar and Uzuki.  As Uzuki is defeated, he joins in to watch his "father" last breath, taking a vow to revenge for the death of Uzuki, so he thought he has passed away.  Ragore escapes to the most dense of jungles on Monster Island, propaganda the local manimals that Erogar was their enemy.  Having a set army of followers he sets out to Millennium City and seeks out Erogar, to kill him and anyone one he knows.  Sending his followers in to harass Erogar, Ragore meets Erogar for the first time in the parks outside of the Renaissance Center.  Brother verses brother ended in a fierce battle when Erogar manages to deliver a blow to Ragores shoulder, weakening the beast enough for authorities to arrive and take him into custody.  Sending him to jail wasn't enough to hold Ragore, escaping the prison walls and retreated back to Monster Island where he lives his life in solitude.
===S.O.L.D.I.E.R. Mk VII===
Synthetic Operational Lifeform Designed for Infiltration and Efficient Removal Mark Seven.  "Seven" is an assassin bot created by Uzuki when creating his army of robots.  "Seven" is programmed as a marksman, close quarters combat, and stealth unit.  He has managed to get a few lucky shots in at Erogar as Erogar freely roams the city but not enough to kill him.  When Uzuki was defeated in Canada, "Seven" took over the robotic army and resumes his masters wishes.  Due to Erogar being immune to most diseases, Uzuki developed a new virus and gave it to "Seven" to eliminate Erogar before Uzuki was defeated.  "Seven" using his stealth and robotic wits hiding within the rooftops of Downtown Millennium City and patiently waits for Erogar to make himself known.  During a walk through the shops, Erogar without care, heard the gunshot of "Seven" and managed to dodge the poisoned bullet.  Taking chase of the assassin over the rooftops. Erogar manages to catch the assassin and cut the bots arms off, rendering him useless.  As a last act to take down Erogar, he uses his self destruct that was strong enough to take out a whole city block.  Leaping over the edge of the building Erogar gives chase in the free fall and manages to disarm the bomb, though even as a robot, Erogar tries to save "Seven" but failed when they both crashed into the side of the building, separating them and both crash down into the streets below.  "Seven" was sent to the scrap pile, deprogrammed and shut down for good...so we think.
===The Ghost of Yang Lu-Ch'an===
As Yang Lu-Ch'an spirit has passed on, through the spirit world he guides Erogar making sure his adoptive son remains safe.  Lu-Ch'an was given the opportunity to be brought back to life but was tricked when his soul was corrupted by a demon.  He returns to the real world as a demonic version of his human self.  Only thing that differs were the bracers around his wrists that locked his soul, having no control over it as the demon inside used Lu-Ch'an body to cause chaos among the city.  Hearing the return of his old master and adobtive father, Erogar though a tough decision to fight what he once cared for, manages to break Lu-Ch'ans soul free from the demons grip during an encounter in Vibora Bay, were the demon planned to open a gate to hell and release chaos throughout the city.  With the spirit of Lu-Ch'an free'd and in peace, he infuses himself within Erogars blade, Lu-Ch'ans own sword prior of Erogar obtaining it.  Giving Erogar additional strength, willpower, and courage.
''"Embrace your dreams, if you want to become a hero...you need to have dreams, and honor."'' - A quote he uses frequently when teaching.
''"The usual, right?"'' - Being the cook he is, he remembers everyone's favorite dish.
''"Laser pointers and balls of yarn has no effect on me."'' - A quote used for people he first meets asking about himself.
''"Lets put it this way, you can blame it on the cat this time."'' - Used when on a mission to take out a VIPER raid leader.
''"What are you nuts?  I don't have nine lives like most cats do."'' - Response when someone asking him to go on a near impossible mission by himself.
''"Don't make me use my sad kitty eyes on you."'' - Response to tease his friends with.
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[[Category:Character]] [[Category:Male]][[Category:Manimal]] [[Category:Feline]][[Category:UNTIL]] [[Category:UNITY]] [[Category:Single Blade]] [[Category:Hero]]

Revision as of 20:31, 8 October 2013

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Player: @drgmstr User:Erogar117
"Embrace your dreams..."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Erogar Lu-Ch'an
Known Aliases: None
Gender: Male
Species: Manimal
Ethnicity: Unknown
Place of Birth: Monster Island
Base of Operations: Millennium City, Vibora Bay
Relatives: Dr. Hojo Uzuki (Creator, Nemesis), Lang Lu-Ch'an (Adoptive Father, diseased), Alyssa Gilman (Ex-Wife; M.I.A.), Ryuko Lu-Ch'an (Adoptive Son), Jade Lu-Ch'an (Daughter), Ragore (Brother; Ex-Nemesis, M.I.A.), Regora Lu-Ch'an (Sister)
Age: Unknown
Height: 7' 6"
Weight: 220
Eyes: Red
Hair: White
Complexion: White Tiger
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Black Stripes, White fur, Noticeable scar on chest, Striped lion-like tail, Head of a tiger
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Identity: Public
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Cook, Restaurant Owner (White Tiger Buffet), Herbalist, Teacher
Education: Basic; Self-Learned
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Powers and Abilities
Martial Arts, Swordsmanship, Agility, Increased Senses, Claws
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Light Armor, Katana, Sai, Daggers, Small Firearms
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


The Beginning

A woman mysteriously kidnapped from her Chicago apartment by men with a snake like emblem on their uniforms. Taken to a facility on a distant island where she is thrown into a cell with other strange beings appearing half human, half animal. There, she is greeted by a crazed scientist who is the cause of these creatures. Brought deeper into the facility to undergo a series of harsh experiments which slowly alters her appearance of that of a feline. She becomes pregnant from these experiments to which she gives birth to a boy and a girl feline humanoids, much resembling what she looks like now from her alterations. Sadly she dies shortly after. The crazed scientist, soon to be known as Dr. Hojo Uzuki, takes the new borns and separate them giving them the names, Erogar and Regora. Uzuki would keep Erogar to continue with his experiments but the whereabouts of Regora would be unknown for the years to come.

Youth Behind Bars

Erogar growing up well into his teen years being locked up like a caged animal at the zoo. Uzuki would perform many experiments on Erogar over the years to improve this 'Manimal'. Attempting to create a super soldier for Uzuki's master, Dr. Moreau. While each experiment would be successful, Uzuki would meet a dead end trying to change Erogar. The pureness in his heart would give Erogar the chance to move on, despite the harsh conditions he has been going through. Uzuki furious of this, he would put Erogar to the test by throwing him into arena matches against near impossible creatures of Uzuki's design. By the age of 18, Erogar would begin a long plot to escape the facility.

Prison Break

Under the darkness of night, Erogar would break out of his holding cell by using a makeshift key he carved out of bone taken from the arena grounds. The hour is late and security at a minimum. Erogar sneaks up on the only guard watching the cell block, knocking him out and taking his keys. Freeing the other manimals, he gathers them to begin a prison riot, freeing the other caged manimals in the other parts of the facility while Erogar disables the security and sneak up to Uzuki's office. Once there, Erogar would find Uzuki missing. Though on his desk would be a laptop with a open file of Erogar, giving detail about his past. Enraged to learn of his origins and the fate of his mother, he rushes through the facility with only one thing on his mind: To kill Uzuki.

Creator Vs. Creation

Finding Uzuki in the armor powering a power suit, Erogar would provide a challenge for the mad scientist. The increased speed and strength given to Erogar would keep Uzuki at bay but the suit would be too strong for Erogar to cause any harm with only his claws as a weapon. As the riot outside grew, a fire would break out and spread throughout the facility eventually making its way to the armory. Surrounded by flames and high explosives, Erogar uses this as a advantage to damage the high tech suit. Using his speed, Erogar would knock over Uzuki into a batch of barrels that was on fire before exploding. The explosion strong enough to start to have the room collapse down over the fight, trapping Erogar under the debris. Uzuki would return badly damaged but not out of the fight. Before the final blow, Erogar takes a piece of flaming metal and would jam it into Uzuki. The blow cripples Uzukis power armor, causing him to collapse into the burning wreckage. Shortly after a few manimals would arrive on the scene to pull Erogar out of the pile of debris, Dragging him to safety where the rioting manimals would have successfully broken out of their prison, though many would have died to fight for freedom. The facility goes up in flames as the remaining manimals flee into the thick jungle.

Appearance & Personality

Abilities & Powers


Due to the experiments he received in his youth, Erogar is a force to be reckoned with. To start off, Erogar senses are higher than average than most humans and manimals. He is able to detect the slightest of sounds. A common indication of him hearing someone approaching would be his ear twitching, a sign that he recognizes this particular movement as each person has a different tone when they step and move, much like how everyone has a different fingerprint. His smell also lets him detect any toxic substances and chemicals that would be otherwise harmful to others. A use for his nose he uses daily would let him tell when his food is ready without the use of a timer being the cook he is, or just simply smelling food to see if its good enough to eat or not. His sight is also improved, being of a feline breed, he can see in the dark better than humans can. Strength wise, Erogar can lift objects as heavy as trucks or large boulders. Due to his cat like appearance and abilities he can also jump from high places and land safely. His agility is difficult to match, running at speeds faster than most heroes, but not as fast as the hero Kinetik. He is also a tactician, able to plan out attacks on the spot, finding ways to overcome the enemy. Psychic enemies will have difficulty penetration Erogars mind, as he meditates everyday to train his mind to withstand any attacks to his conscious. Only those who are close to him with psychic powers he allows to read his mind and conscious. He also has a resistant to most poisonous substances and illnesses due to the countless experiments he received in his youth, a perk to the years of torture he had to endure.


Like all non meta-humans, Erogar is vulnerable to all attack, bullets, explosions, and magic. The only thing protecting him is the armor he wears.



Erogar has a variety of hobbies, each more or less involved being around his friends and family. He has taking the liking of playing the Shamisen, the traditional Japanese 3-string guitar. He plays quite well as each musical note he plays has meaning behind it. He enjoys playing live within the foundry of the lounge in Caprice or in public like in the parks or right in the comfort of his home. He also taking a liking to engineering, always tinkering in his private shop inside his household to improve his armor or make a new invention out of scratch. Being the cook he is and owning two restaurant locations, Erogar always enjoys cooking. He provides excellent meals for his friends and family and always enjoy forming parties just so he has an excuse to cook. He can be a bit of a show off using his blade techniques to help aid himself preparing his meals but always provide the entertainment to his guests. Erogar is also classified as a herbalist among those he knows. Because of his cooking career he looks out for special herbs and spices during his travels, to both provide cures for those that are ill and injured, and to enhance the flavors of this foods.


Dr. Hojo Uzuki

After the defeat those many years ago by the very creations he made, Uzuki on the brink of death finds himself rescued by VIPER scientists. Although his body was completely destroyed, his brain remained intact. VIPER scientists places his mind into an android in a hidden facility in Canada. Enraged of his defeat, he kills off any staff present and takes the facility his own. Using the robotics lab, he creates an army of robot minions to take revenge of the manimal who made him like this. Using the facility to his advantage, he developed weapons of mass destruction and used them against Erogar and in attempt to take over the city. Erogar learns of his whereabouts and travels to Canada and assault the facility. Erogar defeats Uzuki by crippling his android body, leaving him there to suffer in the frozen wastelands of Canada. Shortly after the fierce duel against creator and creation, once again being rescued by VIPER scientists, he upgrades his body and uses the latest of VIPER technology to his evil schemes to defeat Erogar. Upgrading his previous model of a high tech android capable of multiple gunnery and rockets, to an unstable plasma energy suit capable of creating plasma swords and rays of high radiation.


Ragore is an exact opposite of Erogar, hence why his name is Erogar spelled backwards. Cloned within the very same facility where Erogar has been held, instead of making a copy, they made a savage beast. Killing two scientists, Ragore was kept away in the most secret of location under the labs. Locked away in solitude, waiting for Uzuki to find a use for this killing machine. During the break out of Erogar and company, Ragore is freed when the security grid was shut down, escaping the facility but before he oversees the battle between Erogar and Uzuki. As Uzuki is defeated, he joins in to watch his "father" last breath, taking a vow to revenge for the death of Uzuki, so he thought he has passed away. Ragore escapes to the most dense of jungles on Monster Island, propaganda the local manimals that Erogar was their enemy. Having a set army of followers he sets out to Millennium City and seeks out Erogar, to kill him and anyone one he knows. Sending his followers in to harass Erogar, Ragore meets Erogar for the first time in the parks outside of the Renaissance Center. Brother verses brother ended in a fierce battle when Erogar manages to deliver a blow to Ragores shoulder, weakening the beast enough for authorities to arrive and take him into custody. Sending him to jail wasn't enough to hold Ragore, escaping the prison walls and retreated back to Monster Island where he lives his life in solitude.


Synthetic Operational Lifeform Designed for Infiltration and Efficient Removal Mark Seven. "Seven" is an assassin bot created by Uzuki when creating his army of robots. "Seven" is programmed as a marksman, close quarters combat, and stealth unit. He has managed to get a few lucky shots in at Erogar as Erogar freely roams the city but not enough to kill him. When Uzuki was defeated in Canada, "Seven" took over the robotic army and resumes his masters wishes. Due to Erogar being immune to most diseases, Uzuki developed a new virus and gave it to "Seven" to eliminate Erogar before Uzuki was defeated. "Seven" using his stealth and robotic wits hiding within the rooftops of Downtown Millennium City and patiently waits for Erogar to make himself known. During a walk through the shops, Erogar without care, heard the gunshot of "Seven" and managed to dodge the poisoned bullet. Taking chase of the assassin over the rooftops. Erogar manages to catch the assassin and cut the bots arms off, rendering him useless. As a last act to take down Erogar, he uses his self destruct that was strong enough to take out a whole city block. Leaping over the edge of the building Erogar gives chase in the free fall and manages to disarm the bomb, though even as a robot, Erogar tries to save "Seven" but failed when they both crashed into the side of the building, separating them and both crash down into the streets below. "Seven" was sent to the scrap pile, deprogrammed and shut down for good...so we think.

The Ghost of Yang Lu-Ch'an

As Yang Lu-Ch'an spirit has passed on, through the spirit world he guides Erogar making sure his adoptive son remains safe. Lu-Ch'an was given the opportunity to be brought back to life but was tricked when his soul was corrupted by a demon. He returns to the real world as a demonic version of his human self. Only thing that differs were the bracers around his wrists that locked his soul, having no control over it as the demon inside used Lu-Ch'an body to cause chaos among the city. Hearing the return of his old master and adobtive father, Erogar though a tough decision to fight what he once cared for, manages to break Lu-Ch'ans soul free from the demons grip during an encounter in Vibora Bay, were the demon planned to open a gate to hell and release chaos throughout the city. With the spirit of Lu-Ch'an free'd and in peace, he infuses himself within Erogars blade, Lu-Ch'ans own sword prior of Erogar obtaining it. Giving Erogar additional strength, willpower, and courage.


"Embrace your dreams, if you want to become a hero...you need to have dreams, and honor." - A quote he uses frequently when teaching.

"The usual, right?" - Being the cook he is, he remembers everyone's favorite dish.

"Laser pointers and balls of yarn has no effect on me." - A quote used for people he first meets asking about himself.

"Lets put it this way, you can blame it on the cat this time." - Used when on a mission to take out a VIPER raid leader.

"What are you nuts? I don't have nine lives like most cats do." - Response when someone asking him to go on a near impossible mission by himself.

"Don't make me use my sad kitty eyes on you." - Response to tease his friends with.


The Mysterious Woman- Two Steps From Hell - Fountain Of Life

The Journey Begins- Two Steps From Hell: Birth of a Hero Nero

Prison Break- Sonic Symphony - God Of Thunder (Eternity - Epic Electronic Dramatic)

Dr. Hojo Uzuki's Theme- Dancing Mad(Prancing Dad) by Prince of Darkness

Nemesis Battle- FFVII Crisis Core Soundtrack: Controlling the Iron Beast

Aftermath- Underground Music - Where We'll Go (Epic Beautiful Dramatic)

Open Minded- OC ReMix #2467: Final Fantasy XI Online 'Paradis'

The Concrete Jungle- Prevailing Hero (Epic Symphonic Music)

Yang Lu-Ch'an's Theme- John Dreamer - Brotherhood (Epic Dramatic Uplifting)

A Warrior's Heart- FFVII Crisis Core Soundtrack: The Price of Freedom

Erogar's Theme- Yoshida Brothers - Rising

Soldier of Peace- Future World Music - New Beginnings

Mission Briefing- THE ANSWER - Armored Core Tribute Album - #03: Apex in TECHNO

Stealth- World's Epic OSTs Ever: Assassin

Battle Theme- Final Fantasy VI - The Decisive Battle (remix)

A Day At The Club- Final Fantasy X-2 Music - Machine Faction

Brotherly Love- Brother My brother - Blessid Union of Souls

Ragore's Theme- Most Wondrous Battle OSTs Ever: Stand Tall

The Academy- Fifth Floor Music - Dream Maker (Epic Powerful Drama)

Bloodiron- World's Greatest Battle OSTs Ever: Final Reckoning

A Hero Never Dies- World's Epic OSTs Ever: The Big Reveal

Man & Wife- Michelle Featherstone - We Are Man And Wife

S.O.L.D.I.E.R. Mk VII's Theme- C&C Red Alert 1 - Big Foot

Onward, to Peace- Most Wondrous Battle OSTs Ever: Mea Culpa

In Search of A New Home- Ace Combat 6 Soundtrack: Liberation of Gracemaria

Among the Tribe- OC ReMix #1306: Final Fantasy VII 'Ascension to Cosmo Canyon'

Airship- Sphere Hunter-The Gullwings (Final Fantasy X-2)

Ending Credits- Most Wondrous Battle OSTs Ever Song of the Ancients Fate

