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Later Rave arrives hearing news of the incident. Rave already knows Kobain murdered. But Rave forgives him. Rave is not angry.
Later Rave arrives hearing news of the incident. Rave already knows Kobain murdered. But Rave forgives him. Rave is not angry.
Rave says, "Feels good doesn't it." Kobain replies, "I didn't." Rave explains, "Kobain. You bother lie to me?" Kobain frowns. Rave says, "I'm not mad. You feel the pain in tummy went away didn't it?... I was your age when I killed my first. He was a kid not to older than me. It was self defense too."
== The Next Episode ==
== The Next Episode ==

Revision as of 13:09, 27 December 2022



First Scene


Kobain is sent to get a degree by Rave. He is now in college at a young age of 15 or so. All goes normally for a while. Time passes up until Timeline Act 3 where Kobain starts to get up to scheme's because he is tired of being a little nerd underdog in a school older kids. If this episode is too short I'll fill the time gap with backstory.

The Hallways of Hell

Kobain Speaks, "Highschool... never went to it. Still I am the smartest man alive. But why can't I understand women. See I'm years above my grade at the college that I go to. Generally I don't need it. I'm above all these sub humans at this school even the teachers. But they tell me I have to get a degree in other to get my desired job working for Mr. Rave. But to me it's a prison. See I don't ever swim in the kiddy pool but they treat me like a little kid. All these college girls seem to be interested in one thing. And it's guys like those stupid brick heads over there. They can't seem to pay attention for like 5 minutes before getting distracted like jangling keys Infront of a baby. College for the gifted more like college for the wealthy. Half these student don't even deserve to be here. If they knew who I was and had the money like Rave all of these losers will see. Im top shit at this dumb school. I'm the king! All of these B's should worship me!"

Millennia cuts him off at his locker. "God dammit Kobain you're talking to yourself again. Are you trying to embarrass me? Pretty soon I shouldn't be seen with you. You're going to get me kicked out of the popular B parties. And I'll end up like you... Kiddo.."

Kobain responds, "Well fine then! Go be with your stupid bimbo friends. Who cares about the Anti-Vax anymore? And you know what I always thought you were as dumb as those girls. Rave did right in sending you here. Your powers involve tech but you chica, you are an A typical idiot."

Millennia with hells fire in her eyes, " Wait what did you call me! You, little, worm! No wonder you have no friends! You are a smart mouth know it all little snake! I'm going crush you!" She says while strangling Kobain. He begs, "Uncle, Uncle." Then stops to smile, "You know what Im kinda enjoying this." "Ew." She replies sighs then talks calmly, "Look, I'm still your friend and all but this place is hell. I might as well enjoy what I can. You know I never got to go to school just like you. This is my final chance to be a popular girl. Stop thinking about yourself for once and let me have this one okay. Maybe I will be able to find a nice girl dumb enough or mean smart enough to date you. Just let me do this. We have a big sleep over party tonight. Girls only."

"Okay fine, I'm sorry about the things I said go have your party." Kobain exclaimed and shuts his locker. Millennia pinches his cheek and skips away with some other girls walking by.

Alone thoughts bubbled in his mind "BiG Sleep OVER party! Girls only... Girls.. Only. Girls sleeping with girls. GIRLS ONLY!" He said, "Boy I better get into that party." And starts laying out the blue prints to his infiltration scheme in his mind.

The basement

Now to do any logical thing a genius would do. Call up the boys. The only two people to show up that afternoon to the garage. Speed, a preppy mathlete and Alphonso, foreign exchange who has the looks, swag but way to nice and clueless to understand when girls are hitting on him. Kobain starts, "Gentle men. You know why I called you here. Tonight is the night and we are going balls deep in this." He points on the project screen of a cheerleading squad. "Hm," Alphonso replies with a quick node and then remains silent. Speed raises his hand. "Speedy, well what is it." Kobain asks like a nerd. Speed ask, "I thought you said there was going to be Calculus and Analysis in Number Theory?" Kobain responds, "Yah, Analyse deeznutts... Jessica ha, band squad remove the glasses and you have a solid ten. I'm talking redhead freckles and you know what they say about redheads. And those bracers..." Alphonso interrupts, "Her mouth look a like-a she haf the face of a train." Kobain continues, "Yes Alphonso she does have the mouth that could swallow a train." Speed raises his hand. "What Speed you don't have to raise your hand all the time. Just F in talk for Christ sake. You know what maybe this isn't gonna work out." Speed says, "Okay sorry, yes a brace player. That means she most have a lot of lung power." Kobain replies,"Yes! My man that's it. This is why we are here who knew you had it in you!" "Hm", Alphonso replies and nodes just like before. Kobain sighs thinking this is going to take a lot of work.

The Stake out.

All dress like sexy occupations they sit in the bushes across the street. Kobain explains, "See no guy, "All we need to do is just wait until the girls get bored. In a hour knock on the door with alcohol. Use Alphonso as the face and boom, we're in." Speed calculates, "My estimates say the girls will be drunk in about 15 minutes 5 more after that and they will be begging do anything to us." Kobain interrupts, "Correction they will be begging for some other dudes but we will be only ones there, blurred vision plus half a brain equals me brain." The Alphonso nodes. "Is that all he does." Kobain asks to Speed. 30 minutes in the look out they spot some football jocks approaching. "Shit." Kobain replies, " "This is going to blow my plan wide open. Jessica was it that S I bet she called them here. Alphonso you are the face so I can't get it bruised. I'll take my bat and go for there knees. Speed you throw some dirt in their eyes Alphonso go in without us. We'll high tail it and then. You'll let us in after we lose them. And will lock the doors and turn the music up."

The Plan

Kobain and Speed distract the other guys but fail to initiate an attack out of fear. Alphonso rings the doorbell sees them about to get beat up so leaves the alcohol on the front step of the sorority house. "Aye, leave my friends alone!" He says as he approaches. A jock ask if it is some kind of F convention and the bullies laugh. Kobain seems disappointed that he didn't follow through with the plan. Alphonso is the fittest of the nerds but not body builder just average and tall. Plus they are out numbered by one. Alphonso gets punched in the lip. "No, my face!" Kobain screams, "You SoB!" (Joke being that Alphonso's good looks is not to be tanished) Then hits the guy in the crotch. Speed gets picked up and a brawl begins. "Oh no they got speed" Alphonso shouts and dives at the other guys. Just at that moment Jessica comes out and saw part of it. She interpreted it as Alphonso being a hero. She also tell the jocks to get lost she was mad at them for being rude to her all the time and told them not to come here but they did anyway.

So In There

So Alphonso is lead in and the 2 others follower kobain grabs the alcohol. They were going to kick them out but Kobain had alcohol so the girls looked at each other. And decided to give them a chance. Millennia's jaw dropped to the ground at the site of Kobain entering the party with alcohol. A girl said, "Mousey nickname for Millennia, your friends are here." "No... I do not know those guys." Millennia gasped. Another girl laughed, "Really they are kinda sexy." Then went towards them and the alcohol. Mortified she froze for a while looking at them chatting it up. Kobain exaggerating his skills in the fight that just happened. And the girls seemed impressed. Most girls flocked around Alphonso but he just sat indifferent and quiet. It didn't matter he was foreign and hot. So they start drinking and Kobain is bragging about how he is a superhero and works with superheroes. But he has no powers so he exaggerates even more. Jessica tends to Speeds bruises. He sinks into the soft chair like a toothpick. "So, why do they call you Speed?" She asks him then quickly follows up placing a finger on his lip. " You don't need to answer that." And she leads him upstairs.

Kobain watches for below like, "Holy shoot I need to up my game." The he pinches it into turbo mode. Variable out comes of every action flys infront of Kobain mind like the meme. He manages to make it with more than one girl that night. Wasted drunk Millennia grabs him and pulls him a side. "You SoB! I don't know how you did this but if you screw me over as a result. I wouldn't need my tech arrows to punch a hold through your neck!" Drunk he replies, "Come here, come here. You are right about those girls. You are way better than them... You don't ever have to be like them to be cool. I liked you as just Millennia, quiet girl for the Detroit slums. Your my bestest friend." Then her attitude suddenly changes to lighten up she pulled his collar closer and then kisses him. "Wow, Wtf was that." he replied. And she seemed a bit put of by his reaction to storm out angrily or hurt. Wait he asked but to drunk to follow as she leaves. Alphonso saw her storm out so he picks up and runs after her. Kobain mumbles, "Don't, don't go out alone. Alphonso." But Alphonso doesn't hear


Alphonso while looking for Mousey us caught by the bullies from earlier. Mousey hears the punch and runs to his rescue. She tell the guys to leave but they are not bothered. They think they can take advantage of her after they beat up Alphonso. But her arms transformed into a tech crossbow. The bullies run away after calling her a freak. She an Alphonso talk. He is really nice and she kiss him they make out. This is the first time he ever cared about a girl.

The Next Day

She confronted Kobain about his selfish behavior. He almost got his only friends hurt. Kobain seems to play it up like a champ and news spread. He said not to worry I took those boys and made them men. Talk seem to spread about the pairs hero affiliation and it is confirmed by the bullies who saw Mousey's arm transform. Susu came to the school to lecture them that afternoon. They blew their cover for what? "Rave will not be happy about this. He might even pull you out of the school" "What! You can't do this. I just made it as a popular kid. It's not right. Why you always making your boyfriend punish us? You are a harpy for Rave!" Suno says, "That's the last time. Mousey kiss him good bye!" Mousey puts her head down, "Stop..." She groans. He laughes as getting strangled by Suno. "No don't he likes that... I kissed him. Okay. I was drunk." Mousey moans with her face completely buried in the desk. Suno ask, "what the hell have you guys been up to?" Scene fades out. After a call from Rave on speaker, Suno is made to enroll in the school too. Suno doesn't like that Rave is making her do this to watch over them. Of the call she blames them. "I'm going to kill both of you." She groans.

Anti-Vax Detention

In his desk pulled forward kobain asks hands open, "So that's it. You just do anything Rave says? You can not even speak to him. You just agreed quietly. It's like he hit you girls over the head with love pheromones and you just crumble in his presence." Mousey looks at him, "Shut up, stop being such an AH." Suno stay quiet, "She loves him can't you tell." Then Kobain apologizes, "Look I'm sorry we got you into this. Look on the bright side. You never had a normal childhood either. It's your last chance to go to school and we will be right their beside you. Plus it's not like you need to pass. I don't expect you to." The genuine apology immediately destroyed by Kobain lack of empathy. "Are you saying I'm stupid?" Suno says when she figures out and begins to charge an energy projectile from her robot fists at Kobain. His eyes open wide he gets up to run out. The room fills with light. Frame pause discolor and fades. Scene.

The Next Episode

Kobain speaking to Speed on a bench Alphonso and Mousey talking and playing frisbee in the background. Kobain says, "You know what I'm one step closer to becoming more like Rave. Now all I need is his money. Yep can't wait for that boy to pay me." Speed replies, "Your friend Rave sounds like a literal god. You talk about him that much. He is the guy that owns Rave's Lab right. I though he was just a criminal pimp?" "Hey, hey, hey you never talk about Raves name in vein like that how you think I could afford all this gear?" Kobain jumped off the bench saying.

Suno shows up in a really expensive car, "Get in" she says all smug. Millennia eyes open sarcastically saying, "Way to keep a low profile... my thotress." Kobain bounced, "Wait? He gave you that? He didn't give me shit." He says while smashing his iPod on the ground, "He got me out here like a bum. I'm starving!" "Thot privileges. Kobain." Mousey says. "Stoooop. You guys are sooo ruuude-a.", Suno exclaims, "You are lucky I'm even letting you look at my car." Alphonso joins in, "And Mean." While looking at Millennia. "Be quiet." She replied. "Where did that shy boy go." "Sorry I need to borrow these two." Suno explained. While in the car Kobain asked, "God I'm going to get so much chics. Where are we going crushing around night on the town?" "Um-um." Suno replied. Millennia says, "When Rave sent you here I didn't thought you'd be pulling us out on missions." "Oh no, a mission I can't do missions. I'm not ready to die. You girls have the powers you do your missions. I'll keep the get away car safe. I'm not ready to die for Rave" "What's matter, scared?" Mousey asked. Suno complains while driving, "He is such a baby. Why Rave likes you is beyond me." Then she climbs over to cross sits with him, "Don't look at my butt" she tells him. "Forget your butt. Rave likes me. He really does. And love him more than you Hs will ever begin to understand. That man gave me my life.", Kobain says while squeezing under her to hop over. "Oh my god we are all going to die. When they scrub my charred remains of the sidewalk I'll have you right beside me to thank for that. You let him drive?" Millennia asks. "Don't worry, this car is teched out and will drive itself basically auto pilot. It's like a power armor in car form." Kobain replies, "Easy for you to say, Rave will show up the very second you are in danger to catch a bullet. He is probably watching you right now. Is this a test? He is testing us isn't he? Car stop." "No," Suno says nervously. "And that's why you are the smartest boy alive." Rave says while sitting in the back sit next to Millennia she screams and passes out as he appears out off no where and didn't notice till he spoke. She seem to pass out everytime Rave makes an appearance. "Excuse me, Man?" Kobain follows. Suno smiles and immediately changes to shy an quiet. He takes Suno out of the car to talk to her she leans on the hood of it. The others stay in the car unable to hear there conversation. "Ew. Nice." Kobain laughs as he is able to read there lips quite clearly. Millennia clunks him on the head, "Stop eavesdropping it's weird." He explains, "Well somebody's getting a promotion."

"Hoop" the sound made as Rave flies up and disappears dramatically.

Kobain says to Suno mocking her in the tone Rave used, "No offence... Susu. But with Rave set to trigger in your brain it is like having my mom and dad look at me all the time."


Suno says,"Okay you guys pass. Unfortunately you just owned yourselves a real mission." They stopped at a warehouse near he docks. Parking a block down so they don't look to suspicious.

Walking from the car ahead of Kobain Millennia asked Suno, "So we're not in any real danger right if anything goes wrong he'll save us right? It seemed like he really likes you." Suno replies all burnt out, "Yeah sure Rave likes everyone. Girl to girl can I tell you something? It's not that simple with Rave. He can be a little mean sometimes. He's probably not gonna be to happy that I said that to you... Or that." Suno clasps her hands and cringe while talking. Millennia continues, "So he's abusive? I couldn't tell." Suno gasped, "Heavens no. Not at all. Just a little too rough and insensitive. You have to a special type of girl to be with him. He knows all my thoughts but I can never truly know what he thinks of us. Makes me feel like a toy. God I'm going to get into so much trouble for this but don't worry I can handle myself." "I could hear you," kobain said, "I hacked your internal intercom using the cars system. I can hear every you hear." Then Suno replied, "Little snake, when did you go back to the car? That wasn't the plan. I didn't even know it could do that." Kobain replies, "I told you I'll be of more use here. I'm hacking the wearhouses security system. There's no cameras. Definitely a place to do crime. I can open any lock from here." "I needed you on the field this is a research mission. How you going to solve anything if you can't see." Suno explains. "That's an immediate no ma'am. There are guns out there." Kobain says kicking back in his seat. The girls crawl through a window and Millennia added, "what's the matter with you? This preppy school thing making you soft. We've been up agains't worst criminals before. These are just gang men." Then she turns to Suno as the crouch in the high selves above. Millennia says, "You'd think shorts are appropriate attire for crawling through broken glass." Just to troll. Suno gets mad, "Like that little schoolgirl outfit you're wearing is so much better. Oh look at me - I don't know anything - Innocent asian schoolgirl - I'm so nice and perfect. You're not honey... Rave had to send you to school because you have no brain." Millennia groans angrily. Suno cover her mouth as she was making to much noise. A thug with a hat bitting a cigar passes in the ailse under them. He was looking up as if he heard something but then saw a rat. "Dam rats" he groaned then cranked his shotgun. "Don't fire that," his boss said calmly, "You might spook our guests." He continued walking. More thugs followed and entered the room from different entrances. "Guys, I mean girls. Can we keep our estrogen out of this." Kobain says from the headset. Millennia replies vexed but quietly, "Estrogen? You ran back to the car like a little girl." Suno adds, "Mine isn't half as dirty as yours Kobain. You L. GTFO of my ears." "Ouch." Kobain replies sad, "At least you're right about one thing if I was a girl I'll definitely L." "Quiet! My mouse ears tech can't hear anything!" Mousey saud to them while laying flat on her stomach looking down.

Thugs talk. Boss interrupts to asked who smells like a lady. The perfume he could smell it. You boys smell like freaking baby powered. The says opening in his hand. "Hmm. Maybe someone was in here." A Mook mentioned. "Maybe they are in here right now I heard something earlier thought it was a rat!" Another said. "Oh they are rats alright. You know what we do with rats. Cornbeef! Minced meat! Search for them!" Another boss ordered. "Little kitten come out come out come out where ever you are." A henchman said creepily searching with him gun. "Are you sure it's a lady? - if so can I have her first - nah I got dibs - maybe a super I'm pretty sure you don't want anyone like that." They all conversed while searching.

"Don't worry I recorded it all from inter com. Guys get out of their." Kobain said while typing.

While escaping they guy who said he saw the rat and did nothing is executed by his boss on the spot. Suno seemed a bit distressed for Mousey's looking back and seeing this. Millennia like don't worry I've killed people in worst ways before. Kobain to like I've broken a few knee caps in my day.

Suno in the back seat alone is Maddened and throws a tantrum, "No no no. No killing and no knee cap breaking. That's double for you mousey beacuse you are a girl. That's exactly what Rave wants he will take you and he will break you. He'll make you do things you don't want. He will make you torture bad guys to test you and you'll kill so many people you'll forget who you are. God. I'm going to get my butt handed to me for saying this... But he might just wipe your memory anyway." Kobain stops the car and asks, "He can do that?" "Yes" she replies. She flash backs and explain of the times he looks into her eyes. First you fall into a dream. Then his black shadows zip around in your thoughts. It's very intense. End flash back.

Suno cross her arms and lean back into her sit. She is frightened buy the hand her neck leans into. Camera pans out. It is Rave in his all black usual attire only this time covered in blood head to toe. This large black figure he is appears neck to them and they do not notice. Smug Rave says, "Speak of the devil." And smiles. Suno starts breathing very heavily. She places her two hands on his lap and leans into him. Mousey passes out slowly her head rests on her sit window. "Baby. When... when when did you get hear? Why are you covered in blood?" Suno asks. Rave puts his hand on her back rubbing it, "Relax Princess, I am not mad." He says and smiles. To her she doesn't know what it means. "Good. It is good that you tell them about me. They have to learn." He continued. Kobain guests, "You killed them? The Thugs. Are they all dead?" "Exactly my boy" Rave explains and flashes back to him just bursting through the Thugs at mach speed. "So what was this mission for? What was the test?" Kobain asked. Rave says,"Teamwork... Just bonding with old friends... Literally." Rave says as he picks some thug eyeball off his collar by it's tendons and tosses it out the window. Kobain squints, "Boy, Susu. Your boyfriend is a little intense I don't know if I could take this. No wonder Host left." Kobain smiled. Millennia wakes to see Rave again. Still smiling and covered in human pieces. She faints again sinking flat into her chair. "You guys pass" Rave said.

After which Rave gives Kobain the black car. Rave goes and takes Suno with him. "Suno is a little stressed out. I may off been a little to hard on her putting her with you demons. She'll be fine. I just need to shake out a little of that stress." "Millennia watches Rave, "You better be nice to her!" She shouts as he portals out. "You got a car. Hey where is my prize? Rave come back!" But he leaves.

Kobain drops off Millennia at her sorority. Before he leaves he tells her, "I was thinking about what Host said. And he is right. Suno to. She may love him to death but she is just a scared of him. Idk. Girl brain. You have to be aware of Rave. Some day he is going to get you. I don't know if you will end up like those girls. His pets. Your future is more than this. I'm smarter than him and he knows this. I can handle myself working for him but not you. God, he is too powerful. Might I have to kill him one day too just like Host plans?" He drives off. He goes home and creates special shades that could block Raves mind reading for himself. Later he would evolved this into contacts. Rave was able to hack his first shades design after a while. Kobain doesn't make the contacts too cybernetic for Rave to be able to hack it. The contacts scatter light coming into Kobains eyes and just reflects Raves death stare backs at him.

The Next Episode

Three days after

Kobain and Millennia are studying in the library. Cameron Dgelli sits next to them. Kobain eyes bulges out if his head. Soft and sweet she says, "Hello little boy. Do you know Rave?" She ask, "He told me I had to stay with Susu for a couple days. Where is she anyways?." "Again with the boy!", then Kobain thought to himself, "Jesus Christ! Where does Rave even find girls like this. She is thicker than Suno! By the time I'm rich there would be non left! Maybe she is easy. Maybe I can..." He then said out loud, "Your cat, the cat on your shoulder is pink." "Crap that was a stupid opener" he thought. The cat, Xerxes shouted, "Who you calling a cat!!? I am an intergalactic cosmic super being. And you will never in your life touch my sweet Dgelli" And tries to scratch Kobain for his insolence. Cameron holds him back.

They are told to be quiet by the keeper several times but ignores her during this seen.

"Don't worry I'm not her to babysit you. We are telepath. Iam waaaaaay above your power level." Scribbling over her math equation for the hundreth time and not even looking up Mousey says, "Greaaaat, I hate her already... At least you'll know what I think of you." Then Suno enters smiling, "Hey" at Cameron. "Had a fun time with Rave?" She asked. "Yeah, Beach Cancun." She replied. Cameron followed, "Europe, he took me skiing." They squill laugh. Millennia gives off a sacrastic excited laugh as well to mock them. Cameron gave Millennia a look and the looked down shaking her head with sass. "What's the deal with this bunch. Rave's little charity project I presume." She ask. "Hey" Kobain said, "Too far. Look, I can tell by your heavy nostril big nose accent you were born rich. You don't need the money?. So why be with Rave? You tell yourself he wants you because of your powers. But the fact is your parents didn't love you enough so you take any attention you can get. Even if it comes from the the shame and abuse of a heartless millionaire who treats you like an object. You are punishing yourself and punishing your parents for your sad fortunate up bringing. All the money in the world couldn't save you from the self destructive path your on. So who's the charity case?" "Ratioed", Millennia added calmly as Cameron took the burn. Cameron replies while slamming her hands on the desk, "I don't need to take this from you. Be right about one thing kid. I'm only with Rave because he actually cares about his love ones. It's genuine because he let me read his mind." Xerxes hops on the table to inspect Kobain saying, "Wait I was wrong about this one. His level of thoughts are far more advance than the average human. Even I am struggling to keep up. I wish that my mind had melded with this one instead instead of you. It's all girl talk and pretty things. Eck!" Cameron froze, her jaw drop with hurt. Xerxes talks with a deep sophisticated elderly tone, "Allow me to introduce my self again, Sir. My name is Xerxes intergalactic cosmic being. Let not my cute cuddle body deceive you. I am currently one of Earth Top ranking telepaths. I accidentally fused with Cameron so now we rely on each other. You have every permission granted to persue your human desires with her... MEOoooo..!!!" Before her finished talking Cameron punts him out the window with a big book. "Xerxes does have any control over me and he has no right to say that! That little snake all the live I give him and her betrays me for some kid he just met!" She shouts. "Wow. Rave sure knows how to pick em. This is a circus!" Xerxes come back hovering through the window.

They all get kicked out of the library for being to loud.

Suno doesn't care. She says, "I'm far to happy to be stressed out by you monsters. Me and Cameron have a... thing." And they leave together.


Rave talks to Kobain while they work on the car. Rave says, "They tell you use your words. But women know that men are caveman right. You're not gonna win in a verbal argument. My advice is to give her a little tap. Uno? Not hard just to make her say. Umm Daaaaaddy. Level the playing field." Kobain laughs. Yaniko walks in saying, "You take Rave's super sexist advice? Careful Sanjay that only works for certain dudes." Rave replies, "No no no. You have me all wrong. Get this..." Kobain says to Yaniko, "Nah. Rave is right." Millennia says, "See what I'm talking about he is training him to be a mini Rave." Kobain says, "Hey. I'm average for a guy my age." Rave says, "He's right." Millennia says, "See. Clones confirmed."

(This story will progress)

The Next Episode

There is a talent show.

Kobain does some science stiff but no one is interested.

The School bully is a trash rapper. He does his first performance. And people love it.

Kobain gets angry.

A winner is to be announced and everyone can tell who won.

While the curtain is drawn Kobain wrestles the bully. Using his wits the bully is hung from the curtain rope at the neck.

The curtain opens but Kobain has fled the stage.

The bully is call but no one can find him.

Suddenly the bully lifeless body drops hung from the rope unto the stage Infront the crowd of everyone.

Kobain kills his first victim. And it feels good. No one would suspect a small nerd such as Kobain as the culprit.

Later Rave arrives hearing news of the incident. Rave already knows Kobain murdered. But Rave forgives him. Rave is not angry.

Rave says, "Feels good doesn't it." Kobain replies, "I didn't." Rave explains, "Kobain. You bother lie to me?" Kobain frowns. Rave says, "I'm not mad. You feel the pain in tummy went away didn't it?... I was your age when I killed my first. He was a kid not to older than me. It was self defense too."

The Next Episode

Jumping way ahead,

Rave tell Kobain the only way he gets the job is if he first hurt Rave. Not only that but he gave him a time limit. Rave is such a psychopath he threatens him by saying if kobain doesn't find a way to kill him he will make. Cavort Witch and Millennia wish they were dead. This put an incredible amount of pressure on Kobain that he grew a sort of desparate anger towards Rave to kill him. Kobain knew that X Corp's Ghost Hunter's Special developed Anti Rave bullet had almost done him in before. He and to find a way to amplify that and still had to fight Rave physically when he has no powers.


Something explodes in his face while he was building something from Rave. Kobain has his both eyes removed. Rave knowing this is his fault makes cybernetic eyes for him. Kobain would still be a human non fighter but with really neat eyes. He would be able to control a few robot drones at a time. He can check surveillance lens quickly but not all at once. I always imagined Kobain to have ghost blocking data reading contacts. So Kobain being a genius install these protocols on it to block out Rave. He can now fight Rave on a cybernetic plane if he ever have to.