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"Our duty, as soldiers, is to protect humanity... whatever the cost." -Sierra 117 "John"

Sharilyn Corde
Player: Scourge
She knows what she is in the dark...
Biographical Data
Real Name: Sharilyn Corde
Known Aliases: None, public identity
Gender: Female
Species: Human(oid)
Ethnicity: Mixed ancestry
Place of Birth: Classified
Base of Operations: Classified
Relatives: No biological relatives
Age: 39, appears 19-ish
Height: 6', 4"
Weight: 238lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Bleeds a silverish white fluid with the same consistency of blood.
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Identity: Public Identity
Years Active: 2
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Public Relations for the Tyrian Machine Complex
Education: College Freshman
Marital Status: Undisclosed
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Specified in Arsenal
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBox created by @Maekada


Sharilyn's a very quick learner, having six weeks to read up on pop-culture after her stasis, and has used her knowledge to coax responses which are immediately cataloged in a vast database kept in a neural biocomputer she was implanted with upon being awoken. As such, not a lot of people are able to recognize at first glance that she's actually from a different era entirely. Whether it's through force of personality, flat out honesty or bluntness, she's managed to endear herself to a handful of up-and-coming heroes and a couple of veterans. She herself is new to the hero-ing scene, but has some combat experience, enough to use a wide array of firearms with a degree of proficiency.

Off the field, she's kind (if a bit snarky), composed (if a bit shy) and honest (if a bit brutal). She's a perpetual smiler, although she's outright stated to a trusted few that she's suffering from some serious issues, but despite all of it she has a determination to go on living and fighting. Sharilyn's an introvert and burns through her vast reserves of energy trying to socialize and play at being normal. Despite being an introvert, she's caring, considerate and generous to the point of self-sacrifice which seems to endear her to most of her friends.

On the field, she is disciplined, composed and fiercely protective of her peers. She's a walking arsenal armored in heavy plating and armed to her eyeballs in modified equipment utilizing sophisticated targeting arrays and capable of shrugging off conventional small arms. The fact that she has hunkered down in front of civilians and become a superhuman shield earned her the nickname "The Gentle Juggernaut," compounded with her diminished defensive effort if it meant exposing someone she was protecting. For someone who can crush a man with a gatling gun, she's surprisingly capable of winning over the civilian populace.

It comes as no surprise that while she cares about people, her veneer is that of a shy, sarcastic champion. In truth, she burns out quickly around other people, and preferring to focus on her duties. While not above lethal force, she prefers avoiding it against what is considered an illegal target, but she won't swap mags mid firefight to avoid killing an organic with incendiary ammunition and will instead re-prioritize her targets so she'll have concussive ammo ready for them. On or off the battlefield, Sharilyn slowly marches at whatever's coming without a hint of hesitation or doubt, shrugging it off without any displays of being hurt.


AIG-59650 "Banshee" Powered Assault Suit: A stock suit of armour given to Antaeus Armstech Corporation's security branch, boasting a series of integrated targetting systems and meant to be used by unaugmented personnel. Sharilyn brought one of these into combat until November 16th, where it was damaged to the point where she required a replacement.

NX-01-R "Cerberus" Powered Assault Suit: The Cerberus is a refit of the Banshee suits, further modified for use by augmented personnel utilizing a deployable sonic curtain to protect the operator as an active defense and a personal deflector generator in the left vambrace. Assistance has been improved, and it also boasts an up-armored command uplink that prioritizes her requests for a orbital payload delivery in the form of the White Lance's main gun. The Cerberus was destroyed in Multifaria, though she keeps a nonfunctional duplicate in her home for sentimental reasons.

NX-02-A "Paladin" Powered Assault Suit: The Paladin was a reimagining of Sharilyn's Cerberus armour combining a superior mix of mobility and protection. Using a hard-light shield in tandem with heavy armour, Sharilyn is all but invulnerable when using it. The Paladin also spawned several variants, such as the Vanguard (Standard), and Juggernaut (Fit with motorized joints and heavier plating) along with 6 'silhouette packs' that are still in development.

Official Files: Sharilyn Corde

Little has been given to PRIMUS on Sergeant Sharilyn Corde beyond her combat ability and her former employment. Originally, part of an experimental group as part of Project: Iron Trooper (location of the testing grounds was never declassified) commencing in the dying days of World War II to develop a 'go-anywhere, do-anything' soldier that was immune to biological weapons, the result was a total loss of half of the test subjects: the male half. After discovering that direct exposure killed the males off due to a chemical incompatibility, they began to study projected outcomes of trying to breed them into humanity to try to get a male child to inherit this perk. Initial testing was inconclusive. Corde's official story ended here.

Off The Record: Sharilyn Corde [Shadow]

The modern Corde is actually designated Sharilyn Corde "Rho," and was one of many clones cranked out by Antaeus Industries, who got their hands on the data from the unknown base following a hostile takeover in the 1960s using arms of unknown manufacture and origin. Rho was 'born' August 5th, 1973 and used for a second test run. With her cloned sisters, they managed to successfully duplicate the results of the initial test, with one issue... the cloning process degraded their organs. Synthesizing hearts, and lungs did not seem to be a problem for these scientists with access to unknown technology, stomachs were easy, but writing the genetic code into functional ovum proved to elude them time and time again, as a result, the clones were sterile and developed several useful, albeit unintended side effects.

One was a dramatic increase in neurological activity, speeding up their reaction time to inhuman levels after their bodies broke down their ovum and reconstructed them into something more 'useful,' and while the template wasn't psionic, they showed a heightened sense of situational awareness borderlining on supernatural when more of them were in close proximity. Eventually, they were repurposed into a formidable security force for the industries, who proceeded to create arms and armoring for these girls in hopes of turning a profit off capable troopers. They were turned on other projects within the captured facility, which were catastrophic failures anyway, and gave them a chance to hone their newfound gift. These girls were nicknamed Banshees courtesy of the wails they emitted when one of their own was distressed.

Eventually, the Banshees were used to try to find out where they went wrong, and samples managed to produce what was, in theory, a finished, functional project. This was the project's salvation, but salvation that day, demanded sacrifice. The undisclosed base was overrun by the monsters the Banshees were tasked to play population control with. During the next three days, they were outright slaughtered wholesale, the plans were destroyed, they lost the prototype and had no backup. Rho stood behind to protect the scientists during extraction and managed to seal away the creatures there, but was wounded in the process. Her ravaged body was transported and kept in cryogenic stasis. She would not emerge for two decades, when medical advances went far enough to repair her.

Iron Trooper: Reprise

Sharilyn was unfrozen and re-acclimatized to being mobile. The Director of the Iron Trooper program groomed her into a disciplined protector, albeit lacking in formal training for firefighting. He instead compensated by giving her a suit of armor with a sophisticated deflection array to give her breathing room while she closed. Soon after, her training facility [Location Undisclosed] was evacuated and she was sent to Millennium City to begin guarding and training the Iron Trooper generation IIs, the Gen2's were far more combat capable than Corde could ever hope to be, faster, stronger and having their own neural links, but Corde had battle experience. With her 'little sisters' fresh out of integration, Corde had the shackles on her imprinting removed in order to perhaps learn a few things as she taught her replacements what she knew.

Going Rogue

Sharilyn's backers were behind some questionable doings and the information was leaked by a group calling themselves Task Force Omega, this culminated in Sharilyn turning in the evidence and broadcasting the findings as an informal callout. After luring her pursuers to the ambush point, an abandoned warehouse, they ended up facing the full might of their golden child. It took thirty infantry casualties before they brought in armour, three tanks, which were anticipated. After crippling them with explosives, she took the time out to finish off the crews, and by the time the last wave was incoming, news was already on the scene.

Exhausted at this point, Sharilyn stepped out to see a gunship waiting for her, and her heart immediately sank. After two minutes worth of exchanging gunfire, she managed to get help from her previous benefactors in the form of an orbital strike... which promptly sent the exploding wreck spiraling towards her. Shields were shot, structural integrity was finished, and when she went to disperse the camera crews, she was taken down by sniper fire. Her saviours arrived with a gunship in tow and proceeded to airlift her to the nearest hospital, where she was later transferred to an undisclosed facility.

...And the the Horse You Rode In On

Whatever happened to Sharilyn went well, as she was seen on the field within 48 hours with new weapons, new tech and shiny new armour. She'd been called in to provide extra security for a portal tech demonstration and ended up in another world entirely. Along with her friend, Mercy, the two carved a swath of scrap metal and broken bodies through this strange new place, and even faced off against a souped up superhuman eldritch abomination fueled by powers neither could properly grasp. Wounded severely by the end, the pair dragged themselves home after accomplishing what their threat assessment said was impossible.

Her determination attracted numerous sponsors, mostly arms dealers. Not seeking to integrate foreign tech into her machinery to please her new masters, she prepped for a long, solitary career as an Indy. Corde later was invited to join M.A.C.E. by a friend of hers who acknowledged her courage and determination as nothing short of heroic, despite Corde's insistence to the contrary. Corde would continue to march towards the threshold of apocalypse... but she would now do so shoulder to shoulder with her new comrades.


-Rho or Lyn, as she prefers to be called was originally a deliberate analogue of the [Republic Vanguard] of the Star Wars fame, which in turn is remniscient of a [Spartan] Supersoldier of the Halo fame. Nowadays, she's developed a personality of her own, but she does maintain a certain vibe. Visually speaking, she borrows elements from [TRON: Legacy] albeit in white and red. Courtesy of an astronomical number of costume slots, she also has costumes that are themed from many different game and movie series, including Mass Effect, Gears of War, Star Wars, Halo, Metal Gear, The Matrix, Equilibrium, Warhammer 40k, and a handful of others. She's aware of the style used, and is a gamer. No, she is not aware of this medium.

RP Hooks