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(How Rave's Secret Identity Gets Blown)
(How Rave's Secret Identity Gets Blown)
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Rave kills a few gang members and some escapes. They report to their leader that he is the Grey Ghost or Grey Horror Hero that has been in the news. The gang plot to sell this info but the government already know. Infact no one really wants to mess with Rave. '''We can determine this is were the secret identity becomes no longer important. Rave will be moving on to world breaking feats soon. Dollhouse remains but not opened to the public as to prevent terrorist disasters. His security measures increases.''' The girls were kinda sad the frequent Dollhouse parties where over. But also happy to take up a more of a social media presence as they start costume modeling. Chastity say Rave reinstalling the Invisible robot guards he built. She said, "Those things?! Those gave me so much trouble to sneak out on you before." Rave says, "Now that we are public I need more eyes." When it comes on Rave's vision multiple and they spread out.
Rave kills a few gang members and some escapes. They report to their leader that he is the Grey Ghost or Grey Horror Hero that has been in the news. The gang plot to sell this info but the government already know. Infact no one really wants to mess with Rave. '''We can determine this is were the secret identity becomes no longer important. Rave will be moving on to world breaking feats soon. Dollhouse remains but not opened to the public as to prevent terrorist disasters. His security measures increases.''' The girls were kinda sad the frequent Dollhouse parties where over. But also happy to take up a more of a social media presence as they start costume modeling. Chastity say Rave reinstalling the Invisible robot guards he built. She said, "Those things?! Those gave me so much trouble to sneak out on you before." Rave says, "Now that we are public I need more eyes." When it comes on Rave's vision multiple and they spread out. Chastity says, "You are so perfect. You know what. I don't want my oracle vision no more. I want to be a movie star." He says, "What?! Really?!" She slap him. She says, "Of course not. You idiot." He laughs. He says, "You know my eyes are practically cameras. I could release the things I've seen you do anytime I want."

Revision as of 20:30, 16 September 2022

Major Gore and Mature Don't Content Warning. If this upsets you just click a different page. Please note Acts 2.5 and 2.6 events are after Polaris and also closer to the beginning of and during Act 3


Rave's Ghetto Adventures

How Rave's Secret Identity Gets Blown

Dollhouse, LA

Hood. Red kicks. Khakis and a red hat. Pop Cant lights a cigar. He has a haters face. You see is eyes are demonic. 3 other dudes with him. He looks on at the new Dollhouse building across the street in the area. Rave across the street just received a delivery in which the girls are unloading a truck. They have been monitoring Rave's scene since he moved in but too conscious to go after a high roller they don't really know. What's the problem? Rave is the new rich afro on the block. The thugs see girls and money but no gang. They haven't seen Rave in ghost form it the girls fight. To them he I just a normal guy.

Chastity says, "Well at least. This place is so much nicer than than your hometown and Florida. But why do you like the ghetto so much?" Rave says, "Old habits I guess."Hellebore comes out with a short white skirt and an umbrella. Her British accent is so thick you can barely understand what she is saying. She says something about his fancy yaah. Rave says, "Bad enough I can't understand the Asian girls but now you." She continues on 'Something about vampire sunblock.'

Pop Cant and his crew zones in with an old bounce. He says, "Aye. What crew you with. N****!" Poison says, "Crew? Just us." Rave decides to mess with them. Rave replies, "Oh no. I'm with the Mexican drug cartel. You better not snitch." Pop Cant says, "You calling me a narc?!" Pop can't doesn't like Raves smug smile. Rave says, "Anyway guys this is private property. You can come in for a drink if you like but the club is closed from the moment." Pop Cant ask, "How much for the merchandise?" As he points at Proxi. Rave says, "Ah no. We don't do that kind of stuff. The girls here are strictly mine. You can swing by later to watch her dance."

Pop Cant goes back to his boss. He explains, "He is a lier. He calms cartel but doesn't do drugs. He acts like a pimp but doesn't pimp. I say we should move on him." The boss replies, "Either that or really good at covering his tracks. You think cartel heat on us is a good idea. That is why you remain on the corner with the hookers. And he is in the house with them." Pop Cant now dissed by his boss has to do something on his own to redeem himself.

Kobain the kid comes over to Dollhouse. Mongrel the dog says, "I'm telling you Rave. Those block boys might try to roll on yah." Kobain says, "Cool. A talking dog." He goes to scratch it's neck. Mongrel says, "What are you gay?" As he jumps of the table and run to Braille. Braille pets him and he says, "Yah that's it... See if you can go lower by my nuts." Kobain left in the dark puts his hands in his coat pocket and feels a thing. It's a chocolate bar he pulls half way out and has an idea. Kobain says, "Hey boy. Want a treat." As he bounces toward the dog. Rave says to Mongrel, "We really got to find a lady dog for you." Mongrel replies, "That's sick. I'm not into dogs. I need a real broad like moppy over there." He points at Kimbra. Kimbra says, "Sooner or later that dog is getting neutered." Mongrel replies, "Oh darling, how you tease me." Kobain says, "Catch!" and tosses the bar at Mongrel. Braille shouts, "Pappy! Don't!" But it was too late. Mongrel passes out cold. Braille continues, "How could you fall for that?" Mongrel says, "I'm a dog. I hear fetch. I fetch... Aaaaa. I need an aspirin."


Kobain acts like he is Rave's sidekick all of a sudden. If your are still confused about why I choose Erra for the theme. Rave is the harsh vocals while Kobain is that younger voice. Sixx and Nayomi calls Rave from the big screen. You can see they are pregnant. Rave says to Kobain, "I'm going to be a father. I don't know how to be a father. I feel like a kid." America comes into the room. She is also early stages pregnant. She says, "I'm having a little alien." Kobain looks at Rave and says, "Dude. When I grow up I'm gonna be just like you." Don't be confused by any of Rave's children ages. Non of them grow or birth normally. The process is rather alien which I explained in Act 5.

Rave shows Kobain the blue prints for a Castle Village on Legion Island. He already has the main house, the largest mansion at the top of a waterfall. Now he will construct houses around it and a wall. This village is not for Legion civilians but for his family. Yes you read that right, an entire village fir his wives and children alone, sometimes guests. Rave says, "There is no way Dollhouse makes this kind of money and the girls use up more than they bring in. And now I got a few tiny nations under Legion to look after. I'm going to have to steal so much *." Genie and Mei comes into the room holding back screams of joy. Genie says, "Rave don't flip out but we uploaded the Vindicator Diss Track you did in the Bludhouse special to YouTube and now you are famous!" Rave says, "What! You what! What part of secret operation do you girls not understand!" He continues, "I guess it's fine." Mei says, "You will need to do an album." Kobain says, "This could solve your money problem. Have the girls do modelling. The internet makes way more cash than you could get in person." Rave says, "Y'all asking me to become everything I hate." Genie says, "We dance for you and you say it's a disguise. You are becoming a Rapper... It's just a character." Mei says, "* that want to be famous. I could create Instagram accounts to promote this and the club" Rave squints. He says, "No I'll rob a bank." Kobain explains, "Rave, you rob a bank you get a about a mill. You have a few girls take pics you have a few mill. How much girls do you have?" He replies, "I don't know. I never bothered to count. Hahahaha." He continues, "Fine. But this is only because my Ghost persona remains separate from this human form. If my enemies found out I was a rapper in my spare time who knows what I might lose."

Rave goes to see his other other girl Siren Song. She and Koi lives in a different house. This is an artifact shop that she owns. Deelihla, Genie and Jojo is with them. Rave tells Siren, "You know you are not to sell real cursed items to mortals." Jojo says, "I thought you said magic isn't real." He replies, "It's not, curses are spiritual. Like karma, not magic. Curses are real." Rave is right though. Magic users possess genetic coding on the brain and bodies beyond human understanding. he continues, "This is not why I'm here. I'm here to tell you y'all are becoming internet models..."

Rave and Kobain makes a few trash songs and the girls feature or in the video. They start taking fun pictures. Kimbra sees Rave distant. She asks, "Okay Roman?" He replies, "It's just all this with my wives, my kids, the world. It's always so much to take in. I haven't even mastered the confusion of the clone thing yet." Kimbra says, "Relax. We will take care of you. It's what you have us for." The songs pick up trending. Rave shouts, "Come on! People actually like this trash?! What am I even trying to save the world for?!" Yaniko says, "Dude, why are you so angry? You're dating supermodels." America says, "Kobain is not allowed to see my social media or I'll kill him." Kobain says, "That's impossible. I'm the tech guy." America knocks the wind out of his chest. Kobain's says, "Point taken."

Later Rave leans back in his chair and rants, "I don't believe this. I threaten presidents. I have walked on the moon without air. People run at the very sight of my ghost form. My human face tarnished by social media gimmicks only suited for a clown." Chastity and Hellebore comes to roast Rave. Chastity says, "Haha. Poor Roman. You get what you deserve! You think it's easy renting myself out to your wim? Well welcome to Hollywood!" Hellebore says, "Oh yau forget' I am a quein of the deadly vampir' army? Yau hav' me walking araund lik' a littl' flausy. Not tasteful is what it is." She smacks him on the shoulders with a rolled up paper. He pulls her onto him to give her a sting. Chastity jumps on him. They all fall on the floor and starts wrestling. He gets back at their team up by becoming 4 copies. Chastity screams, "Ahhh. Omg! Rave stop! Why do you always have to cheat!" Hellebore adds, "Cheetahh!" Chastity says, "I want your soul, give it to me." He gets up while they are on the floor. He sees shadows moving on his lot.

Rave says, "You see. Now if I go ghost and let them live our cover is blown." Chastity says, "Let us handle it." Rave explains, "Our cards are on the table. My secret identity really matters no more." Outside the gang says, "He is a rap clown. They are fake gangsters so this would be easy." Pop Cant was so wrong. When Rave turned ghost it was a horror movie.

Rave kills a few gang members and some escapes. They report to their leader that he is the Grey Ghost or Grey Horror Hero that has been in the news. The gang plot to sell this info but the government already know. Infact no one really wants to mess with Rave. We can determine this is were the secret identity becomes no longer important. Rave will be moving on to world breaking feats soon. Dollhouse remains but not opened to the public as to prevent terrorist disasters. His security measures increases. The girls were kinda sad the frequent Dollhouse parties where over. But also happy to take up a more of a social media presence as they start costume modeling. Chastity say Rave reinstalling the Invisible robot guards he built. She said, "Those things?! Those gave me so much trouble to sneak out on you before." Rave says, "Now that we are public I need more eyes." When it comes on Rave's vision multiple and they spread out. Chastity says, "You are so perfect. You know what. I don't want my oracle vision no more. I want to be a movie star." He says, "What?! Really?!" She slap him. She says, "Of course not. You idiot." He laughs. He says, "You know my eyes are practically cameras. I could release the things I've seen you do anytime I want."

Rave goes to a internet people convention as himself, Roman Rave. He says, "I'll let the girls have fun. My secret identity doesn't even matter. Soon I will have this planet in the palm of my hand." Many interviews followed. Everyone was dying to be the first to cover the Grey Hero's story. Non of Roman social media presence affected his character as a scary figure. Infact outlets tries to do documentaries on him that increased his popularity. Stories were told of sex, parties and gruesome murders. He all out announced that he has no problem in killing who he wants and the government cannot stop him. He told the world of how he broke the CIA, took on armies, discovered and eliminated many secret organizations. Kimbra said on tv, "If you see me walking with a robot body guard. The bodyguard isn't for me. Rave has him there so that I don't kill you." She laughs. Rave looks directly at the camera. He says, "Millions of people at homes watching me on your TV. I can see all of you. I could come through the camera and be in your houses in faster than you can change the channel." Audiences gasps. But Rave and the girls never give away information that could compromise them. Some things remain secret.

The Kid

Kobain while working on a project for Rave has a tank explode in his face burning out his eyes. Rave looked at him to see tears of blood running from his eye sockets. Rave immediately went to build cybernetic eyes for Kobain. After which Kobain upgraded the eyes that lead to brain implants. Kobain gains the ability to control tech with his mind. He can see through many different lenses just like Rave and enter computer data with his mind. He also has the backup power of summoning Rave via speed dial. Rave was amazed. Rave said, "You hacked my systems and pulled a copy of me right out of Suno's databased. Had me teleported right to you via internet. I have to say Kobain, if there is one person alive that could kill me it is you."