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Yuki Moonshade heard that a demon named Rave can walk ghost realms so she came to his place to ask him to enter the katana to free wrongfully trapped souls. She travels from Japan all the way to Legion Island on her own. Sky Fall the thick robot lady leads her to his thrown room. Yuki See's other copies of Sky Fall also standing gaurd at the door. She saw the large grim Rave sitting on his throne looking a bit displeased. She walks up to it and bowed. One eye shifted towards her. Rave says, "Why are the guards always letting little fan girls walk in and out through here?" The Sky Falls replied, "Roman, You told us to let women in at anytime. He remembers and said, "Oh right... I did say that didn't I. You may speak." Yuki says, "My name is Yuki of the Moonshade clan. I travelled from my people because I need help. I want to free my fathers soul from this blade. And the other good people wrongfully trapped inside it." Rave says, "I am no hero child. Do you understand what people like me can do to you?" He steps down from the thrown walking to her. She goes down on one knee. He takes the sword in one hand. And grabs her by the wrist in the other as he picks her up. She timidly says, "Be careful my Lord. If the blade cut you it will trap you inside." He takes a quick look at the weapon and yeets it in a corner. He says, "This is trash! How did a little girl like you get hold of such a powerful weapon! You on the other hand. That a prize." She shakingly says, "It was in my family for generations..." Rave says, "Why am I even asking questions for. Hold still." He slams her back onto his throne and stares into her eyes. He see some of her memories. He asks, "Maybe I was wrong. But why should I even help you? When I could just take you and the sword for myself." Rave pushes her and picks up the sword. He says, "Go home little girl. Before I change my mind." While still sitting on his thrown She replies, "No! It's too late I can go home without that weapon! Why would you do this?! I'd heard you help people!" Rave says, "Correction. Killing bad guys doesn't make me a hero!! They where standing in my way that's all." He stares at her. She asks, "What is it?!" He says, "You're in my chair." She replies, "I'm not gonna move." As she grips the arm rest and force backwards in it. The thrown is so big her legs hang off the ground. He takes the tip of the blade and lifts up her qipao to look at her panzu properly. She shivers thinking that the blade might accidentally cut her and take her soul. He says, "You kinda look good in it. Mupy thrown I mean... Mmah the underwear too." Roman swings the blade and cuts it off. Yuki screams she didn't even realize what he did she jumped up and the pieces fell off. Sixx, Soneko and Hellebore walks in looking scary. Hellebore says, "Roman. What are you doing? I'm hear girls screaming and I dont recognize that voice." They see Yuki standing in from the thrown and Rave holding a katana. Sixx says, "She's pretty. I hope you are not planning to kill her." Soneko asks, "At least let me play around with her first."
Yuki Moonshade heard that a demon named Rave can walk ghost realms so she came to his place to ask him to enter the katana to free wrongfully trapped souls. She travels from Japan all the way to Legion Island on her own. Sky Fall the thick robot lady leads her to his thrown room. Yuki See's other copies of Sky Fall also standing gaurd at the door. She saw the large grim Rave sitting on his throne looking a bit displeased. She walks up to it and bowed. One eye shifted towards her. Rave says, "Why are the guards always letting little fan girls walk in and out through here?" The Sky Falls replied, "Roman, You told us to let women in at anytime. He remembers and said, "Oh right... I did say that didn't I. You may speak." Yuki says, "My name is Yuki of the Moonshade clan. I travelled from my people because I need help. I want to free my fathers soul from this blade. And the other good people wrongfully trapped inside it." Rave says, "I am no hero child. Do you understand what people like me can do to you?" He steps down from the thrown walking to her. She goes down on one knee. He takes the sword in one hand. And grabs her by the wrist in the other as he picks her up. She timidly says, "Be careful my Lord. If the blade cut you it will trap you inside." He takes a quick look at the weapon and yeets it in a corner. He says, "This is trash! How did a little girl like you get hold of such a powerful weapon! You on the other hand. That a prize." She shakingly says, "It was in my family for generations..." Rave says, "Why am I even asking questions for. Hold still." He slams her back onto his throne and stares into her eyes. He see some of her memories. He asks, "Maybe I was wrong. But why should I even help you? When I could just take you and the sword for myself." Rave pushes her and picks up the sword. He says, "Go home little girl. Before I change my mind." While still sitting on his thrown She replies, "No! It's too late I can go home without that weapon! Why would you do this?! I'd heard you help people!" Rave says, "Correction. Killing bad guys doesn't make me a hero!! They where standing in my way that's all." He stares at her. She asks, "What is it?!" He says, "You're in my chair." She replies, "I'm not gonna move." As she grips the arm rest and force backwards in it. The thrown is so big her legs hang off the ground. He takes the tip of the blade and lifts up her qipao to look at her panzu properly. She shivers thinking that the blade might accidentally cut her and take her soul. He says, "You kinda look good in it. Mupy thrown I mean... Mmah the underwear too." Roman swings the blade and cuts it off. Yuki screams she didn't even realize what he did she jumped up and the pieces fell off. Sixx, Soneko and Hellebore walks in looking scary. Hellebore says, "Roman. What are you doing? I'm hear girls screaming and I dont recognize that voice." They see Yuki standing in from the thrown and Rave holding a katana. Sixx says, "She's pretty. I hope you are not planning to kill her." Soneko asks, "At least let me play around with her first." Hellebore says, "Oh pew. Stop scaring the little thing."

Revision as of 00:54, 21 July 2022

Act 2 Human War, Again

  • TV Clown, Murderous Wackie Jackie
  • Agent Orange Propaganda, Purple Heart
  • The Atom Bomb Awakens, Tin
  • Reflection

Act 2.5 The Anti-Vax Generation

  • Rave finds The Anti-Vax Generation (Children of War)

Crazy Rant

"We know evil. But evil is not just for the atheist. To everyone religious and contrarian needs a way to justify their evil. In time to kill they kill in the name of god. Every contrarian believed that his acts are most righteous. And when the damage is done they tell themselves they were acting for a cause. So who is god? All but just another absent father whom has killed more people than people than Lucifer. Who is the holy oppresser? So deny your your bodies. Tell yourself that your own thoughts are sin. Punish yourself. Or hear my warning, forget the invisible men above you and look to your brothers. Together we may achieve what the gods don't want us to believe. Evil, or is it just man who justify them."


Location, Doll House florida. Rave gets up from bed way before the girls just like every other day. Sometimes he feels real shallow. Yet he feels nothing at all. It's a void within his chest that would not be filled. The tv plays in the back ground. News is nothing but death hear and there. The nations show there military equipment in the mix.

Later he is at a store with Proxi. The TV's play news in the back ground. A hippy throws water at him. Rave sees the water flying in slow motion. He simple goes ghost. The water phases through him and hit Proxi. She is drenched. She screams to the coldness of it. Rave laughs, she tell him he made it get her on purpose but he did stop it. He says relax it just water. The hippy is angry at Rave. Hippy calls him a slangs like Nazi. Rave is confused but the hip says watch the news. When Rave looks at he he sees the weapons he built for defense is being used for war. He trademark left in bomb homes of innocent civilians. Rave flys to the defense office immediately. A meeting is thrown within a hour for generals from different countries and such. He is sicken by the men who sit around him. Rave starts straying from the topic to talk about Proxi's chest. She sits next to him all ditzy and wet drinking her smoothie from the store. The men seem confused. He orders Proxi to go wait in the lobby as if she was distracting them who kept eyeing her. One by one the men's heads explodes. He does with with telekinesis. As Rave walks out an assistant lady walks in with a clipboard that she drops to the floor and screams. "They got a little a head of themselves." The says to her. (I may mention that blowing people up with telekinesis takes a few seconds that requires pin point locationing and can be dodged.It also requires a lot of energy to pull off making it something that cannot be spammed.) Before he leaves the door all the screens are hacked to play a video of an orange man dressed I military general clothes. His name is Agent Orange and he is no more than a really bad gas. He puts on a spectacular an starts preaching propaganda. The special effects on the video are not special effects but the powers of another villain in collab by the name of Wacky Jackie. He is dress as a red clown. The man smiles from ear to ear. He talk about Rave industries as well. Rave knew the villain Jackie from before. He jumps into cyberspace as hundreds of his clones span out to find a source.

He jumps through the camera into the orange broad cast live. He starts beating the man. With a few hard punches to the face orange is disfigured and bloodied yet he smiles. He tells people watching the broad cast that this is man who protect them would is dangerous. He plays false videos of Rave doing crimes. He tries to rally up the militaries of man to exterminate all supers. Agent Orange laughs as be plays videos to Rave of people rioting. Jackie hits Rave with a train. Rave fights the two men but neither seem to be doing any significant damage to each other. Orange turns into a dust cloud and burns Rave while flying out of the room. Rave regenerates with minor burns but the cameras and video feed is burnt as well to shut off. Rave release a follow up statement. He send several of his clones across the world. With help they manage to descalate most of the situation. The sun sets as he hovers over burning cities of distressed Rave realizes he needs to do more. But his clones all stretched to limit and energy depleting he needs to regroup and rest. He isn't to happy with the police forces at all. Some of them refuse to help a super.

(Here is when he realizes that he is going to create his own army which is the Immortal Legion. He has quite a few girls with his power but it's not enough. He needs to go bigger.)

He calls all the girls back to base. That night orange send him a video personally. It's all blocked buy Proxi's fire wall. Rave asks to see it. Jackie and Orange laugh like to goons saying this is only the beginning. Rave orders the girls to bunker down. They go into defense state just to be safe. Rave wants to go after them. Lemonade tell him his vitals are low and he needs rest or he will poof away. She is right he agrees. That morning Wacky Jacking is riding a missile like a bull with many other following. Rave in short response time make clones that just hit into the missiles directly to stop them. Some missiles still hit buildings. "Hoo hoo" Jackie calls out from untop a building. He is holding a TnT pump that he pulled from his shirt. The size of it is unexplainable by physics. It seems to Rave that their is no limits to Jackies powers. Rave flys to Jackie's location and punches him faster than he can see. Jackie smacks into the ground leaving behind his comedically large shoes. The shoes explode. Rave contains the blast in a force field but the force collapses the building anyway. Rave moves at super speed to clear everyone out before if falls. Luckily it is early and a few people is at work. Jackie gets up and says, "You know what they say about guys with big feet." Rave squinches at him. He tell Rave that all the missiles have his logo on it. Rave is being framed. Rave flys at Jackie and rip him in half by the legs. He screams but then makes a clone of himself from the halves to to mock Rave.

Feed up of this Rave teleports the Genos body to his location. He fuses into it. Cuban Cockroach and Inertia arrives, those two are speed hero. Rave tell ps them to clean up the fallout. Arms folded Rave lounge at Jackie grabbing a clone while the other jumps out of the way. Jackie is not fast enough to react to Rave beating him down. Yet Jackie receives blows with cartoon physics. He is not hurt. A portal opens up and Rave fly Jackie to another dimension holding him by his color. In this unstable dimension Jackie is zapped by endless lightening. This is the lost dimension, it is an extension of Rave being. Like part of him a cybernetic ghost world that he controls. Jackie begins to scream with the force of an entire dimension coming down on him. Jackie's powers starts to fade. Rave had been sucking out his abilities with leech powers. Rave leaves Jackie in that dimension. Jackie is swallowed by a storm of ectoplasmic matter.

Rave returns he mentioned that Jackie is not killed but it's a start. He mentions of how he looked at Jackie's power chakra that seem to be coming from an endless source. The Jackie left out beings to feel the pain of his other clone trapped in The Lost Dimension. "Owe the horror!" he screams.". Jackie gets up with his back eroded with burns. "This isn't fun anymore" he says with tears in his eyes and limps away. Rave let's him go. If Rave assumptions are true Jackie cannot die but feels pain. He learnt this by his screams. Jackie will go back to Orange defeat and when he is tired of burning come back. He realizes that Jackie is no way smart enough to be behind this. He will use his defeat to scare his opponents.

Back at their hideout Jackie is tortured by the lost dimension with no end. Like Jackie Orange cannot be harmed easily. Orange turns to a living gas that is not easy to fight. Orange tells him to shut up and if he could he would kill him for being so annoying. Jackie now in to much pain to be competent at a proper propaganda broadcast. Orange gives a more pressing statement. Jackie passes out mid broadcast. Rave further reveals that be didn't just let Jackie go. He had him followed. It is reveal that Orange powers grow stronger with the evil of the general populous. This is contrasted to Rave's powers which feeds on the fear of others. Orange wants to consume the Earth. But how far does this plan go. Rave follows them like an invisible ghost. They seem to be providing armies around the world with weapons and delusions of grandeur. It was orange who corrupted the minds of these nations. So now the world will act against Rave he is stronge but he cannot span out himself to control the enter world. He cannot stop everything. Rave goes to find Infin8te. The had fallen out over Rave decision to murder The Vindicator. Infin8te tells Rave the he is wanted for so many crimes. Rave tells him, "For what? Killing an alien who wanted to blow up the Earth." Infin8te replies, "then you took his ship a planetary weapon. I was to destroy." Rave replies, "Relax, the ship is safe in my dimension. I'm only studying it." Infin8te answers, "it's that I'm worried about." Rave explains, "Soon. You would not have to worry about me anymore I'm being framed so Orange can eat the world. I need your help. You are the strongest goodie I know, people will listen to you."

Story cuts to Tin. He is an old rustic WW1 and 2 cyborg. He hates his existence but still does heroing. He was loved in WW1 but after WW2 the people turn against the soldiers. Tin being a soldier imaged hero fell hard. He even recolored to blue and white instead of green camo but people wasn't buying it. He is reminiscent of the glory days. But has out leaved all his friends. No one remembers who he is. He is out shadowed by cooler modern cyborgs. His components are too old to upgrade without possibly killing him and he cannot make love with his cold jagged tin body. So he splurges himself in robot drugs and just sighs at everything. Tin believed that he should of died on the battle field so he pushes himself so that maybe one day he can go down being a hero. So Tim was booked for a kids birthday party and the kids obviously wanted to met the poppin High-Tec but he got Tin. The kid kicks Tin's foot and runs upstairs. Tin day dream of strangling the kid but don't. He asked for alcohol but their is non at a 10 year old birthday party. Tin goes to the bathroom to do hard drugs and comes out high. He starts dancing the robot and says, "look kids it's High-Tec." The adults kick Tin out and didn't pay him. Ontop of that the kid that kicked him hurt his foot. So Tin was arrested and had to pay the hospital bill or take a sentence. He got out after a couple hour in jail just till he was a little sobber. The cops dumped him in a pile of trash and drove off laughing. In that alley he saw Proxi walking home from when Rave left her at the meeting lobby. He got up boxy and followed her. Proxi talking to herself." I can't believe Rave left me with no money in a different country." As she send out a signal from her ears for the others to come get her. Tin creepily watches from behind a wall at the hot robot girl. "Miss look out!" He shouts and jumps jankily into action. Proxi is being attacked by some thugs. He punched one and it feels like being hit with a speeding toaster. Prox flips one over her shoulder and shoot her rifle transforming hands at the others. They all run away. Tin introduces himself but Proxi says she has a boyfriend. Tin explains he is down and out so Proxi promises him that Rave will help him if he follows her. He can take that a gratitude for saving her life she explains. But she could handle herself. Proxi is just a lovable personality. The aircraft come and Tin is invited back to base. Lemonade tells her that Rave isn't always happy for surprised guest. Proxi exclaimed happily, "We got attacked by a crazed peace extremist, Then Rave made him hug a tree." Lemonade replied, "Rave tied him to a trees, didn't he?" They got held up at a refill station for almost a day till Lemonade said screw this and flew the ship out.

Rave gets home after his meet with Infin8te and Tin is in his bathrobes and sitting on his chair with feet on desk, smoking his cigars and drinking his wine. Proxi explains what happened. Rave feeling guilty for forgetting her agrees to help Tin get on his feet. Rave us like, "But first please remove my bedroom sleepers." Proxi mentions how Rave never uses it or eat or drink anything. He wears the same black shirt one pants one shoes everyday. Funny thing about being dead. The next morning Rave looks at Tin's internal makings and it's old. It's so poorly built it hard to even consider this technology at all. Rave says, "Their is not much I can do. My fixing powers only work with women. It's a kind of a sexual healing. And it's temporary making them dependant on me. Maybe if you wear a wig." He jokes. Tin blinks his robot eyes flirtatiously and says, "Pwetty pwease. Ghost daddy to robot daddy?" Rave replies, "Well I have been thinking of a way to try to convert male soldiers to Legion. Clearly we need more fire power. I need larger soldiers who are expendable. Take this and when the time comes I will call on you. " Rave bites the tip of his fingers drawing ectoplasm and places it on Tin's mechanical heart. It begins to burn a blue fire burn. He annoints the head of Tin with that finger that burns into his brain. His rusty she'll beings to fall of as if he is about to die but then new metal grows within. "How long will it burn?" Proxi asks Rave. Rave replies, "I don't know... this is new. I have to monitor I'm for a year, 10, Maybe more" Tin stands up. His metal skin is thicker he is larger and more technically advance. Apart from that he now has metal artifact organs. The girls start calling Rave a god not that they didn't believe it before. Tin grabs a jacket. "Where are you going?" Proxi ask. "Brothel" he replies running out the door screaming, "A hundred years" repeatedly. Proxi says, "Brothel?" Rave replies, "Goddamit, he's old." Lemonade adds, "... And he is going to kill somebody." It didn't take long for the new Tin tank. To attract the attention of the public. He got invited to a super team with The Purple Heart.

Back to Orange. Rave thinks, "I've always kept this power those I can contain but how long till my own creations betray me? I will have to become more ruthless. I will raise an army I will take this world by storm."

Countdown To Extinction

Polaris, Count Down To Extinction

Tin and Purple Heart's team makes their way to Russia for small offences that reveal the greater scheme. Their mission lead them to it's location but to late. The Atom Bomb had already been set on motion. Upon awaking the Atom Bomb burnt the scientist tasks with it to a shadow. Purple remembers this plan from so long ago he. He thought it didn't exist, he thought it was only rumors. They have no choice but to send red alert to all other heroes of Earth for back up. You cannot help feeling the hopelessness of the Veterans Super Group.

Blow me Away

As Rave begins to fight Orange in Asia, In the north Russia an old weapon is awaken. The behemoth rises standing seven stories high. A metal monstrosity contained within it's shell radiation death. It's voice deep and cold as the snow it once slumbered. It plays radio voices of quarantine signaling the end times. It begins a slow walk. It must cross the north from Russia into the US. There is no way to fight this machine. If it explodes the entire planet is lost regardless of where it does. The old scientist who created him during the Nazi operation didn't estimate the size of radiation it will release. It's purpose is to destroy and nothing else.

Rust In Peace

See the giant walking through the artic storm like a stroll on a sunny day. A swarm of heroes arrive from all directions. This is not fun. Temperatures below freezing would kill any normal human if a few minutes. But getting closer to the Bomb the heat it felt and grows stronger. They don't even know what to do. Some heroes from France first arriving on the scene rush in without a plan and are immediately burnt to death just from going to close to it. For several days hero fight not even managing to slow down The Atom Bomb on it's path. They build walls and dig trenches that it just burn through. It is not bothered by them. They are like mosquitoes. It they get to ambitious it let's of an eye beam or let's of a mini explosion by sucking oxygen to it's body. This causes a hurricane force pull that sends heroes to stick to it and burn to death. Meanwhile Rave is busy soloing Agent Orange. In gas form he is allusive. He flies from place to place buring all his path. The size of Orange increases with all he consumes. Rave counters by asborbung the gas into his own body. It makes him sick but he pushing on to fight it. He manage it trap all of Orange in a force field and consume him. Rave body becomes the tint of orange he feels sick and he can hear orange in his head. Orange face pushes out of his body trying to break free. But Rave pulls him back in. They are one.

Atom makes it way to north of Canada by that time. Atom is trapped by all heroes and cannot move further. So he begins to initiate the explosion. The force roots trees from the ground as they fly towards him. You see the cracks in Atoms armor as hot magma seeps through. He begins to split wider and the explosion begins. Rave flies to it's location at the speed of light. Chastity saw the various futures outcomes so runs towards Rave to warn him not to but he is to fast. Rave hold the cracks in it's armor in a forcefield while the other heroes hold it's legs and arms in place. The force tears rips in Rave's skin. He generates a portal big enough to take it and forces into it. Atom Bomb falls into his dimension. It finishes explode as the portal closes. Rave ghost body glows and burns the color of the explosion that pulsed from his heart and rippled outward. You can see that he is stunned with pain but he wears a light forced smile. He looks at Chastity as he burns and is deformed from the recent fight with Orange and says, "Chastity I..." But the orange blaze in his body turns to dead ash, "...S-o-a-B" The last thing all heroes on site see is his fist punch the ground as he turns to dust. Proxi screams placing her hands over her ears, "Rave... No I cannot feel Rave. Rave!" Unseen to them his dimension burns into void. "No..." Chastity says as they immediately retreat back to home base without further words. Infin8te looks on quietly. All heroes are silent. No one hears from the Rave girls for about a month. They just sit around in disbelief. Chastity says, "So your savoir is dead. That doesn't mean we are all just going to sit around a give up." But Proxi cries and Kimbra too. Cameila Zombie says, "You know what's going to happen without Rave. Our home is done. His enemies will come after us." News plays of the burnt cities of the previous battles. "Well even I pissed off so many people hiding behind Rave. But we are not just some weak little girls. We have to fight." Chastity says. Meredith replies angrily folding her arms, "Then go ahead. I'm NOT going out there." There is a knock on the door and the all seem frightened or in hope. They look through the security cameras and is disappointed that it is Tin. Meredith says, "It's just Old Rusty." Proxi celebrates, "Yay, Grandpa!" Tin reveals that he keeps dreaming of Rave at the Canada blast site. For some reason they fly to it in a ship. But nothing is there just cold and debris. Chastity goes to see her sister Ariel. Chastity remembers what Rave said. She contemplates shooting Ariel but doesn't show warning signs. Ariel is seemingly coping well with Rave's disappearance. She ask Ariel to help the search. Evening came and the poor broken hearted girls in their little sweaters refuse to believe that this is the end. They had been searching all day for a sign. But it gets colder and is now time to call it quits. As it got darker Proxi points up at the lights in the sky. "Are you seeing this" Chastity comments as she drops her rifle. Rave's naked body is seen floating asleep as reflecting in the northern lights. He is a giant shifting image reflecting over the sky. He then awakes to look at them and smile. (Explanation, his cybernetic soul took refuge in the aurora polaris of gases, electrons and protons. The dimensions which is a reflection of his inner body took a nasty hit and needed time to recover. He can now redownload himself into existence.)

Ending Song:

Dead Astronauts



Scene in traditional Japan. Wielding her grandfathers spirit kitana (not internet gas). From the torch that has been passed down from generations. This kitana cuts what cannot be cut placing muti dimensional DoTs to her opponent. Also absorbing their soul to confirm dead. Infact, Yuki's father soul is trapped inside it because he failed to use it properly and was absorbed by it. Her grandfather tried to put the sword away forever but Yuki believes she is ready and can free her dad one day. Yuki steals the sword and leaves.

Yuki Moonshade heard that a demon named Rave can walk ghost realms so she came to his place to ask him to enter the katana to free wrongfully trapped souls. She travels from Japan all the way to Legion Island on her own. Sky Fall the thick robot lady leads her to his thrown room. Yuki See's other copies of Sky Fall also standing gaurd at the door. She saw the large grim Rave sitting on his throne looking a bit displeased. She walks up to it and bowed. One eye shifted towards her. Rave says, "Why are the guards always letting little fan girls walk in and out through here?" The Sky Falls replied, "Roman, You told us to let women in at anytime. He remembers and said, "Oh right... I did say that didn't I. You may speak." Yuki says, "My name is Yuki of the Moonshade clan. I travelled from my people because I need help. I want to free my fathers soul from this blade. And the other good people wrongfully trapped inside it." Rave says, "I am no hero child. Do you understand what people like me can do to you?" He steps down from the thrown walking to her. She goes down on one knee. He takes the sword in one hand. And grabs her by the wrist in the other as he picks her up. She timidly says, "Be careful my Lord. If the blade cut you it will trap you inside." He takes a quick look at the weapon and yeets it in a corner. He says, "This is trash! How did a little girl like you get hold of such a powerful weapon! You on the other hand. That a prize." She shakingly says, "It was in my family for generations..." Rave says, "Why am I even asking questions for. Hold still." He slams her back onto his throne and stares into her eyes. He see some of her memories. He asks, "Maybe I was wrong. But why should I even help you? When I could just take you and the sword for myself." Rave pushes her and picks up the sword. He says, "Go home little girl. Before I change my mind." While still sitting on his thrown She replies, "No! It's too late I can go home without that weapon! Why would you do this?! I'd heard you help people!" Rave says, "Correction. Killing bad guys doesn't make me a hero!! They where standing in my way that's all." He stares at her. She asks, "What is it?!" He says, "You're in my chair." She replies, "I'm not gonna move." As she grips the arm rest and force backwards in it. The thrown is so big her legs hang off the ground. He takes the tip of the blade and lifts up her qipao to look at her panzu properly. She shivers thinking that the blade might accidentally cut her and take her soul. He says, "You kinda look good in it. Mupy thrown I mean... Mmah the underwear too." Roman swings the blade and cuts it off. Yuki screams she didn't even realize what he did she jumped up and the pieces fell off. Sixx, Soneko and Hellebore walks in looking scary. Hellebore says, "Roman. What are you doing? I'm hear girls screaming and I dont recognize that voice." They see Yuki standing in from the thrown and Rave holding a katana. Sixx says, "She's pretty. I hope you are not planning to kill her." Soneko asks, "At least let me play around with her first." Hellebore says, "Oh pew. Stop scaring the little thing."

He agreed in time. Regardless of not knowing how this may play out. Inside it mas a form of hell and madness where everything tried to hold him down.


So Rave Got out and freed some souls but he wasn't able to pull them from the after life so they went to rest. Rave took the katana from Yuki because it was to dangerous a weapon. Her grandfather wasn't pleased but happy she returned home. She had lost the family heirloom but freed her dad. They had to travel back to Rave land to get it. But Rave would not give it back so they arranged marriage in order to keep the sword in Moonshade bloodline.

She will bear him one son, Inyo. He is a red grasshopper like speedster swordsman. Inyo has 3 arms and will carry this cursed blade.

Ricochet and Lela

I want to add an episode where Rave approaches Ricochet while he is playing basketball in the ghetto. Then he challenges Rave who is bad at sports. Ricochet talks about how superpower mutations killed sports and now all everyone ever does is fight. Regardless both of them now has to use their superpowers to win this basketball showdown.