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May vary based on species.
May vary based on species.
*Not as normal human.  
*Not as normal human.  
*During pregnancy the mother's are kept in this super rich fancy tech resort type private hospital owned by Rave. They are checked up on by special machines and robots. Or in the homes with Similar brooms for this depending on the size of the building or mansion.
*During pregnancy the mother's are kept in this super rich fancy tech resort type private hospital owned by Rave. They are checked up on by special machines and robots. Or in the homes with similar rooms for this. Any base of Rave is usually big enough to accommodate may facilities.
*But before that, the ladies receive special cybernetic enchantments that doesn't require surgery. Two silver fish robots, one penetrates the back of the neck next to the brain and locks on to the spinalcord, lungs, nervous system brain and blood. The second penetrates they navel and stays under the lungs. Threads lock onto the other internal organs. This creates a full computerized data system of the body. This was first brought about to records vita readings on his followers.
*But before that, the ladies receive special cybernetic enchantments that doesn't require surgery. Two silver fish robots, one penetrates the back of the neck next to the brain and locks on to the spinalcord, lungs, nervous system brain and blood. The second penetrates they navel and stays under the lungs. Threads lock onto the other internal organs. This creates a full computerized data system of the body. This was first brought about to records vita readings on his followers.
*In the womb the child in an oval pod grows up to the size of a NFL football for up to 18 months. The pod is shaped like a white squid with tentacles locked onto and umbilical cord.
*In the womb the child in an oval pod grows up to the size of a NFL football for up to 18 months. The pod is shaped like a white squid with tentacles locked onto and umbilical cord.

Revision as of 17:51, 13 February 2022

Player: @Rave#2552
Main Ghost Look
Biographical Data
Real Name: Roman Rave
Known Aliases: Rave, The Grim Reaper
Gender: Male
  • Was: Human
  • Now: Hyrbid; one part vampire, Part undead lich, Poltergeist, Warp technomancer, growning DNA
Ethnicity: Half Amerindian Half Coloured
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Rave Labs (Secret)
Relatives: Wives and Sons
Age: 20 Something, Do not age physically
Height: 6' normal and 12 ft powered
Eyes: Glowing solid Blue and white closer look may see tiny souls in a ring (his eyes are blue because he is in control and good. If the evil spirit take over his eyes and aura becomes red)
Hair: Black in Human form, White in Powered
Complexion: Light brown, charred Black-Grey
Physical Build: Very tall slim, built like a Runner
Physical Features: Very Handsome, Stares through your soul silently with his cold ghostly eyes looking in them may haze, Powerful Neck, In powered form a horrific smile of devilish sharp teeth flashes in shadow on his face like lightenen. Wears a big black mysterious duster. Has no real physical form.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Identity: Has many cybernetic clones similar in appearance and non simular living in disguise
Years Active:
Citizenship: Beach City
Occupation: Scientist
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: Polygamist, Sociopath
Known Powers and Abilities

  • All

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Massive aircrafts
  • Heavy guarded global bases.

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada




  • Alpha male


Read Acts for story.

  • He is a ghost which exists on a cybernetic plane like retrowave. But more like a part-time god.
  • His physical being is a light glowing white blue ectoplasm incased in an outer grey black film shadow. The blackness comes from the burning of his cells on the outer parts.
  • His entire being is one thinking cell
  • The ectoplasm is the source of power boosting when he injects it into others and also absorb some of their DNA. His body fuild has many uses. And dependant on his thought.
  • He can look any how but prefers a medium fit build.
  • He can multiple to create clones by mitosis.
  • He may possess robot and machine.
  • His powers are stronger with anything like wifi or telecommunications
  • Can fast travel through media, power lines or stormy weather
  • Bears no physically presence but can solidify using force powers and can only manifest to certain women like a hunting until he convinces them to do his bidding
  • Only in their presence can he alter the physical world
  • He has a special army of girls that set up environments for him to manifest stronger.
  • He can look anyhow but he prefers to be around 8ft tall and dark grey. He is more convincingly scary that way
  • His main powers are force, technomancy and ghost abilities
  • Death Stare: Eye contact with Rave results in him entering or reading the mind of that person more clear than they themselves. They could also end up stunned or dazed. Or even control them. It's a well known power of his. Most would avoid eye contact but his wife has no reason to.
  • He can sense people power levels. There powers levels are like chi networking though their body. He can determine their power source or how strong they are dependant on the brightness of the flame or it's color to deferenciate deferent types of power. He can modify that power through phsyical contact by unlocking restrictions causing mutations in power. He can also sap some of that power temporarily that weakens the flame over time it goes back to it's orginal state. Or he can abosorb it all that extinguishes it.
  • He has vampire lich tendencies he struggle to control. Any form of phsyical contact. He often uses tentaclss that grow from his body to sap powers from others.
  • He can absorb DNA to copy powers for himself
  • He can transfer DNA to give powers but doesn't always go perfectly and is quite dangerous if not done in a lab with better equipment. It's a very complex network or chi sciences.
  • He experiments on test subjects. He is not a person in his lab but he is the lab itself controlling mechanical tentacles etc.
  • He is invisible to people he doesn't make himself present to. He can only appears to girls. It's an intimate connection to transfer power. They get a blue ring of souls around their iris when they have received powers from Rave. He places cybernetic devices into their bodies. One notable a barcode behind the neck with a computer under.
  • He mostly operate from the back sit via floating behind his lacky. By doing so provides OP back up. For example to coat someone in an invisible force field. He has a limited amount of power he can use in on day. That also limits the amount of time he can make himself manifest physically or use his powers in the real world.
  • He managed to put together a team of women that would serve him. The all sit on a giant pyramid that leads up to his throne. Where not he but an inactive robot body called the GENO sits awaiting activation. This body boost all his powers.

Rave Senses


If the ability to read minds isn't bad enough. He sees 360 all the time. His eyes break down layers giving him xtray vision amonge many to adjust his sight. Moving so fast does give him the ability to see things in slower time. Super visions is important to his ability to phase through objects. But it these just make him a boring bored being from no surprises. He cannot sleep no matter how exhausted he is his eyes are always open. And at some point he just doesn't feel it anymore.


His sense of smell is extremely powerful and can trace a smell for miles. It is sickeningly powerful. A normal human smell 1 thing but he breakdown and pin point every smell down to knowing its contents.


He can change the frequency of his ears but he doesn't much use super human hearing because it can be disorienting.


Not impenetrable but heals quickly. He does feel pain but he wouldn't show it. He is use to it because his body just regenerates.


On the outside he seems emotion less and quite chill but that just because he is balancing self control. All human erges has increased about hundred times over. Any break in his control state can send him into a frenzy. Nothing he does that is out of the way is truly his fault but just a coincidence of demanding his power. Which brings me to.


Though he does not need to eat to survive yet he feel eternal hunger. Liching matter does seem to slightly fix this. Along with the eternal need for female companionship. If he had only one partner she might accidentally die from exhaustion. If he completely ignored all erges he would turn into a mindless rampaging monster consuming all that exists as we know it.


The lich tendencies also seems to make people he contact weak several days before boosting their powers. But it's temporary as his ability to copy powers in return. It's a need for each other that benefits the greater good. To come of the power boost is like going cold turkey.

Why girls?

This closest and most trusted are all female and part of his family. But why? He is paranoid. He believe that men have agenda that will try to usurp him. Doesn't need to be true but he believes women are easier to lead or manipulate. It shows how easily he lost control of his son's when they got older.


He doesn't believe in second chances or reformation. Anyone who serves him becomes rouge hero. His set are taught to kill on site. Nothing is out of questions when demanding obedience. Rave is not the guy you want to double cross. And remember he can read minds and see all. His very name makes the largest of folk uneasy with fear. Down in the gulag of soldiers, looking at Rave funny is instant execution and he makes an example for others to know. But don't feel bad for them they are dodgy asf.


There are three stages to his image

Stage 1

In the early no power to fresh powers stages. He is a feared gangster with caring behaviour. He has high charisma so much so he could seduce any woman he wanted in less than 10 seconds. Even without money he is handsome and full of addictive personality. He's the guy to stand up for the weak.

Stage 2

His powers make people fear him. He is under alot of pressure to perform. His is a bossy boss and very aggressive. He always gets what he wants and no one may appose. Still his determination for a better good keeps people liking him. Also with occasional funniness.

Stage 3

Reaches a point where he is so powerhful has nothing to really be angry about. People obey and accept leadership from him because of his past achievements. He is calm collective and operating many bodies at once that requires the right focus. Though know understanding he is still very demanding.

His Fam

Practically royalty. Heavily guarded by invisible spec ops when out of house. No one is allowed to speak to them without consent other than yes or no. Where they live is a island fully under Immortal Legion control that is very safe to walk around freely. But they are not allowed leave as they please without consent because of possible dangers.

Relationship with Heroing

Agencies are bothering him to get off his butt and help. He provides alot of tech for them to do it their selves. He only interferes when it is planetary. The truth is he cannot stand the pain of losing inocent people to evil ones. Being a ghost means seeing everyface of the dead haunting him. He has many homes and can go from country to a next in under a minute.

Relationship with Powerful Heroes

Some could match his power but not his influence of a growing army. A lot of them would dislike what he is about but he is to much of a bother to bring down. Not with a dispecable level of charisma like that.

Rave's Lxst Dimension

It's where he put all the unkillable evil and very evil. Call it a private hell where he can pay them a visit regularly.


  • Can be in many places at once
  • Rave is rich enough to buy a planet or two
  • He took over most parts of the world in less than 12 years. *He would like to expand more but he would give certain freedom to do as they please free from him. But he would also axtract and immigrate all those who would rather live in a safer place. He had more eyes in these cities than the CCP.
  • He created advanced utopias free from hunger, poverty and with minimal crime or accidents.
  • He doesn't perform much strick dictatorship but he does over see thoroughly. He rule forced rapids development.
  • Lives and Rules on a large island separate from most of the rest of the world like an African king. Does many travels and acts of heroism else wear. Is always calm bored or seriously agitated.
  • He married the hottest women from all over the world and had many kids. They would gain or already had some sort of prestige. He is into the idea of trophy wives only. He found himself to be worshipped like a celebrity. People just throw themselves at him for all sorts of reasons. And you'd see why women would do anything not hold him down.
  • He does live "ordinary" rich person life. He can teleport anywhere in the world in seconds. He can have a dinner date in Tokyo, then a even strole in Paris and spend the night in a private lounge in the Aspen mountains in an hour. Then still have time to make breakfast in Italy.
  • Alot of development went into space travel. He was pushing for a futuristic humanity. This became like is main job. He science expandss much from times Rave Labs was hidden under the strip club and he use to walk around like a gangster.
  • During that times he had a war with heaven and the results caused people to stop aging at 18. Rave himself was banned from heaven and hell.
  • After witnessing his works. People invented a new religion to prey to him. referred to him as 'Lord' but his wives called him 'god' literaturally. They would prey to him but he found this as madness. People would sacrifice themselves to move onto the next world.
  • You'd see the Immortal Legion adopt white and blue into their uniform aside from the previous black and blue. It seemed like heaven on Earth. With nothing left to do but make sweet love and expand to space.
  • They lived in a techno angellic society.

The Immortal Legion


  • Borg and Undead themes of black blue and white
  • Rave gives them immortality and power in return they serve in army
  • At anytime Rave can ask them to give him their soul. They are sucked into him as blue light and their bones turn to dust. Their soul and body is sometimes returned but not always. It's a process that may be fatal. Basically extra batteries of stored energy.

The early days

  • The women he slept with was the first experience this power boost. He came to realise that part of his ghostliness has stayed within them. It was like a private mental copy only the individual could see. His powers to communicate with them telepathically had increased. He provided over the shoulder assistant making them even stronger and better protected. Because of this power boost
  • Though being associated with such a powerful being such as Rave. His enemies would learn not to go after his girls because the is basically always watching unless he chooses not too.
  • The results of shared power made them more drawn to him with addiction after effects. If they ways away to long they being to feel weak. That now meant any girl he had affiliated with was permanently bounded to never leave his side. And it didn't help that he could not control his own desire. It's a trait of a god.
  • When asked he wasn't sure of how many children and wives he had. It took a while for him to quicky count. He said he never bothered to count. He traveled alot and was always very busy. He would bring a handful of girls so they didn't get bored or feel alone if he had to slip out for work. The girls would bring their friends and what not. But many of them never left. And if it wasn't for his computer like memory he wouldn't even know who they were. In his words "With having so much money I don't need, so many mansions around the globe. I could afford to take care of the pretty girls. I like having them around. I'm never using shit so not let someone else enjoy it"

Birth of Legion

  • There was a war that caused many causalities
  • Rave grew tentacles from his back and injected a dying soldier with power and he recovered rapidly. This was the first of the immortal legion. And more and more.
  • Clearly he saw that he could do more to prevent things like this from happening. So his personal defence force grew.
  • He strayed from the partying with girls life style. About that time many women came out as pregnant. But he already knew from the very moment of conception his extra eyes watched his kids being born. He was just experimenting in a sense of wanting to see what would happen if he cross breed with different species.

Killing God's

  • RAVE and his legion would bring down quite a few god's.

The Death of Rave

Many years in future, time came when the planet was to implode. Rave stretch himself to cover the sky. The he came down like a blanket of light. He fused himself with all the Earth. Holding hands in every piece of life. He became the planet. He became a piece of everything. Some say he is still alive but just taking a break.


May vary based on species.

  • Not as normal human.
  • During pregnancy the mother's are kept in this super rich fancy tech resort type private hospital owned by Rave. They are checked up on by special machines and robots. Or in the homes with similar rooms for this. Any base of Rave is usually big enough to accommodate may facilities.
  • But before that, the ladies receive special cybernetic enchantments that doesn't require surgery. Two silver fish robots, one penetrates the back of the neck next to the brain and locks on to the spinalcord, lungs, nervous system brain and blood. The second penetrates they navel and stays under the lungs. Threads lock onto the other internal organs. This creates a full computerized data system of the body. This was first brought about to records vita readings on his followers.
  • In the womb the child in an oval pod grows up to the size of a NFL football for up to 18 months. The pod is shaped like a white squid with tentacles locked onto and umbilical cord.
  • After 18 months, the squid extracts it's self to plant into the ground with it's tentacles. After 48 hours the tentacled become black like hard tree roots while the pod becomes more see throughout like a glass pod. Nurses help with the extractions and allocation of where they will grow.
  • The pod could grow for 18 years if not opened. But could also be hatched at anytime. The kids come out with superior interlect and powers.
  • The pod is important because of the nature of how monster like his offspring may be. Some of them aren't even beings contrivable by human persepcetion. If not birth would harm the mother.

Power Level Simplified

(S) Over Powered

A Very Powerful

B Master Level

C Average Powers

D Minor Power

E Weak Powers

F Hopeless Abilities

Other Information

Easy S Tier. Anyone below S and higher A tier just don't. Don't even think about it. You don't even look that in the eye. Don't even look at him all funny. Even the government tries to keep him happy as long as he is not flat out hurting good people. And as long as he is distracted by his women then he is not making a mess of things.

Theme songs: Bolt Thrower, ERRA, Old school death metal, RetroWave, Dead Astronauts, Deftones