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Ironically Suno is more mature than the rest of the team. She overseers this group for Rave who wants to help them. The others are very playful and Host still believes he is the leader. Yaniko is just righteous and supports Rave and Suno. Kobain is the mechanics guy. Suno has a hard time getting them to behave but they still lover her as a friend and leader. She is not the most powerful especially not against them all but the usually calm down when she threatens to call Rave.
Ironically Suno is more mature than the rest of the team. She overseers this group for Rave who wants to help them. The others are very playful and Host still believes he is the leader. Yaniko is just righteous and supports Rave and Suno. Kobain is the mechanics guy. Suno has a hard time getting them to behave but they still lover her as a friend and leader. She is not the most powerful especially not against them all but the usually calm down when she threatens to call Rave.
"Goldtooth scratches his ass as he leaves the garage to go inside. Camera pans to Sumo in flight wrestling with Cavort And Millennia over something they are not supposed to be playing with. Millennia let's it go.
Suno crashes into a shelf. On the floor she looks up and says, "Fine I'm telling Rave"
Millennia as she comes closer, "Wait what your telling Rave? No no no no... Don't tell Rave."
Cavort smirks, "Oh my god I'm so scared... what ever will he do to us"
Suno replies to the mockery as she catches on, "Would you stop that. He is too old for you."
Cavort, "I'm 19..."
Suno dials his number...
Dragon Butterfly as she rolls her neck with sassy lying untop a shelf, "I think she just wants him for herself"
Cavort smiles, "Yeah do you see the way her eye light up when she talks to him."
Notice them all smiling at her Suno hangs up the call and says, "It's not like that... He is not interested in me that way..."
Kobain hanging upsidedown with a blow touch in his hand,
"What!? Rave this. Rave that. What is it with this guy!?"
Phone rings Suno exclaims, "Oh no he is calling back what do I do!?"
Cavort, "Quick! shoot it! Shoot the phone."
Millennia, "Tell him you miss dialed"
Before they could answer Rave appears behind them, "Hi."
Startled they all shout, "Rave!!!" Kobain falls from height and bumps his head.
Host to Yaniko in the background. They where working on a Host bike, "Look at those morons..."
Camera shows Yaniko face with tears in his eyes and a clutched fist marveled at Rave. Millennia faints.
Host, "I'm surrounded by idoits" he tosses a rag over his shoulder and leaves the room."
Camera pans to the buildings sky view. As Host drives out.

Revision as of 13:41, 13 November 2021

The Anti-Vax Generation
Player: @Rave#2552
AVG Logo
Character Build
Class Focus:
Power Level:
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Known Aliases:
Place of Birth:
Base of Operations:
Physical Build:
Physical Features:
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Years Active:
Marital Status:
Known Powers and Abilities
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template




  • The Cat
  • Male
  • Ninja
  • Broad sword
  • Cat based abilities

Host Blashyrkh

  • The Raven
  • Asian Male
  • Oni
  • Fighting Claw
  • Spiffy armor

Cavort Witch

  • The Bunny
  • Female
  • Rogue
  • Daggers
  • Springe Boots

Dragon Butterfly

  • The Dragonfly
  • Samolian Female
  • Gunner
  • Twin tech9
  • Glide

Mousey Millennia

  • The Mouse
  • Female
  • Archer
  • Shrinks when scared

Suno (Grown Up)

  • The Chameleon
  • Female
  • Ghost possessing older Robot Body
  • Various built-in weaponry


  • The Dragon
  • British Male
  • Dragon powers
  • Martials Arts
  • Student Of Sixx's Father

Kid Kobain

  • The Rattle Snake
  • Male
  • Baseball Bat


  • The Panda
  • Asian Female Transgender
  • Tech Staff


Formerly known as the Anti-Vax Kids or Anti-Vax Teens. Wears black for main team color along with a neon one. These are a group of ophans or delinquents.

Ironically Suno is more mature than the rest of the team. She overseers this group for Rave who wants to help them. The others are very playful and Host still believes he is the leader. Yaniko is just righteous and supports Rave and Suno. Kobain is the mechanics guy. Suno has a hard time getting them to behave but they still lover her as a friend and leader. She is not the most powerful especially not against them all but the usually calm down when she threatens to call Rave.


"Goldtooth scratches his ass as he leaves the garage to go inside. Camera pans to Sumo in flight wrestling with Cavort And Millennia over something they are not supposed to be playing with. Millennia let's it go.

Suno crashes into a shelf. On the floor she looks up and says, "Fine I'm telling Rave"

Millennia as she comes closer, "Wait what your telling Rave? No no no no... Don't tell Rave." Cavort smirks, "Oh my god I'm so scared... what ever will he do to us"

Suno replies to the mockery as she catches on, "Would you stop that. He is too old for you."

Cavort, "I'm 19..."

Suno dials his number...

Dragon Butterfly as she rolls her neck with sassy lying untop a shelf, "I think she just wants him for herself"

Cavort smiles, "Yeah do you see the way her eye light up when she talks to him."

Notice them all smiling at her Suno hangs up the call and says, "It's not like that... He is not interested in me that way..."

Kobain hanging upsidedown with a blow touch in his hand, "What!? Rave this. Rave that. What is it with this guy!?"

Phone rings Suno exclaims, "Oh no he is calling back what do I do!?"

Cavort, "Quick! shoot it! Shoot the phone."

Millennia, "Tell him you miss dialed"

Before they could answer Rave appears behind them, "Hi."

Startled they all shout, "Rave!!!" Kobain falls from height and bumps his head.

Host to Yaniko in the background. They where working on a Host bike, "Look at those morons..."

Camera shows Yaniko face with tears in his eyes and a clutched fist marveled at Rave. Millennia faints.

Host, "I'm surrounded by idoits" he tosses a rag over his shoulder and leaves the room."

Camera pans to the buildings sky view. As Host drives out.

Power Level Chart
S: Over Powered
A: Very Powerful
B: Master Powers
C: Average Powers
D: Minor Power
E: Weak Powers
F: Hopeless Abilities