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== Story ==
== Story ==
Humans built the machines with superior intelligence to be use as slaves. Till they took over. After losing many wars the machines took everything to live on floating land masses in the sky while the human was left in ruin below to return to the stone age. The robots began modifying their body to appear more human. Living in perfect futurist societies. While some humans modifying their bodies with the scrap appearing more machine. Below was only mostly crime and ghetto slum. Radioactive run off mutated the people causing sub-human races. Everybody was taking everybody as slaves. The wick and rich flourished in the lands of scarcity.
Read Acts for story.
Then woke a boy from almost 100 years ago. "I'm I dead, what is place?" He said to find machines bearing above him. "We reanimated your corpse." They uploaded the past 100 years to his brain. Where he screamed. "This cannot be, I could not have of died. I was helpless. I couldn't save anyone." He broke out of the hospital lab with powers of supreme telekinesis. They tried to sub due him but he was too power full. The robots realizing they just created their worst enemy. "The proccess isn't complete we cannot state what the nannites may do... Maybe he might just burn out and die..  he will have to keep consuming matter... State of incident undetermined"
The nannites leech power caused everything ne touched to die. So he ran into the forests. Where he meet a kitsune girl. She was immune to his death touch. He learned how to control his power and gained ghost abilities. Then he found a robot girl who was also partly immune to it and he gained technomancy. The leech powers balanced out with every new power he learned.
Moving into the city he opened a night club. With the girls who companioned. And more and more their numbers grew. The where often robot girls or mutant's with no where else to turn to. They lived together with him for protection. Like a family. He became very rich very quickly using his powers to be machines and buildings to help the humans below. He popularity with the ladies increased. He sort of took on this ghetto pimp persona. While eliminating other crime lord's accidentally became this feared figure himself. Money started following through the slums and less crime. He clead up the city
Rave ceased control as tyrant king and savoir of mankind. Expanding the cities growth to accept all races. But not without mass genocide of evil people would didn't except change. In between planetary travels till he got bored. Rave's personality is always bored or not full there. What would you expect from such a would could notice everything down to the exact number of hair follicle on a head with a simple glance. He dislikes the world and all in it. He hates the fact that he is so powerful, never being able to do enough. Even so, he tries to help everyone to realize how it often back fires as his DNA mixing powers are unstable. Though he enjoys his powers he hates certain parts. Every time he comes into contact with anyone he is able to see their thoughts. He believes everyone to be stupid and shallow, even his wives. Not that to hate but expecting too much out of simple creatures. He was searching to fill the void.
Humans would abandon him knowing that he was creating really powerful enemies and didn't want to get caught in the cross fire. He himself found the opportunity to retire young and move somewhere quiet with his wives. One day he found himself too busy. So he made a first clone from his body unlike any other to do his work while slacking off. The clone was possessed by the god that gave them power and went rogue. They fought and it won. He was rescued but his female companions who convinced the clone to leave. Defeated by his own self he knew he had to train harder for it may return. It did but the evil clone stopped being evil. Though it did a series of intergalactic crimes Rave had to answer for because of appearance. The result brought many angry aliens to Earth. Notably the Bludfather and his daughter Hellebore, Bludhouse, clan of space vampires. An epic fight of immortals the planet once again on the edge of destruction. Only to find out Earth got invaded because the clone broke his marriage vows and left. (Classic Rave😂🥁🥁🥁). With new aliens now coming to earth rave realized the story had only just began, in space! And that story.
Legacy: Rave body is made of nanites that shape shift and adapt. He often resembles a squid with tentacles coming from his back. Nanites are the stem of all his powers. The birthing process is alien and important to the introduction of his sons.  Understand that Rave will live for hundreds of years and due to slow aging the wives stay pregnant years. It's also important to state that his wives must have some type of super power or they will not survive. The process appears some what normal but the pod self extracts. Then tentacles root into the ground like a tree and hardens becoming black where another organism, the fetus, continues to grow in the clear shell head like a pod like an egg. The pods will only hatch if they are broken by an outside force. If not they continue to hibernate in shell till adulthood. When Rave saw the first set of monsters that was he created he went into such shock and disgust that he wanted to destroy them but their mothers threw themselves infront them and convinced him not to do it. Instead he forbid them from interacting by teleporting his monster kids to another dimension. He continued to produce more nightmarish creatures. Over time he would fear his kids as they grew larger stronger and smarter. Some of the wicked and some of the pure of heart. Some mindless monsters while others wise. Each with different traits and abilities. He had roughly 100 wives, 300 offspring, 293 wicked beasts and 7 smart boys and no daughters.
He may summon his sons to fight for him occasionally. Raising them on nothing but tough love. His sons would grow older than him in a few years then stop aging in physical appearance. They would give him a hard time and he was losing ability to control them. But still they would not hate their father. New agenda would lead his sons on their own paths and break away. His most belligerent son would go on to absorb his mindless monster brothers in attempt to be the strongest. But he was actually manipulated by the smartest who wanted to over throw his father for him. Rave and his other sons would have to destroy strongest after he grew into an uncontrollable monster. The smartest would forfeit in an eragant tone and leave Earth quietly fearing that he was next. Rave exhausted, looked up at his rebellious son and called out "My boy" with a smile. A single tear drop fell on Rave cheek from his son hovering over him. He tries to hide it as he fly away. Rave tell the other sons to leave him be. The others would not understand why their father would make such an evil son escape. They all continued to live their lives, some would conquer new worlds beyond earth.
== Info ==
== Info ==

Revision as of 23:05, 22 September 2021

Player: @Rave#2552
Fight Mode
Biographical Data
Real Name: Roman Rave
Known Aliases: Rave, The Grim Reaper
Gender: Male
  • Was: Human
  • Now: Hyrbid; one part vampire, part undead lich, Poltergeist, warp technomancer, growning DNA
Ethnicity: Half Amerindian Half Coloured
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Rave Labs (Secret)
Relatives: Wives and Sons
Age: 20 Something, Do not age physically
Height: 6' normal and 12 ft powered
Eyes: Glowing solid Blue and white closer look may see tiny souls in a ring (his eyes are blue because he is in control and good. If the evil spirit take over his eyes and aura becomes red)
Hair: Black in Human form, White in Powered
Complexion: Light brown, charred Black-Grey
Physical Build: Very tall slim, built like a Runner
Physical Features: Very Handsome, Stares through your soul silently with his cold ghostly eyes looking in them may haze, Powerful Neck, Powered form has a horrific smile of devilish teeth in which he covers with a scarf. Wears a big black mysterious duster. Grows extra limbs.
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Identity: Has many cybernetic clones similar in appearance and non simular living in disguise
Years Active:
Citizenship: Beach City
Occupation: Scientist
Education: Unknown
Marital Status: Polygamist, Sociopath
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Rave has the power to block, give, control or copy other powers. He has darkned versions of all powers he copy.He also cannot exist in the human world for too long because of the yellow sun. This is why he give people power boosts and makes them work for him.
  • He can create any thing also altering DNA of any. You may distinguish his creations by the the blue soul light and are often look horrorish when creating while stressed.
  • He can create or summon monstrous mechs with a limitless supply of dark matter. He can break down into black clouds of nanites that give infinite clones.
  • Appearing much like a Lich or Necromancer and fights like a ghost. Cybernetic based can see through the eyes of millions on machines.
  • He can mutate or adapt in seconds making them immune to most things. Practically immortal. The nanites adapt reproduce and quickly turn to dust.
  • Fights with summoning, close physical and ranged combat. Can mimic powers of any the nanites touches.
  • His most irritant power is reading minds through prolonged skin contact which he tries not to do. It's a side effect.
  • Can enter and take control of others which merge or enhance powers.
  • His weakness is fatigue and burns up enegry very quickly till those nanites die like a dead battery. Things that can harm tech abd ghost can hinder him. Attacking him in cyberspace might kill him but there he is god level and no way anyone could win.

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Massive aircrafts
  • Heavy guarded global bases.

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada



Read Acts for story.


Easy S Tier. Anyone below S and higher A tier just don't. Don't even think about it. You don't even look that in the eye. Don't even look at him all funny. Even the government tries to keep him happy as long as he is not flat out hurting good people. And as long as he is distracted by his women then he is not making a mess of things.

Theme songs: Bolt Thrower, ERRA, Old school death metal, RetroWave, Dead Astronauts, Deftones

Power Level Chart
S: Over Powered
A: Very Powerful
B: Master Level Powers
C: Average Powers
D: Minor Power
E: Weak Powers
F: Hopeless Abilities