Difference between revisions of "Stellar Core"

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Line 89: Line 89:
* AI Link-Up
* AI Link-Up
-All critical systems: Environmental/Filtration etc. >b
* All critical systems: Environmental/Filtration etc.
-Semiflex outer shell
* Semiflex outer shell
-Sensor systems and communications systems
* Sensor systems and communications systems
-Hand based energy weapons
* Hand based energy weapons
-Hard light blades.
* Hard light blades.
-Nanite Medical and Armor repair system
* Nanite Medical and Armor repair system
-Shielding arrays
* Shielding arrays
-Muscle enhancement/ Strength and ground speed.  
* Physical Enhancement/Strength and ground speed.  
-Flight system
* Flight system

Revision as of 18:15, 17 February 2021

Stellar Core
Player: @Kirenshee
“Just build one!”
Character Build
Class Focus: DPS
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Shay-Lynn Bree-Foster
Known Aliases: Shay
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Paradise (Alternate reality utopia)
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Too many to list: Stacy Bree, Jess Thompson, Jane Foster, Morianna Aeternum Foster, Lorelai (Sister)
Age: 18
Height: 5’5
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Copper
Complexion: clear
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Out of her armor she appears quite human. She wears two bracelets that operate as a multi-use tech platform. Is often seen wearing glasses, but she does not need them. Has exceptionally long reddish gold hair. She always wears a diamond shaped pink gemstone.
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: N/A
Citizenship: US
Occupation: Trust fund kid (As a front)
Education: Holds the equivalent to several PhD’s mostly in various types of hardware and software engineering.
Marital Status: Dating
Known Powers and Abilities
Hyper intelligence/Technology Savant
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Powered armor with modular addons that can allow for stealth, underwater operations, space flight and high damage output. It has some ability to heal injuries and self repair
ReldinBox Template

Name: Shay-Lynn Bree-Foster

Age: 18

Code Name: Stellar Core

Born: Paradise/Alternate Dimensional Utopia

Background: Shay is the third born child of six children. Raised away from Earth with her family and trained to be a hero. Shay is also student of Cindalthiloci. Cindal, on Earth, is only known as a Mayan Goddess of Knowledge. Shay's training was broad and thorough in her patron's efforts to make a strong, confident exceptional woman. The method of education was a mix of hands on training, psychic implantation, physical training and hard knocks. Aside from Cindalthiloci she had her mother, Jess who assisted in her technical skill development. Her human family taught her horse back riding, cooking, animal care and husbandry as well as business and organizational skills. All told, Shay has the contained education who has spent over 70 years in school. But her experiences are her own. Which is why, sometimes despite her knowledge, she lacks wisdom.

Abilities: Shay is exceptionally intelligent and well read. Trained far beyond what could be taught by normal means. She is capable in many areas, but tends towards super technology. However, she has a great deal of knowledge in areas such as biology and chemistry. Her passion is in AI creation, nanotechnology, armor systems and mecha.

She is in peak physical condition and is a practitioner of Martial Arts specifically Muay Thai and Taikwondo. She has not special abilities from this other than what at lifelong, human practitioner would have.

She has an appreciation for combat tactics taught to her by her goddess mentors who both have elements in vengeance, combat and war in their bailiwick. She’s trained for and has hands on combat experience. But she is still unknown and is relatively new.

She is able to, via her developed AI, to project into cyber space as well. She has experience here in small teams.

Known Identity: Shay’s officially known identity is completely fabricated to prevent too many inquiries into her history. The exception to this being her name, which is not on any registry except as a part of this alias. She will be honest with her teammates about her actual history.

Hobbies: Shay enjoys cooking, skiing, hiking, puzzles, reading, rock climbing, acrobatics and dancing.

Personality: Like many who are gifted in one area; Shay struggles in others. She can be emotionally immature. Otherwise, she is friendly enough, a little flirty even. She can be a bit arrogant and controlling at times but that is generally in times of high stress. She has a bit of a hang up about not being powered (unlike her sisters) which has led to sensitivities when being left out of things. This mix of arrogance, emotional immaturity and sensitivity can cause social issues but can also be exploited by an enemy.

Stellar Core Armor

The base armor is called Semi-Flex. It is durable and allows for near full movement taking advantage of her natural flexibility and speed. It is a composite armor of miniature overlapping plates that fits like a second skin. It contains:


  • AI Link-Up
  • All critical systems: Environmental/Filtration etc.
  • Semiflex outer shell
  • Sensor systems and communications systems
  • Hand based energy weapons
  • Hard light blades.
  • Nanite Medical and Armor repair system
  • Shielding arrays
  • Physical Enhancement/Strength and ground speed.
  • Flight system


    * Adds Chest Beam
    * Adds Eye Beams
    * Adds Additional Armor 

Heavy Weapons:

    * Increase Weapons Systems Output by 70% at the cost of shielding. 
    * Adds modular ordinance such as rockets and a machine gun. 

Space: Built for survival long term in space.

    * Weapons are same as Heavy Weapons but added power regulations units to sustain shielding
    * Oxygen system and efficiently allows for up to 7 days in space
    * Nutrition system
    * Emergency Cryo unit
    * Enhanced long range communications and location devices 
    * Increased flight systems for high speed space travel and atmospheric transitions
    * Increased shielding and armor for combat and atmospheric transitions
    * Auto recall key to warp to a predetermined location

Special Equipment:

    * Repair module for armor
    * Recall Keys-Taps into Taya’s Teleportation network.
    * Stellar: Portable AI & Digital Cloned brain.