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| ethnicity =  African American / Nuclear
| ethnicity =  African American / Nuclear
| birthplace = Millennium City
| birthplace = Millennium City
| operations = Galactic
| operations = Earth
| relatives = TBD
| relatives = Joe Booker (Father) / Taysha Rollins (Mother)
Sajuan, Michael, Keisha (Siblings)
| age = 32
| age = 32
| height = 4'10"
| height = 4'10"

Revision as of 15:36, 30 November 2020

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Player: @cottonwood
Both the man of science and the man of action live always at the edge of mystery, surrounded by it.

-Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer

Character Build
Class Focus: Energy Projector
Power Level: 30
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: Dr. Corey Booker
Known Aliases: Dwarf Star
Gender: Male
Species: Nuclear Human
Ethnicity: African American / Nuclear
Place of Birth: Millennium City
Base of Operations: Earth
Relatives: Joe Booker (Father) / Taysha Rollins (Mother)

Sajuan, Michael, Keisha (Siblings)

Age: 32
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 125 lbs. / 2.8349523125e-29 sun's mass
Eyes: Nuclear Orange
Hair: Flame
Complexion: Dark
Physical Build: Stout
Physical Features: Unknown
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Identity: Corey Booker
Years Active: 1
Citizenship: United States
Occupation: Astrophysicist
Education: PhD: Astrophysics,

University of Chicago, 2018

Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Nuclear Fission Themed:

Force Shield, Force Bolts, Force Blast, Eye Beams, Force Cascade, Expulse, Intensity, Field Surge, BCR, Fiery Will

Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template


Dr. Corey Booker was born with physical limitations, but not aspirational ones. He was born a human dwarf, but went on to achieve his PhD in Astrophysics specializing in solar research and particularly the containment of solar radiation by gravimetric fields. His work became highly regarded and he was eventually recruited to NexU.S. labs to develop fission-infusion technology and design the next generation of metahumans. Of course Dr. Booker leapt at the chance to assist in what he believed could be the future of humanity's space-based exploration.

Unfortunately, that program's objective went awry, not through evil intentions, just a flaw in the physics used to initiate human infusion and in a lab accident, Dr. Booker became the first human accidentally mutated into living plasma - a walking, talking dwarf star.

Working quickly to help him, and their program, NexU.S. developed a magnetic containment suit that helped him channel and funnel the nuclear energy his body now emits constantly. The suit is highly resistance to punctures, rents and tears. There are certain points where the gravimetric field can be stretched and his nuclear energy funnels through these. The obvious points of field stretch are his hands and eyes, but the seams in the suit allow for limited spherical discharges of coronal energy for defense purposes and the creation of solar winds which he uses for flight.


Dr. Booker continues to work in the astrophysics field at NexU.S. but maintains a very low and introverted profile due to the fact his current appearance no longer matches his public biographies and vitae. He only consults by voice and uses data transfers to mark the progress and results of his scientific endeavors. At this time he is considering hiring someone to be his 'public contact' for in-person meetings: An agent of sorts who fields requests and can moderate voice meetings. Currently, having completed some self-experimentation and careful monitoring by NexU.S. labs, Dwarf Star has joined NexU.S. Blue under Watch Leader Exarch, but has made it known he could be available for NexU.S. Black team.

Dr. Booker's personality is tight-lipped and sometimes sullen. He usually presents as having a chip on his shoulder having been looked down upon as an African-American dwarf but deep down has a soft spot for helping people when he can, especially those he has determined to be friends. Dr. Booker does not engage socially very well and has given up on any emotional plans he once harbored given the nature of his mutation and the fact that without the gravimetric unit that houses his essence he would face immediate but slow dissipation.

He has engaged Viper and Argent teams. He frowns very heavily at Viper's hybridization of advanced technology and mystical energies. To this end, he has fought against the Canadian terrorist organization known as the Hunter-Patriots and assisted Stronghold on the occasion a metahuman break out has occurred. He is also very interested in extra-terrestrial technology, but resists their attempts to infiltrate Earth or engage in planetary incursions.


Long time RPG'er active since 1982. Games include D&D, Role Master, Harn Master, V&V, Shadowrun, Champions (both Heroic and Dark), Living Steel, Cyberpunk: 2020. Have enjoyed reading sci-fi and fantasy over a wide range of topics and rp'ed in small and large scale campaigns. Also dabble in short fiction and superhero art.

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