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*# <b>Protection Field</b>: Rift's breach layer links to a kinetic energy realm that redirects or resists the kinetic energy of an incoming projectile or attack.  By doing so, David possesses what appears to be superhuman durability,.
*# <b>Protection Field</b>: Rift's breach layer links to a kinetic energy realm that redirects or resists the kinetic energy of an incoming projectile or attack.  By doing so, David possesses what appears to be superhuman durability,.
*# <b>Speed Force</b>: Rift can momentarily link to the speed force through this ability, giving him incredible boosts of speed.  But due to not being a native speedster, David only uses this power in bursts to avoid being hunted by the realm's guardians.
*# <b>Speed Force</b>: Rift can momentarily link to the speed force through this ability, giving him incredible boosts of speed.  But due to not being a native speedster, David only uses this power in bursts to avoid being hunted by the realm's guardians.
*# <b>Quinta's Energy Realms (Formerly)</b>: Rift attempted to use his Imbuement ability to link to the Power Force and Motion Force, as a response to his limited use of the Speed Force, however, Rift was denied access by <b>The Subjects of Quinta</b>.

Revision as of 04:50, 14 September 2020

David Lee, otherwise known by his codename Riftwalker, or Rift for short, is a member of the Ghetto Ghosts, a small time vigilante group led by Danny Mason. Prior to his contract with the Ghetto Ghosts, Riftwalker travelled the multiverse with his immense vibe abilities completing contracts and learning from other meta humans.

Player: @Darwin
"Whatever you come at me with make sure you can take it yourself."
Class Focus: Crowd Controller
Power Level: Unknown
Research & Development: Unknown
Personal Data
Real Name: David Lee
Known Aliases: Rift, The Strongest Viber, Portalman, The Redirector, Vector Slayer
Species: Metahuman
Ethnicity: Asian
Age: 18 (Biologically), 26 (Chronologically)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 132 lb
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Hong Kong
Occupation: Part time vigilante
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Dimensional manipulation via. wormholes
Known Abilities
Background in medicine and engineering
Vibe Goggles, Vibe Gauntlets, Dimensional Travel Suit
Riftwalker is a supporting character in @Darwin's universe continuity


Dimensional Manipulation: David possesses the ability to manipulate reality through the form of "rifts". A type of meta human known as a "viber", David is capable of dimensional travel. This is typically done through wormholes to other points in space in the same universe, or to other parts of other universes, or even to other multiverses.

David's ability to manipulate reality is significantly greater than the average viber, as he had spent years training and improving his powers. As a result, David has often been considered the "Strongest Viber" from fellow meta humans of the same evo. An average "vibe blast" that David emits is capable of levelling a concrete building, which is more powerful than known vibers in the multiverse thus far.

Unlike other Vibers, David is capable of and is aware of far more universes and realms, and weaponizes his rifts in creative ways, from breaching portals to redirect attacks to his attackers, to breaching portals to different regions in space, like the inside of a star, David is capable of firing incredibly destructive beams of energy.

David's control of his "vibe powers" was prodigal, and after years of training, completing contracts, and fighting in arenas, David's control has been even more refined, allowing him to change the very shape of the breach as well, which has never been done before.

Dimensional Awareness: David is capable of being aware on a multiverses level. This allows David to see and "explore" different worlds, and even parallel dimensions, where David met his own doppelgänger, "Bender", as well as the doppelgänger of Jonathan Crypt, Aesis, The "Firebird".

Through years of exploring different worlds, David has kept on record, several useful universes and realities in his arsenal.

Despite Rift's incredible vibe abilities, his dimensional awareness is lacking, as he is unable to vibe visions upon touch as some vibers are capable of doing, and is unable to see into the future.


Breach: Rift creates a breach into reality, which links to points in space or two points in different universes. Rift uses this ability in multiple ways.

  • Redirect: Rift breaches an enemy's attack, often energy in nature, and links it to a space behind the opponent, thus "redirecting" the attack back to the attacker. David has used this ability against the likes of Samuel Crypt, and even the vibe blasts of fellow viber Cain Spittle.
  • Cannon: Rift creates a portal to a very high energy point in space to deliver devastating blasts of power. By using his dimensional awareness to explore the plethora of realms, David has accrued a large arsenal of places for which his cannon can blast.
    1. Sunshot: Rift creates a portal to the inside of a star, which causes the immense heat and energy from the hydrogen fusion to blast from the portal in an outwards motion. By changing the shape of his breach, Rift can funnel the Sunshot and thus turn the blast into a powerful beam. The Sunshot was so powerful that Rift was capable of incinerating The Ice Goddess's armour in one blast.
    2. Hydroblast: By creating a rift to the inside of a very high pressure oceanic ecosystem that David has encountered in his "vibe explorations", David is able to fire a huge jet of water from the rift, dousing his opponents or taking out flames.
    3. Jupiter's Eye: Rift casts a rift to the heart of Jupiter's massive storm system, allowing David to create massive storms by elongating and expanding the size of his breach. David was capable of incapacitating entire armies using this type of breach.
    4. Black Hole: Rift creates a portal to the inside of Proximo Novus, a black hole discovered in a foreign universe. This is one of David's more riskier powers, and the massive gravitational power of the breach causes major reality distortion. Rift typically uses this power to absorb or negate powerful attacks, as seen in the case where David battled Lilith, who summoned a powerful demonic ball of hell energy to obliterate the world.
    5. Dark Force Lightning: Rift breaches to a specific part of the dark realm, and weaponizes the lightning to deliver powerful electrical blasts to subdue his opponents.
    6. Omega Blast: David's most powerful breach, which breaches straight into the "Omega Realm", allowing him to deliver Omega Beams which rival that of Lord Deathseid in power. David used this variant of his cannon to take down Hyperman, who was the strongest hero in his universe.
  • Teleport: Rift creates a breach and jumps into it, essentially "teleporting" to another point in space or universe. After years of refinement, David has brought out large potential of the ability.
    1. Instant Blink: Rift creates a body shaped breach that is millimetres away from his body, essentially giving him the illusion of "instantly teleporting". After months of practice, David is able to call this breach instinctively, allowing it to be almost instant.
    2. Chunk: Rift summons portals within the inside of certain structures, and breaches a portion of it away. There is no limit to how durable the structure is, which means Chunk is capable of removing virtually any solid object. Rift used Chunk to deplete Lilith's blood body, which was thought to be indestructible.
    3. Mirage: During one of Rift's explorations to other dimensions, Rift discovered that by only partially teleporting through the breach, the nature of the reality that he had distorted was that a partial "copy" of his image was created in an attempt to maintain universal homeostasis. By capitalizing on this ability, David is able to partially breach himself multiple times, giving him the ability to create multiple illusions in the form of rifts.
  • Imbuement: Rift creates a breach in the form of a "layer" around his body, which links to an energy realm. Years of training this ability allows David to subconsciously keep it active, with minimal stamina drain.
    1. Protection Field: Rift's breach layer links to a kinetic energy realm that redirects or resists the kinetic energy of an incoming projectile or attack. By doing so, David possesses what appears to be superhuman durability,.
    2. Speed Force: Rift can momentarily link to the speed force through this ability, giving him incredible boosts of speed. But due to not being a native speedster, David only uses this power in bursts to avoid being hunted by the realm's guardians.
    3. Quinta's Energy Realms (Formerly): Rift attempted to use his Imbuement ability to link to the Power Force and Motion Force, as a response to his limited use of the Speed Force, however, Rift was denied access by The Subjects of Quinta.