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I hated that.  I wanted nothing to do with that old bat.  But I had to remind myself that the Mavus now was not the Mavus I knew in the future.  There was still a chance to save Mom and keep all this from happening.  And maybe... maybe there was a chance that Jo could be revived.
I hated that.  I wanted nothing to do with that old bat.  But I had to remind myself that the Mavus now was not the Mavus I knew in the future.  There was still a chance to save Mom and keep all this from happening.  And maybe... maybe there was a chance that Jo could be revived.
I went back to the barracks, where I shared a bunk with Truman.  I put my books away and headed to the gym.  There was someone I needed to see.
==Chapter 2 - I play with knives==
I found Jason working out in the gym.  He hadn't noticed me, so I decided to hit a quick lift.  By the time he finished, he noticed me waiting at the door.
"Oh hey, you're Junon's kid aren't you?  What's up?" <Br />
"I want you to train me with this."
I took out Kronus.  Jason raised his eyebrows.
"Kronus? Your mother is pretty good with it too, you should ask her." <Br />
"No..." <Br />
"Why not?"
My face turned red.  "Because it's... weird.  You know?  I don't want to ask her to teach me knife fighting."  The image of my mom grabbing my waist and checking my form appeared in my mind.  I started screaming internally.
Jason laughed.  "Sure thing, kid.  You came to the right place, I actually trained your mother in knife fighting.  I can show you a few things."
I spent the evening training with The Black Jason.  His skill was as amazing as the stories I had heard.  Sheer brute force, but alongside precision and technique.  Most people who had immense physical strength tended to rely heavily on it.  But Jason wasn't like that at all.  Despite his physical conditioning, Jason still retained his accuracy and precision.  The end result? Several sliced up training dummies.
"You're pretty fast, kiddo." Jason evaded my swings, and retaliated with his katana.  Even with my superspeed reflexes, he was able to disarm and dodge my attacks easily.  He sent me to the floor for the fiftieth time.
"How the hell are you able to keep up?  Shouldn't I have the speed advantage?"
Jason held out his hand.  I took it.  "You probably know this, but not all fights can be resolved with just strength, or speed.  There's also technique.  Your fighting pattern is too linear, and as a result, I'm able to predict your move before you could even execute it.  So it doesn't matter if you are faster, I would have already come up with a countermeasure before you could even perform the move."

Revision as of 04:35, 22 May 2020


"Your mother... Junon Gareth..." Truman muttered, staring at the fire that we had made in the woods. The woods was a sacred place for the Aspects. It was home to Sanguine, the Aspect of Decay, the only Aspect that didn't care about torturing humanity. As powerful as they were, the Aspects never waged war against each other, as the consequences would have been destructive.

Needless to say, Sanguine was the only Aspect that I could tolerate and would regret if I had killed. If I could kill the Aspects in the first place.

The year is 1777, and the world has been overrun by the Aspects, a race of deities who descended from the heavens one day and wiped out everybody. Those who survived the "Cleansing" were forced to serve as the slaves to the Aspects as their lords. We were placed in strict curfews, living in ruin and poverty. Despite this, our technology never went away, and we were forced into the Age of Cyberpunk. Technology and poverty, the perfect combo where we couldn't complain about not having anything, but at the same time, living in literal dirt.

My name is Adam Jonathon Gareth, 18 years old. I live with my twin sister Josephine Gareth in the ruins of a torn down hut in Corinth with my pathetic excuse for a father. I've been responsible for collecting herbs from the forest of Sanguine to sell to merchants for a living, while my sister tends to good old dad. My father, Mavus Shaw, was once some kind of well known superhero with amazing Technopathy powers. He was supposedly known for defeating Mogul, the Aspect of Sin alongside my mom, Junon Gareth and two other meta's: Giantkiller and Blackflame in a huge battle.

You might be thinking, wow, you have some amazing parents! You must be blessed! Well, that's part true. I was blessed with the power of the Achilles Force from my mom, a realm of limitless energy that gives me my powers of super-speed. My sister, Jo, is also an Achilles Force conduit, except she uses the power through telekinesis. I wish I had the telekinesis, it was such a strong and versatile power. All I had going for me was running away like a little bitch whenever the going got rough, which was almost all the time.

My father was supposedly an extremely powerful techno path, and also had Achilles Energy, but it was "shared" according to people I have asked. Well, it doesn't matter. Because he never uses it. Ever since the Aspects invaded, my dad, being the alpha he was, ran into the house and pleaded for mercy, hiding us in the closet. He has never used his powers, nor have I ever seen him use them. Whenever I ask him about it, he just brushes it off. I didn't need to ask to know that he's a coward, too scared to fight against the bad guys just because they're strong. If it was Mom, she would have fought them for sure.

I never met my Mom, by the way. She died during childbirth. My dad, whenever he gets drunk, always like to remind Jo and I that we were the reasons the love of his life is dead. I don't know much about Mom aside from old pictures of her. Whenever I ask my father about her, he would always throw a damn fit.

"Your mother was the bravest, and strongest woman I had ever met." Truman continued. He threw a piece of Elysium berries into the pot, which bubbled with the broth of dragon hide. Good for bones.

"Everybody tells me that. But who was she? What was she like?" I held my hands to the fire. It was warm and comforting, not really a feeling I had often back at the hut.

Truman laughed. "Junon was always optimistic. She always put others before her, but sometimes, this led to her suppressing her own feelings. Never letting people know if she was hurting inside. She was a natural leader, and led your father and I along with others in her own squad."

I stared at the fire. "Always optimistic huh."

Truman turned to me. "In a way, you are like her. You try to put on a fake smile, but even I know you're not okay inside. You've been through hell, kid."

"The only hell I've known is dear old dad beating us as kids."

Truman's face turned sad. "Your father wasn't always like this. He was one of the strongest in Corinth, and was one of the reasons why we had an edge against Mogul in the first place."

I suddenly snapped, a wave of emotion rolled over me. "Everybody tells me that! Oh, your dad was a hero! Oh, you should respect your dad more! If he was such a hero, why isn't he doing anything?! All he does is drink, then beat Jo and I, and abuse us. When he's sober, he ignores us completely!" My eyes started tearing up.

"See what I mean? You're hiding all of this pain behind your smile. Your father lost Junon, the love of his life. It hit him hard, you have to understand."

Truman continued. "If anything, Junon was definitely the most courageous person in Darkstar and possibly even in the Inquisition. She fought with the best of us despite having no powers, relying on training herself. She was our combat instructor at some point too."

I raised my eyebrow. "What? But Junon does have powers, she has the Achilles Boost doesn't she?"

Truman chucked. "People always see Junon based on who she was after the boost. That boost was initially meant for your father, but an old seer told him he wasn't worthy."
"Now that I believe."
"The seer went up to Junon and told her that she was the one to inherit the boost. She nearly died due to being unpowered but still took the Achilles Beam head on."

I didn't know that. I guess there was still a lot of things I didn't know about my mom.

"Ever since that day, she became so powerful, she didn't need to use her knife. She put it in her room for safekeeping, I think your dad still has it stashed."

It felt like a carpet was being pulled from under my feet. "You mean that dusty letter opener that I used?"

Truman's eyes went wide. "What? You've been using it for what?"

Truman continued. "That knife, was wielded by your mother, a gift from her teacher, The Black Jason. Its name is Kronus."

Chapter 1 - My father is an idiot

My eyes flew open. A dream of my past.

I turned around and looked at the clock. 7:50am. Son of a. I slept in. I couldn't be late to my first lecture with my parents. I zoomed to the showers and cleaned up for 5 minutes, then got dressed, brushing my teeth. I checked the time on my phone. 7:58am. There was no time for breakfast.

I used my superspeed and zipped to the chow hall, asking for a to-go container as the lady was putting together my breakfast. It felt like an eternity before she was done. Being a speedster, the more normal tasks become the most unbearably slow ones. Especially when you were in a hurry.

The lady put my breakfast in the container and I swiped my card. I checked my clock again. Four seconds until 8am. Plenty of time. I put the tiny container into my jacket pocket and activated my Achilles Speed, cyan electricity arcing through my body as I felt a huge surge in power. My surroundings slowed down, elongating, as I activated my hyper speed, zooming to the lecture hall.

I reached the hall with two seconds to spare. Putting my container on the desk as I waved at Uncle Truman. No, just Truman. Along with his buddies Veran and Khione. I sat next to them, and Truman started eyeing at my breakfast.

"Wanna share?" He asked.

I looked him in the eye. This guy was Uncle Truman? I still couldn't believe it when I first saw him. He looked like one of those fat jolly guys who got along with everybody. It was hard to believe he was the same guy who would help look after me whenever dad was drunk, or taught me how to make medicinal herbs.

"Sure." I responded.

Truman's face lit up. "Really?!"

His face became possessed with the Aspect of Disappointment. Just kidding. That didn't exist.

"So where is Mo- I mean Junon and Mavus?" I asked.

"Knowing Mavus, he's probably still asleep and Junon trying to wake him up."

"Wait what?"

I went through all the hassle to get to class on time, and Dad didn't even show up. So he was just as pathetic as he was back then as he was now. The lecturer started discussing about medicinal herbs and potions. I had a pretty sturdy foundation from learning with Uncle Truman, so learning the new stuff was pretty easy.

One of the mages handed us some papers with some practice problems.

"We're going to go over these problems together as a class. Don't worry if you can't get some of these, they are designed to be quite difficult."

I read one of the problems. Determine the mass needed to neutralize the toxin. Easy. It was basic stoichiometry, the trick was to know that three molecules were needed to neutralize two, meaning the solution was to multiply the molar mass by that ratio and converting it into its standardized units.

I breezed through the problems, while also listening to the guy talk.

"So... as you can see, some of you might be tempted to say that the mass is one to one..." Yeah. Nope. This lecture was definitely useless, but I might as well stay to respect the guy. It was also my first lecture with my parents. It meant a lot to me.

"Hey guys..." Junon whispered, dragging my idiotic father by the arm. He looked like he had just rolled out of bed, his hair a rats nest. Mom had her curly hair tied back. She sat next to me, while Dad, who was still half awake tripped and fell into the seat next to hers. This guy was unbelievable.

Junon whispered at us. "Sorry about that, did we miss anything important?" Truman turned around. "Not really, teach is showing us how to do the first question. It's pretty tough though, huh?" Truman looked at my worksheet, which was already complete. Every single question was solved and filled out, the answers matching the key on the back.

"How the heck did you figure those out?!"

I looked at the paper. "It was pretty easy, I guess I can take this lecture off then."

Mom was impressed. "Wow, did you learn this stuff before? You're going to ace this class!"

"I had a pretty solid base." I looked at Dad, who was passed out in his chair, the worksheet blank. "So is Dad, I mean Mavus always like this?"

Junon held back a laugh. "Yeah, he never was a stellar student. But he is pretty diligent when he needs to be."

I spent the rest of the class chilling with Junon's squad, which was what Truman described it. Veran and Khione seemed to like doing things on their own, but they would occasionally wave me over and ask for help. So this was what college was like.

Classes ended and suddenly, Dad, er I mean Mavus jumped out of his seat like a man possessed, leaving the lecture hall. Khione and Veran were discussing about course material while I gave Truman my breakfast, to his enjoyment.

Mom, I mean Junon, strolled up next to me.

"So how was class?" As much as I really liked seeing my own mother face to face, it was definitely weird seeing her in her late twenties. Don't get me wrong, it definitely could have been worse, like if we were around the same age, but even so. She seemed more like an older sister than my mother. Josephine would have loved meeting her, if she was still alive.

"Adam! Check out this list I made of things I want to ask mommy when we meet her!" Jo had once told me. She had a huge list of things written down on a big sheet, and every day she would had onto it. What was her favourite colour. Her favourite food. Skirts or dresses. What makeup she would like to wear. She had the huge list pinned on the wall in our shared room.

Thinking about Jo made me sad all over again.

"Run... Adam. I hope you meet Mom for me." A dying Jo had told me moments before sending the rest of her powers into my system.

"Hey, are you okay? What's wrong Adam?" I suddenly realized I was tearing up. In fact I was standing still, the rest of Junon's squad was staring at me in concern.

"I uh, nothing, guess it's just the wind! Classes, right. Was pretty easy, didn't challenge me one bit." I wiped my face. "Allergies, you know. What a pest."

Junon definitely knew something was up, but pursed her lips. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me, but if you need someone to talk to, you know I'm here for you right?"

Yeah. She definitely was not making this easier for me. I took a deep breath.

"Yeah, I know. Thanks Mom I mean Junon. Junon."

Junon smiled. "You can call me anything you want. I don't mind."
"Yeah but I'm pretty sure the people around us would find it pretty weird seeing a 19 year old call a 27 year old his mother."

Junon laughed. "I see you inherited Mavus' sense of humour."

I hated that. I wanted nothing to do with that old bat. But I had to remind myself that the Mavus now was not the Mavus I knew in the future. There was still a chance to save Mom and keep all this from happening. And maybe... maybe there was a chance that Jo could be revived.

I went back to the barracks, where I shared a bunk with Truman. I put my books away and headed to the gym. There was someone I needed to see.

Chapter 2 - I play with knives

I found Jason working out in the gym. He hadn't noticed me, so I decided to hit a quick lift. By the time he finished, he noticed me waiting at the door.

"Oh hey, you're Junon's kid aren't you? What's up?"
"I want you to train me with this."

I took out Kronus. Jason raised his eyebrows.

"Kronus? Your mother is pretty good with it too, you should ask her."
"Why not?"

My face turned red. "Because it's... weird. You know? I don't want to ask her to teach me knife fighting." The image of my mom grabbing my waist and checking my form appeared in my mind. I started screaming internally.

Jason laughed. "Sure thing, kid. You came to the right place, I actually trained your mother in knife fighting. I can show you a few things."

I spent the evening training with The Black Jason. His skill was as amazing as the stories I had heard. Sheer brute force, but alongside precision and technique. Most people who had immense physical strength tended to rely heavily on it. But Jason wasn't like that at all. Despite his physical conditioning, Jason still retained his accuracy and precision. The end result? Several sliced up training dummies.

"You're pretty fast, kiddo." Jason evaded my swings, and retaliated with his katana. Even with my superspeed reflexes, he was able to disarm and dodge my attacks easily. He sent me to the floor for the fiftieth time.

"How the hell are you able to keep up? Shouldn't I have the speed advantage?"

Jason held out his hand. I took it. "You probably know this, but not all fights can be resolved with just strength, or speed. There's also technique. Your fighting pattern is too linear, and as a result, I'm able to predict your move before you could even execute it. So it doesn't matter if you are faster, I would have already come up with a countermeasure before you could even perform the move."