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==Chapter 19 - I'm Dying==
==Chapter 19 - Junon Gives Me A Pity Kiss==
I woke up screaming like a little girl.
I woke up screaming like a little girl.

Revision as of 16:53, 10 May 2020

With Blackflame back in the ranks of Team Darkstar and the Inquisition, The Anti-New Militia resistance force advances their efforts to take down the New Militia and Calliope Ariandal. Tier 0 Metahuman Mavus Shaw continues working under college crush Junon Gareth on her missions to assist Darkstar.

Chapter 18 - Me and the Boys Hunting Dragons

"I've lost Sentry." Everybody stared at Sam. Ever since he had been healed by the boys in the other universe, his eyes changed from their cool silver irises to they regular brown. Junon told me that the silver eyes were from something called the "soul link". An ability where a mage would link their souls with either a creature or in rare cases, a region of magical power, giving them a crazy boost in power.

"What happened?" Jason asked. Sam looked at his mentor. Despite being fully recovered, he was still missing an eye, which had since been replaced by a fake metal orb. His missing arm had been restored too.

"When I was imprisoned by Calliope, she pulled Sentry out of my body, storing it in a rune. When she gave me the mark of allegiance, all of Sentry's essence was basically grafted into my body, making me capable of using 100% of his power." Everybody was silent, looking at him. Sam continued.

"When Mavus defeated me, I felt Sentry leaving my body, returning to The Capita along with the Corruption."

Lazarus put his hand on his chin. "There's still a chance that Sentry is in Ariandal's hands. With the power of a hellspawn hybrid, who knows how powerful she has become." Jason shook his head. "We need to get Sentry back. Calliope is already powerful enough as it is. If she soul links with Sentry too, she'll be unstoppable."

Trill interrupted Jason. "As much as it would make her insanely powerful, that won't work. Calliope isn't a Paladin reincarnation, meaning she'll either have to choose Seraphim or Sentry. She's already mastered Seraphim enough to outclass Sentry in power, there would be no reason to switch souls."

Kyrael didn't look satisfied. "Regardless, there's a chance that she could give Sentry over to one of her subordinates. We need to retrieve him." Amana stood up. "Then that will be our current objective."

As we left, Steel, the commander of The Pack approached Junon and I. "We're off on another hunt, an alpha dragon. Never fought one before, we could use your help, if you aren't too busy." Junon looked at him. "An alpha, huh?" She turned to me. "This is a good exercise for you, Mavus. You'll learn how to control your abilities to defeat but not obliterate your target." Steel gave me a nod. "I heard you're the superstar recruit, Maven of The Machines. We could use your powers!"

I joined Junon and Steel's Pack with a new revision of Main. Updated chest plate and rivets going down my torso, stronger and more reinforced plating and more a more compact appearance. Junon raised her eyebrows. "You've been busy!" I nodded, trying to look cool in front Junon, the dampened sounds of servos emanating from my mechanical body. It didn't work.

Main's latest revision wasn't just for show. My fight against Sam made it clear that my original method of fighting with overwhelming numbers was pretty pointless if the damage was all spread out. Like tickling a lion a hundred times. If I went into a fight as a single mech, and just regulated my power output based on the situation, my abilities would be much more versatile. If I wanted more numbers, I could always deploy units from mini pods that lined Main's shoulder compartments. A single unit also allowed me to focus all my concentration on one mech. Implanted in my systems was the energy drain pods, now miniaturized and ready for draining if I wanted, or could be deployed to maximize the power drain. There was also a huge advancement in my weapons system, but I guess I'll just let it all play out when the time came.

Basically, I became more of a Titanium Man ripoff than I ever was. I couldn't wait to impress Junon with my new mech. After this mission, she had to ask me out.

"Mavus!!!" A familiar voice appeared and I turned around. Oh what the hell, what were they doing here? Varen, Truman, and Khione appeared. Truman was waving at me. "Whoaaa you got a new look! That's awesome!" I turned to Truman. "Truman, this isn't just a new look, it's a revolutionary revision change that changes the entire notion of the way I used to fi-" Truman cut me off. "So cool!!!!"

Khione looked like she was about to throw up. I guess it was her first time drinking, the hangover didn't look too good. "Hey, Khione, how you feeling?" Khione put her hand up. "Not a word. Not a single word." Veran chuckled. "We heard from Junon that you two were going dragon hunting to get some armour resources for the soldiers!"

Steel put his hands on the ground. "My trackers tell me the dragon is not too far away. This type of dragon is a lightning type." "Whoa what? I thought all dragons were fire based?" Steel turned to me. "Nope. Dragons have different affinities too. The lightning type is particularly dangerous because they're real fast. Gotta gut em, but you gotta beat them until they're unconscious before laying the final blow. If you kill em right away, they self destruct."


We continued walking until a roar shook the ground. Steel turned to us. "Okay, here's the plan. First person to get the kill gets the credit."

Huh. What? Did I hear this guy right? Khione stared at Steel. "Sorry what? What about strategy? Tactics?" Steel laughed. "This is how we do things in the Pack! Everybody, let's go!" The people in the Pack cheered and charged. Varen joined in. "A true right for a warrior!" He brandished his broadsword and charged.

Khione, Truman and I stared at Junon. Junon shrugged. "That's just how Steel does things. What are you guys waiting for?"

Everybody circled and tried to get a hit into the dragon, but its quills kept brandishing, shocking everybody within its vicinity. I ran across the perimeter. Scanning for vulnerabilities. If I don't hit it with enough force, it will get pissed. If I hit it with too much force, Junon will be pissed. There needed to be a fine line.

My HUD indicated that the chinks in its armour were its soft spot, but I needed to hit it with a certain amount of force to cause unconsciousness. A taser wouldn't make sense, since it was a lightning type. Suddenly, the creature turned on me. Uh oh. It swiped its tail with shocking speed, catching me in my midsection, sending my mechanical body hurtling through several trees. If I had used a previous revision of Main, my plating would have been cracked from the sheer force of that tail. It had unbelievable speed, meaning ridiculous momentum.

I landed into a ditch. I got up, inspecting my armour. It had a few scratches and scuffs, but other than that I was okay. No cracks. I zoomed in on the scene. Varen and Steel were fighting side by side, as their weapons were long ranged. Khione was attempting to freeze the monster, but its electricity began to conduct through the ice, and Khione was forced to resort to blasts of frost, rather than a beam. Junon was circling the beast, shooting at it with a crossbow containing a flammable liquid. I guess she was trying to burn the creature down.

"Juno, send target markers to the dragon's vulnerable spots."

My HUD lit up with a bunch of markers. If I drained the dragon of its electricity using my energy-drain pods, I could kill it without worrying about the dragon self-destructing. Perfect. But then I would also end up blowing up the dragon hide, which would make this whole mission worthless. Not so perfect.

Eureka! If I just needed to knock the dragon unconscious, I could easily do that the same way Junon always did to me during her sparring lessons. Aim for a place of lots of nerves near the central processing unit, then smack it with a ton of force. My repulsers should be able to handle that. But to find that place...

"Juno, scan nervous system and pinpoint vulnerability"
"Unable to accomplish task. Suggested action: reduce range."

Oh boy. I had to get in close.

I shot forward and unloaded several pods that transformed into my mech sentries. I needed to find its weak spot. The dragon destroyed the mechs easily and went straight for me again. I covered my body with my arms but the force caused me to slide backwards. Junon had already taken her distance and was running out of arrows. As for everybody else, they were either zapped unconscious or watching from the sidelines. I continued the scan as I tried to deploy more sentries, but it looked like it didn't work. At this point I was just wasting resources and energy. The dragon continued slashing at my mechanical body with its tail. Despite blocking and evading to the best of my ability, this dragon was insanely fast, and I found my armour beginning to crack and break off as the dragon continued its assault.

The dragon delivered a powerful upward slash and I managed to block it by crossing my arms, but the effort cracked my face. I grabbed the tail and began to pull, utilizing my new strength and propulsors to try to throw it around. The dragon began to activate its electricity, shocking and damaging my armouring, sparks flying everywhere.

I let go and sent the dragon flying into a few trees, but suddenly the dragon got to its feet and swiped at my face, a clean hit. My HUD indicated that the claws had cut through the plating and had exposed my ocular sensors. My vision cracked and doubled. The dragon swiped again, catching me across my chest plate, shredding it and sending me flying into the trees above. I activated my propulsors and unveiled my shoulder minigun, which peppered the thing with energy bullets. The dragon shot up and tried to bite at me, but I flew out of the way and bombarded it with an array of missile launchers from my other shoulder compartments. Everything glanced off its skin. Holding back was hard.

The dragon swiped at me with the same astonishing speed, sending my mechanical body hurtling into the ground. Junon went flying from the shockwave. I struggled to my feet as the dragon landed.

"Vulnerability found"

My HUD lit up with the dragon's soft spot, its throat. Bingo. I lifted my right arm, and unveiled several tractor beam pods, which latched onto the dragon, holding it up. The dragon began to shock everything, causing the pods to crack.

I expanded my left arm, transforming it into a large cannon, three slots glowing with green light. A repulser cannon. I aimed it at the crosshairs and fired, sending a green concussive repulser blast at the dragon, knocking it out.

Junon looked at me. "Not bad, Mavus!" I looked back at the dragon and prepared to finish it off.

Suddenly, my vision flickered. Not from the ocular sensors or anything mechanical. My vision flickered. I instinctively exited Main and fell to my knees. I could hear Junon shouting my name, and everybody else running to my aid, but their voices became faint. I yelled clutching my temples. It felt like my brain was expanding, pressing up against my skull.

Everything went black and silent.

"So... the metahuman who slew my right hand man, and defeated my lieutenant." A golden glow appeared. A woman with wings like an angel. White hair flowing down the side, and her eyes silver like the soul link. She wore armour with arcane lines decorating all over it.

I couldn't tell if I had a body or anything, it looked like I was in my subconscious. "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

The woman extended her hand. It was full of Corruption, the same voices and ghostly aura that Ernest tried to infect me with. "I am Calliope Ariandal, and I want you to join my ranks."

I wasn't able to move my body. The Corruption filling my mind with the voices. I screamed.

Chapter 19 - Junon Gives Me A Pity Kiss

I woke up screaming like a little girl.

Junon grabbed my shoulders trying to stabilize me. "Mavus!"

I stopped screaming. It was just a dream. I looked at her. Her eyes were wide and terrified. I realized I was still trying to grab at a fictitious entity, clawing what I thought was the Corruption away.

"Mavus, you're scaring me. What happened? What did you see?"

Junon looked like she was about to have a heart attack. I looked at my hands. No Corruption anywhere. I was clean. I looked at Junon again. Then at my surroundings. I was in the Fortress infirmary. Junon was beside me, her hands on my shoulders. She looked like she hadn't slept for several days.


Should I tell her about my vision? I didn't want her to carry any more weight on her shoulders. I couldn't tell her.

Okay, before you guys start flaming me, like "Oh my God Mavus, not this BS again. Haven't you watched enough TV to know that keeping secrets is just going to screw everyone over". Well at the time, I just couldn't. I couldn't. If you saw Junon's face, you would know. How was I supposed to tell her that Calliope was after me? After what she did to Sam? I'd be repeating history for her all over again.

No. She must not know.

"Nothing. I just had a crazy blackout, then dreamt that I was falling."

Junon didn't look satisfied with my answer. She looked out the window of the infirmary. "Look Junon, I'm fine. I just had a little blackout, nothing major. It's okay." Junon continued looking at the window. Then she looked back at me.

"You talk in your sleep, you know that right?"

Oh shit.

"Oh, wow, well that's a pretty big surprise. Hey want to hear this story about this one time I was sleep talking? I totally scar-"
"Mavus, you were shouting Ariandal's name."

My fake smile melted. Well that didn't work out so well. Might as well tell the truth then. "I saw Calliope Ariandal. She told me to join her, then I saw her extend her hand with a bunch of Corruption on it. It started to latch on to me and I thought I was done for."

Junon breathed in. She stood up. "I'm going to host a conference with Kyrael and Darkstar. Can you walk? I want you to tell them everything."

"Ariandal has created a mental connection with you." Lazarus responded, after I finished giving my testament. Jason turned to him. "This means she can control him? Infect him with the Corruption? Can't we just cut off the connection?"

Lazarus turned to Jason. "It doesn't work like that. Ariandal's magic is immense, and since Mavus doesn't have magic, it makes the connection so much stronger. She won't infect him, but she will be able to force a vision link. I think she's planning on driving Mavus insane to the point where he has to accept The Corruption."

The mood turned somber. Junon gasped.

Jason looked at his hand. "When I was infected with the Corruption, my remnant nature protected me. Maybe Mavus's metahuman powers could protect him." Trill shook his head. "The mental link doesn't work the same way as the Corruption. It's a spell that only depends on the difference in magical power of two hosts. This difference is immense."

He turned to me. "If we are going to cut his connection, we have two options. We either force Calliope to cut it, or... we kill him."

My heart stopped. "Whoa whoa whoa, hooooold up! Who's killing who now? The visions haven't been occurring lately. It should be fine. Besides, the visions are just going to drive me insane right? I'm already insane. Plus it's going to take a lot more than some random hallucinations of some crazy old bat to convince me to get on some black stuff."

Lazarus looked offended. "Okay, first off, Calliope is, er, was, my girlfriend. Don't call her a crazy old bat... even if she is crazy. Secondly, a vision link isn't just about making the victim go crazy."

I looked at him. "It isn't?"

Lazarus looked at me with sympathy. This wasn't good. He turned to Trill. Trill went up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "People who resist the vision link, continue to get hallucinations. The vision link feeds off the victim's life force." I stared at Trill. "Wait, what do you mean?" Sam got up.

"It means you're dying, Mavus. You either get infected, or you die."

Junon and I left the meeting without saying a word. She wouldn't talk or look at me. She kept walking to the barracks. This must be super hard on her. I didn't know what to say. Several members of the Inquisition acknowledged her, but Junon ignored them. She never does that.

We reached the barracks, where Junon stood by the door, avoiding eye contact. I went up to her. "Umm... you know, we can still cut the connection if we kindly ask Calliope to turn it off."

Junon looked at me. Her eyes were red. She gripped the notebook in her hands so hard that the papers crumpled. Those were some strong forearms.

"How can you be cracking jokes in a time like this... you're dying Mavus."
"I'm not cracking jokes! There's still a possibility to cut the link! Trill said so!"

Junon threw the notebook onto the ground. She was definitely tearing up. "There is no way. That option is never going to work! Why can't you see that? Why do you care so much about everybody else but yourself?"

I was speechless. She was right. I was basically screwed. Ariandal was going to keep giving me stupid visions until I died or became her puppet. There was no way we could just stroll up to her place and be like "Yo, Cal to the I to the P, mind cutting the connection for me while I continue to overthrow your empire? Thanks!"


Junon began to sob. "Why... every time. With every guy. Why did it have to happen to you. Why did they have to get you?" Her voice was cracking in like a million different places.

Suddenly I realized that I was all that was left of Junon's past. Even if I was just a loser in her class, nobody else in this Inquisition or Darkstar was from her world. We were classmates from the very start, and even after the Automaton raid, and everything, we were still together. Now that I was infected by Calliope's stupid link, I was going to die, and leave her all alone. I was her source of hope, and now, that source was going to be put out.

I looked at Junon again. She was sitting on the ground, crying. The gust of wind, a small breeze went our way, causing her beautiful brown hair to dance with the current. The breeze caused my jacket to ripple. My jacket. The gift that Junon had given me, the very same jacket that she had told me given her hope. I wore it every single day ever since, hoping I would impress her.

I knelt down in front her. "I'm not going to die. I refuse to believe that I'm going to leave you alone. If Calliope won't cut the link, then I guess I'll just have to force her." I clenched my fist, causing the metals in the pebbles to shake, swirling around my hand. The metal extract sprinkled back on the ground.

"I'm a Tier Zero Metahuman, one of the best of the best. I'm not going down easy to the likes of that tyrant. Trill said it himself, there's still a way to cut the link. I'm not leaving this world." Junon looked at me, her chin quivering. It broke my heart to see someone who was always so stoic and enthusiastic about everything, even from when I first met her to my days working under her in the Inquisition, reduced to an emotional wreck. I continued.

"Back when I was still in isolation, no one knew what I was. No one knew I was Tier Zero. They all thought I was just some loser kid who did everything online. I didn't have many friends, but I was fine with that. Because I thought I had everything. Cool powers, cool robots. Nobody wanted the smoke.

"But when I met you in person, and actually got out there to help others under you, I began to realize that I didn't have everything. I didn't have a reason to stay on this world, until I met you. You're the reason I want to keep livi-"

Junon interrupted me, grabbing my face into a kiss. It felt like my brain was melting through my ears. Holy crap! I was kissing Junon Gareth! If only the boys back at school knew about this massive dub. She pulled away.


Junon looked at me, wiping her eyes. "That didn't happen. We're going to find a way to get you better. I'm going now."

"Okay." I said, my voice an octave higher than usual.

Junon got up wiping her eyes. Suddenly she turned around and kissed me again. Oh God! Two for Two! I can't believe it! And it only took my entire life at risk too!

"That didn't happen either."

Junon left for real this time, heading back to the barracks. My mind was still pretty much melted at that point. Fried. Short circuited.

Chapter 20 - I Basically Never Sleep Again

Everybody make way for the alpha male who kissed the hottest girl in school. Junon had kissed me, not once, but twice. That meant that she was my girlfriend right?

"No." Junon said. I stared at her.

"What do you mean?" Junon held the syringe. "This syringe is like an adrenaline boost, it will wake you up instantly if you ever have a vision, it won't stop the visions from happening. Unfortunately, it will mean you won't have a proper night's sleep until we figure out how to fix this."

Every night, I had the same vision of Calliope extending her crazy hand and trying to infect me with that black tar Corruption. I woke up instantly screaming like a little girl with a syringe to my neck and Junon's hair in my face. It was pretty hot. But at the same time, it completely wrecked my sleep schedule.

When Junon had told me about her plan to keep the visions from sucking up my life force directly, she told me that she needed to sleep with me. Her words, not mine!

"I need to sleep with you tonight and possibly every night after that... what? Why are you looking at me like that?"

I realized I was grinning like an idiot. Junon rolled her eyes.

"Not like that! I need to be in the same room to inject the syringe properly and cut the visions. Since I'm the only one who knows how to inject it properly, I have to be the one to do it."

I was still grinning like an idiot.

"Do you want to be the one sleeping on the floor?"

I shook my head so fast that I thought my head was going to fall off.

"It's settled, you'll sleep on the bed. You'll need it."

Junon decided to sleep on the floor. It made me feel really bad, but she reassured me she was fine. "I used to sleep on the floor all the time when I was on the run from the Automatons, this isn't so bad. Plus you're the one being haunted by visions."

The following days consisted of sleepless nights. It wasn't as bad as that time I woke up at 4am to go to that stupid meeting, but waking up in the morning was definitely not the best part.

"Morning Mavus!" Junon's beautiful face peeked over me. Sight to behold. I turned around and put the pillow over my head.

"Come on, we need to go over mission briefing. You already slept through our meeting, again. The least you could do is listening to briefing."